MTL - Super Manufacturing Force-Chapter 18 Nanometer accuracy

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Half an hour later, Rolls-Royce drove into Zhongzhou Industrial Group, and the two went directly to a spacious and clean workshop. The workshop is full of brand new CNC machine tools, and workers are busy in front of the machine tools.

Zhou Hongtao led Zhao Xu to the innermost part of the workshop. There is a machining center more than three meters high. The spindle of the machine tool has been removed and placed on a cushion. A teacher in working clothes is carefully wiping the machine tool.

"Master Huang, I have already brought you, you see, in addition to the main shaft, other parts need to be replaced, if we need to let my friend do it all at once!"

Zhou Hongtao greeted him, the master came over and looked at the young Zhao Xu suspiciously: "Other components are not needed, as long as I can change a spindle, I guarantee that this machine will be the same as before!"

"That's good, Brother Zhao, take a look. How long can you make this spindle?"

Zhao Xu squatted down and took a closer look at the main shaft. Good guy, I didn't know what was hit by this one-meter-long main shaft. On the smooth surface, a deep dent was hit.

"Young man, look at you very young, can you really make such a high-precision spindle?" Master Huang obviously did not have any confidence in Zhao Xu. As the saying goes, there is nothing to do with hair on the lips!

"Hey, not only can you do it, but you can guarantee that no one is better than me?" Zhao Xu stood up with a smile and asked, "Master Huang, is there any precise parameter for each part of this spindle?"

"Yes, this is the precise data I measured with a three-coordinate detector. It was measured twice in total to ensure absolute accuracy!" Master Huang took out a copy of the information from the tool table and handed it over. The three-coordinate detector is in the process of machining. , The commonly used size detection equipment, detection accuracy is very high.

Zhao Xu looked at the information and asked very simply: "Hong Tao, we still have the old rules, cash on delivery, I can deliver in three days, I don't know what price you are willing to pay?"

"Three days? Young man, you can't talk nonsense, be careful that the cowhide is blown!" Master Huang showed deep disbelief in his eyes. He worked in the factory all his life and was familiar with the processing of various parts.

The processing of such high-precision spindles generally requires raw material heat treatment, rough turning, semi-finishing turning, finishing turning on lathes, and precision grinding on a grinding machine. This series of processes is definitely not completed in just three days. Yes, even if someone can do it, the accuracy and quality of the spindle is difficult to guarantee.

"Hehe, master, can you make it clear in three days!" Zhao Xu said nothing, but smiled slightly.

"It seems my brother, you are really sure!" Zhou Hongtao was overjoyed: "If you buy this spindle with the original manufacturer, it will probably cost about 500,000 yuan. If you really do it, it will only take three days to deliver. Question, I can pay you three times the price, how about 1.5 million? "

Compared to the loss of 50 million yuan and the company's reputation, three times the price in Zhou Hongtao's view is nothing.

"Deal!" Zhao Xu nodded with a smile.

After the business was over, Zhao Xu didn't stay much, and let Zhou Hongtao take him home directly, then immediately closed the door and locked to start manufacturing the main shaft.

He took a soft cushion and spread it on the floor of the living room, and then sat directly on the floor, taking a deep breath. The red light immediately shrouded the cushion, and then a main shaft was slowly reproduced. There is still an index finger on the surface of the main shaft Deep dent.

When the entire spindle is completely formed, he gently wipes the dent with the palm of the hand, and the dent disappears suddenly, but this is just a simple repair. If you measure it with a precision instrument now, you can find that the dent is not flat.

And because this spindle is used for a long time, the surface is covered with black oil marks, and there are many signs of wear. These marks are very small and can not be seen by the naked eye, but can be detected by precision instruments.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Xu to take such an "used item" to deal with. He must remove the oil marks and repair all the worn marks, so the next step is the key.

Since the manufacturing power has gradually increased, Zhao Xu has discovered his consciousness that he can see very small things with the manufacturing power, which is like a microscope.

He once experimented that with the power of making original energy now, his consciousness can already "see" the existence of molecules, and this is his reliance on precision manufacturing of objects.

However, this fine operation consumes a lot of manufacturing energy. For example, Zhao Xu can easily copy the spindle now, but if you want to repair all the minor wear on the spindle, it will take at least two days.

In addition, because manufacturing can't make living things, although Zhao Xu's consciousness can see molecules, he can't see living things like bacteria and viruses.

When Zhao Xu closed his eyes and moved his heart, the precise operation of manufacturing the original energy suddenly started. At this time, the size of the main shaft did not change, but in his consciousness, the main shaft had become as big as a mountain. On the other hand, you can clearly see countless gullies and many thick black grease.

"I really don't know. I was so scared at first sight that there were so many injuries. It seems that I have been busy for the past two days!" Zhao Xu sighed helplessly and immediately began to control the manufacturing to repair those gullies ... ...

Three days later, at the gate of Zhongzhou Industrial Group, Zhou Hongtao was leading two workers to wait. A taxi stopped in front of the three men a moment later, and then saw Zhao Xu descend from the co-pilot position.

"Haha, brother, I waited for you to wait and see!" Zhou Hongtao greeted with an exaggerated smile.

"Hey, I think you are waiting for the main axis?" Zhao Xu also smiled and opened the rear door, and saw a wooden box more than one meter long on the back seat.

Zhou Hongtao asked the two workers to remove the box, and then opened the lid. In the middle of a pile of plastic foam, a brand new spindle reflected the bright silver metallic luster.

"Quickly move into the workshop and let Master Huang test it with three coordinates!" Zhou Hongtao waved excitedly.

Zhao Xu paid the taxi driver and then went into the factory with the three.

In the workshop, Master Huang looked at the spindle and was a little surprised: "Young man, I didn't expect you to make it in three days, but I don't know how accurate it is?"

"Oh, you don't know if you check it!" Zhao Xu smiled confidently, and the superpowers of buddies could see it. How could accuracy be so difficult for me?

Master Huang asked the two workers to lift the spindle onto the workbench and fix it, then they operated the three-coordinate detector and carefully measured it.

As the measuring probe slowly moved on the surface of the main shaft, one by one the data appeared on the computer next to him, and Master Huang's expression became more and more shocked. After a while, he suddenly screamed, "How is this possible?"

Zhou Hongtao asked nervously, "Master Huang, how is it?"

"Too ... too accurate!" Master Huang seemed very excited: "Hong Tao, our three-coordinate detector is nano-level, but even so accurate, the data measured by this spindle does not have a small error, this ... ... It's incredible! "

Having said that, he measured it again without faith, and the data still remained exactly the same: "How is it possible? It is only a main axis made in three days. How can it be accurate to the nanometer level?"

"Haha, brother Zhao, you did not disappoint me!" Zhou Hongtao laughed excitedly and patted Zhao Xu's shoulder vigorously.

Zhao Xu had his teeth ache, and he smiled and said, "If you pat your arm again, it will be useless, so what are you doing? Don't talk nonsense, give me the money first!"

"Okay, haha, I'll give you the money later, and then we'll go to eat, choose the place for you, today I'll invite you!" 2k novel reading network