MTL - Supreme Demon-Chapter 204 a kit

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C_t; "Small wind, you have to be careful. The latest chapter full text. Update quickly."

Three days later, Ling Qing and Du Gu Yuyue looked at Ling Feng, and their eyes were filled with worries. Although Ling Feng and Tsao Jiao Bird said it was very easy, they all saw that this time it was a little risky.

"Do not worry, even if someone wants to be bad for us, it is not so easy." Ling Feng smiled.

"We will be outside the city of Fire, waiting for you."

After that, Ling Qing took a shot of the Qingpeng bird. In a short time, a small wind broke out in the small courtyard, and it rushed to the city's door.

Watching the two 'female' leave, the smile on Lingfeng’s face was broken, and the eyes flashed a glimpse of 'yin'. Three days ago, when he came back, it was natural to find someone tracking, and then he was He led to a hidden place and killed directly.

"It should not be Su Xiaoru."

He sighed. "I am afraid that it is related to the Yancheng auction. It seems that they still don't give up."

"Ling Feng, what are you going to do?" The proud bird is gearing up.

"I have to go to the auction, so many levels of 'medicine' grass, enough for me to refine the alchemy later, as for the Yancheng auction, find a chance to flatten." Ling Feng murderous.

"This time the movement is too big, I am afraid that the Yancheng auction will be deliberately ill, once your identity is violently "shown"..."

"Then kill it!"

Ling Feng snorted. He had a purple wing and a heavy stone. Even if the Wu Emperor would stop him, it would not be so easy. Now he wants to know, what is the purpose of the Yancheng auction?

The auction is open!

Su Shi’s hand-held sword, standing at the 'door' mouth, blocked all the half-step Wuhuang, and only allowed Wuling and Wushu to enter. For this rule, the major families are also very unscrupulous, but they are not extreme. At the auction 'door' mouth to make trouble.

The younger generation of the eight major families, led by Longjia and Lanjia, came.

The younger generation of the sect, the ‘medicine’ sect also came.

Although the auction has already restricted the number of people, it is still crowded with people, facing the risk of being smashed. Not only the hall, but even the elegant room is very crowded.

Ling Feng and Tsundere Bird, as the flow of people entered the auction, went directly into the elegant room, across the curtain, looking at the hot person 'tidal', the mouth cornered with a smile.

Although I don't know how many prefecture-level 'medicine' grasses have been brought by the major families, they should not be disappointed.

In the eyes of the public, the auction began.

Four little 'female's went to the auction floor, and the smile was light, giving the impression of a 'spring' style, but the eyes of the people felt that something was wrong. The four less women were nine-level Wuling. There are four directions in it, and even if the half-step Wuhuang wants to rush, it is not so easy. Full chapter full text

This makes people more curious.

"Today, the first treasure of the auction is a strange stone. After refining, you can defend against the four-level Wuling strike, and the reserve price is ten.

Among them, a beautiful little woman's opening.

To be honest, this kind of stone is really good. It can defend against the attack of the warrior. It is equivalent to life-saving. The problem is that its level is too low, and it can't attract people's interest. Moreover, they are all directed at the finale.

"Fiveteen Spirits 'Pharmaceuticals'"

"18 strains"


I have to say that as the auction of the Fire City is getting hotter, the good things are gradually getting more and more, and it also attracts a lot of shopping. For example, a broken dagger can cause damage to the spirited armor. For Wuling, the 'enthusias' and 'confusing' powers are still very large.

"The next thing to auction is a kit."

At noon, Su Xiaoru finally embarked on the auction floor, and the smile of the charming man was spread throughout the audience, so that everyone who was supposed to be stunned and slumbered was amazed and sat up straight.

Obviously, the emergence of Su Xiaoru also means that the auction is about to enter the peak.

At the time of her voice falling, a young ‘female’ came up with a kit. The kit was very simple, but it could shield all the aura exploration.

"In this kit, there is a news about a mysterious place in the secret of the Holy Spirit. It is very likely that there will be a treasure."

Su Xiaoru smiled and smiled.


This sentence fell, everyone breathed a bit, everyone's eyes were hot, staring at the kit, the so-called mysterious land, that is, the unknown area.

After so many years, many places in the holy sacred environment have been discovered, treasures have been looted, and the mysterious land is undoubtedly the biggest attraction. It may have been born with a treasure, after all, the sacred secret is too big.

"The kit, the reserve price of 500 grades 'medicine' grass!" Su Xiaoru laughed.

The auction was very quiet. Some young people were frowning. They were not as eager to enter as other people. God’s ‘color’ was extremely dignified and did not have the first time to shoot.

Generally speaking, the mysterious land has a great chance, such as the temple, which is one of them, but the question is, why do people who auction the news do this? !

Give up that chance, isn’t it enough? This is a bit intriguing.

Either the mysterious land has no value at all, or it is too dangerous. If a ‘get’ is not good, it will bury the genius of the whole family.

"Six hundred!"

