MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 752 Rafdel's relics

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Spark Jaba thought about it and felt that he had almost finished the explanation. So he put the fight back on and he was going to leave.

But at this time, Ian suddenly remembered the information that Bigmom told him at the beginning, and quickly said: "Uncle Jabba, have you ever handed over with Kaido? The scar of Kato's abdomen is really you left him. Is it?"

"...who did you listen to?" Spark Jaba asked curiously.

“bigmom told me!” Ian said: “Is this true?”

"This... what do you say..." Spark Jaba scratched his cheek: "You can't say it's fake..."

Oh! ? Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly became interested. The four emperors of Kaidu have the title of "the strongest creature in the world". This is already well known. As long as you mention Kaiduo, it is recognized as the strongest singled out. That is to say, in the one-on-one battle, no one has ever beaten Kato! It’s even hard to leave scars on him!

However, if this thing that bigmom said is true, does that mean that the left hand of Spur Jaba, the One Piece, is the first person to leave a scar on Kaido?

However, for everyone's earnest eyes, Spark Jabba said ridiculously: "Unfortunately, although I did hand over with Kato, I did not defeat him. The scar on his abdomen was only caused by me. of!"

"Indirect?" Everyone heard the fog.

"Yeah, indirectly!" Spark Jaba re-sit down and recalled: "That is probably something more than a decade ago. If you calculate it, it should be something that Quinn just did not follow Kaido." At that time, I had not come to the country, but went to a desert island to deal with some things. I went to the fifth or sixth day of the island, I don’t remember, but my food was finished. So I sneaked into the sea and planned to hunt only sea kings or large sea beasts for food. As a result, when I was searching for prey on the seabed, the **** suddenly got out of the seabed there and grabbed my foot!"

"Ah!?" everyone was shocked.

"Don't be surprised, the **** was actually committing suicide at the time!" Spark Jabba waved his hand: "And that time, he estimated that he was jumping into the sea, but the **** did not die at all, buried in the mud under the seabed. Knowing how long it has been, he seems to have the blood of the fisherman. Although he can’t die in the sea, because he is a demon fruit, he has not had much strength to swim back to the sea...”

"And you happened to be there just by the way, so he caught you and wanted you to take him back to the sea?" Ian asked in amazement.

"That's it!" Spark Jaba angrily said: "After being caught by him, I cut him with a knife. As a result, the **** let me cut it. I just didn't let go. I didn't have much energy at the time. I had to take him only. Swim back to the sea, you don't know how many **** are there! I almost got him in the sea!"

The people recalled the huge size of Kayto, and had to admit that Spark Jaba was very reasonable. However, Spark Jaba could actually fall back like a guy who was heavier than the Giants. He was enough. Cattle fork!

“Later?” Pony asked cheerfully.

"After I went ashore, I naturally did it with him!" Spark Jaba shrugged. "But after the **** came ashore, it was so strong that I played with him on the island for three days and three nights. Donna can't help him!"

"How did you hurt him?" Ace asked curiously.

"On the fourth day, the weapon in my hand was damaged!" Spark Jaba said: "At the time I was holding it, it was just an ordinary axe. Although it can be used with domineering, but thousands of times. After colliding with the guy's fist, it still collapsed, and at the moment the weapon was broken, I was kicked out by the power of Kado, just next to a bunch of things I had to deal with! ”

Ok? What to deal with? Everyone listened to Spark Jabba repeatedly referring to this word, and could not help but see.

"At the time, I didn't think too much. I watched the guy from Kaido rushing towards me again. I grabbed a thing around me and threw it at the bastard!" Spark Jaba's mouth suddenly showed a touch. Smile, said: "But the accident happened. The thing I threw out of the hand, I even pierced the belly of Kaido directly! The **** was careless at the time, and did not think of what I had thrown at hand, it could actually penetrate him. Domineering defense!"

"What are you throwing out?" The crowd suddenly became amazed and quickly asked.

"That's a tooth...!" Spark Jaba slashed with his hand: "It's a very long, huge tooth!"

"Tooth!?" The crowd heard a look of arrogance.

But Spark Jaba nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it's a tooth! Even a tooth that is thicker than my body! It's... 'some kind of creature's teeth, it's us Brought back from the final island of Lavre!"

"Low... Ruffal brought it back??" The crowd listened with a breath of cold air: "What the creature's teeth are?!"

