MTL - Strange Worlds: The Sequence-Chapter 17 Luanhuaquan

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  Chapter 17 Chaotic Fist

  In the stone room, Fu Hongyuan was about to step forward to pick up the mirror on the futon, when suddenly hurried footsteps came from behind him.

   Everyone turned around and looked, only to see two people coming side by side, one of them was dressed in black, a little behind, and the other was Yang Wufeng, the young master of the Diancang Sect, "Huifengwuliu"!

  It turned out that after Yang Zhou and his two jumped from the pit, they found that the stone chamber had been rummaged, so they followed the traces left behind to find it.

  Zhou Jiezheng was looking at the stone chamber with great interest, while Yang Wufeng suddenly began to tremble.

  At this time, the latter was holding half a jade tablet, his eyes were red, and he was staring at Chen Yuyan.

  With that gaze, I can't wait to peel off its tendons and skin, cut out its heart and bones, grind up the flesh and blood little by little, and then swallow it!

"finally found you!"

  The fate card in his hand glowed with warm white light, which meant that the man with the knife in front of him was the culprit who killed his sister and forced his mother to death!

  Yang Wufeng let out a roar, his eyes were full of anger, his body was centered downward, his hands were stretched out, his muscles tensed, and he made a flying flower shape, and made a gesture of raising his hands.

  One hundred and eight types of flying flower palms!

  The blood all over his body seemed to be burning, Yang Wufeng only had one thought now.

   Beat the beast in front of you to death!

  When Chen Yuyan saw this, his expression remained unchanged.

   just raised the knife in his hand.

  He had anticipated this a long time ago, and before the remaining masks were assembled, the Lord came to his door.

   It can only be said that although he knows the development of all the plots, it is difficult to achieve perfection without the luck of those "protagonists".

  Yang Wufeng put his sister's life card in his arms, and looked at Chen Yuyan silently.

   There must be a battle between the two sides!

   But unexpectedly, it was Chen Yuyan who took a step forward first.

"From the beginning."

   "I didn't mean to mess with any of you."

  His snow knife raised in his hand, exuding hoarfrost.

   "If it wasn't for your sister to be arrogant and domineering, to act arrogantly and rob me of my things, how could she die in vain?"

   "I don't want to kill you, but you want to kill me."

   "Why do you have to force me!"

   "Damn you all!"

   Chen Yuyan knew that he was not Yang Wufeng's opponent, so he acted first and used his power to overwhelm others!

  Chen Yuyan's eyes were instantly filled with scarlet bloodshot eyes, and the characteristic "anger" suppressed by the delusion eyes affected his mind.

   This is also impossible.

   It is impossible for the blind eye to be used for fighting and suppressing anger at the same time. Once Chen Yuyan is in a hard fight, the anger that has been suppressed for a long time will burst out instantly.

  Scissor Bone · Hopeless Knife!

  The strength of the interior and exterior was exerted to the extreme by Chen Yuyan, and the dark inner force surged out, enveloping the blade of Han Xuedao in an instant.

  The mirror-like blade is cold, and there is a faint frost condensation in the middle of the blade, like a cold light flowing non-stop, adding a sharp coolness.

  I saw a group of sword lights blooming out, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, going forward bravely, unstoppable!

  Yang Wufeng's eyes were cold and scorching, facing the knife light pointing directly at the center of his eyebrows, he did not retreat or flicker.

  The 108-style Flying Flower Palm is constantly being played, and the internal force covers the hands, setting off gusts of wind.

  Comfortable flying flowers are as light as a dream, and the boundless rain is as fine as sorrow.

  The taste of Flying Flower Palm was completely displayed by Yang Wufeng!

  In a trance, Chen Yuyan seemed to really feel that there were flying flowers falling from her eyes, and the drizzle hit her face, causing a burst of coolness.

  But at this moment, the word "Zhao" in ancient seal characters appeared in his pupils, and he was startled faintly, pulling Chen Yuyan out of his trance.

  Chen Yuyan reacted suddenly, and only then did she realize that it wasn't Flying Flowers and Drizzle raining in front of her eyes, but Yang Wufeng's Flying Flowers Palm!

  Chen Yuyan didn't expect Yang Wufeng's Flying Flower Palm to have a hallucinogenic effect, but fortunately, Zhao Huayan has a strong resistance to mental illusion attacks, allowing him to break free from it.

  Chen Yuyan's eyes were fixed, the muscles in his arms were tense, and he swung the Hopeless Knife suddenly!

