MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-Chapter 22 Ximuzhen

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The fog dispersed.

The dusty town has reappeared in the sun once again, and with the death of the shadows, the shadows that have been bound by them have disappeared.

Rhode folded his sword and stared at the white dust on the ground in front of him, which was left by the shadow. They emit a soft glow under the sun. Rhode was silent for a moment, then squatted down and took out a translucent, milky gem.

The core of the soul.

It is not surprising that boss-level creatures can drop the core of the soul. After all, creatures that can qualify as boss-level creatures have a certain degree of powerful magic. After years of accumulation, their bodies are more likely to condense the core of the soul than ordinary Warcraft. And now, this has also become Rhodes' trophy.

But Rhode didn't waste much time on these things, he cleaned up a bit, then turned around, and walked towards the entrance of the square with some exhausting steps, although the battle with the shadow did not consume him Too much energy, but mentally exhausted. Although Rhodes didn't show any expression on his face, he showed this with a little heavy steps.

Seeing Rhode's figure reappear, Li Jie and Metz finally breathed a sigh of relief. They hurried forward and asked about his condition with concern. But unexpectedly, Rhode's mood didn't seem to be very high. He just dealt with it a few words, then opened up the topic and didn't want to talk more.

Seeing Rhode's performance, Li Jie and Metz gave each other a curious look, but did not ask again. They saw that Rhode's emotions were not very high, although they did not know that the shadow occurred in the thick fog. Nothing, but it's clear that Rhodes doesn't plan to talk more about this topic.

Li Jie is a smart girl, and Metz is also a businessman who is familiar with scenes. Since Rhodes is in a bad mood, they close their mouths very well and no longer ask this topic.

In fact, the doubts about the shadows didn't stay in them for a long time, because soon they focused on another thing-they were finally leaving the ghost place!

Frankly speaking, it took only two or three days from the crash of the floating boat to the three people walking out of the mountain pass, but because of the arduousness of the road, they all felt like a long, dangerous forest suddenly appearing after decades. Attacks, weird towns, all these invisible pressures are a bit breathless.

Because of this, when the three saw the town at the foot of the mountain, even Rhodes, who had always been calm, showed a relieved expression, not to mention a fat businessman and an excited Li who were as excited as escape. Clean.

Located at the foot of the Pafield Mountains, Brookwood Town is a very peaceful place on the border. In the game, because it is near the dusk forest, it has always been a gathering place for novice players. Rhodes had been here for a while, and he was naturally familiar with the plants and trees here. He could even call the names of most people here casually—but walking on quiet streets and looking at the characters that originally belonged to the game turned into living human beings at the moment, Rod's mood was still a little weird.

Although everyone has a lot to do, now a soft and comfortable bed and delicious and sweet food are their main focus. After filling up their stomachs in the town's hotel, the three could not wait to pierce the soft bed, and then fell into a deep dream.

When Rhodes opened his eyes, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

The sunlight outside the window is soft and warm. It is scattered on the floor through wooden windows, bringing a comfortable, lazy atmosphere.


Rod let out a sigh of relief, and he reached out his hand, staring carefully at the wound above, while moving his body. The left chest was still faintly painful, and brought back Rod's original vague consciousness to reality.

This is not a dream.

For the first time, Rhodes had a real sense of living in this world.

The life of the previous few days was chaotic and dangerous, giving a vague sense of unrealism. On several occasions, Rod woke up from a dream and thought that he was still dreaming. Those battles, those monsters only ** played more after a subconscious Reflection in dreams. But now, when the danger is gone and a peaceful life reappears in his eyes, this real sense of reality becomes stronger.

So where do you go from here?


A slightly low knock came, interrupting Rod's thinking, and he looked up and looked at the door.

"Come in."

With Rhodes's voice, the door slowly opened, and then the blonde girl came in, holding a clean bandage in her hand, and a pot of clear water. Seeing Rhodes sitting on the bed, the girl first showed a gentle and lively smile, and then asked.

"Mr. Rhodes, how is your health?"

"It's fine, no problem."

In the face of the girl's concern, Rhode nodded slightly in return. Although his performance was not very enthusiastic, Li Jie was obviously used to Rhode's reaction, so she just smiled slightly and came to Rhode's side without saying anything, and began to prepare to change the bandage. .

Looking at the girl who lowered her head, Rhode smiled bitterly. In fact, he doesn't want to show some enthusiasm. It is not interesting to put on a poker face. He has also passed the age of pretending to be cool, which is not interesting.

But Rhodes couldn't change it, because of his deep-rooted habit-when he was very young, because of this face similar to his sister, he was ridiculed by his friends and classmates as "like a mother" "", Which is obviously not a compliment to a man. Rhodes has always been very concerned about his face, so when entering the Dragon Soul Continent, he did not choose the advanced "scan-reproduce" technology like many players, but chose the characters in the game. At the time, the young Rhodes had no way to fight, so he could only try his best to pretend to be cold-hearted, and rarely smiled to indicate that he was a man, not a weak female surname.

