MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 829 Little loli

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The reason why she chooses to be silent is that she is also considered by her.

She is not a fool. From the mouth of Smugg, she has realized that the warships that appeared in the night are definitely from the new navy. Although they don’t know what they want to do, they are probably coming to the world conference. of.

This is definitely an opportunity for the Navy. If you can take advantage of the opportunity of this World Conference and let the Navy and the New Navy negotiate, then it may be possible to re-enter the Navy from a split state, the return of the generals and the return of General Zefa. Will bring the strength of the navy back to the peak.

The generals are the best candidates for the new marshal. If he can come back, then the empty marshal throne will also usher in the new master... The marshal with the marshal and the navy without the marshal are totally different.

And Dina also believes that whether it is Smoog or the generals, they have adopted this kind of night attack, but they are still naval-born, and they will not make any unfavorable actions against the naval headquarters. This is why she chose to turn a blind eye.

There is nothing wrong with saying this choice, but her intention is to be good for the navy, but she would not have thought that this time with the new naval warships, not only the young people, but also a whole The world is famous for its criminals!

After landing, the soldiers of the New Navy only took over the guard work of the port, but did not try to infiltrate the inside of Marin. They just wore the same military uniform as the Navy and replaced those tired night soldiers. The number of soldiers is inherently small, and this replacement has not caused any doubt at all.

There are people who are familiar with the internal affairs of the navy, such as Smog and Qing, who are too easy to forge.

After taking over the port's deployment, the new navy's warships quietly left before the patrol boat returned. Only a large number of new naval soldiers were left at the port. These naval soldiers also quietly stayed at the port, waiting The arrival of dawn.

As Smoog said, as long as you spend tonight, it doesn't matter, because during the daytime world conference, it is the showdown...


The sunrise on the sea is definitely the most beautiful scenery. People who have never seen it are never able to imagine the magnificence of the dawn light piercing the dark night sky.

When the dawn sun rises from the sea, Mary Joa, the holy place on the top of the red clay continent, the leaders of the countries who have stayed in the luxury manor have also awakened, and they yawned with the help of the maid. After wearing the clothes and grooming, enjoy the exquisite breakfast provided by the world government, and at the same time, the mind is beginning to conceive what it is possible to say at the next world conference.

A world conference often takes place for a long time, the longest one, which has been open for a month.

Today, it is the first day of the World Conference. According to the rules, the first and second days of discussion are the most important issues in the conference, mainly the proposal, and then the next time. It is constantly discussing or arguing around these programs.

More than 170 participating countries, it is impossible for each participating country to have a unified opinion. In fact, these issues are often in these endless wranglings and discussions, and finally they are not.

For example, in the case of Tianshangjin, every time a world conference is held, there will be overwhelmed countries, which have almost become the old topic of the World Conference over the years, but what about the final result? It has not been canceled until now.

If there is no accident, this world conference will still be rehearsed, so the leaders of all countries who understand this point are now thinking about what position this country should take in facing this problem.

Originally, some wise and wise kings planned to join forces with other countries to forcefully cancel the gold in the world conference, but now they are thinking with sorrow, whether they should raise it.

The reason is that there is no such thing as the live broadcast of the battle when the beast pirates are destroyed. Many people are scared.

Knowing a little history, the country with its heritage and history, their kings can roughly guess that the dragon may be the ancient weapon Uranus, so they are secretly concealing the world government and the Tianlong people shamelessly, think they While proclaiming ancient weapons will destroy the world, it has been suppressing people who study history, but they are holding the Uranus in their hands as the biggest card. This is typical and when the biaozi is a leg, it is black. The same as the heart.

However, knowing this, these kings and leaders cannot but ignore the threats that the world government and the Tianlong people of Uranus will bring to their country and people...

Because they have to face up to the enormous power of Uranus, once they have rebelled against the world government and the Tianlong people, they are excluded from the joining countries. Then, who can guarantee that the other party will not send Uranus to attack their country?

In modern terms, what these countries are experiencing now is the so-called nuclear blackmail!