  Yang Wufeng didn't seem to expect that Chen Yuyan could break free from the illusion of Flying Flower Palm so quickly, so he could only bite the bullet and use both hands to catch the cold snow knife that was driving straight towards his throat.

  The swords and palms met, but what sounded was the sound of gold and spears colliding.

  Chen Yuyan stepped back, looking at Yang Wufeng's palm as white as jade.

  The latter stood up straight and rubbed his hands.

  Yang Wufeng is wearing a handgown woven with silk from Southern Xinjiang. It is transparent and colorless, but extremely tough.

  Just now he was able to block that amazing knife with the help of this silkworm handcloth.

   "You are strong."

  Yang Wufeng exercised his muscles and bones, and closed his hands into fists, "But he still cannot escape death."

  Fist Intent·Scattered Flowers!

  In the "Flying Flower Palm, Random Flower Fist" of Dian Cang's esoteric school, flying flowers enchant the eyes, and random flowers bury the body. If the two can be combined into one, it will be the township martial arts of the Dian Cang School.

  Innate Class B Kung Fu——"Rain Beats Flying Flowers"

  However, Yang Wufeng can't do this step yet, but his Chaos Flower Fist has realized the meaning of the fist. It is far more powerful than Flying Flower Palm, and it is also the strongest skill in his body!

  Suddenly, Yang Wufeng rushed over, and a fierce and fast straight punch went straight to Chen Yuyan's face.

  After that, his feet stagnated imperceptibly, and his body was pulled backwards by inertia, but he used this force to punch out with his right hand and punched out with his left hand at the same time!

   This is the Luanhua Quan, and what it talks about is the word "random"!

   And once they take advantage, the next step will be a stormy attack!

  Facing the ferocious attack, Chen Yuyan kept a calm face, took a step forward, bent his left palm slightly to catch Yang Wufeng's fist, bent his palm slightly, and lifted it up vigorously.

  Holding the Hanxue knife in his right hand, he slashed at Yang Wufeng's right arm, but at the moment he was about to touch it, he suddenly changed direction and headed for the fragile neck!

  Yang Wufeng sneered when he saw this.

  He stretched out his left hand, and forcibly blocked the blade of Hanxue knife with the firmness of Tiancan's hand-cloth, while he slammed Chen Yuyan's face with his right hand.


  With a crisp sound, Chen Yuyan only felt pain in his right cheek, probably due to a fractured cheekbone, and half of his face drooped.

   His head was buzzing even more, and the pain was unbearable.

  However, there was no panic in his eyes. At this time, the left hand that was already on Yang Wufeng's shoulder was tense, and hit Yang Wufeng's temple at lightning speed!

   Slam the monument!

   This is Chen Yuyan's real goal. From the very beginning, he knew that he was not Yang Wufeng's opponent. If he wanted to win a chance, he had to exchange injuries for injuries and live to death!

  Yang Wufeng's expression changed drastically, and he only had time to stretch out his palm to resist it, but he didn't use any strength at all.

  The hand of the slamming stele was wrapped in the power of breaking the mountain, and it slammed on the temple that Yang Wufeng hastily blocked with his palm.

  Severely injured by this, Yang Wufeng's eyes turned blood red, and he staggered as he walked, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

  However, Chen Yuyan did not choose to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and did not even look at Yang Wufeng. Enduring the severe pain in his head, he quickly left the stone room.

   It wasn't that Chen Yuyan didn't want to kill Yang Wufeng, it's just that he was exhausted now, and it was difficult for him to fight again.

   Hopeless Knife is like this, once the momentum is exhausted, it will be difficult to gather again.

   And if you fight Yang Wufeng with a big throwing stele hand, you will suffer from having no weapons.

  Although Yang Wufeng was a martial artist in the external scene, although Chen Yuyan's injuries were serious, they were not fatal.

   It won't take long for him to recover.

   At that time, Chen Yuyan can only die.

  The most important thing is that there was a young man in black who came with Yang Wufeng, who stopped Fang Ziming and the others by himself.

  Chen Yuyan couldn't guarantee whether he would stop Yang Wufeng if he desperately tried to kill him.

   It's not worth it, it's just Yang Wufeng, why should he risk his life for it.

  As for Fang Ziming and the others, they have never attacked Yang Shuimo, so they are not in danger of their lives. At most, they cannot get the futon and Ming Xinjing.

  Chen Yuyan's own life is in danger, so he can still take care of them.

   There is another chapter 4000+

   Changing the broken eyes to illuminate the eyes, will it feel a little less earthy (sorrowful)



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion