MTL - Super Dragon Cultivation System-Chapter 2462 Zhang Xing comes

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Dong Tianxie feels extremely sad!

It is true that the ancestors of the Liu family are right, and the elders of Shuntianzong are right, and their behavior is understandable.

But Dong Tianxie couldn't accept it. At this moment, he was like a cow and sheep that was slaughtered. He had no other choice but to grieve secretly.

He decided not to join any sect, he wanted to practice alone like in the Fourth Heaven!

Even more like Zhang Xing, use your own strength to make others fear and respect.


Seeing Dong Tianxie coming out of the Liu family, everyone in the Liu family breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if you are acquainted, you walked out by yourself, otherwise it would be unsightly if you were caught by the Liu family later.

Many Liu family members think so.

The Liu family is in a good mood, listening to Dong Tianxie's words, and watching his movements are also comfortable, Liu's family is fine!

Looking at Dong Tianxie, Liu Yuan, the ancestor of the Liu family, moved the corners of his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say a word.

A triumphant smile appeared on the face of Shuntianzong Li Yi.

In this confrontation, he defeated Liu Yuan and slapped Palmer Zong in the face!

I was so happy that Liu Yuan didn't dare to send out the fire, and didn't dare to go out if I was angry.

As for the elimination of the Liu family branch, it is completely unnecessary and meaningless.

It's like pulling a piece of fur from a tiger. It doesn't matter whether it hurts or itches.

"Haha! Brother Dong is still empathetic, this is the best, the province makes us both embarrassed!"

Li Yi said and waved, the two elders beside him flew towards Dong Tianxie.

Dong Tianxie tried to flee several times, but all held back.

He knew that there was no point in doing that, he was not Zhang Xing, and he didn't have that kind of time and space.

In front of these five-level peak powerhouses of the gods, he is an ant, and his fate is firmly controlled by the other party.

Hey! I hate my incompetence! Not only was Xiaoming controlled by others, but Zhang Xing was also affected!

Just when the two Shuntianzong elders came to Dong Tianxie and were about to capture him.

A faint voice came from the air.

"If your claws dared to advance half a point, I wouldn't mind cutting them off!"

Hearing this voice, Dong Tianxie's eyes lit up!

Liu Yuan and Li Yi frowned, their spirits swept around, looking for the person who made the sound.

But saw a black figure slowly appearing in the air with its back facing them.

It seems that this figure got in from the other side of this space.

However, from the sense of breath, it was only a cultivator in the mid-fifth stage. Liu Yuan and Li Yi did not speak, and cultivators of this realm were not worthy of their attention.

Shopkeeper Liu and Miss Liu were on the ground, far apart, and they felt their voices sound familiar. When they looked at the back, they couldn't help but shudder.

"It's him! He's back!"

The two were dumbfounded in shock, and forgot to remind their ancestors.

"Huh! Don't be ashamed!"

"He Fang, do you have that ability!"

The two elders just had their arms halted, and they made a disdainful voice. They ignored the voice, and their arms still grabbed Dong Tianxie.

"Hey! Give you a chance but don't know how to cherish it!"

As Zhang Xing's voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the arms of the two elders just moved halfway.


The golden light flashed, and the arms of the two elders broke!

They stayed at the same time, looking at the falling arm in disbelief.

Then they looked at their shoulders with doubtful eyes.

The mirror-like shoulders are indeed missing arms!

There was a tremor in their hearts, and a panic instantly surfaced in their hearts.

At the same time, a violent pain made them groan!


Out of instinctive reaction, they left the place instantly and prepared for a highly defensive battle.

Divine Sense also swept around, but their response was obviously redundant.

A black figure has appeared in their sight.

"Brother Dong is shocked!"

Zhang Xing appeared in front of Dong Tianxie, smiling faintly, playing with a three-inch golden halberd in his hand.

It seems that it was not like he cut off the arms of the two elders just now.

"Hey!" Dong Tianxie sighed, "Thank you Brother Zhang for helping me!"

His sigh contains too much bitterness!

Not because of me, but because Zhang Xing grew up too fast!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that Zhang Xing could easily sever the arms of two five-layer late stage elders.

In front of these two elders, he felt like facing two unreachable fairy mountains and clouds.

It seems that a slight tremor of these two mountains can make him smashed to pieces and shattered.

But it was vulnerable in front of Zhang Xing, he didn't even see how Zhang Xing made the move.

"Brother Dong, what plans do you have in the future?"

Zhang Xing completely ignored the two angry elders behind him, smiling and talking with Dong Tianxie.

"I plan to continue to practice hard by myself!" Dong Tianxie showed a firm look in his eyes.

"Be careful……"

Suddenly, Dong Tianxie looked behind Zhang Xing with two cold lights in his eyes. He saw two long swords stab Zhang Xing's back at the same time.

Zhang Xing did not look back, did not panic at all, his eyes showed admiration.



Two figures appeared behind Zhang Xing, one black and one white.

They slapped the heads of the two elders with one slap, and smashed two long swords with one punch.

These two people are Black and White and Bai Shang.

When they start, they never know what kindness is, and it's light to smash their heads.

"Damn! It's not enough to dare to attack our boss, and die a hundred times!"

"I bother!"

Hei Bao and Bai Chang didn't seem to feel their hatred enough, so they grabbed the bodies of the two elders and smashed them at Li Yi.

Li Yi's pupils shrank, looking at the appearances of Hei Bao and Bai Chang who appeared equally strange, black as carbon and white as jade!

"Is he back?"


Li Yi didn't do anything. How could the people beside him smash the corpse. Several people shot at the same time, blowing the corpse ten meters away.

Although they could not bear it in their hearts, the two colleagues were already dead, so they had to vent their hatred on their enemies and give them revenge.

"You are looking for death!"

Several elders showed cold eyes and drew their swords to kill Hei Bao and Bai Shang.

"Hold on!"

Li Yi waved his hand to stop.

Several elders were startled, their eyes showed different colors. Although they didn't know what the great elder meant, they still stopped.

"Who are you?"

"I am your grandpa!"

"I am your ancestor!"

Hei Bao and Bai Chang spoke at the same time.

But then, Hei Bao felt that something was wrong, and turned his head to look at Bai Shang with an unkind expression.

"Brother, this is wrong, you seem to be older than you!"

Bai Chang looked embarrassed and realized that he had taken advantage by accident.

"Ahem! I'm your grandpa too!"

Bai Chang pretended to cough twice and immediately changed his mouth.

Hei Bao's expression eased.

But Li Yi's face was even more ugly.

He can be regarded as a big man in the fifth heaven. No one has ever dared to scold him face to face, even Liu Yuan dare not.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You say it again!"

"I'm your grandpa, I'm your grandpa..."

"I am your grandpa..."

Since he is looking for curses, Hei Bao and Bai Chang are not polite.

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