MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 1785 Finale (49)

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Yang Mei heart of a dynamic, thought to be death to take away the dragon clouds, the channel, "this wish could have!"

He looked at her puzzled.

"Day by day, your mother was taken away by death, death is white."

Yang Mei Long looked at by Heaven.

On that day, she always wanted to do not understand, dragon clouds Why is death away, instead of Ma Tau surface.

It stands to reason, dragon clouds did not meet qualifications that can be led away in death.

Does he already know the relationship between the dragon clouds and Long Xiao, and therefore, wanted to clear him of desire?

Long-by-day and his face twitched, but then shook his head, "this is unlikely, right?"

"White do death of? He really do Death of?"

Longxiao asked a little surprised.

Snow Lake looked at him, "Do you knew my father had to do Death of intent?"

"Yes, from your mother died that day, he said, want to do death, so you can always protect your mother soul. You know, Yaozu event of a death, the soul will not bounce back, but also in the dark world, life as slaves. "

Long Xiao nodded and said, "But do death is not simple, have undergone ninety-nine eighty-one hardships, undergo a thousand years Bonechewer flames of pain and thousands of years for the Hades of slaves to Make No Unexpectedly, he really has so much determination! "

Hear his words, always will not be what tears of Snow Lake, suddenly burst into tears, kneeling on the ground.

He and Long-by-day, as always misunderstood his father, resentment of his desertion missing in this world, had he been just wanted to protect his mother.

Yang Mei suddenly feel the air around seemed to stagnate lived, looked back.

I saw a group of black was pure, so black you want to devour all the clouds, floated from behind.

Wearing a black robe, black hair every now and then blocked with half of the face, exposing the other half of the beautiful face, holding a Senleng black scythe of death for adults, stepping on the clouds slowly over, fall their side.

He did not see the kneeling Snow Lake, but at the Long Xiao, hoarse voice asked: "? What you wish for."

"I'm really white brother!"

Long Xiao excitedly watched and previous distinct white and want to forward to shake his hand.

Death few steps back, and he opened a certain distance, Senleng breath, seemed to resist a thousand miles.

Long Xiao know death taboo, will control his excitement, and he maintained a certain distance.


Death tone without any feelings!

Longxiao know that he is to make himself say desire, looked at the Long-by-day, "I want the dragon clouds around me."

"it is good!"

Death black wide sleeves pendulum, a mass of black wind swept out from his cuffs, dragon clouds soul, falling to the ground.


Death said something succinctly and quickly disappeared.

Tears of Xuehu shed again.

Despite the death of this one I did not see him, but he has to understand his father's heart.

Yang Zimei reached out and pulled him up, gently hugging him.

Long Xiao and his father looked at Long Caiyun's soul standing in front of him.

Long Caiyun also obsessed with Long Xiao ...


Long Xiao shouted gently, and carefully stretched out his hand to touch Long Caiyun's face.

Unfortunately, Long Caiyun is just a soul now, and there is no real existence.

His hand was lost.
