MTL - Summoning the Strongest Emperor of the Heavens-Chapter 20 Into the cloud like a city

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Clouds are like outside the city, mountain forest trails.

The blue-clothed swordsman had a gloomy expression as he roared through the woods quickly. He was a person who was afraid of death, so he decided to flee when he saw that the war situation was irreversible. , otherwise he would be in danger.

Thinking of this, the blue-clothed swordsman also showed a trace of resentment on his face. This time he went on the expedition with the army was a deal between Zongmen and the Daliang court. This time, the army that he was accompanying was wiped out.

"Damn, where did those monsters come from?"

In addition to resentment, the swordsman in Tsing Yi was even more surprised by the Flying Bear Army that appeared out of nowhere. Although he grew up in the sect, but due to the relationship between the sect and the court, he has also seen many so-called Daliang court so-called The elites, but none of them can compare with the Flying Bear Army, no, it can be said that they are not even qualified to compete. When he saw the Flying Bear Army, he could almost truly feel the violent killing intent, and the scorn of the world. Invincible Iron Blood.

Born in a sect, he felt that in the eyes of powerful warriors, numbers are of no value at all since he was a child, so he has always looked down on the so-called imperial army, believing that such a path is simply self-comfort for the weak and worthless.

But when he really faced the Flying Bear Army, he understood what an elite army was and what a strong army meant.

If he still had the idea of ​​killing the Flying Bear Army at first, but when the Flying Bear Army fully released the momentum of killing and cruelty, he only felt that if he really faced them, he would only be like a cloth in front of the giant bear. The doll was torn to shreds.

This news must be spread out. The existence of such a terrorist army is definitely a threat to us.

The blue-clothed swordsman thought so, and the pace under his feet was a little faster.

But at this moment, the blue-clothed swordsman suddenly felt a heat wave coming, and relying on the martial artist's intuition, the blue-clothed swordsman dodged to avoid it, and then he saw that the crimson flaming flames were whizzing past him and smashed in front of him. on a huge rock.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the giant rock collapsed instantly.

The dust fell, and I saw a long spear sticking straight into the ground, and the scorching aura lingering on it made the blue-clothed swordsman understand that this was the flaming flame that nearly killed him just now.


The swordsman in Tsing Yi had an angry look on his face. Anyone who was almost stabbed to death by someone would not feel good.

And just as the words fell, the blue-clothed swordsman felt that a voice suddenly flashed in front of him, and then he was punched directly in the abdomen. The severe colic made the blue-clothed swordsman's forehead covered with cold sweat.

And before he could look up to see who was hitting him, another whip kick came in the face, but this time, fortunately, he was prepared, and raised his arms before the whip kick hit the door. Blocked, but its tremendous force beyond his expectations made him fly upside down by more than ten meters.

"You bastard!"

How could the blue-clothed swordsman ever be beaten so violently, he immediately roared furiously, and at the same time the long sword behind him was drawn directly, and he slashed towards the front. Beaten?

In the blink of an eye, the man had already appeared at the position where the spear had previously been inserted into the ground. Only then did the blue-robed swordsman clearly see the man's face.

At the age of about 20 years old, he was handsome, with a red light armor, and a smile that made people uncomfortable.

"Who are you?"

"The one who killed you."


At this time, the clouds were like the city, and Jia Xu, Liu Yan and Zhao Kuo, led more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, followed.

At this time, the murderous Flying Bear Army on the battlefield has calmed down. Looking around at the corpses everywhere, this group of killers finally showed a satisfied smile on their faces. Of course, in the eyes of others, this is tantamount to demons. smile.

The Daliang army that besieged Yunrucheng this time had a total of 30,000 horses, and more than two-thirds of them died under the flying bear saber. killed.

In a word, this big wave of luck points basically fell into Liu Yan's hands. Liu Yan was very happy when he saw that his luck point column on the system directly exceeded 50,000, and he could directly make the next summon.

I have to say that the quality of this wave of Daliang's army is still very high. Basically, everyone provides two to three points of luck, which is much stronger than those of the previous mountain bandits.

At this time, the entire Yunru City military and civilians were immersed in the joy of surviving in a desperate situation. Ma Shixiong, the city owner, immediately came to greet Liu Yan and others after he settled the unconscious Zhuo Ping and the wounded.

