MTL - Stratholme God-v2 Chapter 1461 Earthy Whispers vs Hottest Tucao

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   Chapter 1461 Earthy Whispers vs the Hottest Tucao

   Normally, N'Zoth's real killer move lies in his whispers.

   Since the beginning of the war, the ancient **** of words has not stopped whispering. Whether you like it or not, its voice will reach the surface of your spiritual world. As for whether it is penetrated by the spirit, it all depends on the individual's defensive will.

  Before N'Zoth found the flaws in his mind, the rate of [Sanity] decline was very low, about 1 or 2 points of Sanity per system evaluation per minute.

   Once someone finds a vital point in his mind, such as Malfurion, his mind may collapse instantly, and then jump back in a second, running to pit teammates.

   As if encouraged by Malfurion's collapse, N'Zoth's nagging became more frequent.

   "Their courage is commendable, but their eyes are still closed and they cannot see the right way!"

   "And you are different, my faithful elect, all eyes have been opened, and you are the first pair..."

   "Destroy your allies and start the real promotion!"

   A low, magnetic voice that lures every mortal intruder into Ny'alotha. Most normal beings will subconsciously refute the words of the ancient gods in their hearts, saying things like "I am not your chosen person", "I will not betray my allies" and so on. As everyone knows, this is the trick.

   This thing is like a spam message asking you to return to [TD] to unsubscribe. You really returned to avoid being harassed. Instead, they will be marked as a [living person] by the other party, harassing you even more, and even trying to steal your information.

  The correct operation is to block it directly.

  The human mind is not so easy to block N'Zoth. At this time, ignoring it is the best way in theory.

   Of course, someone always finds another way.

  【Dark War Blade】first proposed: "N'Zoth, I poked my eyes in advance in order to be a demon hunter. Now I'm blind, what should I do?"

  N'Zoth: "..."

   This is not outrageous, outrageous **** open the door for outrageous is still behind.

   is the so-called 'every generation of talented people in the country, and one generation of dirty gods beats the old gods'.

  [Free Blue Bird] took the initiative to attack, contacting the spirit of Enzos: "Old En! Tell me, what kind of eyes do people have? Are they blind?"

   As he said, this guy was pouting his **** in the spiritual world.

  N'Zoth: "..."

Without waiting for N'Zoth to answer, [Free Blue Bird] seemed like a shy boy: "I hate it! It's too laborious, how can you think about this, it's [corns]! Corns are limitations caused by long-term pressure and friction on the skin of the feet. Sexual, cone-shaped keratin hyperplasia, commonly known as flesh thorns. This is a small problem that many people have."

  When N'Zoth explored the soul of this guy, what he saw was the memories of corns on the soles of his feet.

   This time, N'Zoth couldn't fix it on the spot.

   It can feel the power of this dirty god, and it is very clear that once it is successfully brainwashed, there is a high probability of a chain reaction, using him to brainwash more intruders.

   This is why N'Zoth is willing to take care of [Free Blue Bird]. Lao En never expected that he would be taken into the ditch by this guy.


   This is like a normal person going to a weak Z, and it can’t be fixed in minutes.

  N'Zoth is good at eroding the normal existence of the mind, and it can't do anything good for dirty gods.

   It decided to ignore this stuff, and instead focused on other more valuable goals.

   "Wander under my gaze!"

   With N'Zoth's mountain-like body and huge pupils, there's nothing wrong with that.

  But [Junchen Tianya] made a 'Jiaozi' like a ghost crying and wolf howling: "Ah! It's looking at me, it's looking at me. What a fiery gaze..."

  This product has changed after a while.

  If N'Zoth also has a system, you will find that the [sanity] of a large group of sand sculpture players does not drop but rises.

   Don't ask, ask is disgust, ask is vigilance!

The problem with    is that Lao En can only do this. It can only bite the bullet and continue to endorse it.

   "Come on, little brat, kneel before your master!"

   "Stop resisting!"

   "This is the empire I built! Past, present, future!"

   "Give in! Waste! It won't do me any good to reject my truth!"

The rumbling sound of    kept echoing in the minds of 30,000 players, at least the momentum was full.

   Helpless, the player's style of painting is so strange.

  More than 10,000 players subconsciously replied: "The tribes are all trash!?"

  N'Zoth: ? ? ?

   Thrall who has been exiled: ? ? ?

   At this moment, Queen Xi, who was bending a bow and shooting arrows to bleed N'Zoth, suddenly felt like a needle on her back. This is not an illusion, it really feels that the trident under McDonald's is looking at her at the same time.

   In a strange way, Queen Xi, who has been exporting culture for a long time, unconsciously replied: "I didn't say it! Don't cue!"

Do not! you said before!

  In another time and space...

   Five-digit passers-by complained at the same time.

   Tucao returned to Tucao, and N'Zoth found that its whisper was skewed again. It's really **** off!

   I am a dignified ancient god! Am I being embarrassed? Why can't tens of thousands of people find another weakling whose hearts have been broken apart from the trash of Malfurion?

   It starts to intensify the power of mental transmission.

   "Deathwing crawls in front of me because of my words. Why do you disobey me?"

   This sentence was quite convincing, but who knows the next second:

   Tens of thousands of sand sculptures said in unison, "It's up to you to be blind, just talk and don't practice, and don't give equipment!?"

  N'Zoth: "..."

  【Situ Yanpo】: "You've already shown your blood, and we're still talking **** with you!"

   Sand sculptures: "That's it!"

The sand sculpture players are more than a mental confrontation. In reality, they are not stopping at all. They use Gundam lightsabers, tank cannons, Katyusha rockets, and use all skills to slash the Faceless of N'Zoth. Legion.

   Don't look at the number of Faceless who crawled out from all corners of Ny'alosa, more than one million, the sand sculpture player is stunned to be playing the unparalleled momentum of mowing.

   Not only that, they even took the initiative to open the spiritual battlefield and attack N'Zoth.

  The ancient **** was furious, and once again sent the faceless general Saigus, who only lived in the spiritual world.

  Segus' opponents have changed a lot.

   "Bumpman asks to play!"

   "I - Fa Hai, ready to catch demons!"

   "I'm a zombie priest—"

   In a mess, the spiritual aggregates with various images killed N'Zoth's younger brother in the spiritual world.

   For N'Zoth, the good news is that each spiritual aggregate is not particularly strong, and its subordinates have a chance to win; the bad news is that it must open up a three-digit spiritual battlefield.

   This is outrageous.

  N'Zoth is not a human, its brain can play multi-threaded operations, and deal with the operations of complex mental spaces at the same time.

   But no matter how multi-threaded it is, there is still a limit to the number of mental spaces it can control at the same time.

   At first, it can still spend the whole time, according to the different spiritual worlds and memories of the invaders, to come up with a background world that is more favorable to it, and seek to achieve the goal of overpowering the player. This operation is a matter of changing the soup but not the medicine.

   As more and more spiritual battlefields are opened, its spiritual world becomes unified, and gradually, even the soup and medicine are not changed.

   (end of this chapter)