MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 739 Earth New Order

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Under the live broadcast of Neverland, people all over the world witnessed the birth of a new country. Although the establishment of this country is a bit of a play, it can even be said that it is not in compliance, but with the support of Neverland, no country dares to deny the existence of this country, and it dares not to attack this country by force. The armed forces stationed on Neverland will deal with this country by fighting against Neverland.

With the vivid example of Indian State, not only the other Americans present at the scene moved their minds, but also other domestic forces in the melee also saw the opportunity, and they will definitely compete to follow suit. Before long, with the strong support of Neverland, the rice country with its huge land area will split into tens of thousands of countries, and the powerful rice country officially becomes the past.

Of course, Neverland will also control the size of the land area of ​​these countries that have been cracked out. New countries with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers are absolutely not allowed to appear. In this way, a country with a huge area can avoid the unification of the entire rice country with its own strength, and make the rice country a complete country again, leaving trouble for its children and grandchildren.

There are also leaders of many countries present. They are all veterans of the political arena, and naturally look farther than ordinary people. They have discovered that Lu Pingping deliberately omitted some key rules, leaving a huge loophole in this action. Because even if these countries that came out of the United States succeeded in founding the country, they will soon fight because of territory, resources and population. Except for the Indian country directly protected by Neverland, all countries will be involved and then let The entire North American continent bleeds into rivers, consuming the potential of the rice country.

It's just that this is Lu Pingping's conspiracy, even if it is seen through, there is no way to avoid ...

The old president who had foreseen the tragic ending of the United States collapsed on the ground. He was crying in tears and shouting, "God! This is unfair. Your decision on Neverland is illegal. You are doing big country bullying, why? There is only power in this world, no justice ... "

Lu Pingping said with a smile: "Your government in the US is too fragile, and only a few surrender clauses can't stand it. Have you never thought that you have bullied so many countries and nations, and the unequal treaties you signed with them are afraid There are tens of thousands of them? They can all bear and survive, what is unacceptable in your country? "

The old president said bitterly: "Lu Pingping, since your ultimate goal is to completely dismember our country, then the conditions I promised you before cannot be implemented. If the country is destined to disappear, why should we compensate you so much? What about things? "

Lu Pingping said: "Even if you have no rice country, a new country that inherits the territory and population of the rice country must also pay compensation to our Fantasy Island. Compared with their ability to build a country, I believe they are very willing to repay our Dream Island. But there is no Before paying off the arrears, all the underground resources of their country will belong to our Neverland, and their finances will also be controlled by our Neverland until they pay off the compensation. "

The old President of the United States was furious. He pointed to Pingping and said, "Since you have such a plan, why would you call me here to sign the surrender? You just set up a new country here and divide our rice territory. , Why should I come here to show ugliness? "

Lu Pingping said: "Because I can't see you, how dare you were before! Targeting our Neverland everywhere in the world. The main reason I called you here is to humiliate you in order to repay you for our previous One arrow. As for whether you sign a surrender or not, I do n’t mind at all. "

The old President of the United States twitched his mouth and said something rebuttal, but his body suddenly stiffened, losing control of his body all at once, and then his body fell to the ground, twitching constantly. Seeing his symptoms, it should be that Lu Pingping's gas burst into the cerebral blood vessels, and then he suffered a hemiplegia.

Lu Pingping did not have any compassion for the old president, she said: "Come to two people and help him press the handprint on this surrender book."

Immediately came two strong staff members from the side passage. They grabbed the old President of the United States who collapsed on the ground, opened his palm, and pressed the handprint on the reappearing laser projection surrender book. The handprint of the old President of the United States immediately appeared on the surrender book that originally appeared in laser projection mode. Although there is no signature of the old president or the seal of the US government, under the strength of Neverland, this surrender has been officially confirmed.

When Lu Pingping waved his hands, the two staff members dragged the inoperable President of the United States from the rostrum, leaving only the trembling Eagle and the head of France.

