MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 588 Blessing of the Goddess of Light

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"Okay, sister."

Hearing her sister's words, Lilian, who was standing beside him, walked out. Seeing Lilian's appearance, Rhodes raised her eyebrows, then cast her doubtful gaze on her sister. When she noticed Rhode's eyes, the girl smiled silently, but just shook her head slightly. Seeing his sister's performance, Rhodes was silent for a moment, and then he turned to the side to clear the way. Then he saw Lilian step by step, walking towards the statue of the goddess of light.

The crowd present at the moment was also quiet. Most of them, like Rhodes, had no idea what Lilian wanted to do. But I also know that what Lilian is doing at this moment is obviously very important, so no one talks too much. Even Anne, at this time, obediently closed her mouth and opened her eyes curiously at the scene in front of her.

Under the attention of everyone, Lilian seemed to be a little nervous, but she adjusted her mood quickly, and then saw Lilian walk to the statue of the goddess of light, and then stretched out her hand, He took out a key with a complicated pattern etched from his arms. Normally, this key should be used to open something. but……………

"How do you insert this stuff ......... Isn't it a back door? I didn't expect the goddess of light to be so abnormal ..."

Staring at the statue in front of him, little bubble gum muttered in a low voice. At least in her opinion, there is no way to see where on the statue can be used to insert the key-then, obviously, the other party is also the master of your field, but there is no such thing as awe Is there really no problem in the back spitting?

Fortunately, the goddess of light may not really hear the disrespectful words of Little Bubble Gum, or it may be pretending that she did not hear her. Either way, at least there was no lightning from the sky to slay this guy who was so offensive to his dominion. And Lilian had walked to the statue of the goddess of light at this moment, and then she held the key in her hand and raised it high.


The next moment, accompanied by this action of Lilian. A soft, golden light gathered in the sky, and then saw the beam of light descend from the sky, and thus wrapped the statue of Lilian and the goddess of light in it. And see this scene. Sonia clenched her hands, a little worried and upset appeared on her face, but after glancing at Rhodes, Sonia finally stepped back two steps and said nothing more.

"Is there really no problem? Then again, what exactly is this doing?"

At the moment, Rhode also looked at Lilian, who was enveloped by a beam of light, and then asked her sister with a low voice. If this is also some kind of dragon soul trial like that of Elin at first, then Rhodes is really a bit troublesome. And unlike Elin, Lilian actually doesn't have much fighting ability-this doesn't mean that Lilian has insufficient power. It's about fighting skills. The little ones in this group are almost always the bottom-most. Even Rabis and Sonia are much stronger than her. If Lilian really wants to perform the Dragon Soul test with Yi Lin Then Rhodes can be sure that Lilian will kneel almost every minute.

"Don't worry. Brother."

Perhaps she was aware of the deep worry in Rod's heart, the girl shook her head with a smile, then she looked up and looked at Lilian in front of her.

"Lilian is okay. This is not a trial. This is just a ritual ...... or to some extent, it is a trial. Now Lilian needs to join the field of light elements. Then declare his own Ownership, as the Dragon of Light, this is a step she must take on her own. She needs to open the channel with the Realm of Light through that key, and then communicate with the Goddess of Light to gain the approval of the Goddess of Light. After receiving the blessing of light, Lilian can truly become a dragon of light. "

"This is good, at least it is more convenient than the daddy's Dark Dragon inheritance ceremony."

Hearing relief from his sister. It seems that the rituals of each successor of the Dragon Soul are different. The Dark Dragon side is about to toss people to death, but the Dragon Soul of the Light side only needs to be approved by the Goddess of Light. In contrast, it is simple, convenient and fast, but ...

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with finding the book of life?"

"Not so, brother, have you forgotten? Light brings life, and if I guessed correctly, then the book of life should be hidden in the realm of light. As long as Sister Lilian can open the way to the light The road of the realm, once again proclaiming his rule as the heir of the Dragon Spirit of Light, then the book of life can be found. "

"I hope so ..."

