MTL - Superstar Aspirations-Chapter 169 The only only first love in the world 1

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A "zero law" made Rong Rong the first three gold statues in the history of film.

The film gave the whole crew a top honor, and made Rong Rong and the Hollywood circle more familiar, truly becoming a world-class superstar. After that, the honor that the film brings to everyone will always pass slowly. Two years after the release of the "Tenth Law", Rong Hao and Old Holt once again collaborated to shoot a Hollywood blockbuster.

With the cooperation of the "zero law", Rong Hao and old Holt have become good friends. The new film is shot in New Zealand, with large natural forests and beautiful coastline, making it the best shooting venue for the magical fantasy movie, and the world's top special effects studio is also located here, just to discuss the special effects with the director at any time. The problem.

In the second month of the film called "Bedwell", Rong Rong accidentally saw an old friend on the set.

"Two woods? Why are you here? When are you coming?"

It’s rare for a foreign country to meet a good friend, and Rong Rong can’t help but feel a little excited. He took a chat with Lin Biao.

Lin Biao looked curiously at the silver armor of this medieval knight, and his eyes kept wandering on the glittering gemstone gold. Upon seeing it, Rong Xiao smiled and said: "There are a few layers of very thick silver. These gems are not fake, but they are not particularly good. Gold is true. Lance pays great attention to this. This dress is very heavy, I It was not convenient to walk even when I was wearing it on the first day. I am used to it now."

Wen Yan, Lin Shuzui: "It’s really hard to act, you seem to be thin?"

Rong Rong thought for a moment: "There may be a little bit. Right, how did you get to New Zealand?"

Lin Biao smiled and opened a white tooth: "There is a concert in Wellington, so I will come to see you by the way. Anyway, New Zealand is so big, I will come to see you, no trouble."

After listening to this, I realized that this little baby face has begun his own global tour.

However, at this time, calling the other party "Little King" is actually a bit inappropriate.

Rong Rong and Lin Biao have known each other for six years. The other party is already 32 years old this year. The passage of time has not left a trace on his baby's face. Instead, his song is more mature and more versatile. Among the singers of the same period, Lin Biao undoubtedly stood on the top floor, and not only the top of China, but also the top of the world.

Friends meet, of course, have to talk for a while. It happened that Old Holt went to Wellington today and discussed some special effects with the special effects studio. So the producer responsible for the crew’s work gave Rong Rong a leave, letting him take Lin Biao to visit a group built by the crew. Romanesque palace and a stroll through the virgin forests nearby.

When the two came back two hours later, far away, Rong Rong heard the voice of Old Holt.

"INDX is a really good technology, but it is now used directly in "Bedwell". The result is completely unpredictable. I don't want to consider this. I have to use the technology to see the results, dear. Kerry, I know what you are thinking."

A disdainful laughter sounded. The next moment, the man said carelessly: "What am I thinking?"

Old Hall snorted: "You don't think about it, let my movie be your sample. If I succeed, you are ready to start using INDX... Oh, Rong! You are back. Come and help me. Hey, this stinky boy, is he so boring? The new technology has not confirmed the effect, he followed the special effects studio to use it, not just want to see my effect, if it is not good, he certainly will not Use this technology!"

Rong Rong smiled and walked forward to see a person who should not have appeared here: "Kerry, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Crimans Holt casually glanced at him with a glance: "Well, I haven't seen you for a long time." In the words, the blonde director looked up and looked at the baby face of the baby face not far behind, and looked at it. When he arrived at the other side, his eyes stunned and he looked at it for a long time before he nodded gently to Lin Biao.

From the beginning to the end, when the figure of Holt and his son appeared in front of Rong Rong and Lin Biao, the former naturally went up and joined the topic, but the latter stayed in the same place, and could not even say a word.

I want to turn around and run away, but here is a forest, there is no reason to suddenly leave. not to mention……

He saw him.

Rong Rong didn't notice Lin Biao's strangeness. He learned from Old Holt that the big director had met his son in the special effects studio in Wellington. But Clemans actually deliberately waited for his father there because he wanted to recommend a new special effect technique to his father.

