MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 223 Kojin Kosei

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   On the periphery of the tragic battlefield, the last reorganization department, as the death squad arranged in advance, is waiting for the order of the supreme commander.

   A few minutes ago, they ingested a potion that came from nowhere, and the violent power of the medicine gradually surged up, making their breathing even more rapid.


   A cloudy white air mass spewed from the mouth and nose, and the rising body temperature made their skin turn dark red, and the whole person was covered with a white mist.

  Inexhaustible power emerges in the limbs, the incomparably strong euphoria blocks all negative senses, and the urge to destroy and attack accumulates in the heart, urging them to release the tyrannical desire to kill.

   At the forefront of the team, the fifth-order captain who also took the potion clenched the weapon in his hand, his bloodshot eyes staring straight at the center of the battlefield, his face filled with a twisted and excited grin.

   "The Expendables, strike."

The command to attack    arrived as expected, and the colonel let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice, leading the beast that was about to lose its mind and escaped.

   The change of reality is projected to the conceptual level, and the majestic and ferocious Sirius phantom's eyes glow with red light, and he begins to ignore the erosion of the sword energy and black flames, and launches a frantic attack on the Divine Sword phantom as if he lost his mind!


  The howl of a beast exploded in his ears, Zhao Yinshun swung a sword out of his hand, but the feedback from his palm made his movements slightly stagnant.


The white jade sword gang collided with the **** sword light, and the original silky and smooth cutting feeling became difficult resistance. It took several times of the original strength to cut off the blade, and the remaining strength cut through the protective blood and heavy armor. It was finally exhausted, leaving only a hideous gap across the chest and abdomen.

The    slippery gushed out from the gap, but the soldier in front of him seemed unaware, with a weird and twisted smile on his face, howling and pounced, stabbed wildly with only half of the broken blade left.


  The broken blade pierced little sparks on the invisible qi, and the outline of the gilded gilt was not affected at all, but this slight change immediately aroused Zhao Yinshun's vigilance.

what's the situation?

   Obviously only a Tier 3 soldier, why did the power of the blood demon suddenly increase several times?

   And this crazy and out of control expression, how does it feel familiar?

  【High-Dimensional Vision】Slightly swept away and found that the vitality in this person was burning.

  Essence, Qi, Spirit, Strength, Body, Sensitivity, Soul, Shouyuan…

   The whole person is turned into a furnace, and everything is added as fuel, releasing a brilliant and splendid brilliance.

   This is a short-lived highlight at the expense of overdrawing the source...

   With a clear understanding in his heart, Zhao Yinshun did not hesitate to give up the previous rolling style of opening and closing, and the sword situation instantly became elusive and unpredictable.

  【Floating Light Dream Shadow Sword】!

  A dreamy sword light flickered within a radius of about zhang, the dazzling brilliance obscured the eyes, the light sword shadow drilled into the gap at the neck of the heavy armor, and the tip of the sword was soft at the throat.

   When the soldiers in the front row came back to their senses, they found that they could no longer control their bodies.

  A two-finger-width, cicada-wing-thin blood line slowly opened in their throats, and the piercing sword glow directly penetrated the trachea muscles, brutally tearing everything until they severed their cervical vertebrae.

  The body and the brain lost the connection, and even though their vitality was still burning vigorously, they could only fall to the ground and make a roaring sound of air leakage.

   stabbed seven or eight people in an instant, and before Zhao Yinshun could regain his breath, a group of soldiers with thick pipes in their arms rushed towards him roaringly.

  The brave is not afraid of death, and he goes forward one after another. He is obviously still those soldiers, but the pressure it brings to himself is several times more than before!

   Taking a deep breath, the casual look of the boy in white finally changed, and the corner of his mouth raised a radiance of excitement.

   This is fun, the mechanical unparalleled lawn mowing is not challenging at all, if you don’t give me some strength, who will help me break through the bottlenecks of my exercises?


  The strange thick pipe suddenly spewed out columnar flames, and the fire dragons from all directions gathered on Zhao Yinshun, engulfing him into a huge fireball with a diameter of several meters.


