MTL - Super Soldier King-Chapter 8220 Emperor of Heaven summoned

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"In the future, this will be another resident of the Lantian camp!" Ye Qian looked at the world he had created, and was very satisfied in his heart. He had an absolute voice in this world.

It's just that the world in front of me is still too fragile to withstand powerful cultivators. Only when this world is fully grown can it have the background to give birth to a maharaja-level cultivator.

"With my cave world as the core, an area with a radius of one trillion kilometers will become my exclusive area." Ye Qian smiled. As the Heavenly Master of Tianyu, he is naturally qualified to open up his own sphere of influence.

Immediately, Ye Qian branded the trillion-kilometer area with his feet as the center point with his soul breath. Although those below Tianzun cannot perceive it, practitioners above Tianzun can clearly sense it.

With this soul imprint, as long as he is in this world, he can sense it with a single thought and come instantly.

After doing all this, Ye Qian returned to Tianyu Liuyun Peak in an instant. Here at Liuyunfeng, there is naturally the imprint of his spiritual aura.

Like Ye Qian, Human Sovereign returned to the Human Race territory immediately. Only then did he discover that the territory of the human race turned out to be the cave world of a certain deceased Tianzun. At the same time, he also sensed the imprint of Ye Qian's soul breath left by Tianyuan Prefecture, and felt the earth-shaking changes in Tianyuan Prefecture. , the powerful rhyme of the rule of law, compared to many places in the outer world, is even more intense.

"Ye Qian came out of Tianyuan Prefecture, and the entire human race in Tianyuan Prefecture has benefited immensely from then on." Human Sovereign grinned and said: "As the emperor of the human race, I can't be stingy anymore. A continent with the imperial city as the center , the same as Tianyuan Prefecture!"

The Human Sovereign also benefited the continent centered on the imperial city. Although he could do more, he didn't do that. On the one hand, he was unwilling to exceed the width of Ye Qian's arrangement. On the other hand, there were two powerful continents in the human race's territory, which was enough to cultivate all the geniuses of the human race.

Afterwards, Human Sovereign also chose to go outside the territory to open up the cave world. His choice was different from Ye Qian. Down their own sphere of influence.

The Human Sovereign directly uses the territory that the human race has laid down now as the foothold of his cave world, and then directly divides the territory that belongs to his Tianzun towards the land that includes the territory of the five major ethnic groups.

Although some domains overlap with Tianyu's domain, it's not a big problem. Tianyu Tianzun will never care, because Renhuang is also a member of Tianyu. It's just that the area where the emperor expanded externally has been reduced.

But such a thing is really nothing to Tianzun. The Outer Territory is very large, even the top ten forces near Tianyu have extremely wide gaps between each other, in order to prepare for the birth of Heavenly Venerable from their respective forces in the future.

Moreover, the size of the territory outside the territory is actually not important, what is important is the existence of life. Without the existence of life, the territory would have no meaning. In the realm of Tianyu, there are actually five major ethnic groups and many indigenous tribes outside the territory. These are Tianyu Tianzun's family property, and the Tianzun born here are his people.

Soon, Ye Qian and Renhuang received a message from Emperor Hengyun, saying that Tianzun had returned and asked them to come to Tiangong immediately.

After Ye Qian and Renhuang heard the news, they naturally appeared in Tiangong immediately, and Emperor Hengyun had been waiting here a long time ago.

"Elder Liuyun, Elder Tianhe, please follow me." At this moment, even Emperor Hengyun changed the title of Ye Qian and Renhuang.

Ye Qian is the master of Liuyun Peak, so he is naturally called the Supreme Elder of Liuyun.

Renhuang is the master of Tianhe Peak, also known as Tianhe Taishang Elder.

After stepping into the Tianzun Realm, their status and status will be completely different. No matter what relationship they have with Emperor Hengyun before, they have to change their mouths.

Soon, Ye Qian and Renhuang walked side by side, and followed Emperor Hengyun to the Ancestral Palace of Tiangong. They were not qualified to enter here on weekdays. Even if Ye Qian worshiped under Tianzun's sect, it was the first time to come here.

But here, I saw a man with a handsome face, wearing a white robe, waiting here.

Human Sovereign recognized each other at the first sight. This is not the ancestor of Tianyu, but the palace master of Tianyu, and also the ancestor's first disciple. When Human Sovereign joined Tianyu, the palace in front of him The Lord has not yet stepped into the realm of Heavenly Venerable.

"I have met the Palace Master." Human Sovereign saluted immediately.

Hearing this, Ye Qian realized that the white-robed man in front of him was not his master, but his senior brother Gu Chen.

"I've met Senior Brother!" Ye Qian hurriedly saluted, he was already a Heavenly Venerable, so naturally he didn't need to address him as Palace Master, but Senior Senior Brother.

Gu Chen wasn't surprised when he saw Ren Huang, Ren Huang just stepped into a realm of Heavenly Venerable, just like him back then. However, when he saw Ye Qian, he was really surprised, because Ye Qian was clearly not the Heavenly Venerable of One Realm, but the Celestial Venerable of Three Realms.

"Human Emperor, congratulations, you have finally walked out of your own path, and you have lived up to the expectations of me and the Emperor of Heaven." Gu Chen resisted his curiosity about Ye Qian, and immediately greeted Human Emperor.

Although they are all from our own family, Ren Huang and Ye Qian still have some differences after all. Human Sovereign is an internal emperor who is protected by Tianyu, but Ye Qian is his junior brother, who comes from the same line, so naturally they cannot be compared.

"Thank you!" Human Sovereign nodded with a smile, he was also quite curious, he didn't know how many realms his Palace Mistress was in now, after all he was weak and couldn't see through the realm of Gu Chen who had hidden his cultivation.

"Junior brother, you really gave me and master a big surprise." At this time, Gu Chen walked towards Ye Qian, with a face full of joy, and said enthusiastically: "At the beginning you triggered the master's leftover. Inheritance of the Star Body Refining Technique gives me the feeling that it was yesterday. But who would have thought that I would know the amazing news that you have stepped into the realm of Heavenly Venerable right away."

"No, the master brought me back immediately." Gu Chen looked at Ye Qian and said, "I was even more surprised when I saw it. Came to the Three Realms Heavenly Venerate!"

"Eldest brother!" Ye Qian could feel that Gu Chen was really happy for him, and said, "The specific situation, let's talk about it after we see Master!"

"Yes, we can't make Master wait for a long time." Gu Chen laughed and said, "Our Tianyu this time, it's really double happiness, and there are two more Heavenly Venerables at once, and the pressure on me and Master can be much less .”

While speaking, Gu Chen personally led Ye Qian and Ren Huang towards the main hall. And Emperor Hengyun, as a disciple of Tianzun, is naturally qualified to enter, so he followed behind with a smile on his face.