Obviously, this pair of fathers and sons will hang each other without sorrow. In the past, Old Holt squeezed his son and asked his son to be the assistant director of his film. Then Kerry took his father as a test stone and asked the other party to test the results of the new technology.

Rong Rong did not expect to encounter Kerry here, but also because of the sudden visit of the other party, today's shooting task ended early. In order to trick Old Holt into using new technology, Crimans was so generous to ask everyone to go to Wellington's restaurant for dinner.

Originally, Rong Rong was still very surprised. For example, Crimmans would actually treat guests? But when he saw the appearance of the restaurant, he understood the facts without words: Sure enough, if Kremans Holt invited someone to eat, don't even think that he would ask for something other than hamburger fries, too expensive! Refuse! As for the world famous Wellington steak? That is even more impossible! Please give me a piece of meat.

After arriving in Wellington, Lin Biao took Rong Rong to the side and whispered: "Since I am in the city, I will go back first. I have to prepare for the concert. I will leave."

Rong Rong frowned: "Your concert is not next week? We have a rare meeting, it is better to talk for a while. You don't even want to abandon Kerry and ask us to eat... Well, this restaurant. He is very embarrassed, can treat guests well. Now, after I have just eaten something to perfuse him, we will go to the steak next door."

Lin Biao still shook his head: "I still have to go first..."

"Why do you want to go?" The fluttering male voice came from behind Lin Biao, and Rong Rong looked up and saw that I didn't know when, Kermans had already come to the vicinity, and his eyes stayed on Lin Biao's body for a long time. Then look at Rong Rong and raise an eyebrow: "Your, let your friends come in and eat together. Today I am bleeding, just pick it up."

Rong Rong could not help but laugh: "Kerry, I don't think that hamburger fries can make you bleed."

Crimmans shrugged indifferently, and the blue eyes were the most suitable for his Cremans arrogance. He said casually: "maybe your friend can make me bleed? Huaxia has an old saying It’s not a good appearance. Maybe this little kid is a big stomach king. Can you eat poor me?”

Rong Rong haha ​​smiled: "Then you didn't say anything wrong, he really can't be seen as a person. After all, you think he is a child, and in fact, Kerry, he is not a few years younger than you. Right, Ermu ?"

"Well..." I screamed, and Lin Biao suddenly stepped into the restaurant.

Rong Rong slowly raised his brow and seemed to notice something wrong. However, he did not have time to think too much, just heard the calm voice of Clemans: "What is your friend?"

Rong Rong was surprised: "You don't know him?"

Crimmans shook his head and said, "Why should I know him?"

Rong Rong said helplessly: "His name is Lin Biao. It is the strongest song king in China. His song is very good. I thought that you know this about Huaxia. It is impossible to know Lin Biao."

"I haven't been interested in the music world. The three divas in the United States are not recognized. Why do you remember the king of China?"

Let's share the hand: "I don't know more than you know."

The people of Crimans are not bad in nature, but there are two shortcomings that cannot be ignored: greed and arrogance.

Greedy can be understood, after all, people who don't like money are absolutely rare. Of course, the extent to which you like to go to Crimans is also a minority. But he is also happy to do charity, whether it is for fame or for the sake of his heart, he always does a charity, so it is justified.

As for arrogance, it can be understood. Born in a movie family, his father is the world's top super guide, and Kerry has shown his amazing talent in film. He has this family and has this strength. He is proud of him. Others say that he is not humble enough, but he can't blame him for being arrogant.

Although getting along soon, Rong Rong still knows a little about Kerry. He was not interested in introducing Lin Biao to the other side. After all, Lin Biao did not film, except for the friendship played in "Silent", he did not participate in the production of any film and television drama.

Thinking of this, Rong Rong was ready to enter the restaurant to find a friend who didn't know where to go. Who was expected to have a coughing sound behind him.

Rong Rong was surprised to look around, and I saw that Kremans raised his hand and clenched his fist slightly, blocking his lips. He hung his blue eyes, and a blond hair was like gold in the light. For a long time, he whispered: "Your friend... cough, have a boyfriend?"

Rong Rong: "..."

The author has something to say: Qin Orange Orange: ... This chapter has not even appeared in the "Qin" word! (┙>∧