   A bright fireball suddenly appeared in the center of the tragic battlefield, and the onlookers on the hillside almost jumped up when they saw this scene.

   But in the next second, a familiar white figure suddenly tore through the firelight and rushed into the army unscathed to release the sword of destruction.

  The gilded qi lingering around the body revealed a complete outline, and an illusory burly humanoid figure completely shrouded Zhao Yinshun, and any attack against him could only be turned into nothingness in front of the majestic and majestic figure.

   However, when the crowd cheered enthusiastically, the boy in white on the battlefield was far less relaxed than it seemed.

   The flames of burning gold and molten iron did not cause trouble, but the invisible poisonous smoke released by the flames polluted the aura hundreds of meters in radius.

   There is no need to inhale through the mouth and nose at all, just the toxins spit out by the skin make Zhao Yinshun's limbs sore, and his whole body is as heavy as lead.

   But the strange thing is that the soldiers around the same poisonous gas are inhaling in large mouths. Not only are they not sluggish, but they are more excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and their bloodshot eyes feel like they are almost dripping blood!

   Something is wrong, I must have seen this poisonous gas pollution somewhere...

   Closed his breath and exhaled, and the thick infuriating qi surged and roared in the meridians. Zhao Yinshun completely switched to the inner circulation, urging his own strong resistance.

  【Innate Divine Body】

  【100 poisons do not invade】

  【Extraordinary Health】

  【Body of Jade Body】

   Even the [King Kong's Body] has a good poison resistance, and the layered ability quickly decomposes and annihilates the toxins in the body. Only a subtle and strange divinity penetrates into the depths of the soul and lurks quietly.

  The dark and deep eyes look directly at the truth. If it weren't for [High-Dimensional Vision] ignoring all false appearances, even Zhao Yinshun himself would not be aware of this small but terrifying divinity.

   This is the divinity of the Lord of the Secret Sect of Pleasure—【Goddess of Pleasure】!

   suddenly remembered where he had seen this thing, Zhao Yinshun was shivering all over, goosebumps rose high, and he felt as uncomfortable as eating flies.

   I'm not clean anymore!

  【Floating Light Dream Shadow Sword】!


   shot with anger, and the shrill tsunami of sword energy swept across the four directions, collided with the soldiers who were not afraid of death, and instantly dismembered them into small pieces, mixed with blood and continued to spread.

With just one sword, all the soldiers within a radius of more than ten meters were killed. After clearing a short airspace, Zhao Yinshun's pupils shrank slightly. When he came out, even the irrational drug-addicted soldiers moved, falling into irresistible despair and fear.

   Deep in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, the [Multiple Self] melts silently, and the huge divinity is united, releasing high-frequency oscillations that others cannot detect.

   The divinity that had been stable for a long time suddenly became restless, and began to resonate wildly without limit.

   The [God] attribute runes in the hexagram star pattern gradually separated, and the numbers behind continued to soar at a terrifying speed.

   Time fell into absolute stillness at this moment, the color slowly faded in the eyes of the young man, and the world gradually revealed its true colors!

  【Phenomena】Hidden, 【Real】Reappear!

   The last trace of humanity disappeared from the deep pupils, leaving only the immortal and vast divinity.

   I am high above the dimension, overlooking all living beings!


   The alien divinity hidden in the depths of the soul is like the snow that meets the sun, melting and annihilating in an instant.

After confirming his own purity, Zhao Yinshun stopped resonating, and his drooping eyes lifted slightly. Wherever his eyes passed, all living beings trembled. Even the mad soldiers suddenly regained their senses and lowered their heads instinctively, not daring to pry. That invisible existence!

  In an instant, the heroes of the entire battlefield bowed their heads, and the shivering curved spine struggled to support the body, as if to be crushed into powder by the "weight" of Zhao Yinshun's sight.

   The short-lived vision did not last long. With the contraction of the divine resonance, the world returned to its original trajectory. Madness and restlessness once again dominated the soul, and the pupils of the soldiers once again gleamed fiercely.