In the face of his sister's words, Rhodes did not have too much opposition. Since his soul awakening did not play any role, then the book of life is probably not here-at least not here. And Lilian once said that the book of life was indeed enshrined in the temple, so this possibility is not without it. Indeed, it is so important that instead of being placed on the main plane, it is better to be placed on other elemental planes. After all, those planes have almost no time passing, and will not cause war or disaster. Natural disasters and man-made disasters are not constantly happening like the main plane ... Isn't this the best example right now?

Rhode whispered here with her sister, but Lilian, who was in the pillar of light at this moment, had completely forgotten the surroundings. In her eyes, there was nothing but the radiance that enveloped her in front of her. She stared at the strange statue in front of her so quietly, and said that Lilian was a little surprised. When she walked in front of the statue, she was once agitated, very nervous, and didn't know what to do. what. But at this moment, shrouded in this glory, Lilian actually had a feeling of "like a fish and water". Just standing in it gave her a strange feeling, as if these were born by herself, and she was Their rulers and rulers, they must obey their orders, and whatever they say, they will obey unconditionally.

"this is……………"

This sudden feeling surprised Lilian a little, just now. She felt like she was a **** on the top, sitting on a throne overlooking everything on the ground. That feeling made Lilian upset, because she had never experienced such a desire for **** so clearly. She has always been serious. Sit obediently, doing what others want to do on their own. Until she was rescued from the **** of the Council of Light by Rhodes, but even so, Lilian did not see how tall she was, and now for the first time, she realizes this personally. The meaning of the light dragon.

"You are in fear."

And just then, a voice sounded in Lilian's ear. The voice is not loud, and it can even be said to be very mild, but with some unquestionable solemnity.

"Why? You are the dragon of light. You rule the light, and everything living under the light is your people. Why should you be afraid?"


After hearing the voice inquiries, Lilian opened her mouth. Why was she afraid? This is not surprising. It's like a young girl who has always been looked down upon, but suddenly wants to become a high-profile figure. How could that feel good? In fact, until now, Lilian was still not accustomed to the respectful attitude and humility of her subjects. She knew she was the Dragon of Light, but did she do anything worthy of them?

No, he didn't do anything remarkable, in Lilian's opinion. The best person is Rhodes. It was he who resisted the invasion of the Dark Dragon Kingdom, he defeated the invasion of chaos, and at this moment he also found a way to make the dragon soul continent leave the threat of chaos forever. From Lilian's point of view, Brother Rhodes is the one who should be most admired by everyone. But what puzzled her was that she should be respected and loved by everyone, but she was always being discussed behind her back. Lilian herself heard more than once that her courtiers wished she could leave Grantia. Leaving the collar of the void, in their eyes, he was controlled by Rhodes, as if at the mercy of a doll. But Lilian didn't think so, because she stayed in Grantia. She didn't feel as disturbed and confused as she had been manipulated by the Council of Light. Neither Rhodes nor Sister Marin have ever said a word about the reconstruction of the kingdom of light. Instead, they often ask them how to govern the country.

But these Lilians could not explain to others, because Sonia had told her that even if she explained it, it would be meaningless.

"They have set a position deep in their hearts, Lilian. In their opinion, your being in Grantia has itself proven that you are controlled by Lord Rhodes. So no matter how you are right They come up with evidence and explain, they will only think that you are forced and just cover up, because they do not believe that you are telling the truth. Or, they are unwilling to believe, because it is not in their opinion It's possible. So you don't need to say anything at all, Lilian. You are the heir of the Dragon Soul of Light. You only need to do what you should do. There is no need to listen to others.

I just need to do my own thing, I don't need to care what other people think, because I can't change their minds .........

Thinking of this, Lilian clenched her hands. She also occasionally complained about the dissatisfaction and complaints he had brought to Rod about his subjects. But at that time Brother Rhodes didn't even say half a word, just smiled and touched his head, then went on with what to do. Lilian can see that the complaints and anger of his courtiers have not been taken into account by Brother Rhodes—perhaps in his opinion, those people's words were like mosquitoes' sounds and ignored It's necessary.

Can I do that to myself?

"………I do not know."

Thinking of this, Lilian shook her head before she said.

"I don't like this. It makes me look like a big man, but I don't think I'm a big man at all."

