MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 15 Deep into the ruins

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Looking at the dust on the ground before his eyes, Rhodes wiped the sweat on his forehead and felt a little tired. Along the way, there were quite a few ghosts encountered by the three, with a total of fifteen or six. This is not a big deal if it is placed in a five-man squad with a lot of personnel, but now Rhodes has only one combat power. Naturally, there is no way to find an mt to fight like ordinary brush books and everyone desperately outputs. On the contrary, he can only draw the opponent carefully one by one, and then let Li Jie cast positive energy to weaken the opponent's defense, and then kill at the fastest speed. Because the ghost is at least a tenth-level elite monster, even the undead that weakened the defense are also difficult to deal with. In order to pursue the greatest degree of damage, Rhodes only strives to use the surname addition of the star mark in his hand. One sword can hit the opponent's key to get the most damage.

But humans are not machines after all, even in games, such demanding attacks will consume a lot of energy, not to mention that Rod is using his own body at the moment, and can be restarted if he fails in the game, but here If it fails, there is a good chance that death will follow.

This pressure made Rhodes somewhat unbearable. He looked up and stared at the ruins shrouded in mist, only to be relieved after making sure that there would be no monsters for the time being.

"Mr. Rhodes, would you like to take a short break?"

The young girl who followed her worriedly looked at Rhode in front of her. As a spiritual master, she didn't quite understand the meaning of Rhode's every move, but she could still feel his pressure now.

"No ......... now ..."

Rhodes shook his head. Although the mobs here had been cleared, he always felt a slight danger of the surname. He watched vigilantly, but couldn't figure out where the faint sense of crisis came from inside In terms of distance, they have not yet reached the boss's site, and they should not encounter too many dangers. And Rhodes is also quite familiar with the distribution of undead here. It stands to reason that the monsters here should have been cleaned up.

So where does this dangerous feeling come from?

Rhode looked around again, but found nothing, and at that moment, the fat businessman suddenly cried.

"Yeah !!"

"what happened?"

Rhode and Lijie hurriedly turned their heads. Mess was pale, clutching the travel bag with one hand, and the other hand tremblingly pointed at the dense fog behind him.

"Just, there was a dark shadow there just now ..."


Li Jie looked in the direction of Metz's fingers, but in the dense fog, she could see nothing but the dim sunlight.

"No ..."

"Get down!"

At this moment, Rhodes flashed in his head and he finally understood where the danger came from. So he shouted, holding down the girl's head, forcing her down.


Almost at the same time, a dark shadow flew across the air, and Rhodes could almost feel the cold minions rubbing against his scalp, and even a bit of aching pain.

Damn it!

At this moment, Rhode's heart has sunk into the bottom, he already knows what this dangerous premonition comes from! That's a gargoyle!

In the legend, the misty ruins were once a lively and glorious town, but were gradually abandoned along with the end of the commercial road. After that, a mage came here. In order to save his beloved lover, he chose to study the taboo death method in this abandoned town. But the final research failed, and the mage died. But the law of death did not stop there, which created a dense mist and so many undead.

And in the entire copy, the most dangerous one is the gargoyle left by the mage to protect his relics, which is a rare elite of the fifteenth level!

If he changed the team in the game, Rhodes would be very happy. Because rare elites are very rare, sometimes they may not be able to kill once in the next few times. But now he only feels cold in his heart, the other party is a rare elite of the fifteenth level, even a flying monster. It doesn't matter how flexible it is, there is also a considerable gap between those ghosts that have no entity relying on negative energy to condense, at least Li Jie's positive energy can't do much for it. In addition, the body made of obsidian is extremely hard, and the damage that can be caused by ordinary attacks is very limited. It can be predicted that this is definitely a hard fight!

In the game, Rhodes has not seen a gargoyle for more than thirty times in the misty ruins, so he subconsciously forgot this, but did not expect to encounter it for the first time after coming here?

Is this good luck or bad luck?

But now Rhodes is not in the mood to worry about this problem, because the danger is imminent.

There is no future in frontal battles. After all, you are less than level 10. Challenge 15 monsters is almost an impossible task. Even with the star mark bonus, the attack power is really limited.