  The indescribable fear came and went quickly, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

   However, at the end of the special state, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyes to look at Wuzan in the depths of the military formation, and a faint whisper penetrated a long distance and clearly entered his ears.

   "I don't have much time left for you. If you have anything else to do, hurry up and use it."

   The indifferent eyes were matched with the half-smile expression, and in a trance, Wu Zan clearly realized a trace of expectation in the words.

   That feeling... It's like the gods above the nine heavens overlooking the ants on the earth, looking forward to how they will please me!

   "The whole army! Seal!"

   Extreme fear broke the strings of reason, Wuzan let out a shrill roar, and the only hundreds of soldiers left were exhausted and unleashed the power of blood evil.


   The death squads in the front row were flooded with the power of blood and evil, and the black blood vessels on their faces were like earthworms squirming under the skin, and they rushed up again with a scream.



The    sword light flickered, and the sound of infiltrating cuts came one after another. Countless soldiers were dismembered and chopped up in mid-air.

   In just a few seconds, a few tens of centimeters of flesh and blood hills were piled up around Zhao Yinshun, but the irrational soldiers were still advancing one after another, like a swarm in a game, using their own lives to pave the way for the latecomers.

   Finally, a soldier who was cut in two by the volley broke through the sword curtain, and the only upper body that was left hugged Zhao Yinshun's arm tightly, and his teeth gnawed frantically on the gilt sign.

  With this point of contact, the **** aura of the entire army formation was like a giant python circling and twisting, frantically entangling the boy in white in place.

   In the next instant, more soldiers rushed forward, some holding their legs, some holding their waists, some holding their hands, and desperately locked Zhao Yinshun to death.

Although the   Vajra Dharma Statue isolated them from the body surface, the soldiers who rushed up like Arhats crowded into a mountain of flesh, "submerged" so that only one head of the boy was exposed.

   Zhao Yinshun: "..."

  I want to experience challenging pressure, not this dirty stuff!

   Full of big guys...I'm not clean again!

   "Get up!"

   One arm was hugged by four or five strong men, Zhao Yinshun exerted his muscles, and the whole mountain of meat was shaken by him.

   Seeing that the monster was about to break through the seal, Wuzan and the rest of the generals mobilized the army, and the invisible power of blood turned into chains, which wrapped around Zhao Yinshun one by one.

The trembling Roshan continued to vibrate, as if two wild beasts were wrestling, and the remaining seven or eight hundred sergeants frantically stimulated their qi and blood, and the terrifying brute force was fed back into their bodies along the link of the military formation, and the tiny blood vessels all over their bodies began to burst gradually. Many people's nostrils slowly dripped two dark red blood.

   At the same time, the phantom of Sirius, who was invisible to the naked eye, ignored the scarred body, bit the black flame burning divine sword, and held it down fiercely!

"It's now!"

   The command of the final blow was clearly conveyed to the periphery of the battlefield. A dark and sturdy cannon bloomed with magical patterns, and the massive spiritual power condensed into a substantive mysterious hexagram at its muzzle.

   In the next second, a strong light flashed in the center of the six-pointed star, and a streamlined cannonball swirled and flew out of the barrel, tearing the atmosphere at several times the speed of sound, and instantly reached the center of the battlefield.


   There was a tingling pain between the eyebrows, time gradually slowed down in his eyes, and the whole world slowly came to a standstill.

   Looking at the cannonball that was approaching him a little bit, Zhao Yinshun could even see the beautiful inscription on the shell when it was spinning.

  【Armor Piercing】, 【Exploding】, 【Cracking】…

  At least five sixth-order magic inscriptions, the combined power is enough to cause fatal injuries to me...

   The sixth sense came to my mind, and at the same time, there was a kind of exciting excitement of dancing on the death line.

  There is a great terror between life and death. Only this kind of stimulation can touch my soul and stimulate the potential that has accumulated to an unknown extent...

  This is what I'm after!

The trembling excitement made every cell active, and a mysterious aura bloomed in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge. At this moment, the body and soul liberated all restrictions. Following the guidance in the dark, the terrifying and mysterious transformation occurred in Zhao Yin. Shun's body quietly bloomed.

  Boom! ! !

