MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 18 Gargoyle Heart

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"Mr. Rhodes! We found it!"

Hearing this voice, Rhode immediately looked back, and saw that Mess stood at the door of the church with a surprise, holding a delicate statuette high in his hand, carved with a curled up gargoyle, two Eyes made only of ruby ​​shards were faintly emitting a faint red glow. That is the control center!

The call of Metz also attracted the attention of Gargoyles. As alchemy creatures, of course they knew what the other hand was holding. Soon, the two Gargoyles immediately shifted their direction and rushed towards Metz.


Seeing two terrible monsters rushing towards himself, Metz couldn't help screaming. He subconsciously wanted to turn and run away, and at this moment, Rhode's voice had already reached.

"Throw it over!"

Although looking at these two fierce monsters, Metz had the illusion that he would be torn completely by them the next moment, but he still bit his head and threw out the black, exquisite statue in his hand.

I have to say that the fat businessman's accuracy is indeed not good. The thing he throws crosses an arc in the air, but it deviates from the original track crookedly. As the two gargoyles flew past, if an uninformed person saw this scene, they thought the fat businessman and the two gargoyles were a group. In the face of the big gift that was delivered to the door, the gargoyle was also stunned, but it still subconsciously reached out its claws, trying to hold the small statue.

But at the moment when it was about to succeed, a breeze flew under it, and the soul bird, which had almost lost its shape, took a series of translucent waves in the air, and snatched the statue stiffly.

This was Rod's last strength. After exhausting, he had to put away the long sword in his hand, and at the same time, his right hand was up and he hit a ring finger.

Along with this voice, the soul bird swept through the air gracefully, and then flew towards Rhode. But the two gargoyles also stopped at once and re-oriented.


The gargoyle running on the ground turned over, and its sturdy and slender tail flew over, hitting the bird of soul. Although it did not cause much damage, it wrapped around the cyan wind element that circled the bird of soul But it was a little messy, and even the shape of the bird was crooked.

The blue bird did not give up, it still tried to flap its wings, passing quickly from the ground, and trying to fly to its master.

But it did not reach its destination as expected.

A giant stone claw descended from the sky and penetrated the blue bird's body. The disordered wind element could no longer maintain the power of condensing the body, and instantly disappeared into the most primitive existence and disappeared. The black statue that was originally pinched by the bird also flew out, but soon, two dark figures chased from behind. They extended their claws, opened their mouths, and reached the statue in front of them— -Until it fell into Rhodes quietly and smoothly.

[Garchi control center has been obtained, identification is complete]



Rhode's voice was not loud, and even a little low. But the dark shadows who had originally attacked changed at this moment-the original shiny body became dull in the blink of an eye, the limbs stretching in the air stopped as if frozen, and the stone statue was on the ghost face The strange red light that had been burning also disappeared in an instant.

Then, two shadows passed by Rhodes and smashed on the ground behind him.


With the sound of collision, the gargoyles that had lost their power changed back to the original sculpture. They kept the movement of fluttering forward just now, lying quietly on the ground not far behind Rhodes. It is just that after losing the support of magic, they are not as hard as before. In this collision, the two gargoyles could not help but fall apart, and the original art sculpture became worthless garbage.


Until then, Rhodes was relieved. At this moment, he only felt mixed and weak. Excessive exhaustion of soul power made his legs soft, and even the fingers of the right hand holding the statue could not help. On the surface, however, Rhode still had a calm expression. He stood in place silently, and then put the statue in his pocket.

"Mr. Rhodes!"

At this moment, Li Jie and Metz also ran to him, looking at him with a worried and anxious expression.

"Are you okay !?"

"I'm okay."

Rod took a deep breath. He really wanted to sit down and rest for a while now. Although in the game, excessive consumption of soul power can have various performances, but the real experience in himself still made him feel a bit overwhelmed , But he can't fall now.

Fortunately, the ghosts were no longer visible in the dense fog around them. It seemed that after they could not approach, they finally made the choice to give up and stay away from the forbidden area.

Although this does not mean that they have given up, it is finally a good thing. But Rhodes didn't say too much. This is also his habit since he was the head of the team. The leader of a team must always stay calm and not be panicked by a small matter. If you yell because you encounter a little difficulty, or you are so excited that you defeat a strong enemy, then it will definitely not have a positive impact on your subordinates. Although Rhode is no longer the guild leader who rules tens of thousands of players in the guild, this habit still affects him.

