MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 208 【False mask】

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   Chapter 208 [False Mask]

   "The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires."

   Under the faint starlight, the young man dressed in white and snow seemed to be shining with fine crystal dust, like an immortal who fell from the Nine Heavens Wonderland to the mortal world, with a mysterious temperament like a dream.

   On the other side, looking at Zhao Yinshun, who has made great progress in Shixing, Iris has blue veins on her forehead, and she used all her strength to suppress the urge to hammer him.

  Can't win... Forget it... Take a step back and see the world...


   slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and the blond girl stared at Zhao Yinshun expressionlessly.

   "Are you going to come to the door so swaggeringly?"


   frowned, the teenager looked down at his clothes, hesitated for a moment: "Is there any problem?"

   "Are you afraid that people won't recognize you? You can't find a way to retaliate, right?"

   "It doesn't matter, as long as you watch the wind outside, I will go in through the front door and come out from the back door, killing everyone who sees us, so that no one will know that someone has sneaked in!"

   punched fiercely, Zhao Yinshun said confidently.

  Iris: "..."

   Crude warrior! !

never mind! never mind! Can't win! Can't win! Do not be angry! Do not be angry!

   blurted out the scolding and swallowed it back abruptly. Iris took a deep breath, and after a long time, she did a good job of psychological construction and explained earnestly.

   "Even if you don't think about yourself or the people behind you, what about our insiders?"


   "Do you know how many classes can go back to the crime scene?"


   Looking at the young man's face, Iris let out a long, tired sigh.

   She knew that Zhao Yinshun was not as reckless as he looked, but he was just...don't care!

   He doesn't care about being discovered, just like a child who smashes an ant's nest, and doesn't care about the hatred of a group of ants!

   This kind of arrogance in his bones is what bothers Iris the most.

   "Okay, I'll change my look."

   Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yinshun slowly activated the extraordinary power in the depths of his soul, his muscles swelled and swelled, and his slender figure rose wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  【King Kong's Indestructible Body Magical Powers】!

   After just a few tens of seconds, a strong man with a height of more than two meters and knotted muscles, like a Tyrannosaurus, appeared in front of Iris.

"How about it?"

   Bulging up his biceps, which are thicker than Iris' waist, Zhao Yinshun smiled with satisfaction.

   "Your face still hasn't changed much..."

  Iris rubbed her eyebrows and sighed in pain.

   Tiger back and bear waist, with clear eyebrows, how to look awkward!

   "Oh... so what?"

   Continuing to mobilize the extraordinary power, a faint golden halo circulated on the skin, and quickly dyed the fair and delicate skin into a bronze color, with a faint metallic luster.

   Looking at Zhao Yinshun, who is still handsome and fresh even though he looks like a steel monster, Iris shook her head helplessly.

   "Forget it, don't move."

   took out a pure white and imperforate mask to cover her face, the blond girl gently hugged Zhao Yinshun's waist, and the whole person snuggled into his arms, trying to fit together as much as possible.

   "False Mask!"

   The lark-like voice became eerie and eerie, and a pure white film wrapped around the two like a liquid, distorting and distorting their existence from a conceptual level.

   A few seconds later, a ferocious burly man and an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman appeared on the spot, looking at each other with strange expressions.


   Invariably burst into laughter, and the solemn and chilling atmosphere was instantly swept away.

   "What's this thing? Is there any more, give me a whole one too?"

  Looking around himself curiously, Zhao Yinshun asked enthusiastically.

   In addition to his height and appearance, even the [Xuelong suit] has been transformed into a rough gray-black outfit, and the key ranks have jumped two steps in a row. No matter what outsiders think, these are two genuine Sequence LV.5 masters!

   Of course, the "reality" of the two has not changed in the slightest, and all changes are only in the "appearance".

   "The [Sealed Artifact] condensed into divinity after the fall of the God of Hypocrisy and Lies. In your words, it is an ancient magic weapon. Do you know how many angels and saints fell during the encirclement and suppression of him?"

  Iris rolled her eyes silently.

   Give you the whole one?

   Do you think it is Chinese cabbage in the field?

   "Besides, without special restraint power and tenacity, ordinary superhumans can easily be corrupted and distorted by him."

   "It doesn't matter, you can use it, and I can definitely use it!"

   Looking at Zhao Yinshun's confident appearance, Iris' forehead jumped with blue veins.

  What are you talking about?

  Believe it or not, I will give you a sword in the forehead? !

