MTL - Super Dimensional Martial Immortal-Chapter 381 public execution

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  Chapter 381 Public Execution

On the other side, after listening to Zhou Rou's "briefing" for more than an hour, Zhao Yinshun waved his hand and dismissed the two subordinates, one civil and one military, only to realize that the cold-blooded Thirteen Eagles, no, the Xiangzhou Seven Heroes are still naive Standing in the corner, not daring to move.

  Finding that the two minions of the Demon King had left, only they were left in the same room with Zhao Yinshun. The seven of them obviously became a little nervous, looking trembling like prisoners waiting for trial.


  Holding his chin with his hands crossed, the boy in white pondered for a few seconds, his deep gaze put great pressure on the seven of them.

   Just when they were about to be unbearable, the pressure on their bodies suddenly disappeared. Zhao Yinshun leaned back, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and pointed to a row of chairs beside him.



   Heaved a sigh of relief quietly, and the seven of them didn't know why they were so nervous, as if they were not facing a boy nearly ten years younger than them, but an immortal high-ranking god.

  The sense of oppression brought by the level of life does not require any action at all. Just realizing his existence makes them feel awe from the soul.

  Carefully moved to the chair, even the carefree warriors on weekdays only dared to sit on half of their buttocks, and panic spread in the bottom of their hearts.

   "Speaking of which, I don't know your names yet."

  Hearing this, the leading young man was overjoyed, and quickly stood up and clasped his fists.

   "Caomin Qu Yangshuo, this is my second brother Zhong He, this is my third sister Ji Tianyin, this is my fourth sister Yin An, this is my fifth brother Zou Junyuan, this is my sixth brother Yan Junyan, and this is my seventh sister Wu Yaxuan."

  The dead don't need to know their names. Since they asked for their names, it means that the other party is not going to kill them.

  He himself is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that his younger siblings will be buried with him because of his stupidity.

   "Hmm... The Seven Heroes of Xiangzhou, right? I haven't heard of it, let me introduce myself."

  Holding his chin with one hand, Zhao Yinshun looked at the seven youths with a half-smile like a bad interviewer.

  Hearing this, the faces of the seven people all turned red, and their expressions were suddenly a little cramped.

   They are somewhat famous in the three-acre land in Xiangzhou, but the one in front of them is the pillar of the empire that shakes the whole world—Da Min [Zhen Guogong]!

   Killing gods with a mortal body, commanding an army of millions, ruling a country with one person, the future martial arts saint...

Any title is enough for other Tianjiao saints to spend their whole lives chasing, but all the glory is concentrated on this "immature and young" boy. Just thinking of his past achievements, the seven of them couldn't help but look pale. red.

  The disparity in status between the two parties was like clouds and mud, showing off their chivalry in front of him made the seven of them feel ashamed as if they were playing big swords in front of Guan Gong.

   "Ahem, I am a lowly person, I dare not make a fool of myself in front of [Duke Zhen]."

  Qu Yangshuo coughed twice, and humbly introduced the origins of the few people.

  Among them, some were born recklessly, some were heirs of the great faction, some were sons of aristocratic families, and some were young ladies...

  By chance, a few people met and got acquainted, and they all felt that they were like-minded, and then they didn’t know if they were young and Dangerous.

   Afterwards, the seven of them traveled together together, fighting for righteousness all the way, slaying demons and demons, so happy.

  Relying on their own excellent strength, and Qu Yangshuo, the "famous" sanctuary's direct lineage care, a group of people went through disasters, but all of them were resolved without any danger. While their strength improved by leaps and bounds, their confidence also swelled at the same time.

  Then...they had the evil idea of ​​the big devil stepping on the spot to spy on information...

   Originally, they thought that they would not have direct contact, they were just collecting information secretly, and there would be no danger.

   It turned out that it turned out that infiltration behind enemy lines was a technical job. These naive warriors who had not experienced spy training had attracted the attention of the intelligence network since they entered Weili County.

  Afterwards, they continued to show their "stupidity" until they fell into the trap and all rushed to the street.

  Looking at this group of embarrassed idiots, Zhao Yinshun pursed his lips and pressed down the upturned corners of his mouth.

   It can be seen that after this severe beating, they have recognized some cruel realities, and their long-term smooth mentality has been sharpened, and they have faintly become more mature.

  These people are not stupid. What they lack is experience and the experience accumulated over time. In terms of strength alone, the legendary existence in their twenties can be regarded as the chosen one in the whole Da Min.

   Not to mention that their boss is a sixth-level saint who is "on the list", and that is one of the few "talents" in the entire world.