Even those countries that don’t know the truth, even if they don’t know that Uranos is a ancient weapon, they can understand that the world government and the Tianlong people hold a very powerful weapon, so their thoughts and understanding of the country are the same.

Of course, as for those countries that were originally tyrants and advocating the decaying aristocratic system, the countries of the world government and the dragons of the Tianlong people are rejoicing. They feel that their own backing is so hard, they can rest easy and worry, the domestic ones. Always thinking about the sinister people, if you can't do it at the time, please let me know how to teach them.

I just need to take a good shot of the world government and the world's nobility. Anyway, I don't have to pay for it myself. If I have no money, I will squeeze it out from the people.

With all sorts of thoughts, the leaders of more than 170 countries, either worried or frowning, or arrogant, with a different expression, entered the World Conference. In the middle of the hall.

This is a very wide hall, with a circular stepped conference table. After the leaders of various countries have been seated according to their location, it is not long before the world’s highest authority, the five old stars, entered. In the conference hall.

And with the appearance of their five old men, there are also several patriarchs from the Tianlong family, which is a drama that has not changed in the annual world conference.

When they appeared, the participants were all the dojos. The world government officials wearing black suits and sunglasses hats went out of the conference hall and closed the door of the conference hall. Then they stayed at the conference room door. outer.

CP intelligence personnel, world government officials, elite soldiers from the Navy, and even pacifists from the Naval Science Forces, centered on the World Conference, are armed on three floors and three levels. It can be said that they are heavily guarded.

This is all what it should be. Every year the world conference is held. It is like this. However, these guards, although seemingly serious, are actually quite relaxed, because after so many years, when the World Conference was held, there was never People who don't have long eyes dare to bother.

Similarly, Marin vando, the naval headquarters at the foot of the mountain, was also on the alert. Several naval warships were arranged outside the port, and the muzzle was aimed at the outer sea.

However, the people of these naval headquarters did not find it. Just in the dawn, before they began to arm, there were already thousands of people from the port of Marin Vado, who had already set off and went to the top of Mary Joa...

This is a time difference, the new navy led by Qing and Zefa, accurately found this loophole, staggered the time of handover.

Dina looked at Smog and they left, but she frowned slightly. The new naval team of more than a thousand people broke into Mary Joa at this time, so it was necessary to happen with Mary Joa’s defense forces. The conflict was over. When the gunshots sounded, the Navy’s headquarters would be immediately alarmed. At that time, the Navy must have some action.

In any case, they will be regarded as a big rebellion if they forcefully enter the world conference. They may be attacked by the world government and the navy.

I hope they can resist for a while and insist that the negotiations are completed? Dina thought of this headache...

Dina waited in the square of Marin Vado, so ten minutes passed, and twenty minutes passed, but the gunshots of the battle were not expected to come, not only on the way to Mary Joa, but even Mary. Joa is also quiet.

What exactly is going on? Dina was a little surprised. When calculating the time, how should they meet the defense forces outside Mary Joa?

If Dina was paying attention to the new naval forces of more than a thousand people, she might be able to see two short and small figures from the crowd...

In fact, at this moment, they have already met the peripheral forces of Mary Joa, and even these groups of people have already been discovered when they have just reached the mountainside.

The battle was also carried out. The naval soldiers, as well as the world government officials, almost did not even warn, they shot directly on this group of people!

However, the strange place is here No matter how the two sides exchange fire, or the screams of the guns, there is no strange voice, because an invisible semi-circular space has already Covered the range of kilometers on the square.

This... is the power of the silent fruit!

They were protected by the new navy, and the Qingyi Zefadorag, who helped protect the walnut in the center. At this time, a cloak was covered on the head, and an antenna similar to Jerma was worn on the ear. The earphones, holding a sign in their hands, are communicating with the sugar next to them.

[It’s so tiring, the amplifier designed by the old man of Begbank, will quickly consume physical strength! (╬▔皿▔)

The sugar saw the words on her sign, took out a piece of white cardboard, wrote it up, and then lifted it up.

[o(≧v≦)o Do you want to eat grapes? 】

[(= ̄ω ̄=) I want to eat bear biscuits...]

Two little loli, in this strange silence, with a small brand fighting face expressions...