MTL - Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner-Chapter 6 [003] Different Eyes (2)

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In her memory, Liang Ruhua was bitter and mean, relying on her husband as the village head, and did not know how many times her family, especially her mother, had been bullied, and she was inexplicably scolded every time to cry.

Therefore, upon seeing her, she immediately felt disgusted and stared fiercely, only to find a line of words appearing in the void above Liang Ruhua's head: Liang Ruhua, born at 7 o'clock on January 24, 1964, with a sharp temper, He is mean, and his heart is poisonous. Her husband Yang Deming has a son, Yang Zhuang, ...

She was very surprised. She wanted to see it clearly and see if she had hallucinations. But she felt dizzy for a while. She shook her head a little and nothing happened.

what happened?

She tried to stare at Yang Zhuang. Sure enough, there was a line of words appearing on his head: Yang Zhuang, born at 5 o'clock on April 5, 1987, father Yang Deming, mother Liang Ruhua, no brothers and sisters ...

Why is this happening?

She turned to look at her father, Yang Qing, but couldn't see anything.

Her eyes fell on her sister Yang Zixi, who was asleep in her sleeping basket, and could not see any hint.

Why did she see Liang Ruhua's mother and son like this?

However, she wanted to see a little more, and her forehead was slightly painful, and her head immediately appeared dizzy, preventing her from watching.


Yang Zimei had just thought of getting up to the village to find a few people to see if this would happen again. He heard that Liang Ruhua pulled Yang Zhuang on his back and sat on a stool in front of Yang Qing. "Mr. Yang, my family is in the school today. Bullied, not only do you not help him, but you also criticize him. What is your attitude? "

Yang Qing helped his heavy glasses a little bit. "It was Yang Zhuang who hit his classmates. He bullied others, not others."

"Oh, Teacher Yang, I know, that is your nephew, you are too private. My Zhuang family is so good. How can I beat others?" Liang Ruhua first smiled like a smiling tiger, then Huo Di stood up and stretched out. With his fat fingers, he pointed at Yang Qing's forehead, spitting with saliva, "Yang Da glasses, if not Yang Zhuang's father, can you teach at the village primary school? You dare not dare to report, bully my family Young Zhuang! "

Yang Qing's face was embarrassed, and he didn't know how to be good, but only explained with a blushing face, "It was really Yang Zhuang who beat people first."

"Even if Yang Zhuang hits the house first, Yang Hui provokes him first. You must let Yang Hui do a review in the whole school and make an apology to Yang Zhuang in my family! And you must be a face-to-face review of the teachers and students Say that your morality and morality are lacking, and you are too private! "Liang Ruhua hummed coldly," Otherwise, you don't want to hang around in Yangjia Village! "

Hearing her words, Yang Zi's fists clenched furiously!

She remembered that such a thing happened in the last life. Dad didn't sleep all night. He sighed and was persuaded by his mother for a long time.

The next day, he went to the school and really did a review, and that Yang Zhuang, a younger age, was even more brilliant and powerful, not counting classmates, and often picking stones and throwing him!

However, Dad had nothing but tolerance.

He has a poor body and cannot do any physical activity. Although he is only a substitute teacher in a village elementary school, he still has a salary of 100 yuan at least a month, which can barely make his family live on. (Note: In 1992, it was normal for a village substitute teacher to be one hundred yuan a month, because the salary of a public teacher was only three hundred yuan a month.)

If the job is lost, he doesn't know what to do, so he can only endure to be bullied.

Yang Zimei was still young and didn't understand his father's pain and aggrieved.

Now, she is 28 years old and knows all this, she is also angry, and the dazed look of her father is like a sharp blade, piercing her heart.

She vowed with her teeth, she must protect her family and never let others bully them!

Liang Ruhua pulled Yang Zhuang away with a triumphant glance.

Yang Qing was ten years old, sitting weakly, looking at the sky with sorrow.

Yang Zimei walked over, climbed up to his knees, pinched his neck, blinked his black eyes and said to him seriously, "Dad, don't be sad, Niu Niu will never let others bully you!"

Yang Qing smiled bitterly, only when she was telling a joke.

Grandpa Yang Bai came out of the house at this time and looked at her with a cold snorting. "If it wasn't for your mother's disappointment and giving birth to your two unscrupulous goods, why would we be bullied like this? If you Mom did n’t fight, she could n’t conceive her son anymore. After that, we did n’t even have a place to stand. A few days ago, the village was divided into mountains and mountains, and we insisted that we did n’t have a son and did n’t give us a share. ”

In the 90's, the village was very patriarchal. If anyone has no son, it is an absolute target of bullying. Now, the mother only gave birth to her and her sister. When she gave birth to her sister, she had a difficult delivery, major bleeding, and the village ’s The midwife did not handle well and the hygiene was poor, which caused the mother's uterus to be infected. The doctor said that the chance of getting pregnant was extremely small.

Therefore, Yang Bai was very picky and accused of Huang Xiuli who might not have a son, and she also saw the two granddaughters very unpleasant, especially the younger sister Yang Zixi.