Finally, someone bids, it is a small ‘female’ from the sect, and the mysterious land may be dangerous, but the sacred still has such a strong reading;

"Seven hundred!" The ‘medicine’ sect can’t help it.

"eight hundred"

"one thousand!"


The price went all the way, and in a short time, it went straight to 2,500 prefecture-level ‘medicine’ grass, which was also unexpected for Su Xiaoru.

"I am thinking about it!" Tsundere bird sneered.

It can be more thorough than the teenagers in front of you, and can be used for auction. It shows that the mysterious land is indeed heavy, but it is extremely dangerous. Even the auctioneers are not sure, and may even sacrifice a lot.

This is to find someone to test the water, they take the benefit of the fisherman.

"Try to shoot it."

Ling Feng grinned and sneered. Since there is a heavy treasure, it is natural that you can't miss it. But if you want to hang him, you have to have that kind of strength. After you catch the oriole, you have to see who is there. It is a oriole.

In the bones, he is a person who likes to take risks. This coincides with the Tsundere bird. Both guys are the ones who are afraid of the world.

"Three thousand!"

Ling Feng opened the road.

"Three thousand and one hundred!" The people of the sects looked at the elegant room where Ling Feng was located, and they also bite their teeth.

"Three thousand and two hundred!" Ling Feng smiled and wanted to fight with him for the 'medicine' grass. The latter is definitely not enough to watch, because once the six Ditan auctions, it is a looting.

"Three thousand three!" "Pharmacy" clan snoring.

"Three thousand five hundred!"


Everyone around them plunged a sigh of relief, a kite, and did not know if there would be a treasure, it was such a high price, so many people shook their heads.

In fact, many people have seen that this is a bureau. The warriors of the auction have no intentions. Even if they get a heavy treasure in the mysterious land, I am afraid that they will not be safely brought back.

"Hey!" The Hidden singer snorted and they gnawed their teeth.

"Four thousand!" The ‘medicine’ clan is not too slow, they are indeed stronger than the hidden sect.

"Four thousand and five hundred!" The sound of the elegant room.

"Hey, count you!"

In the end, the ‘medicine’ sect also shut up. They did not bring much of the prefecture’s ‘medicine’ grass, and it was impossible to consume it all in a message that did not know whether it was valuable.

Moreover, it is clear that this kit is not the ultimate treasure of today's auction.

"Okay, then, this kit is owned by the martial artists on the 7th." Su Xiaoru frowned and frowned, even she did not think that the last shot was actually the boy.

Although I don’t know about the military of the auction kit, she can also see that the latter is very powerful and definitely a half-step martial artist. But this is not the place to enter the mysterious land. What is he trying to plot? It has been clear at a glance.

"It looks like, after the auction is over, remind the teenager."

In her mind, she thought that she did not pursue the responsibility of the auction, but chose to continue to believe her, which made her feel good.

" "

Suddenly, on the auction floor, the lights were dark, and a candle light was shining on Su Xiaoru's body. I saw that her smile was even brighter, and she raised her hand and pressured it. The time, the noisy auction was quiet.

People know that the real finale is coming!

"Su Xiaoru, the gimmick, armed the auction into such a way that even the half-step Wuhuang of the family was invited. I have to look at it. What kind of ghosts does she have to do?"

A middle-aged man from the Su family sneered a little.

"What is the treasure?"

Cold family, Chen family, etc., all face ‘show’ curiously looking at Su Xiaoru.

"Hey, it looks like our kit is not the finale!" In an elegant room, a young man sneered a little and his mouth twitched softly.

"To start!" Ling Feng stretched a lazy waist, the kit has already arrived, and now I can see what the price of the six Ditan can be auctioned.

"The warriors, the next thing to auction, may be a milestone in the history of the auction."

Su Xiaoru took a deep breath and even she was pulsating.


Everyone was surprised. I didn’t expect Su Xiaoru to say such things. Even the holy shrine auctioned the price of more than 3,000 prefecture-level 'medicine' grasses, and the mysterious kit, It is already capped.

"Because, the next auction is three treasures, each with a reserve price of 20,000... the local level 'medicine' grass!"

Su Xiaoru’s voice was clearly spread throughout the audience.


For a moment, the entire auction was blown up, and people’s faces were smashed and smashed. Is the gimmick crazy? Why don't you grab this price?

Even the holy shrine and the ground Dan can't be so expensive, and three more... Wait, not a heavy treasure, but three? !

"Su Xiaoru is crazy again, she will not take out the holy weapons and auction them out?"

The celestial singer smiled at the ‘meat’.

“The best medicine ‘medicine’, holy 诀, then, next is the holy weapon, it’s not unusual!” ‘Pharmaceutical’ was a little gloating, because the face of the Su family’s ‘color’ became more and more ugly.

"You don't want to be embarrassed, because the three treasures are definitely worth the price!"

Su Xiaoru smiled a little, there is a demon temperament that hangs people's appetite.