This is the second and second phase that everyone will have. As he grows older, Rhodes no longer sticks to such trivial matters, but unfortunately he soon discovered that this seemed to be a habit and there was no way to change it. . In addition, he later became the president of the most powerful online game guild in the entire Dragon Soul mainland game, which also forced him to choose a calm and restrained way of expression to lead and govern the guild. It is not so easy to change again.

But these are only minor issues.

The pain in the wound made Rod regain his thoughts. He looked at the girl who was gently wiping the scar on his chest, but thought of another thing.


"What's the matter? Mr. Rhodes?"

"Next, what are your plans?"

Hearing Rhode's question, the girl's body trembled slightly, and the movements in her hands stopped slightly. Then, she sighed slightly and lowered her head helplessly.

"Frankly, I'm not quite sure, Mr. Rhodes."

"Where's your companion? Don't you have a place to go back?"

"Even if I go back, I'm alone ..."

Speaking of which, Li Jie's tone was a little low.

"Also, the mercenary regiment is about to dissolve."

That's it.

After hearing from Li Jie, Rhode finally understood her situation.

In Dragon Soul Continent, mercenary groups are divided into three levels. The lowest level is the mercenary team, most of which are a group of five or six adventurers, with a maximum of no more than ten people. This organization is very loose, and there are no special rules. As long as you have registered with the mercenary association, anyone can organize such a squad.

The next is the mercenary regiment, with a minimum of ten or more. Compared with those mercenary teams who are gathered and scattered, the mercenary regiment has entered the regular track. They must not only fill in the formal information to report to the mercenaries. The Brigade Association will also get some help from the Mercenary Association and can even have its own stronghold.

Further up is the mercenary guild. Their number is more than a hundred. These mercenary guilds are not only powerful, they have their own strongholds and strongholds, they even receive direct support from the official or chamber of commerce, and there are some huge mercenary guilds Even with their own territories and cities, the influence is quite prominent.

The class division of these mercenary groups is not just as simple as its strength and reputation, it even affects their evaluation when they take on tasks. It is impossible for a mercenary team to receive guild-level tasks, and even if they want to, they will be directly rejected by the mercenary association. Even if they finally complete the task, they will not be recognized—of course, ordinary mercenary teams There is no such ability to complete the task of the guild level.

Although the mercenary regiments and mercenary guilds enjoy many privileges, they are not without pressure-the mercenary associations will give them scores based on the degree of danger and completion of the tasks they receive. After one year, if If the mission completion points are insufficient, then the mercenary association will forcibly dissolve mercenary groups that have not been able to reach the passing line, even those mercenary guilds will be forced to be demoted to mercenary groups.

Li Jie's depression is also related to this. Her mercenary regiment was originally a dozen people, a small and medium-sized group, but now because of this mission, she has only one survivor, even a regiment. Long is dead. In this way, the mercenary regiment has no way to maintain it. Although it is still spring and it is still a long time before the end of the year, Li Jie herself cannot support a mercenary regiment, let alone she is just a The spiritual master has no fighting power at all, even if he wants to do it by himself, he just has the heart and the power. From the current point of view, Li Jie's mercenary group is only obediently disbanded, and with the special auxiliary profession of the spiritual master, it is not difficult for the girl to join other teams.

But now it seems that Li Jie didn't seem to intend to leave.

"You don't want to leave?"

Facing Rhode's inquiry, the young girl nodded with certainty.

"Yes, Mr. Rhode, after all, they were the first ones to take me in, and here, my relationship with everyone is like family ......... I, I really do not want this mercenary regiment to disappear."

Speaking of this, Li Jie's eyes were red, but she bit her lower lip without shaking.

"They have left, at least ......... at least I hope they have been working hard to prove they can stay."

"But as things stand, if you can't find enough people, it's only a matter of time before the mercenary group disbands."


Li Jie did not evade this, and she knew the problem herself, but the girl did not mean to give up.

"But I still don't want to give up, Mr. Rhodes. As you told me before, since I'm alive, I must do something meaningful, although I still don't know to what extent I can do that, However, I still hope to give it a try. "

Looking at the girl's firm expression, Rod suddenly thought of an idea, he was silent for a moment, and then spoke.

"That being the case, I have a proposal."

"What's the proposal? Mr. Rhodes?"

After hearing Rhode's words, Li Jie hurriedly looked up and looked at him nervously. Although he hasn't been in contact with Rhodes for a few days, Li Jie has left a deep impression on his knowledgeable and powerful strength. Whether it is a wind snake, silver wolf or ghost, Li Jie has never met or even heard Said monster. Don't mention her, Li Jie can be sure that many mercenaries have never seen these monsters, but Rhodes knows their weaknesses and Xi's surname, which is unimaginable. She wasn't as boring as Mess was to guess who Rhodes really was, and it wasn't necessary among adventurers, as long as he knew he was great, it was enough.

Although Li Jie thought that she had prepared enough psychologically, Rod's next words still surprised her with wide eyes and speechlessness.

"Give me the mercenary group if you like."
