MTL - Super Card System-~ The 831th question from the world (2)

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Debra’s questioning made the scene fall into silence again. Almost all the leaders of the meeting looked at the Tianlong and the five old stars.

However, the five old stars still remain silent, and the face looks blank.

It was the patriarch of the Chalkros family of the Tianlong people, who looked disdainfully: "What did you do? Made a great and just move! Our ancestors, but saved the creator of the whole world, when a group of idiots took the most in history. The evil warship Pluto, and the disgusting ancient weapon Neptune, attempted to subvert the whole world. It was our ancestors who defeated them with the ancient weapon Uranus and saved the world from destruction. They are great heroes. Without them, there would be no world government today, no countries like you, so you should be grateful..."

However, his words have not been finished yet, and Debra slammed his fist on the table and shouted: "What a joke! To be truly a great cause, why don't you let the blank one hundred years? History has reappeared in the world!? Didn't you make the 'great achievements', even the courage to show the world?"

"Right!" Dresdosa’s Likuwang also nodded: "Since it is a great feat to save the world, why not publish it, but try to bury it?"

The problems of the two kings pointed to the core, so that the Tianlong people could not answer them at any time. They couldn’t help but anger and shouted: "Damn, aren’t you talking about it? It’s not allowed to study that history, it is to prevent evil. Ancient weapons reappeared in the world!"

They continued to move out of this excuse to deal with the questions of Debra and Liku, but the kings present were not fools, how can they hear the far-fetched words in the Tianlong people's discourse.

Debra’s sophistry is not a fight. He has long doubted the rhetoric of the Tianlong people. He just wanted to say something, but he didn’t expect a chest to pant and couldn’t help but cough loudly. stand up.

Princess Vivi, who came to the meeting with Debra, hurriedly beat the back of Debra, and Debra looked up at her and motioned for her to speak for herself.

Princess Vivi had no right to speak at this kind of meeting, but she looked at her old father, and couldn’t help thinking of the young Araba’s figure in her mind, so she took courage and shouted loudly. The leaders of the group said: "You, our ancestors of the Neferutari family, were once a member of the world aristocracy, but in the ancestral literature, they gave up the opportunity to become a world aristocrat. Returning to the Alabama state to continue to govern, but you may not know that in our royal treasure house, we have been carefully storing a piece of historical text for generations, then the problem comes, if our ancestors and other world aristocrats ancestors What is done is really a cause of justice. Why do we have to give up the status of a hero? Why do we have to marry our descendants and preserve the historical text!?"

Princess Vivi said here, staring closely at the Tianlong people present, one word at a time: "This is simply a paradox! That is, the ancestors of our Neferutari family, and the ancestors of your world aristocracy. One of them must have lied! So... who is this lying party??"

Princess Vivi’s words were well-founded and arrogant, and the kings and leaders present could not help but applaud. I thought that the old guy of Debra really had an outstanding The heir to the throne.

At the same time, Princess Vivi’s words also caused everyone’s deep thoughts.

Yes, if it is really a great feat of justice, it must be a heroic act that can justify the whole thing in history, save the world, and let people enjoy the worship of the world with peace of mind. Why? The ancestors of the Neferutari family will instead withdraw from the ranks of the world's nobility? Well, the withdrawal of the world aristocracy may be explained by indifferent fame and fortune, but why are other world aristocrats afraid to tell the blank history?

They just advertised that their ancestors were creators, but how did this creator ‘create?’ What was the situation in the world at the time, they have never described it.

The elaboration of Princess Vivi did not explain which side was lying, but the kings and leaders present at the scene had already looked at the Tianlong people with suspicion.

"Damn! Little girl, what are you talking about!" The patriarch of the Charles Ross family yelled at Vivi: "Is there something for you to talk about here?? Are you questioning the descendants of the great Creator!" ?"

However, Princess Weiwei refused to retreat back and said: "Why, if you can't explain it, you are going to push people down? We each join the country and provide you with gold in the sky. Why do you have to pay for the sky? Can't you ask?? Or, you are simply guilty and can't say it!?"

The patriarch of the Charles Ross family was stunned by Wei Wei, and he was angered. He suddenly pulled out his pistol from his waist and pointed at Wei Wei. "The cockroaches of the teeth are sharp, you have to Your offense pays the price..."