But Spark Jaba only showed a mysterious smile on his face, but he did not answer the questions of everyone. He continued: "You don't think that we are going to Lavrell. Just look at it? In fact, we are Rafdel found a lot of incredible things and brought them back!"

"Where is it?!" Bonnie excitedly said: "Can you show us?"

Everyone, including Ian, looks like Spoel Jabba like Bonnie, but it is brought back from the final island of Lavdre!

"Unfortunately, I have hidden these things, that is what I 'process'! Roger said that these things don't have any meaning for the time being, they don't need to appear in the eyes of the world!" Spark Jaba Road: "So after Roger's death, I followed the meaning of him and buried these things."

This made Ian suddenly feel a disappointment and looked at Spark Jaba with a resentful look.

"Cough!" Spark Jaba coughed twice, cheeky and continued: "After the tooth hurts Kay, the **** fled! When he pulled the tooth out, he had blood flow. As noted, to be honest, I did not think that the tooth would have such power, I am afraid that it was the first time that Kato had so much blood..."

"So, the scar on Kato's abdomen is caused by that tooth?" Marko asked.

"Yes!" Spark Jaba nodded. "In fact, I only know afterwards. There seems to be some inexplicable power on the tooth. I used to have the self-healing ability of Kato's body. He will not appear on his body. The scar, but the location that was pierced by the tooth, left a huge scar! And when the gang grabbed my boat from the island and fled, it seems that the bigmom pirate ship passed the sea. Nearby, they estimated that they saw the scene of Kaido’s escape, so bigmom would tell you like this...”

Ian finally understood what Spark Jabba said. He did not win Kaduo at the time, and the tooth that caused great damage to Kay was only thrown out by him. He didn’t even think about it. It hurts Kadto by that thing, so he will say that it is an indirect injury.

"What about that tooth?" Ian could not help but ask: "You will not be buried together?"

"No!" Spark Jaba shook his head. "If there is no such battle with Kato, I guess I buried it, but afterwards I found this tooth is not normal, so I left it!"

"Can you show me?" Ian was a happy time.

As a result, Spark Jaba laughed and said: "I didn't say it? The tooth is taller than me. Do you think I might run around with it?"

Ian also reacted and was embarrassed to scratch his head.

"However, if you want to see it, I will send it to you when I arrive!" Spark Jaba laughed.

"Really?" Ian’s eyes lit up, and he didn’t expect Spark Jabba to be so sensible.

"Just do it as a face-to-face ceremony!" Spark Jabhaha smiled and said: "After all, you are a disciple of Raleigh. If you count, I am your teacher!"

Ian was also happy to hear it. I didn’t expect that after the eagle’s eye, the teacher, there was one more teacher. And it was also Sbak Jabbah’s own recognition...

"Okay!" Spark Jaba stood up and said: "After a while, I will go to Cake Island and bring it to you!"

After he finished, he suddenly came back with a deep meaning: "Some things, you should know a little bit..."

However, he did not wait for everyone to react, and he left the place. The gray clothes quickly disappeared into the moonlight.

"What did he mean in the last sentence?" Ace slammed his elbow and slammed into Ian, whispering.

"How do I know?" Ian was depressed and said: "Is it possible, he is going to tell us something about Rafdel? After all, he said, the tooth was brought from Rafdel..."

Ace leaned over and said: "Hey, I am also very interested. So, after I go back, I will stay on your site for a while, wait for the 'One Piece's left hand' to send that tooth, I also I really want to see, what the creature's teeth are, it can hurt Kayto all at once!"

Spark Jaba left, and the things that Ian and his country have to deal with are basically over. Now there is only the matter of taking the disaster relief Quinn.

"Wake up?" Ian squatted down and looked at the disaster relief Quinn, and asked in a loud voice.

The disaster relief Quinn was indeed awake, but she was always in a coma on the ground. It is estimated that she really didn't want to see Spark Jabba, so after Ian made a sound, she stood up.

"What did he say before, did you hear it?" Ian said to her: "Now, let us go, see that you are an acquaintance of Uncle Jabbah, I am not tied to you, but you are best. Don't play tricks!"

"Do you really intend to hand me over to the Navy?" The disaster relief Quinn looked up and stared at Ian Road: "Do you know what it will do?"

"Of course I know!" Ian nodded. "The worst result is nothing more than the Battle of the Beasts and the Navy. But then, this time, Kaido went to **** the soul, and the Navy also stepped in and said Even if you don't have them, they will also play the dog's brain! I know what you want to say, but if something doesn't happen, how can you decide whether it is good or bad?"