  However...the fire is not enough, these idiots still need a more unforgettable impact...

   Rubbing his chin, Zhao Yinshun evoked a wicked smile.

   "I promised to spare your life, but the death penalty can be avoided. According to the law of [Liuyin Fengguo], the crime of espionage will be demoted to slavery, and you will be sent to a labor camp to make atonement..."

  Hearing this, the complexions of the seven people changed dramatically, and their aura shook wildly.

   "Of course, if you perform well in it, you can release it in ten years..."

   Appreciating their ever-changing faces, Zhao Yinshun comforted him unhurriedly.

  Hearing the word ten years, the restless breath of the seven people calmed down slightly, but their expressions immediately became more miserable.

  Ten years!

  If the most golden ten years of life are spent in labor camps, their whole life will be wasted.

   In a panic, Qu Yangshuo thought of using the name of his teacher to put pressure on the other party, but when he thought of [Zhen Guogong] blatantly razing [Ni Wu Yue Heng Tian] in front of the emperor, he quickly swallowed the words.

  Other gods may be afraid of their own sect, but this one dares to confront a ninth-level saint face to face. Isn't threatening him a catastrophe for their own sect?

   Seeing their ashen faces, the smile on Zhao Yinshun's face became even more evil.

   "By the way, ten years is an ideal situation. Normally, it takes forty or fifty years to atone for sins..."


  The successive blows caused the mentality of several people to explode. Just when they were about to give up on themselves and find a good time, the leader, Qu Yangshuo, gradually calmed down.

   "【Duke Zhen Guo】You are the lord, why do you make fun of Cao Min and others?"

  Hearing what the eldest brother said, the others immediately realized that the other party was panting heavily during the speech, wasn't it just teasing them?

  Yan Junyan: "Damn it, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, let's fight him!"

  Zhong Hyuk: "Don't be impulsive! It's not the worst yet, let's see how big brother responds."

  Ji Tianyin: "You are so good-looking, but your heart is really bad!"

  Wu Yaxuan: "Exactly! It's too bad! If he dares to tease us again, I will... I will..."

   After a long time, the youngest baby-faced girl gritted her teeth: "I'll just stare at him!"


The secret sound transmission came to an abrupt end, Qu Yangshuo, who did not participate in the "group chat", twitched unnaturally, and the few naive people behind him dared not speak out, so they could only adopt the most aggrieved method - staring at him with his eyes. he!

   Bathed in the fearful eyes of several people, the corners of Zhao Yinshun's mouth rose uncontrollably and he sighed meaningfully.

   "I'll teach you one more thing, the next time you encounter a high-level existence, don't foolishly use sound transmission to enter the secret..."

   Tapped his temple, under the dull eyes of several people, the boy in white showed a devilish smile.

   "I can hear you."


  The study room suddenly fell into deathly silence. After a short period of sluggishness, a tsunami-like sense of shame hit the soul. The blood of the seven people rushed straight to the top of the sky, and smoke was blowing from their heads.

  We have been plotting loudly in front of him for so long just now, why didn't we say it sooner!

  Give them a public execution, and feel that if they are too funny, they will explode. Zhao Yinshun changed the subject and continued to let them ride the roller coaster of mentality.

   "Okay, let's talk about business, I can not only spare your life, but also give you a chance to be exempted from criminal service."

  Hearing this, the breath of the seven people suddenly condensed like a volcanic accumulation, and then slowly calmed down.

   "Please [Zhen Guogong] speak up."

   "It's very simple. I will give you a test. If you pass it, you can turn around and leave immediately. This incident will be canceled from now on."

  However, upon hearing this, Qu Yangshuo didn't feel any joy, and asked with a more serious expression.

   "What if it doesn't pass?"

   "You have to do three things for me."

  In an instant, the expressions of the seven people changed, and then they frowned in embarrassment.

   Aware of their entanglement, Zhao Yinshun laughed and pursed his lips.

   "Don't worry, I won't let you do things that go against your own morality and wishes."

  Hearing this, the seven of them finally felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

   "Excuse me, what kind of test is it? If [Duke Zhen Guo] wants me to fight with you, he will think highly of us."

   "Yeah, if you set an impossible task, you might as well just kill us!"


  Everyone rushed to set up Zhao Yinshun to block his excessive demands.

  After this short period of contact, they have deeply realized the gap between the two sides.

  Other villains met seven of them warriors, which one was not surrounded by guards, for fear that they would violently hurt others.

   But what about Zhao Yinshun?