  A miniature mushroom cloud rose slowly on the school grounds, and the violent explosion echoed in the sky, and the entire imperial capital could hear the thunderous roar!

   Everyone sluggishly watched the flame of destruction gradually spread, and a few seconds later, the shock wave arrived, and the howling wind blew their clothes and their hair fluttering.

  The extremely penetrating sound waves even made the organs in the chest and abdomen feel dull pain!

   "Your Highness... Your Highness, is this what you call a strong friend? Really... strong..."

   swallowed his saliva, and a Minister of War said with a flattering smile, not noticing that the eldest prince's face was also dull.


  This is not arranged by me!

   I only introduced the superhuman potion of [Happy Secret Religion], I have used it before!

   But his reaction had another meaning in Li Min's eyes. The ice-blue eyes retracted his gaze suspiciously and stared at the battlefield calmly.

   Both belong to the biography of the demon master, and there is a kind of telepathy between the brothers and sisters that is difficult for outsiders to understand.

   She could perceive that in the slowly rising mushroom cloud, her junior brother's breath not only did not go out, but instead exploded more vigorously.

   As if in that short moment, some kind of reborn transformation took place on his body!

   "Hahahaha, he was careless, he didn't dodge! After taking such a hard blow, we will be disabled if we don't die. We won!"

   On the other side of the high platform, Lu Zhuo was waving his fists excitedly, but when he turned his head, he saw Master and Senior Brother staring at the battlefield extremely solemnly, with confusion and horror in their eyes.

   Lu Zhuo: "..."

   realized that the situation was a little different, and the excited smile slowly froze on his face. Lu Zhuo also turned his head and looked at the terrifying mushroom cloud, with some kind of terrifying guess in his heart.

  Shouldn't it this all right?

   On the battlefield, with Zhao Yinshun's position as the center of the circle, only a piece of scorched earth remained within a radius of 100 meters.

  The terrifying blast shock wave wiped out all living beings regardless of the enemy or the enemy. All the members of the death squad were all turned into fly ashes, and not even the corpses were left.

   Taking stock of the survivors with less than 300 people, Uzan showed a bitter and relaxed smile on his face.

   An entire battalion has been emptied, and Lord Wu An is so terrifying...

   However, the winner is still us!


   Just when all the soldiers showed their smiles for the rest of their lives, a strange and dull sound suddenly echoed in the sky.


   Like the resonance of some kind of giant creature from the depths of the chest, the low sound waves shook people's chests.

  The source of the strange sound could not be found at all, as if it came from the void in all directions.

   An ominous premonition emerged in Wuzan's heart, and he instinctively looked at the place where Zhao Yinshun stood just now.

   There, the smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and a touch of platinum luster was reflected on his retina.

Roar! !

   The terrifying hissing sound became louder and louder, and the air appeared with visible lines. The internal organs of everyone in the battlefield were shaking, and some small capillaries began to burst.

   Until this time, they finally heard the abnormal sound. It was a terrifying sound wave composed of dragon roar, elephant roar, tiger roar, and sword roar.


  The gunpowder smoke in the center of the battlefield seemed to be pressed by an invisible big hand and dissipated instantly, revealing a huge crater with a diameter of several dozen meters.

At the center of the crater, a young man wrapped in platinum qi was suspended in mid-air, and a mysterious and ferocious white tiger phantom shrouded him, guarded by a golden dragon and a treasure elephant on the left and right, and a floating and oscillating handle beside him. Pure white sword.

   The boy dressed in white clothes beat the snow quietly suspended in mid-air, with an elegant and ethereal temperament like an independent exile, out of tune with the surrounding scorched earth with black smoke.

   But for such an elegant and handsome young man, the energy fluctuations in his body reverberated through the heavens and the earth, exposing his monster-like flesh and blood soul under his skin.

"how is this possible…"

   Everyone in the battlefield looked at the figure that looked like a **** coming into the world, and murmured desperate groans from their mouths.

   We have all made it to this point, and we still can't beat him?

   You could see his spotless pure white brocade robe, and the deeper despair almost crushed them.