The shocking appearance and terrifying strength of the Flying Bear Army have convinced everyone in Yun Rucheng. When Ma Shixiong learned that the Flying Bear Army was under Liu Yan's command, he was also in awe of this young and outrageous Uncle Kaiyang. .

Soon, Ma Shixiong held a sumptuous banquet for Liu Yan and others to express Liu Yan's gratitude to the Zhuo family for saving Yun Rucheng's life.

Originally, Liu Yan was going to put forward the idea of ​​letting Zhuo's family and Yun Rucheng join him at the banquet, but he was stopped by Jia Xu in time, and Liu Yan didn't say anything.

After a lot of teasing, Liu Yan remembered that Yang Yansi seemed to be gone.

Jia Xu rolled his eyes when he heard Liu Yan's question. Poor Yang Qilang was only reminded of his existence by Liu Yan at this time. Of course, Jia Xu, as a model of excellent employees, would not make fun of the boss at this time.

"Don't worry, my lord, General Yang is going to chase the master of the true essence of Daliang who escaped. I guess it's time to come back, don't worry."

Liu Yan nodded and then continued to eat.

After the banquet was over, Liu Yan returned to the residence arranged by Ma Shixiong, and Yang Yansi also returned.

I saw Yang Yansi carrying a head and jumped directly to the backyard of Liu Yan's house. At this time, Liu Yan and Jia Xu were also waiting for him.

"Yonsi, why are you injured?"

Liu Yan clearly felt that Yang Yansi's breath was much weaker than before, and his face was much paler. It was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries.

Yang Yansi casually threw the human head to the ground again, but there was some depression and anger on his face, but instead he looked quite happy.

Seeing Liu Yan, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, my lord, it's just a minor injury. This blue-clothed swordsman has been beheaded and his head was brought back by me."

On the other side, Jia Xu frowned and asked, "I remember that this person's cultivation level is not at the fifth level of True Yuan. How could you be injured?"

Yang Yansi waved his hand and said: "Of course this person is not worth mentioning, but it seems that someone has left a brand on him, and several sword qi have been sealed. I accidentally searched for some, but it was not a big problem. .

The master who sealed the sword qi is very strong. I guess it is an old monster who breaks the virtual realm, but after all, it is just sword qi. If he is really like this, I may still be afraid of one or two, but it is only one or two sword qi. It's not worth it, it's just that I didn't prepare for it and suffered a bit of a loss. "

Liu Yan nodded and said, "That's good, that's good."

On the other side, Jia Xu was thinking about something, but didn't speak.

At this time, Liu Yan looked at Jia Xu and remembered what happened at the banquet before and asked, "By the way, Wen He, why did you interrupt me at the banquet?"

Jia Xu seemed to come back to his senses after hearing the words, and said, "Uh, UU reading I just think that the lord doesn't need to be in a hurry, this kind of thing can be brought up by themselves, I am so proactive that it seems that we have intentions. bad."

"Oh, so that's the case, what if Ma Shixiong didn't mention it?" Liu Yan asked, still a little worried.

Jia Xu curled his lips and said, "I will mention it, lord, how many people are left in the Zhuo family? They dare not gamble. After this battle, the Zhuo family and Yun Rucheng have lost all their capital. They are now There is no safety at all, and you must choose one thigh to hold it in order to feel at ease, and we are the ready-made thighs in front of them."

Jia Xu has already decided that within a day, Ma Shixiong will take the initiative to come to the door to raise this matter. Although Jia Xu is taking advantage of the current situation, there are also many careful layouts. Why wait until the Zhuo family is the most desperate Time for hands-on? Why should Liu Yan's army be postponed, and the Fei Xiong army will do it? Why even make that special effect little sun, making it look like a **** descending from the earth?

Jia Xu wanted Liu Yan to establish a tall and powerful image in front of Zhuo's family and even Yun Rucheng, making them feel that Liu Yan was bestowed by God to save them. The old routine of the unfailing hero to save the beauty is exactly the same.

Although the routine is old, but it works great, only in this way will the Zhuo family rush into Liu Yan's arms recklessly.

And now if Liu Yan said it on his own initiative, it would be self-destructing the Great Wall. Even if Ma Shixiong promised to have a thorn in the future, maybe this thorn would not have any impact, but Jia Xu also had his integrity as a counselor. , can get the best, naturally will not choose the second one.

What he wanted was a die-hard fan of Liu Yan, not a 'rational fan' who had a grudge.