MTL - Supreme Demon-Chapter 210 Yinyang Mountain

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C_t; Because of the tragic death of the five Su people, Ling Feng sensationalized the entire Holy Spirit and the Wu Kingdom. -79-

For the younger generation, they have a taboo in their hearts. Don't think that they are geniuses, how powerful, and even the three half-step martial artists can kill them. They are absolutely untouchable.

This storm is not going to fall so fast, but it is getting more and more powerful. Because Ling Feng is a ghost, not only does it not see people, but even the name is not left. However, the latter has purple wings, so some people are already small. In the scope, he was called "Purple Emperor".

However, the "Purple Emperor" who started as a singer has already merged with Ling Qing and Du Gu Yuyue. After knowing what happened to Ling Feng on the road, they were surprised and happy. They have to say that they still stunned him, the guy. I got a stone, and when I got down, the Wu Emperor became a slag.

"Between Longyan Mountain and Yunduan Mountain, a very ordinary abyss."

In a small mountain, Ling Feng took out the kit, there are only a few simple lines, and the most central place is the abyss.

"Ling Feng, the warrior who auctioned this kit is not a good thing, we are still careful." Du Gu Yuyue frowned and always felt a little risky.

"I know that if it is so easy, it is estimated that it will not be auctioned." Ling Feng sneered a bit.

"Yes, even the half-step Wuhuang has been killed, afraid that he is an adventure!"

The proud bird is stunned again, and a heavy stone of Ling Feng adds a lot of confidence to it. If the ‘force’ is anxious, it will all be suppressed.

"I am not afraid of them, but the mysterious land, I am afraid that it will be very bloody."

Ling Feng shook his head, and no matter what the idea of ​​the auction team, he wanted to take a look, but if it was too dangerous, they would probably die.

He can take risks, but definitely don't want to be clear with him.

"If it is too dangerous, we will quit." Ling Qing nodded and also leaped ‘will’ to try.

"Then we will go and see if it is too dangerous, we will kill it and see who is the oriole!"

Ling Feng mouth corner picked up a magic smile, want to dig him? Then think about the price. Once the time is ripe, a heavy stone will definitely give the other party a big "surprise."


When he appeared in the purple wing, he fell on the Qingpeng bird. Although he did not know the death of the five Su people, what kind of big movements would arise, but he was sure that he is now the wanted criminal of the entire holy sacred world. Therefore, be careful in the future, and things like the purple wing can be used without it. (ad)


A gust of wind rushed to the sky, the Qingpeng bird spread its wings and rushed to the sky, along the direction of the arrogant bird, flew toward the Longyan Mountain and Yunduan Mountain...

Longyan Mountain is very large and looks far away. It is like a beast, lying on the ground, the ancient trees on the hills are dense, and an old tree stands in the sky, implicating each other, forming a huge dragon shape, and in the dragon In the mouth, it is burning a cluster of silver 'color' flames, like the holy inflammation of the usual;

This is the origin of Longyan Mountain.

For three days, Ling Feng appeared in the sky above Longyan Mountain. Looking down, I had to take a breath of cold. It is said that Longyanshan Stone had a cluster of purple 'color' fire, but unfortunately, so After many years, it has long been hollowed out by major families.

"Continue, fly to the right." Ling Feng patted the Qingpeng bird, meaning no stop.

Soon after, they saw a huge mountain range. The top of the mountain was foggy and hazy. It was not clear at all. Under the clouds, it was very clear. The ancient trees stood, the mountains and rivers were winding, and the clouds were just right. Formed a truncated momentum.

Clouds break the mountain!

It is not inferior to the 'color' in Longyan Mountain. It has been a sacred patriarch, and it has also caused a lot of sensation. Unfortunately, it is also empty.


Suddenly, the arrogant bird flew up in the air, and as the arrow generally 'shot' in a direction, it is an abyss, black and majestic, looks very scary, is the formation of the Grand Canyon between Yunduan Mountain and Longyan Mountain of.

Soon, they will be there.

Standing on the edge of the abyss, Ling Feng couldn't help but pour a cold breath. The black abundance looked calm and ordinary, but always gave him a feeling of 'hair' bones, like that black. In the middle, there is a terrible beast that is staring at him coldly.

"This black hole seems too calm."

Tsundere bird wrinkled the bird's eyebrows, it did not feel any horrible atmosphere in the black belt, except for the black point, almost can see the bottom, but also can not talk very deep, about Mo Bai distance.

"Yeah, have we been cheated?" Duo Yuyue also whispered.

