MTL - Supreme Little Fisherman-Chapter 1319 Do my part!

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  Chapter 1319 Do my part!

   "In broad daylight, the heavens and the earth are bright and the world has its own righteousness. Where can there be a place for monsters and ghosts? It's a big joke!"

Hearing Xie Gang's words, Gu Dong looked embarrassed. Gu Xinyue, who had become Zhou An's little apprentice and little fan girl, immediately turned cold and wanted to refute. Zhou An stopped Gu Xinyue, looked at Xie Gang and said, "Why don't you believe that I have The ability to dispel demons and evil?"

  Relying on his identity, Xie Gang looked at Zhou An and said coldly, with a look of contempt: "That's right, I don't even believe in ghosts and ghosts, let alone you who use subduing demons as a cover and trick you into making money!"

Zhou An opened his sky eyes and looked Xie Gang up and down, but he saw that Xie Gang's Yintang was black and the black air was shocking. On his forehead, there was an ugly head. In a few minutes, when the yang energy was exhausted, something happened to Xie Gang!

Although Zhou An doesn't like this Xie Gang, but saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, he is still able to save this Xie Gang, so that he will not be able to pass the test in his heart in the future and breed demons, which will become a great LV on the path of cultivation. Zhou An looked at Xie Gang and said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you, but let me remind you first that you are haunted by a resentful soul. The resentful soul is already absorbing the masculinity in your body, and it will take a few minutes at most to put you in your body." Absorb the yang qi cleanly, and at that time, you will be doomed. If you don’t want anything to happen, you should go to a reliable Taoist to help you get rid of the resentful soul. If you can’t find me, you can do it. For the sake of my boss, I will save you for free..."

Before Zhou An could finish speaking, Xie Gang laughed with pride and disdain on his face: "The boy pretended to be on my head, Xie Gang, you are really crazy, tell you old man, I don't believe in any monsters and ghosts, don't you say Then what kind of resentful soul wants to **** up my yang energy? I'll wait here to see if you have the ability. If you really have the ability, I'll write Xie Gang backwards..."

Before Xie Gang finished speaking, Xie Gang suddenly turned pale and fell to the ground like mud. His last thought before he fell into a coma was that he had misunderstood this genius doctor Zhou Anzhou, because he really saw him at the moment of life and death in a trance. When it comes to the resentful soul with long tongue, protruding eyes, baring teeth and grinning, it's terrifying and grotesque!

  Xie Gang suddenly fell to the ground with a pale complexion, and everyone in the hall exclaimed in an uproar:

"Hey, what's going on here? Chairman Xie Gang passed out unexpectedly. It seems that what Zhou An Zhou said is true. There are resentful spirits haunting Chairman Xie Gang. The ability is really perfect!"

"Well, Chairman Xie Gang will definitely regret it if he wakes up. The genius doctor Zhou Anzhou has already reminded him, but Chairman Xie Gang doesn't believe it. Now you can see that something happened to Chairman Xie Gang. He didn't listen to the genius doctor. It’s true that I’m at a loss right in front of my eyes!”

Gu Dong hurriedly looked at Zhou An, and his words were full of pleadings: "Doctor Zhou, please save my old friend, I promise that when he wakes up, he will respectfully apologize to you, Mr. Xie Gang and I are friends and don't talk about him The Xie Group has a very high status in the East China business circle, if something happened today, the entire East China business circle would cause huge waves, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a big earthquake!"

   While talking about Gu Dong bowing to Zhou An, his face was full of pleading, his face was pale and sweaty, and for him, no matter what angle he considered, he couldn't let this old man Xie Gang have an accident in Gu's house.

  Seeing Gu Dong's eagerness, Zhou An couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, let's go, I'll take this matter."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhou. Thank you Doctor Zhou. The Gu family has accepted your love. As long as you can save Mr. Xie, the Gu family or the Xie Group, even the entire business community in East China will be grateful to you!" With five buckets fetching water, he calmed down and saluted Zhou An again and again, his face full of expectation.

   All the guests at the scene laughed again and again, looking at Zhou An's words full of respect:

   "Yes, Dr. Zhou, we have all thanked you in advance. As long as you can save Chairman Xie Gang by using Taoism, you are a great benefactor to all of us!"

   "That's right, that's right, our company has a lot of business dealings with the Xie Group. They are our company's major customers. If something happens to Chairman Xie Gang, the Xie Group will be in chaos, and our company will also encounter big waves!"

   "Yes, our Zhongde Construction is a partner of the Xie Group, and we are jointly developing a lot of hotels. If something happens to Chairman Xie Gang, we will be in vain!"

Zhou An hummed, and under the eyes of all the guests, Zhou An walked towards Chairman Xie Gang, took out the Du'er gold needle, pierced the eyebrow of Chairman Xie Gang, and injected dragon energy into Xie Gang's mind. Although Xie Gang met The impression is not good, but people need to be saved!

Zhou An turned the dragon energy into invisible flames and surrounded the resentful soul. Although the resentful soul absorbed Xie Gangyang's energy, it was not qualified to fight him, and the dragon energy soon burned the resentful soul to ashes. In the end, the resentful soul let out a few screams, and there was no other trace of existence. How could the power of the dragon's aura be compared to that of the little thing that possessed Xie Gang?

As Zhou An got rid of the ghost attached to Xie Gang, the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves disappeared, and Xie Gang's old face, which was originally as white as paper, suddenly became ruddy, and within a few seconds, Xie Gang woke up. Come over, trembling body went straight to Zhou An.

Xie Gang's expression was agitated, his face was blue and white, and he couldn't help being ashamed. He only realized today how wrong he was before. If Zhou Anzhou's doctor hadn't saved his life, Xie Gang would have died in these places for no reason today. In the hands of the dark thing, for someone like him who is in charge of a large enterprise with a strong desire to control, it is absolutely unacceptable for his life to be controlled by others!

Xie Gang looked at Zhou An with a respectful face and wanted to thank Zhou An, the genius doctor Zhou An. If it wasn't for the young man he looked down on before, something might happen to him today. Otherwise, I am afraid that his old bones will really explain it here!

At this moment, a young man in a suit and leather shoes walked into the hall surrounded by his followers, and glared at Zhou An: "You bastard, look what you have done to my grandfather! See, my grandfather is here to clean up your bastard!" He can't spare you!"

Xie Cheng walked in and looked at Zhou An, his face was full of jealousy. He had been chasing Gu Xinyue for some time. He was so angry that he wanted to tear Zhou An alive. The appearance of his grandfather Xie Gang was obviously harmed by this bastard. The old and new grudges combined, Xie Cheng and this little **** named Zhou An never finished. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that there is no end to death!

  (end of this chapter)