Lu Pingping looked at the old president ’s handprint on the surrender book and smiled on his face. He said: "Look, the civilization of our Neverland is highly developed. Even in the face of a country that surrenders to itself unconditionally, it must be explained in detail to their negotiators. It makes sense that the surrender agreement will not be signed until the other party ’s consent is obtained. "

Looking at Lu Pingping who opened his eyes and talked nonsense, everyone couldn't help but slander. But Lu Pingping is qualified to say this, because Neverland's strength is the first in the world, because Neverland is now a brand new overlord of the earth. However, Fantasy Island is only for the United States, and it has nothing to do with other countries. Everyone has not lost their own interests, and they are not satisfied with the United States. Unevenness.

Seeing the old President of the United States dragged down, the newly established Indian representative Tatanka Mines stood up again. He wept bitterly and said, "Fantasy Island not only provides justice for us, but also the lighthouse of world civilization. Our Indian country can feel the greatness of Neverland, and we must obey the management of Neverland in the future, everything is guided by Neverland's instructions. "

After Tatanka Mines first jumped out to tout Neverland, the others who were ambitious about the territory and population of the United States immediately woke up, so they all stood up and praised Neverland The benevolence and civilization of Mankind completely made the title of a human lighthouse ...

After seeing the tragic encounter of the old President of the United States, he was terrified before he had his own eagle country and the head of the cutting country. They have actually stepped down. The reason why they are here is to sign the surrender letter to Neverland on behalf of their respective countries, mainly because no one in their country is willing to sign this surrender letter, so they have to be pushed out as a scapegoat. . As long as this surrender letter is signed, once they return to their country, they will immediately suffer bad things because of this matter.

But the development of the matter was not transferred by the will of the forces behind them. Lu Pingping pardoned the crimes of the two heads of state, but reduced all the forces hiding behind them to war criminals and executed all the death penalty. What happened happened again in these two countries. Feeling that he had escaped from death, the enemy was rewarded. The heads of state of these two countries signed this extremely harsh surrender book without any hesitation. With their full cooperation, Lu Pingping's goals in both countries were achieved.

When all three surrender letters were signed, the third world war in which the United States, Eagles, and Fuguos and Neverland were officially ended. Although after the surrender ceremony, the Fantasy Island still has a lot of actions against these three countries, but these three countries have completely failed, and there is no longer any hope.

Under the auspices of Lu Pingping, these three countries are about to be dismembered. If they are not dismembered, with the vast territory, deep heritage and population resources of these three countries, they will rise again for a maximum of one hundred years. By that time, they will still have the ability to threaten Neverland and China. But after Lu Pingping dismembered them into countless small countries, these small countries could no longer unite for their own benefit. As a result, these three countries will disappear forever and can no longer pose a threat to Neverland.

In the process of dealing with these three defeated nations, Lu Pingping showed his own thunder means, deterring the world with decisive behavior and decisiveness, so that he successfully climbed to the peak of the earth's power. During the whole process, although Yan Fei was always on the scene, he didn't speak. He was sitting here. The main purpose was to support Lu Pingping. It's a pity that all the people sitting here are smart people, and no one dares to jump out to provoke Neverland, so Yan Fei hasn't found an object that can kill chickens and monkeys.

After dealing with the three defeated nations, Lu Pingping said: "In view of the changes in the form of the earth, the rules of the previous earth must be rewritten in order to protect the interests of all the people of the earth. Now let us invite Huaxia representatives, who will Read out the new rules of the earth, and they will supervise and manage the operation of these rules. Anyone who is not satisfied with the supervision and management of China will become the enemy of our Neverland ... "

Hearing Lu Pingping's words, everyone was surprised. They originally thought that Fantasy Island would make themselves the manager of the earth through this big victory, but they did not expect that after dealing with the three defeated countries, Fantasy Island immediately shrank back, and instead gave the management of the world to Huaxia. . But in any case, from now on, the earth is about to change dramatically, they can only adapt to a new situation, rather than thinking about confrontation.

Others looked at Yan Fei and wanted to know whether Yan Fei agreed with Lu Pingping's decision. The result was surprised to find that Yan Fei, who had originally sat on the seat of Neverland, had disappeared, but left an empty seat at the meeting. With so many people present, no one found out how Yan Fei left here.