"... you are the heir of the Light Dragon Soul, and you rule all the realms of light."

"but I do not like it."

The other party repeated the sentence again, but did not know why, but Lilian suddenly felt a little bored and dissatisfied.

"I don't like this, and I don't want to be the Dragon Spirit of Light myself."

That's right, for Lilian, she never felt that it was a good thing to be the heir to the Dragon Soul of Light. Because of this status, she lost her parents from an early age and was raised by the Light Council as a puppet and puppet. In Lilian's memory. The only identity and trouble I bring to myself is ...

"Man cannot choose his own birth."

Facing Lilian's answer, the voice became a lot more serious, but even so, Lilian still did not waver.

"I know. If it weren't for this, I might not meet Brother Rhodes and others. But, I just hate it. I just want to live a peaceful life instead of going back to what I was before! "

After Lilian said this, she seemed to be thinking about something suddenly, and her somewhat cramped body immediately stood up. So she looked up and stared at the statue of the goddess of light in front of her. If it was normal, Lilian wouldn't make such a move, but now. But she was so calm and gazing at the statue of the goddess in front of her. The previous unease was as if it were false. At this moment, Lilian felt that after she said that, the whole person seemed to have broken some kind of restraint Bird-like, soaring high above the blue sky.


Face Lilian's answer. This time, the voice chose silence. After a while, it rang again.

"... This is your choice, I won't say much ... Everyone has their own way of life, even as the heir to the Dragon Soul. You have made a decision, then you have to Responsible for this ... Anyway, this is your choice. "

Say it here. The light beam began to become more intense, and the dazzling light emerged like a steam-like rush, completely enveloping Lilian's petite body.

"So, the sacred successor of light, I am here to give you my blessing ......... I already know what you want to do, and I hope you will succeed. The power of chaos is very powerful. Remember you at this moment Lilian, if you do n’t have a firm will, even light will be defiled by chaos and degenerate. You will embark on a path that will never be liberated. I hope you will not degenerate to that point ... "

Along with this sentence, Lilian saw the thick golden light condense in front of her, and then a thick, huge book with a pure white cover was suspended in the air quietly. Its edges are inlaid with gorgeous and intricate patterns with silver edges, and the entire book is firmly wrapped in small golden chains. As soon as this book appeared, Lilian immediately felt a fresh, strong breath of life, and even made her feel more comfortable.

"This is what your predecessor once stored here, and now it is time to return it to its original owner. I know the secrets of death and the battle of chaos, and I hope you will succeed in bringing this order to chaos. Battle, draw a full stop ......... "

"Brother Rhodes will succeed."

Facing the other person's words, Lilian bit her teeth and answered with a very confident mouth. Then she looked at the book of life floating in front of her and hesitated a little. In the end, Lilian reached out and took it. After that sacred, life-filled book.


At this time, under everyone's attention, I saw Lilian behind, a pair of dazzling, twinkling golden wings suddenly emerged, it stretched out so high, as if to cover the sky Spread around. Many people were shocked to see this scene, and those who had previously experienced the dark rituals, such as Little Bubble Gum, immediately raised their vigilance.

"I went here, head, this is another time? I won't be here this time ..."

"I don't think you should worry ..."

While absently answering the bubble's inquiry, Rhodes was a little uneasy for a while. He frowned, staring at the brighter beam of light. I'm afraid that something like a teleportation array will take Lilian to somewhere. Fortunately, things don't seem to be moving in the direction Rhode was worried about. Soon, the original dazzling beam of light gradually faded, and Lilian's petite figure appeared again in front of everyone. At the same time, the wing of light, which can almost cover the sky, gradually dissipated, turning into a bit of light and dust, disappearing in the air.


Looking at Lilian, who was standing still in front of the statue of the goddess of light, Rhode could not help but cry. He also felt that Lilian now seemed different from before. But there is no difference whatsoever, but unlike Rhode, who is confused, the girl who has been standing quietly beside him shows a reassuring smile after seeing Lilian's back.

Until this time, Lilian finally turned around, she looked at Rhodes, and then smiled excitedly.

"I succeeded! Brother Rhodes!"

As she said, Lilian held up the white book of life in her hands.