MTL - Stratholme God-v2 Chapter 1491 dare not attack

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   Chapter 1491 Don't dare to attack

  The Holy Light Legion has fought against the Burning Legion for thousands of years, but it has always been at a disadvantage. If the Lightforgers led by Zera could overwhelm the Burning Legion, there would be no legend of demons destroying thousands of stars.

   To put it bluntly, the Holy Light Legion is just a guerrilla. It can use the stronger individual strength of the Lightforgers to make a sneak attack in areas where the Burning Legion is inconvenient to transmit, and win some local battlefields.

   Due to the immortality of demons in the outside world, the Holy Light Legion can't say that there is no victory, at least the large number of demons they killed in the Twisting Void cannot be resurrected.

The    Legion had to recruit and nurture more demons all over the universe. How to say this delayed the Burning Legion's destruction of the universe.

   When did Kezela and the others see such a scene?

  The fel power furnace on the battleship of the legion exploded one after another, and the turbulent fel energy spurted out, even setting off a wave of energy in the vast space of the universe.

   The Doomsday Guards who risked their lives to charge were killed by a strange small airship from a long distance, and were torn apart by the surging firepower.

   Even if spaceships in this mysterious fleet are occasionally destroyed, no less than this number of spaceships jumped out of the void immediately, rejoined the battle line, and completed the front line.

   The power of this fleet made the demons despair.

   Just then, a Lightforge shouted: "Report! The other party...the other party's fire control system has locked us. We...dangerous-"

   It is clear that the dozens of battleships of the Holy Light Legion are quite far from the main battlefield, a full two million kilometers.

   The moment it folded and flew out of the space and came out of the warp, it was locked by the fire control system of the mysterious fleet. It is completely conceivable that with the firepower of the opponent, a beam cannon can be used to beat them to pieces!

  My heart chords tensed all of a sudden.

   However, the expected indiscriminate attack did not come.

   The Lightcast Draenei in charge of communication exclaimed: "The other party... No, the mysterious fleet is contacting us, using... the communication channel of our Holy Light Legion!?"

   Incredible, what level of technology is this?

   Can you know their internal communication channel in an instant?

   Everyone was stunned, Zera and Turalyon looked at each other and nodded.

  Turalyon stood in front: "Take it."

   The incident was unexpected again. The one who appeared in the center of the communication screen was a handsome young man with yellow skin and black hair. He knew that the other party was not.

   After all, the temperament is really a bit similar.

"I am Duke, the commander-in-chief of the [Million Mile] fleet of the Galactic Order Council. I was invited by the leader of the Alliance, Macdonald Stratholme, and the Star Soul of Azeroth to attack the Burning Legion... Excuse me, are you an ally of the Alliance? Is it? We scanned that your fleet has the power of the Holy Light."

   McDonald's and Star Soul's helper?

  Turalyon had incredible ecstasy on his face, and nodded quickly: "Yes, I am Turalyon, we are the Holy Light Legion! The devil is our common enemy."

   Duke's deep black eyes seemed to see through Turalyon and Zera, the Mother of Light behind him.

   He smiled: "Of course I know you - Turalyon."

  Turalyon was full of question marks: Am I so famous?

   Without waiting for the Holy Light Legion to react, Duke waved his hand: "According to our agreement, we will not enter the atmosphere of Planet Azeroth. Please do your best, and we will cover you."

   After all, he not only cut off the communication, but also sent a series of route coordinates.

   didn't say a few more words, giving Turalyon a feeling of being self-indulgent.

   However, think about it, they are commanding tens of thousands of giant spaceships, how can they see them as small fish and shrimps with only a few dozen small ships?

   "Are you sure you are the helper from the Alliance?" Zera was still a little puzzled.

"It should be. The surprise that McDonald gave us is like a shock every time! However, it is indeed the Alliance God of War McDonald!" Turalyon couldn't help but praised McDonald in front of Zera. .

   He was satisfied, at least not proving his choice was wrong, knowledgeable and one of the virtues of a paladin.

  Here, the Holy Light Legion began to quickly break into Aixing along the channel given by the parliamentary fleet. During the period, the Burning Legion did not try to stop them, but they were beaten by Duke as a matter of course.

  The demons who tried to reach out, without exception, were all beaten back into the Twisting Void.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   One after another Holy Light battleships began to break into the atmosphere.

   Even if the entry of the Holy Light Legion was approved by the Star Soul, the wreckage of the Burning Legion landing ships that had penetrated in large numbers before still caused trouble to the Holy Light Legion.

   Some of the landing ships were smashed by the Order Council's beam cannons in the escape layer, and some were blown up by the hovering red dragons. The broken landing ship fragments and the overflowing evil energy were mixed in the synchronous orbit of the planet and the layers of the atmosphere, which not only caused turbulence, but also tested the protective cover of the Holy Light battleship.

   Finally came under the clouds, the Holy Light Legion was dumbfounded, and the Lightcasters were surprised to find that they were surrounded by a rather large fleet of air fleets.

   was another unexpected communication. In the communication screen, the face of the other party made Turalyan's cautious liver finally let go.

   "Ah! It's Rivendell!" Turalyon breathed a sigh of relief.

   Even if they are not so intimate, they are the five saints of silver and silver, and there is always affection.

  Rivendell smiled: "Welcome back to Azeroth, Turalyon, you guys came at the right time and didn't miss the most exciting show."

   Rivendell's attitude warmed Turalyon's heart.

   In theory, he left for nearly twenty years, but in fact he spent countless years in the Twisting Void. The different time flow of the two worlds made his memory of the alliance fade. This forced Turalyon to use notes, carefully jotting down his old friends and all the memories he remembered.

  Turalyon wriggled his mouth a few times, but still said: "Yeah! I'm finally back. Now it looks like the Alliance is good. Then... What about Uther and the others?"

   "Don't worry, our five silver saints are all here, that is Uther... he inherited the mantle of Teacher Fa'o and became the Archbishop of Shengguang."

   "Ah! This..." Turalyon was happy and a little sad. It's been too long, and something is wrong. At this time, he wanted to chat a few words, but suddenly felt the golden light behind him, he quickly changed his words: "Let me introduce, this is the mother of holy light..."

   "Your Excellency Zera, right? The leader of the alliance has already learned about the situation from the space fleet. You have come from afar, please rest for a while. The leader of the alliance will meet you when he is free later today."

  Rivendell looked respectful, but was actually a little sloppy.

  Zera is something to talk about. For a long time, she has believed in the idea of ​​'If you don't believe in the Holy Light, I will cut you down'. But at this moment, she endured it.

  No reason, McDonald's fist seems to be bigger!

   (end of this chapter)