MTL - Superman Delta’s Life Diary-Chapter 37

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"What's wrong?" Xia Luzhen asked.

"An old man I knew before, he asked me to take care of the shop tonight."

As soon as Xingguang put away his phone, he was about to turn around and go back to the kitchen to cook.

Listening to Uncle Deng's meaning, it may be that Xingguangyi will help him stay overnight in the store. Xingguangyi planned to cook quickly, and went to sleep in the afternoon after finishing the meal.

"Can I go? I've finished the video and I have nothing to do." Xia Luzhen asked.

Xingguang thought for a while, and Uncle Deng was very talkative, so he said: "It should be possible, let's go together if you want."

"Then I'm going too." Hou Xianxing agreed.

"...You can go, but first take off your sleeping bag with the big fat bug."

About forty minutes later, Xingguang hurriedly prepared lunch.

He stood at the head of the stairs next to the common room, shouting down, "Barney, Christina, lunch is ready."

Christina replied first: "It's hard work."

Soon Barney, who was working in the kitchen on the first floor, responded, "Got it."

The voice of the bread unicorn also came up: "Then can I get off work? Playing a doll is exhausting me."

After calling the people on the first floor, it's time to call the people on the second floor.

As soon as Xingguang returned to his room, he opened the door, "Dilumon, lunch is ready."

"Oh, I see."

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the lack of interest?" Xingguang asked.


Although Dilumon said so, her drooping ears couldn't hide her mood at all.

"Well, if you have anything, you must tell me, maybe we can solve it together." Xingguangyi said.


I don't know why, but Dilumon suddenly became happy, and his tail swayed behind him.

Xingguang was a little helpless, and it was really hard to fathom the cat's mood.

Dilu Beast jumped on Xingguangyi's shoulder and followed Xingguangyi to the outside of Ling Shuangqi's room.

Xing Guangyi knocked on the door three times, and said outside the door, "Ling Shuangqi, good lunch."

After waiting for a while, there was no response from the door.

"Did she go out?" Xingguangyi said to himself.

"No, I don't remember Qiqi going out."

At this moment, Meiko Honma suddenly appeared from the side.

When she appeared suddenly, Xingguangyi and Dilumon jumped, and the hair on Dilumon exploded.

"Sorry, sorry, I went to school on July 7, and I'm used to it. I often switch between the spirit body and the semi-spirit body."

Meiko Honma stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Huh, it really scared me." Xingguang patted his chest.

As soon as Xingguang spoke, the door of the room opened.

The door was only half open, Ling Shuangqi leaned out half of her body, her face was covered in sweat, her hair was sticking to her forehead and cheeks, and she looked very tired.

"You guys eat first, I'll take a bath and go over later."

After speaking, she closed the door.

Before closing the door, Xingguang saw Ling Shuangqi still holding a can in her hand.

Xingguangyi was still thinking about what Ling Shuangqi had done to consume so much.

"Miss Yaizi, do you know what Ling Shuangqi does?" Xingguang looked at Honma Yaizi. After all, she and Ling Shuangqi lived in the same room.

Meiko Honma shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Really?" Xingguang scratched his chin, Ling Shuangqi had too many secrets.

Chapter 57 Watching the Convenience Store Late at Night

After eating, Xingguang hurried back to his room to rest, and Meizi Honma volunteered to take care of the work of washing pots and dishes.

Xingguang Yi was so happy too, and sighed again that Nian Code is a good boy.

It was six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, Xingguangyi, Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing went out together, Dilumon didn't go with Xingguangyi.

Before, Uncle Deng and Xingguang agreed to meet in the small garden, and the three of them waited in the small garden.

"Uncle Deng, you are finally here. By the way, let me tell you something, these two are my classmates, this is Xia Luzhen, and this is Hou Xianxing. They have nothing to do today, and they want to go to the store with me. "Xingguang always introduced Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing to Uncle Deng.