However, I have to say that seeing his calm performance made some nervous Li Jie and Metz relieved. After all, they were always worried about the outside situation during the rummaging process, for fear of any problems. Li Jie works very hard, but Metz is obviously better at identifying items. Finally, she found this small statue in a small corner. I have to say that their luck is really good. If it is a little later, maybe it is the case. It will be completely different.

Originally Rhode's plan was to go through the misty ruins as quickly as possible, but the appearance of two gargoyles had to make him change his mind. After all, these two gargoyles almost completely consumed his power. If you don't take a good rest and recover If you click on it, the next battle will be more dangerous. So Rhode finally decided to rest in the church for one night, and then set off again the next day. He is not worried about any accidents here. In the copy of the game, this church is also a place for many players to rest and organize loot, so there is no big problem.

Although Metz twitched at the dark church and those creepy decorations, unfortunately, as always ... he didn't have much say to oppose Rhode's decision.

It was getting dark.

The thick mist lingered outside the church, and looked through the window, seeing nothing but a white expanse. The three sat in the center of the church. Those rotten chapels and tables had become firewood, playing the last bit of waste heat in the burning fire, and the cold wind was blowing from the broken windows and cracks in the walls. With a touch of chill.

Li Jie reached out her hand carefully, took off the bandage on Rhodes' left chest, and then her beautiful brows frowned slightly.

"Splitting again, Mr. Rhodes."

"I know."

Rhode nodded and said nothing. In fact, this is not the first time. After all, Rhodes is fighting in front of him. Although he has avoided the left hand as much as possible in consideration of his chest injury, he ignores some particularly annoying troubles. So many times, and this also caused his wound to crack from time to time. According to Li Jie's words, it would have been good to just rest for two or three days, so he could not recover for more than ten days.

But the girls couldn't complain, because after all, it was for them, so the only thing Lijie could do was to replace Rod with a clean bandage every day to avoid wound infection. Fortunately, before leaving the floating ship, as a spirit She did not carry these things less.

After the bandage was taken apart, the wound reflected by the fire made everyone breathlessly inhale the air. Metz even touched his chest with anxiety, and looked at Rhodes' chest in fear. There, three claw-like black claw marks appeared on Rod's chest, and there were blood-stained black scars everywhere, and because of the fierce battle with gargoyles, many scars were torn apart. The bright red blood oozes out of it, mixed with those blood clots that have already turned black, it just makes people feel cold inside.

Lijie took out her handkerchief, poured some water from the kettle, and pressed it on Rhodes' chest. This made the latter's body twitch instinctively, and even Metz showed an unbearable gaze and turned her head. Don't want to watch again.

"Yes, sorry, does it hurt?"

"It's all right."

Facing Li Jie's panic inquiries, Rhodes shook his head. Although it did hurt, it hadn't reached an intolerable level.

Upon hearing Rhode's answer, Li Jie breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to wipe Rhode's wound. At the same time, the girl began to secretly look at the young man slightly older than herself.

Frankly, when he first met, Rhode left Lijie with a very ordinary impression, because he was very beautiful and his skin was white, so Lijie subconsciously regarded him as a kind of noble child. However, because Rhode's attitude was not as arrogant as those noble children whom Li Jie had met, Li Jie was able to accept it, but at that time she did not take the other side too seriously. After all, a man who looked like a woman Most of the first impressions are weak.

But then Li Jie's view slowly changed.

Unlike those aristocratic children who do not have the power of a chicken, this young man has considerable strength, even as much as his head, and his surname is very stable. It is very reassuring to follow him. Even in the face of danger, you will not panic. And unlike his appearance, this is a very strong man.

Li Jie knows how painful this kind of injury is. She has treated many people as a spiritual master. Many of the fierce men who do not frown on the battlefield yell when they treat the wound, but Rhodes is from beginning to end He didn't hum halfway, let alone he was standing in front of the battle with such a serious injury ...

Li Jie's hand stopped.

What are you thinking? It's really messy.

The girl shook her head, tossed out the weird thoughts in her head, and then she continued her work.

Rhode didn't notice the strangeness of the girl around him. At this moment, his attention was focused on his right hand, and in the center of his palm, two gems emitting dark red light were lying.

That was one of the trophies Rhodes gained from this battle, the Gargoyle Heart.
