MTL - Super Dimensional Wizard-Chapter 3 Unacceptable time and space visitors

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Chapter 3: Time and space visitors

"You are here." Jon didn't turn his head and looked at the vast woods in the distance.

When I heard such familiarity, Anger suddenly remembered that when they met with his brother, the conversation between them could not help but smile.

"Well, I am coming," Angel said as he pointed to the ointment on the table. The dumb servant waved his hand at Angel.

Anger sighed helplessly, picked up the ointment and went to sit next to Jon.

"Instructor, you have not followed the doctor's advice." Angler unscrewed the lid of the glass bottle and applied a thick green ointment to Jon's already dry limbs.

"It doesn't matter if you don't rub it." Jon had a trace of nostalgia and sadness in his eyes: "I am going to die, ‘it’ will not let me live any more.”

"Who is it?" Angel looked around with vigilance: "Is it the enemy of the mentor?"

Jon separated for a while and shook his head. "There is no enemy. My enemies are in another time and space."

As soon as the tutor wants "another time and space", Angel's subconscious support makes the dumb servant leave, even if the dumb servant can't speak, but just in case, whenever the tutor talks about "the past," Anger Will let the dumb servant leave.

Speaking of the origins of the mentor, Anger still feels incredible.

Jon comes from another world, or another planet. Because of an accident, Jon crossed from his hometown to this strange land.

After Jon crossed over, he was rescued by Angel's father, and this was followed.

Angel didn't believe in "crossing", but with Jon teaching him more and more knowledge and establishing his understanding of the micro and macro world, Angel had to believe. Because the knowledge that Jon taught him, although it is only a conceptually false space, there is no real knowledge of practice, but it is just the data that Anger calculated himself, and it is already worthwhile to find out how valuable this knowledge is. Far beyond the current educational level of the Golden Finch Empire.

Even if he had doubts in his heart, he was slightly convinced.

After seeing the dumb servant closing the door and slamming the footsteps of the downstairs, Angel said softly: "Who... what is the ‘it’ that the tutor said?”

Jon was silent for a while, but he asked Anger a word.

"Do you believe that the world will be conscious?"

Anger was stunned by this sudden problem. After thinking for a moment, he carefully answered: "What is the teacher's Gaia consciousness?"

Gaia consciousness, the Golden Bird Empire naturally does not have this saying, there is no such thing as the mother of the earth, Gaia. The concept of Gaia's consciousness was told to him by Jon. At that time, he only listened to Jon's rhetoric as a myth of another world, knowing that Jon would suddenly ask.

"Similar." Jon nodded very little. "Before, I was a person who believed in science. Even if someone once said that the end of science is God, I never believed. But in this world, I feel more and more, Slowly changing. There is a part about 'Gaia consciousness'."

Jon’s eyes looked at the distant mountains. “My body, after coming to this world, is inexplicably inexhaustible. I let the parasitic chip thoroughly test my body without any traces of disease, that is, I am not sick. ""

Although Angel didn't understand what the 'parasitic chip' was, but Jon's words, he understood it.

"Since I am not sick, why..." Angel looked at Jon, who almost shrunk into a skinny body, and wondered more. Jon’s age is only in his early fifties, but his appearance is not suspicion even if others say he is eighty or ninety years old.

"Why would I become this look?" Jon whispered as he whispered to himself, then shook his head and said: "You asked me six months ago, I can't answer this question. But... as I am about to Stepping into the grave, 'it' seems to be a lot of relief, and let me indirectly understand the source of my illness."

"Source?" Angel looked at Jon without understanding.

"Like I asked your Gaia consciousness before, I guess... The world may have a huge collection of consciousness, its indifferent and just operation, it rejects all external souls, it is the consciousness of the world. And I This body of illness may be its masterpiece.” Jon turned to look at Angel: “In short, my body is like this, but it’s just not acclimatized. Because, I’m not in this world at all. people."


Under the gorgeous main hall, under the chandelier of crystal glass, there are one person sitting on each side of the long square table. Behind the two sitting, there are also several knights armed with armor.

On the left is the next generation of the heir to Pat, who is close to the eyebrows: Lyon Pat.

On the right is a silver-colored bearded man with a brown face and a blank face: Eaton.

Eaton Monn, Earl's title. From the spine of the Jinque Empire - the Mengen family, a family that has been inherited for hundreds of years, is known for its bravery and good warfare.

Nowadays, a large number of elites of the Munn family are fighting against the Haishu country on the front line, and it is not known why Count Earl suddenly came to the town of Gru.

Half a sigh of silence, the two sides of the Cavaliers confronted each other when the momentum rose higher and higher, the Mengen family is a warrior family after all, the knight's momentum quickly suppressed the support of the Pat Manor, and even a knight could not stand the pressure to loosen the sword in his hand. , jingle, sturdy on the floor. When Lyon saw it, his brow was slightly wrinkled and he could only take the lead:

"Forgive me, my knight does not understand the rules." Lyon waved his hand, and the Cavaliers immediately bowed and saluted, then slowly stepped back. This simple action will underestimate the momentum of the previous Cavaliers. "The Earl of Eaton suddenly visited, is it for the front line?"

Nowadays, the two countries are engaged in war. Although the Haishu country is not big, its land is basically an island. In the gap between the blue sea and the storm sea, it is scattered like a star. The Jinque Empire’s naval battle capability is not strong. For the invasion of Haitang, it can only be deployed on the coastline and passively defended.

The defense of the glue has been for a long time, and the fresh water resources and its lack of SH are added. The later supply of fresh water is naturally shared by several nearby towns. Gru is a part of the supply chain.

The supply of the front line is all the responsibility of the Pat Manor, so the ordinary townspeople may not know about this, but as the owner of the Pat Manor, how can Lyon know.

"In the past few months, it has been thanks to the strong support of Pat Manor. Otherwise, our Pioneer Camp will not survive." Earl Eden thanked him for a turn: "There is no problem with the supply of water. I came here today and actually wanted to ask one thing."

"What are you asking?" Lyon raised his eyebrows.

Eaton smiled, but the beard covered his face and it was not appropriate. However, Lyon did not see a smile in Eaton’s eyes.

"I don't know Viscount Pat, have you heard of the morning dew after the rain?"

(End of this chapter)