"Hello, Uncle Deng."

"Hello, Uncle Deng."

Xia Luzhen and Hou Xianxing also learned the way of addressing Xingguangyi and greeted Uncle Deng.

"Hahaha, how are you? It's okay, since you're here, let's go." Uncle Deng stroked his gray beard and laughed a few times.

A few people exchanged a few words, and Uncle Deng took Xingguangyi and the others towards the store.

After walking through the streets and alleys for about 20 minutes, Mr. Deng led them to a stop in front of a "777 convenience store".

It's the 777 convenience store in the chain. The storefront is not too big, but the design inside the store is exquisite and appropriate.

"Master, I didn't even know you opened a convenience store." Xingguangyi said.

"Hoohoho, this store is not mine," Uncle Deng explained, "This is a store run by a poker friend of mine. His granddaughter ran away from home, and now their family is out looking for it, so please take a look at it. Shop. You don't have to worry about it. Now that there are so many surveillance cameras, that kid can't run very far."

"This... My children have run away, and I haven't forgotten the store."

Xingguang felt a little unreasonable, but didn't say much, and turned to Uncle Deng, "Master, what are you going to do at night?"

"Isn't there a great "Ti Internet Cafe" over there, it is usually expensive to get on the computer, twelve yuan an hour. It's almost New Year's Eve, they hold activities there, charge 200 to get 100, and the night market is free these two days. Today is the last day, and a few old guys called me to open the black and score points. "

Uncle Deng took out 300 yuan and handed it to Xingguang Yi, and said, "This is the salary paid to you in advance. The food in the store can be eaten, but remember to keep the account and wait for me or the owner to come back tomorrow morning to settle the bill. Calculate your purchase price. After all, this is someone else's business, and if it's my business, you will eat it for nothing."

"Uncle, why do I feel like you're cursing," Xingguang took the money, "By the way, sir, what about Fumanduo? If you go to the night market, you probably won't be able to bring the bird cage in, so let Fumanduo stay with me."

"That little guy from Fumanduo ran out early in the morning and didn't come back. Don't worry about it, it will come back on its own." Uncle Deng waved his hand.

"Okay, I have one last question, what is that?"

Starlight pointed to a place.

Outside the convenience store, there was a reddish-black wooden table placed very close to the door of the store. The table was also tied with iron chains and tied with red ropes.

"Oh, you said this. My poker friend usually likes to buy antiques, and he bought it. I heard him say that strange things have been happening since he bought this table, but because he spent money, he couldn't bear it. Throw it away until these two days. He wanted to burn it with fire, but now his granddaughter ran away from home, so he had to put it here first. He was afraid of being picked up by others, so he locked it here first. ."

Uncle Deng glanced at the wooden table, his eyes narrowed, but his tone was very relaxed.

He took out his mobile phone to check the time, and said, "It's getting late, I'll withdraw first. The prices of the goods are basically there on the computer. When someone buys something, just scan it. For things like oden, the prices are posted on the counter. It's up. The cash register password is 171819, and there should be nothing else. Call me if you have anything."

After the simple arrangement, Uncle Deng hurriedly left.

No way, Xingguang, the three of them had no choice but to catch the ducks on the shelves and start working directly.

It's strange that there are a lot of people here, but almost no one comes in to buy things.

Soon it will be dark.

Xingguang glanced at the time, it was past ten o'clock.

There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street outside, and the shops on the street also turned off their lights and closed down one after another.

The entire street slowly fell into darkness, and in the end, only the "777 convenience store" was left with the lights on.

As soon as Xingguang stood outside the door, watching the end of the street, it was dark, as if the end could not be seen.

"This street is really weird, why there are no street lights."

As soon as Xingguang muttered like this, it seemed that the surrounding temperature had dropped.

"Even the temperature has dropped, it's weird."

"You said this, I just received a text message that the wind will cool down tonight." Xia Luzhen raised his mobile phone, helping Xingguang Yi to answer his question.