The Tianlong people pulled out the gun and suddenly caused a commotion of the leaders of the kings present at the meeting. They knew that behind each king, there were actually one or two guards, and the deer was naturally there. When the patriarchs of the Erros family pulled out their guns, the two guards were already in front of Princess Vivi. They stared at the opposite Tianlong people, and the guards beside other kings were very nervous. Blocked in front of his own king, but they did not carry weapons.

No one had thought that the Tianlong people would take the guns to participate in the world conference. For a time, the kings and leaders could not help but gnash their teeth...

King Leku, the king of Dres Rosa, couldn’t help but angrily shouted: "What do you want to do!? At the World Conference, shoot a princess of a joining country!?"

Five old stars saw the situation is not good, and finally came out, a shot of the gun in the hands of the charles of the Charles Ross family.

The Tianlong people are used to it, but they don’t think there is anything, but if you really dare to shoot a princess in a participating country at the World Conference, then the trouble will be great, and the entire world conference will be destroyed in their hands. So five old stars can't make this happen.

Gorba in the five old stars, after suppressing the guns of the Tianlong people, coldly face Wei Weidao: "Princess Vivi, and the kings present here, destroying the history of the past 100 years, is the world government. The decisions made after the joint discussion, whether you doubt or question, can't change this decision. You can see the power of the ancient weapons. We are forced to use Uranos to destroy the pirates. Let the rest of the two ancient weapons reappear in the world, then the time will inevitably conflict with Uranus, the world will really be destroyed! The blank 100-year history is not impossible to show, It was destroyed because of the catastrophe-like war, so put away your doubts!"

Princess Vivi bit her lip tightly. How could she believe this explanation, but from the attitude of the five old stars, they are standing on the side of the Tianlong people and supporting them. Wei Wei, they even have some Doubt, but in the absence of evidence, it is impossible to overthrow the combined power of the two...

Georgia, the blonde of the five old stars, stood up at this time: "I still come back to the issue of heavenly gold. The world nobility gave up the throne and established the world government. The world government also provided protection for them. This is the first Agreement, the same, for eight hundred years, Tianshangjin is also an agreement that the participating countries and the world’s nobility have been observing. We certainly hope that you can continue to maintain this agreement..."

Many of the kings and leaders who opposed the heavenly gold system also heard the meaning of the five old stars. Although they were very unwilling, they thought of the attitude of the world government and the power of Uranus, which is hidden in the heads of countries. Even if you are not reconciled, you can only force it.

Damn, is it really necessary to endure the exploitation of the Tianlong people for generations?

For centuries, how much wealth did they plunder from the countries?

How happy would the people of our country be without their exploitation?

If there is no exploitation, how strong can our country be?

No one wants to let a bunch of locust-like vampires squat in their own country and **** the folk fats from their own people, but... where is the hope of breaking the game?

Who will stop the smug smile of the Tianlong people, who will stop the arrogance of the Tianlong people and the world government?

Just as the scene was silent, suddenly a lazy voice came.

"Oh, yeah, that's true... I thought that your five old stars were just stunned by the ancient weapons that the Tianlong people had, so they had to ask for them, but now, if you look down, you really have a nest with them. !"

Hearing this familiar voice, people at the meeting couldn't help but turn their heads and look in the direction of the sound.

I saw the door of the conference hall that was originally closed. I didn't know when it was quietly pushed away. A tall and thin figure wore a white suit and vest, and a coat on her shoulders slowly came in.


Not to mention the Tianlong people and the five old stars stunned even the kings present were also stunned.

Qing Lan was still a lazy appearance, and came in, and behind him, a group of black people pressed in, followed closely.

"Damn!" Gorbach of the five old stars was angry and shouted: "Kuzan, you are a naval traitor! Who will allow you to come in!? Guards! Guards! Come, grab them!"

However, Gorba’s voice came out of the door, but he did not get the expected response.

If they can see through the crowd at this time, they will find that the world is already an ice sculpture! All the guards around the perimeter of the World Conference Hall, whether they are naval soldiers, world government officials, or those CP intelligence personnel and pacifists, are all in a variety of positions, being glaciated by the glaciers The era has frozen!

In the process of being frozen, they were unable to spread the sound of a scream and an alarm under the power of the still fruit of the walnut, so that the world conference was held for so long, and the people inside did not know that it happened outside. What, they were rushed in by such a singularity...