"Come on!"

Without hesitating for too long, Rhode immediately issued an order, and he shouted as he pulled Lijie together.

"Come with me, lower your head, don't look up!"

It is impossible to retreat back now. The only way is to completely destroy the gargoyle's control center. Although it is also one of the options to escape from its attack range, Rhodes ca n’t find his team configuration. To someone who can easily seduce the other side-if only a ranger or a thief is there.

But now is not the time to complain.

Under the leadership of Rhodes, Li Jie and Metz lowered their heads and stumbled forward. The dense fog around them began to surge again. It was clear that their actions had attracted the attention of ghosts. Four or five ghosts had It emerged from the fog and began to move in the direction of the three.

"Lijie, attack! Don't stop!"


Although it is not easy for the girl to cast spells while running, she still gritted her teeth and stretched out her right hand. Soon, three or four consecutive white radiances emerged from the air and landed on the ghost. And then Rhodes immediately stabbed with a sword, accompanied by a scream of screams, and soon the obstructers who blocked the road turned into dust and disappeared. Just then, Rhodes immediately flashed a system prompt.

[Experience points 1900/1800, upgradeable, level 8]

However, Rhodes does not have time to care about this system prompt at the moment. Therefore, more and more ghosts are appearing from all around at this moment. Although they are hesitant and slow to act under the sacred light, the advantage of quantity has made up for it. This gap.

Compared with these ghosts who are not flexible, gargoyles don't care about this divine light at all. Although they are also driven by negative energy, as the guardian of the mage, the hard appearance of the gargoyle's black flare is enough to resist the attack of most divine powers. After failing to hit the previous one, it immediately determined that the crowd was its target, and has been closely following the three, waiting for the time to launch the attack—compared to the undead that attacked by instinct. It is said that artificial life forms with certain fighting wisdom are indeed more difficult.


Just then, Metz was stunned and fell to the ground. The gargoyle, who had been waiting behind the crowd for a long time, immediately flew down, and the two sharp claws in front of it hit the fat businessman on the ground like lightning. When Metz turned his head, all he saw was the shadow that almost covered his body.

"Oh my **** ..."

Although the speed of the gargoyle is indeed fast, and Metz has already closed his eyes quite ready to die, but his attack is still a shortfall—a faint, golden barrier appears out of thin air, resisting the gargoyle Sharp sharp claws, and then several bright light blades flew through the air, hitting the gargoyle heavily, accompanied by a loud "snap" sound, the overwhelming gargoyle flew upside down like this Go out and smashed into the ghost group. At this moment, Li Jie had already half-pulled the fat businessman who had originally planned to go to that world to greet her relatives, and continued to run forward.


Under the "siege" of the ghosts, Rod finally managed to shake off most of the undead, and then he looked up and quickly found his goal-that is an abandoned church, which was also used by the mage before. The place to experiment, and according to Rhodes' memory, the center that controls the gargoyle should be there.

However, this kind of place is naturally not so good.

When Rhodes walked to the door of the church, he felt only a black eye, and he hurriedly subconsciously started to move backwards, and then saw a dark gargoyle squatting halfway where he was standing. The hard claws had hit the ground heavily, shattering the original hard bluestone bricks.

"It's terrible."

Rhode whispered inwardly and glanced quickly, and it was found that the stone statues originally used for decoration on the sides of the church door were missing. It is also conceivable where they went.

I actually encountered two at a time, and it seems that I should have made some money today to buy a lottery ticket.

If there is life.

"Just go in and find the central controls!"

Rhode looked at the gargoyle in front of him, and ordered Li Jie and Mays.

"Those ghosts shouldn't go in to trouble you, I'll entangle these two guys, you take this opportunity to go in immediately, find the central control device, then destroy it, watch out for the trap."

"But ... Mr. Rhode ..."

"This is an order."

Rhode interrupted Li Jie's words coldly, then he held the star mark in his hand and flung forward. The white light blade broke out instantly, and the gargoyle also screamed and flew away while Rhode attacked, avoiding After his attack, he also opened the way to the church.

"Come on!"