   The hand holding the hilt of the sword trembled slightly, and it took a "middle-aged woman" to suppress the urge to draw the sword.

   "Only one! No way!"


   "In addition, He still has side effects. After the action is over, you will experience a [lie time], which means you can't tell the truth. During this time, you'd better find a place to stay alone."

   Quickly told Zhao Yinshun the precautions, and before he could react, Iris stepped forward, strode out of the dark alley, and moved quickly towards the target direction.

  Can't talk to him, it's so annoying!

   After dozens of minutes, the two came to a remote courtyard. There was no light in the dark courtyard, as if the owner of the house had already fallen asleep.

   But under the [High-Dimensional Vision], a layer of illusory film covers the entire courtyard, and the hidden barrier separates the inside and outside into two worlds, and you can vaguely see the strange ghost of Chong Chong inside.

   "[Xingle Secret Club] was originally very popular among the high society of Taixi, and the participants included nobles, politicians, artists, poets... and some silly curious people."

   "These people usually don't know what they worship. They just pursue sensual stimulation and pleasure in prostitution gatherings behind closed doors, and then degenerate step by step in the endless desire to indulge and become believers of the [Happy Secret Religion]."

   lowered her voice and whispered softly to Zhao Yinshun's ear.

   "There are a few lookouts, I'll go and get rid of them."

   nodded, Zhao Yinshun moved his thick five fingers, and smiled eagerly.

   "They're all superhumans of the detective system with sharp senses, are you confident?"

  It is not difficult to kill them, but how to let them die silently!

   "It's okay, I still have PlanB!"

   showed a thumbs up, the fierce and sturdy man showed a hearty smile, and the white teeth flashed inexplicably cold in the faint starlight.

  PlanB? !

  Iris was just stunned for a moment, Zhao Yinshun melted into the darkness like a ghost, only to see a huge black shadow swimming silently into the distance.

[Floating Light and Dream Shadow Sword] contains the extraordinary power of [Flowing Wind Sword] and [Lost Steps] and [Essential Steps]. It combines the strengths of body skills and sword skills. There was not even a ripple in the air wherever he passed.

   In an agile gesture that did not match his body shape, he instantly touched the back of the wind watcher, and his thick and knotted fingers were in the shape of an orchid, and "gently" flicked the back of his head.

   The sinister strength penetrated straight through the skull, and instantly shook the entire brain into jelly.

   The vigilant gaze was still wandering around, but in the next second, the divine light dissipated, the pupils dilated, the whole person fell silently, and was gently placed in the corner by the strong man behind him.

   Putting the corpse into a lazy posture leaning against the wall, Zhao Yinshun nodded in satisfaction.

  【Arrogant Star Shattering Strength】can penetrate the stars on the top, and penetrate the nine secluded places on the bottom, shattering the brain through the head, but not even hurting the scalp, it is so wonderful.

   There is no smell of blood, and naturally it will not cause vigilance. The huge shadow moves quietly, just like the death scythe harvesting all the watchers one by one.

  The hidden attack exceeded the reaction limit. Under the [High-Dimensional Vision], they didn't even have a chance to make a sound, and they quietly turned into serene and closed-eyed corpses.

   "Get it done!"

   Showing a thumbs up to the "middle-aged woman" who came out of the darkness, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyebrows proudly.

  Although I can't stand his complacent appearance, Iris still has to admit...

   This guy is getting stronger again!

   is outrageous!

   I "promote goodness" during the day and "kill evil" at night, and I keep cultivating day and night without any bottleneck. The speed of my cultivation has reached the theoretical limit. Why is this guy able to progress faster than me? ? !

   What's even more irritating is that this guy is still listening to music on the hook bar every day, and he hasn't seen him practice much at all!

   The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Even her pure and flawless heart couldn't help but raise a trace of jealousy. Iris snorted coldly and walked past the burly man.

   "What is your PlanB?"

   Looking at the perfect circle, the "middle-aged woman" asked Zhao Yinshun with her back turned.

   "Open the killing ring, as long as all the witnesses are killed, it is a perfect assassination!"

   Breathing stagnated, her eyes that were analyzing and looking for flaws gradually narrowed, and a fierce light flashed in Iris' eyes, and she turned back to stare at Zhao Yinshun viciously.

  The old lady really believed in your evil!

   "You can't recognize us anyway, so it's more efficient to cut through the mess with a quick knife."

   Zhao Yinshun wielded his palm like a knife, raised his hand and dropped it, hehe laughed.