"Hey, can't you feel it?" Ling Feng frowned, he clearly felt that this black belt is a bit not simple, but Ling Qing, Du Gu Yu Yue are all inexplicable.

"What?" They asked a little, and asked the confuse.

"This black hole is not simple, I can feel the horror of the horror." Ling Feng solemnly said that he may be related to the 'fine' mind, more sensitive to the perception of danger, and the latter is Can't do it.

"Is there really something in the Black Belt?" The proud bird screamed, and it did not doubt the judgment of Ling Feng.

However, although the Black Belt is very deep, it can be their eyesight. Even if you can't see it in the end, you can see a rough one. It's bare, like a Grand Canyon. Where is the horror?

"Go, go look."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and patted the Qingpeng bird gently. Immediately, a gust of wind swelled and they flew into the black belt.

The calmness of the darkness, the aura of their bodies flew out, like a bright light that illuminates the black belt. In the blink of an eye, it flies to the bottom of the black belt.

"If you say weird words, it can only be the spiritual pattern on the edge..."


The voice of the proud bird has not yet fallen, and the darkness has shaken abruptly. On the edge near the mountain, the dark lines of the spirits are shining. If lightning strikes, they will be shrouded in an instant.

This scene happened so fast that the wind could not react, and then a 'yin' yang-like pattern appeared at their feet, and a whistling sound followed, A few people in Ling Feng, I only felt that the 'fine' **** had stunned, and instantly disappeared from the black belt...

"They all went in."

The three figures came out from the darkness, and the eyes flashed ‘shot’ out of the cold light, which was the three people in the auction.

"It’s a pity that the strength is a little worse. The strongest is the boy. It’s just five levels of Wuling. I’m afraid there is nowhere to go.”

"Let's wait and see. If they fail, we will go to the auction again. It is best to let the people of the sect and the medicinal sect go in."

After that, they disappeared into the dark.

This is to wait for the rabbits, they have failed, so, let more people go in, especially half-step Wuhuang, and once someone successfully comes out, it is time to hunt.


The world was trembled, and there were a few more light spots in the imaginary sky, which gradually enlarged. Then, Lingfeng, Lingqing, and Duoyuyu were thrown out. The powerful impact made them suffocate. The corner of the mouth overflowed with a trace of blood.

"It turned out to be a transmission array, it was too concealed, and most people could not see it."

The proud bird fluttered and swallowed a Dan ‘medicine’ and hurriedly healed.

"here is……"

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes are bright, and the mountains that appear in front of them are actually a mountain range. The mountains are not big, and they are more than 20 miles. However, the clouds are covered with silver 'color'. About, you can see that there is a lonely boat floating in the air.

“‘Yin’ Yangshan!”

Followed by them, they found that at the foot of the mountain, there was a stone monument, about three feet high, very heavy. If you look closely, you will find that there is a mysterious spiritual pattern on the stone tablet, forming a ' Yin's pattern of yang Taiji.

"Where is this?" Even the arrogant bird is skeptical, it has been here for a long time, but has not heard of such a place.

"It should be the mysterious land." Ling Feng became vigilant. After entering here, the dangerous feeling became stronger and stronger.

"Have you discovered that the realm has been suppressed?"

At this time, Ling Qing exclaimed, she found a serious problem, ‘Yin’ Yangshan was filled with a secret force, and she was oppressed to the military, and she could not exert the strength of the martial arts.

However, this kind of pressure is only suppressing the power itself. Although it is still a martial arts airflow, or an aura, once it is shot, it is immediately weakened, and fighting is similar to the military.

"Exactly, I also feel it."

The solitary rainy moon face ‘color’ is also ugly. This is not a good phenomenon. If you encounter a beast, or a martial-level monster, you will be very dangerous.

"It is estimated that it is related to the things on the 'Yin' Yangshan Mountain."

Ling Feng guessed.

He can only play the strength of the military-level, but it is not as worried as the solitary rainy moon and Lingqing. Since the secret force suppresses them, it will naturally suppress the monsters and other warriors.

And he can still motivate the fire, in terms of strength, stronger than the former warrior, so, is also very confident.


Suddenly, a beast, the earth shook, and the grass on the ground was 'chaotic', followed by a stream of light, rushing toward them, silver, but the momentum made it Ling Feng's face 'color' is ugly.

He knows that he is wrong and underestimated the monsters in this place. From that point of view, at least it is also a martial-level monster, even stronger.

"Everyone is coming to me, and we are going to have a shopping spree!" Ling Feng fangs, it was really pitted.

The next moment, "a singer of silver y" rushed to the front of the crowd, and the breath of the body spread out, making the faces of the people 'color' difficult to see.