   Let alone defeat, we didn't even hurt him? !

   Compared with the pain and sluggishness of others, Master Tim, who is a magic gun user, is more aware of the meaning behind this scene!

  Only a **** can survive this kind of shelling!

   This young man who seems to be only third-order, I am afraid his true strength is already on par with the gods!

  We are against God!

   Bathed in the desperate and trembling eyes of everyone, Zhao Yinshun Gujing Wubo's eyes filled with information that others could not observe.

  【Taiyi Longevity Technique】: LV.60 (Expert/Bottleneck) → LV.61 (Master)

  [Aragami Shattering Star Power]: LV.30 (Proficient/Bottleneck) → LV.31 (Small Success)

  【Dragon Elephant Prajna】: LV.30 (Proficient/Bottleneck) → LV.31 (Small Success)

  Three kinds of magical powers broke through at the same time, realizing the complex divine transformation going on in the spiritual flesh, Zhao Yinshun's downcast eyes shifted, and he slowly looked at his fair and slender hands.

   "Aragami Shattering Star Strength [Emblem of Truth] shards solidify, gaining the Specialty [Shattering Star]."

  【Broken Star】(Myth・S Rank)

  The Arrogant God came into the world, and the true spirit took shape

   Murder is in the sky, shattering the stars

   "The Arrogant God came into the world, and the true spirit took shape..."

   Lightly chewed on the text in the attribute panel, the corner of the white-clothed boy raised a sinister smile, his black pupils slowly contracted, turning into ferocious vertical pupils that radiated platinum light like a cat.


   Accompanying his will, the phantom of the huge white tiger suddenly shrank, fit onto his body, and merged with the tyrannical platinum qi.


  The pure white figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when everyone came back to their senses, they found that he had suddenly appeared at the other end of the battle formation, with a **** heart beating in his hand.

It wasn't until he saw the boy's appearance that Wuzan suddenly noticed the difference. He lowered his head stiffly, looking at the torn breastplate and a huge, **** hole below, trying to block the gushing blood in pain. .

   "Don't worry, with so many of you, you won't be lonely on Huangquan Road."

   With his back to Wuzan, Zhao Yinshun squeezed the heart in his hand with one claw, and looked up at the terrified and trembling faces around him.

   Slowly raised his hand to reach the back of the young man, Wuzan opened his mouth to speak, but the surging blood smeared his throat, and he could only murmur vaguely.

   Immediately, the unbearable severe pain spread in the chest cavity, the body temperature flowed out of the body along with the fresh blood, the vision slowly turned black, the whole person fell to the ground trembling, and a poignant pool of blood swept out under him.

   lost the core hub, the remaining army formation disintegrated naturally, the power of blood evil could no longer affect Zhao Yinshun, allowing him to release the power of destruction arbitrarily.

   "Thank you for your hard work, let's go in peace."

   Gently raised his hands, the boy in white was like an elegant band conductor, his five fingers stretched out with an indescribable aesthetic charm, and fell down after reaching the highest point.


  Hands staggered across his chest, the phantom of the brutal tiger claws on the tip of his fingernails flashed away, and the stern white-gold qi as thin as a cicada's wings flickered in the air, and the entire battlefield instantly froze.

   A few seconds later, hundreds of standing survivors disintegrated silently, as if they were slashed by countless invisible blades, and fell vertically into a pile of slap-sized pieces of flesh and blood.

   Is this the mortal thing that has lost the protection of the blood evil army?

  How fragile...

   One blow slaughtered all the survivors on the battlefield, Zhao Yinshun's evil platinum vertical pupil moved slowly, looking at a strong blond and blue-eyed old man outside the edge of the battlefield.

Tim watched the tragic slaughter, and a cold air rushed to the sky from the tail vertebra, but before he could figure out a way to survive, the boy in white suddenly hit a cone-shaped sonic boom, which disappeared in an instant. in view.

   "Forgive your life!"

   subconsciously raised his hands in a surrender gesture, the five fingers shrouded in the phantom of the tiger claws stopped on his Tianling cover without warning, the cold and sharp energy made his scalp numb for a while.