   "Your mentality of despising all things and trampling on order will lead to serious trouble sooner or later!"

   Staring at Zhao Yinshun's eyes, Iris whispered.

   "Let's talk about it when the time comes. The car must have a way to the front of the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. I just want to fast forward until the blood turns into the mouth of the river."

   Shrugged indifferently, Zhao Yinshun smiled nonchalantly.

   But from that pure and hearty smile, Iris saw the indifference and ruthlessness of seeing everything as a dog.

   The vast world of red dust and all beings, in his eyes, is just a game...

   took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in her heart, Iris turned her eyes back to the barrier, turned her back to Zhao Yinshun and sighed helplessly.

   "The end is coming, the apocalypse is coming, [plague], [famine], [war], [death] sweeping the earth, I hope you will give all living beings mercy, and don't bring another catastrophe..."

   "Well... try your best, I promise you, I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

   Looking at the tired figure with her back turned to her, Zhao Yinshun seemed to feel her helplessness and despair in the face of the general trend of the world. No matter how hard she tried, even if she climbed to the ninth level, she could not redeem this cruel and **** world!

   In contrast, Zhao Yinshun felt that his goal was easier to achieve.

   Turning the tide to save an empire, even if you can't do it, watching this decaying "building" collapse is a joy.

   Anyway, there are a bunch of dead insects on the hall!

   Well, except for the big sister!

   In short...speed up! accelerate! I want to see Tianjie tread on the bones of the public!

  I don't know Zhao Yinshun's inner thoughts, but hearing his solemn promise, Iris' eyes had a hint of relief.

   "The enchantment of the Secret Sect of Joy focuses on concealment and warning. Come, hold my hand."

   After concentrating on observing for a long time, Iris' eyes flickered with golden threads, and finally cracked the complicated barrier.

   Holding the "middle-aged woman"'s little hand, the two of them seemed to penetrate a layer of foam film, and a strange sweet and greasy fragrance came to them.

   "Hold your breath, this is the aroma of the burning potion of [Happy Secret Religion], which can evoke desires deep in your heart, and is highly addictive."

"You only need to participate in this [Xingle Secret Meeting] once, and the 'fish on the bait' will no longer be able to break free, and can only sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of indulgence, and finally be eaten away by all the flesh and blood, draining the marrow, forever Super life…”

   Listening to Iris's quiet remarks, Zhao Yinshun looked at nearly a hundred white-flowered "meat worms" in the hall, and a stern cold light flashed in his eyes.

   Guys, is this something I can watch for free?

   Even in a different world with an open atmosphere, you guys are a bit ahead of the pack in XP regardless of gender...

   Zhao Yinshun scratched his head and looked at Iris with some distress, watching the random multi-person movement of nearly a hundred people.

   "Do you want to kill them all?"

  Unexpectedly, the stubborn Virgin in Zhao Yinshun's eyes nodded earnestly.



   Seeing Zhao Yinshun's amazed eyes, Iris' dim eyes faintly flickered with golden threads.

   "I tried to save didn't work..."

   "Even if I heal their bodies, the temptation of their souls will still lead them to the abyss and turn them into evil minions."

   "They voluntarily went to the depravity, indulged in the annihilation of humanity, and there is no save..."

  Recalling the probability of relapse of those who have been detoxified in the previous life, and there are even more terrifying extraordinary powers intervening in this world, Zhao Yinshun can only comfortably pat her on the shoulder and bluntly change the subject.

   "Have you been secretly eradicating these evil forces?"

   "Well, their tentacles are too deep, I dare not use the power of the [Holy See] on a large scale, I can only do it myself."

   Aware of Zhao Yinshun's comfort, Iris smiled softly and firmly.

   "But it doesn't matter, it's my duty to destroy evil. Although it's a little hard work, my rank is growing at an amazingly fast rate."

   However, the heartache that he imagined did not appear. Instead, the burly and sturdy man pinched her shoulders with dissatisfaction.

   "Iris, eating alone is punishable by God!"


  Iris, who was full of black question marks, tilted her head and looked at Zhao Yinshun suspiciously.

   Are you talking about gods and demons? !

   "Why don't you call me for such a good thing? What's the difference between that and those Bichi who say lie down and secretly roll into a dog behind their backs?"


   "I didn't expect you to be such Iris, I misread you."


   Thanks to book friends such as [There is a Cloud Blowing Through the Wind], [His and Her Cat] and so on.

   I am a man and gambling and drugs are inseparable (ノ`Д)ノ



   (end of this chapter)