The rendering of the atmosphere was not successful, and Xingguang had to return to the convenience store with his hands in his hands.

Sitting back at the counter, Xingguang, who was bored in every way, found the TV remote control from the counter and turned on the TV hanging on the ceiling.

"Ah, 'ace to ace' is over. "Xingguangyi really likes watching this variety show, but I didn't expect it to be finished.

"Of course, you don't even look at what time it is."

While Xingguangyi was chatting with Xia Luzhen, Hou Xianxing came over with a bowl of instant noodles. In addition to instant noodles, he also took a bottle of Coke and a ham sausage.

As soon as Xingguang took out a pen and paper, he wrote down what Hou Xianxing took.

Speaking of which, he didn't eat dinner himself, but he didn't want to eat instant noodles, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to order a meal.

"Zhuzhen, I'm going to order a bucket, let's see what you eat." Xingguang handed Xia Luzhen his phone.

"Brother Xing is going to treat you? Thank you Brother Xing." Xia Lu took the phone happily.

"Huh? Can I order some too, I can't get enough of a bucket of instant noodles." Hou Xianxing said beside him biting his fork.

"Hurry up, hurry up, before I change my mind. Really, it was you who came to join in the fun, but in the end it was my wallet that got hurt."

After Hou Xianxing also clicked, the phone was returned to Xingguangyi's hand, and Xingguangyi completed the final step of entering the payment password.

"More than three can really eat it." Xingguang complained as soon as he looked at the amount.

"We can really eat it. There is a bucket of yours in here." Hou Xianxing corrected.

After ordering the meal, Xingguang entered a state of doing nothing again.

After a while, Xingguang asked Xia Luzhen, "Zhuzhen, have you found any good novels or anime recently."

"I didn't read the anime, but I found a novel." Xia Luzhen opened the mobile phone reading software and searched on his bookshelf, "I found it, it is called "Superman Alpha's Adventure Diary", and the protagonist is Ultraman's infinite-flow novel . The author's writing is not good, but the brain hole is ok. In addition, the update is too slow, like squeezing toothpaste. The latest chapter has traveled to the world of Ghost Slayer."

"Oh hoo, it's kind of interesting. Which novel software?" Xingguang became interested.

"Porcupine cat, just take my phone and watch it, I've ordered it all." Xia Luzhen handed the phone to Xingguang Yi, "Give me your phone, and I'll check it out at station B."

The two exchanged their phones and looked at each other.

About twenty minutes later, the door of the convenience store was opened.

"Boys, I'm here to bring you food."

Malco, who was wearing the Hungry Team overalls, walked in with a box on his back, and while talking, he put the m they ordered on the table, "My last job today is yours."

"Do you want to stay too?" Xingguang asked.

"No, I've been running for a day, go back and get a good night's sleep, you stay up late. By the way, remember to give praise."

As soon as they handed things over to Starlight and the others, Malco turned and left.

Xingguang, they were eating dinner, or supper, and by the time they finished eating, it was almost midnight.

It was quiet outside, and it seemed that only this convenience store existed in this darkness.

Staying up late is a very exhausting thing, Xingguang yawned first, and even Hou Xianxing and Xia Luzhen yawned as well.

Xingguang turned off the TV, and there were no good shows at this meeting. He lay on the counter and used his mobile phone to look for entertainment products that he could enjoy on the Internet.

The quieter it is, the more you can hear small sounds, such as the hum of the refrigerator.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this time, a sound of knocking on the wooden board suddenly came from outside.

Chapter 58 How My Good Everyday Writing Has Changed into a Spiritual Writing

"Boom, boom, boom..."

This sound is especially clear in silent environments.

"I'll go see what's going on."

Xingguang rubbed his head, the thumping sound made him feel a little upset.

As soon as Xingguang put down his phone, he went outside the convenience store.