Yan Fei observed at the scene and found that Lu Pingping's performance today is very good. After the painful training before, she has fully grown up enough to support the future development of Neverland. According to the process previously discussed by Lu Pingping and Yan Fei, for a long period of time afterwards, some specific things about the world will be discussed here in order to establish a new world order as soon as possible. Yan Fei was not interested in these specific matters at all, so he simply left the venue early and gave the entire responsibility to Lu Pingping and Huaxia.

Yan Fei's strength is increasing every day. The people on the scene are ordinary people. No one can find out how Yan Fei left the meeting. After leaving here, Yan Fei came to Yang Qi's laboratory. Compared with how to manage earth affairs, he is more interested in technology. After all, he is about to enter the universe exploration stage. Technology can allow him to better explore the world.

In addition to being interested in scientific research, Yang Qi has no interest in everything else. Although today is a big day for Neverland, he did not go to the scene to observe, but continued to stay in the laboratory to conduct research and carry out his never-ending scientific experiments.

When Yan Fei found Yang Qi in the laboratory, Yang Qi, who was wearing a white lab coat, had just obtained an important scientific achievement through experiments, which gave Yang Qi, who had always been unsmiling, a rare smile. When he saw Yan Fei coming to his laboratory, Yang Qi couldn't help but say an off-topic: "Yan Fei, you are not going to accompany Lu Pingping now, what am I doing here?"

Yang Qi was still very happy about Yan Fei and Lu Pingping walking together. Although he still can't understand what human love is, but seeing his two best friends walking together, he is happy for Yan Fei and Lu Pingping from the heart.

Yan Fei found a chair and sat down and said, "She is now holding a World Congress and is very busy. I don't want to disturb her. The reason I came to you is because I have a lot of doubts in my mind, but no one can doubt them. Help me explain, I am going to consult you to see if you have a scientific explanation for my doubts. "

Yang Qi poured himself a glass of water, mumbled it down, and asked, "Do you have any doubts?"

Yan Fei hesitated, but did not directly express his doubts. Instead, he asked other questions and said: "You have obtained the scientific technology and documentation of the entire ape family before. What do you think of the level of science and technology of the ape family? ? Was it helpful for our Neverland? "

Yang Qi thought about it for a while and said, "I have studied the ape technology information sent back from artificial intelligence" dream ". On the whole, the ape family's technology level is not very high, and in many respects it is not as good as the current one. Fantasy Island. But Ape Technology also has something to learn from, because their technology and our technology are different in the starting direction. Through research on these different directions, my ideas have been developed, which can make up for our Fantasy Island Technology. It can be said that because of the ape technology, although our fantasy island technology has not been able to achieve huge growth, but our current foundation is unprecedentedly solid, and there is no obvious shortcoming. "

Yan Fei said: "It's good to help you, yes, do you have any research results for the perfect virus made by the apes?"

Yang Qi shook his head and said: "The perfect virus is really amazing. Although I have got all the research materials of the perfect virus, no matter how I try, I can't crack the perfect virus ~ ~ The drugs used to treat them, even if the technology deduction system is all used to deduce this perfect virus, will not have any research success. "

"According to the current research progress, it is foreseeable that in the future after a long time, I can also not crack this perfect virus, nor can I develop an antidote for the perfect virus. But through the previous research, I already know The ability of the perfect virus to spread terror and understand its lethality to humans on the earth. Once this perfect virus leaks out on the earth, all humans on earth will be destroyed, and no one can help us. "

Yan Fei said: "This perfect virus has been wiped out by me, and it no longer exists, so you don't have to worry about it appearing on earth."

Yan Fei destroyed all known perfect viruses before he dropped a lot of perfect virus detection equipment on the earth. He monitored the entire world in real time and wanted to find the perfect virus that leaked. Once the perfect virus was found on the earth, he immediately used the drone mothership to clean the energy of the incident area and ensure the safety of humans in other places by sacrificing some humans.

But until today, Yanfei's detection equipment installed around the world has not detected any traces of the existence of a perfect virus, nor found abnormal human deaths. These basically confirm that the perfect virus has disappeared on the earth.