  The only **** general left without any regrets, letting them stay in a room with their monarch alone, and even closed the door intimately.

   You know, they are plotting to assassinate him!

  You look down on us a bit by putting seven assassins and the target in a room?

  However, they realize sadly that people really look down on them...

  Let’s not talk about the guards, just the young man in white sitting lazily on the chair, the invisible aura of the high-ranking creature made them restless, even dared to sit half of the stool, let alone attack and kill!

  So, even if they lost face, they tried their best to belittle themselves and lower the difficulty of the test.

  He is Damin [Zhen Guogong], the unrivaled demon king, the future martial arts sage, it is an honor to lose face in front of him!

  Consoling themselves like Ah Q, the seven quickly let go of their inner reserve and became even more self-defeating.

   "With the dignity of [Duke Zhen], wouldn't he bully those weak women like us who have no strength?"

  The fourth younger sister Yin An, who had always been as cold as frost, said something that didn't match her personality. Under the surprised eyes of several brothers, she blushed slightly, but she still stared stubbornly at Zhao Yinshun.

   On the other side, the deep [high-dimensional horizon] penetrated the appearance, looked Yin An up and down, and saw that her scalp was numb, as if standing naked in the snow wind in the extreme north, trembling slightly instinctively.

   " rank among the top three in strength among the seven. You can tear tigers and leopards with your bare hands. It's a bit too much without the strength of your hands."

  Yin An: "..."

   "Compared to [Zhen Guogong], we are weak and powerless. You won't bully the small with the big, right?"

   Now that things have happened, Yin An has completely let go of his self-esteem, blushing and persevering.

   "Using the big to bully the small? Big sister, the youngest among you is almost thirty? I'm only eighteen years old this year..."


   Now, not only Yin An, but also the others were silenced, bowing their heads in shame.

   Seeing their sleepy appearance, Zhao Yinshun suddenly showed a sunny smile.

   "Don't worry, my test is very simple, you have absolutely no objection."

  Hearing this, everyone cheered up and waited for the next article as if facing a big enemy.

"if only…"

  Deliberately slowing down his speech, Zhao Yinshun raised his eyebrows under the anxious eyes of the seven people.

   "As long as you can breathe in my presence."

  The tense breath stopped suddenly, and the seven of them looked at each other, and they all saw the confusion in their companion's eyes.

  Finally, Qu Yangshuo stood up and cautiously confirmed.

   "Breathing?! Is it our normal breathing?"

   "That's right, seven of you, as long as any one of you takes a breath, I will count you as passing, how about it? It's very simple, right?"

  Looking at Zhao Yinshun's casual smile, the seven of them exchanged glances, with uncontrollable joy in their eyes.

  Afterwards, a disdainful sullenness resurfaced from the bottom of her heart, resentment and joy mixed in her eyes, mixing into a kind of firm determination.

  I admit that my strength is far inferior to yours, but if I can't even breathe in front of you, then I might as well wipe my neck with a knife!

  You are only a sixth-level martial artist. No matter how big the gap is between us, it’s not impossible for you to be unable to breathe!

   Gritting their teeth, the seven of them cheered each other up. Qu Yangshuo suddenly thought of something and asked vigilantly.

   "When and where will the test be conducted?"

   Seeing through the worries in his heart, Zhao Yinshun smiled calmly.

   "Now, in this study."

  Hearing this, Qu Yangshuo completely let go of his worries, and clasped his fists with a hint of dissatisfaction.

   "Then ask【Duke Zhen Guo】for advice!"

  Holding his chin with one hand, Zhao Yinshun leaned on the back of the chair, like a high-ranking king overlooking the crowd, and asked with a half-smile.

   "Oh? Are you all set?"

  The seven people looked at each other, moved their bodies, moved their true energy, and nodded in unison.



  Raising his other hand, Zhao Yinshun snapped his fingers lightly under the tense eyes of the seven people.




  The terrifying coercion fell instantly, and the air in the entire study solidified and condensed, forming a substance harder than steel.

  Still holding his chin with one hand, Zhao Yinshun grinned wickedly as he watched the seven of them covering their necks with their hands stiffly and with great difficulty, widening their mouths and trying to inhale air into their lungs.

   Four hundred thousand primordial demon energy is compressed in the study room, if you can take a breath, you are amazing!

   Thanks to 【No Bookcrazy No Survival】【winggo】【Singer Does Not Sell Two-Way Foil】【Yao Ta】and other book friends for their rewards.

   I was dragged to work overtime on weekends, asking for comfort~(╥﹏╥)



  (end of this chapter)