MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1041 source

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Mu Hengyu smiled very happily. "Under the crown of Bai Qing, today is a good day. You and I will meet each other in true colors, so I do n’t have to pretend. I am very happy."

Bai Qing said coldly, "You are not qualified to talk to me. What about Xiao Menghan?"

Mu Hengyu sneered, "I'm gone without knowing where to go".

Bai Qing looked at Mu Hengyu and turned to leave.

In place, Mu Hengyu's body was weird and cracked, dead wood replaced his body, and he was gradually buried in the courtyard. Before he died, he still maintained a fox-like smile, but looked a bit silly, his eyes reminisced, I don't know what he was thinking Nothing until buried in the soil.

Bai Qing stood high, and the voices of all things swept across the earth, but still couldn't find a trace of Xiao Menghan, "Where has this woman gone?".

Looking at the world, in addition to Kong Tianzhao, who is extremely powerful, Bai Qing has only one Xiao Menghan who is in the world. This woman has too many backhands, and even Bai Qing doesn't know what she can do. This woman is also the only one who has doubted her. People.

The woman disappeared at the moment of Bai Xiaosheng's death. Bai Qing had to admire her shrewdness. On the one hand, she let Shen Ning live in Jiangfu on the one hand, and on the other hand, Mu Hengyu was used as a dead ghost. The two successfully delayed time. Xiao Menghan escaped abruptly.

Bai Qing's mouth curled up, "It's interesting, you can run away, the world is big, I see where you can go in the future, no one can help you, the game of cat and mouse is also good."

One day later, Jiang Feng did not return, and Nangong Ao and Hong Yuanshan in Baiyun City were a little upset. Mu Jing and Hong Ding went out to look for them.

Soon, another day passed, Jiang Feng still had no news, and even Xiao Menghan disappeared. It was Shen Ning who appeared in front of several people.

Nangong Ao and others looked at Shen Ning confusedly, "Where has Xiao girl gone? Why not in Jiangfu?".

Shen Ning shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know where the lady is."

Nan Gong's eyes narrowed, and his heart became increasingly disturbed.

They sent pigeons and started the wave mine. Without exception, Jiang Feng could not be found. This happened only once, and Jiang Feng was seriously injured in the Valley of Death.

Nangong Ao's face suddenly changed, and died in the valley? Is it?

When Hong Yuanshan saw Nangong's ugly face, he wondered, "What happened to the old man?"

Nangong took a deep breath and said, "It's okay, I'll take a break."

Back in Jiangfu, Nangong Ao held a wave mine and struggled. This wave mine was connected to that person. After thinking for a long time, Nangong Ao decided what to do and opened the wave mine.

"You're looking for me" sounded in my ear, Nangong proudly turned around and saw Bai Qing coming out of the void.

Nangong's proud eyes are complex, "Is it you?"

Bai Qing looked at Nangong Ao calmly, "Don't you have an answer in your heart?".

"Why?" Nangong yelled arrogantly. "You promised me that I wouldn't take another shot, that organization would disappear forever, so I didn't tell Xiaofeng about it, why did you take it?".

Bai Qinghan said, "You don't tell Xiaofeng, it's because of your inner guilt. If it weren't for your Nangong house, my mother and sister would not have died so badly."

"For so many years, most of my Nangong family's resources have been given to you. This will allow your organization to develop. This is my compensation to you," Nangong proudly said.

Bai Qing's voice was cold, "If it weren't for me, your Nangong family might not exist. This is mutual benefit and you haven't compensated me." "Why don't you let go of your hatred, and the person who harmed your mother and your sister is my Nangong family, you can take my life and ask you to let the little peak out" Nangong's eyes are red and prayed.

The cold mang flashed in Bai Qing's eyes, "It is really because of your Nangong family. Your heir to the Nangong family is dead and you want my mother and sister to be buried. This matter, your Nangong family cannot escape responsibility. Don't try to kill yourself. "

Nangong closed his eyes proudly, as if losing all strength, and sadly said, "What about Xiaofeng?"

Bai Qingdan indifferently said, "Going to the valley, he is very good, but the name of Jiang Feng or Nangong Peak will never appear in the future."

"What on earth do you want?" Nangong sorrowfully said.

Bai Qing stared at Nangong Ao, "I want to replace Xiaofeng and become the only master in this world."

Nangong proudly stunned, unable to hold a chair, unable to speak a half sentence, as if ten years old.

Bai Qing continued, "From today on, Huaxia will let me decide. I will gradually appear in the eyes of the world and become the only **** they can believe in. All you have to do is cooperate with Xia Zhiliang to manage this land. Just started, "Bai Qing glanced out of the door and left.

Nangong was paralyzed sitting in a chair, his eyes bitter.

Hong Yuanshan walked into the room and looked at Nangong Ao with shock. "What's going on?"

Nangong smiled proudly, "Don't you hear me?"

"I asked you why," Hong Yuanshan drank, pulling Nangong's collar in anger.

Nangong proudly pushed Hong Yuanshan away and bitterly said, "Bai Qing is the daughter of Bai Tao."

Hong Yuanshan frowned, his eyes bewildered, and then reacted, screaming, "Drunk driver Bai Tao who hit my daughter?".

Nangong nodded proudly. "At first, Xiaojun was killed because of the collision. The following people claimed to insult Bai Tao's wife and children, which eventually led to the death of Bai Qing's mother and sister. It was too late when I knew. Although those people were punished by law However, Bai Qing disappeared. Doomsday came, and I got in touch with Bai Qing. Because of regret, Nangong family invested most of her resources in her, and that's why there is-Ming ... ".

Hong Yuanshan listened quietly. He did not expect that the cause of the incident actually originated from the car accident that year. A car accident killed two people, but it has become the world's largest source of disaster. Who can think of it.

"You haven't told Xiaofeng Ming's behind-the-scenes controller is Bai Qing, afraid that Xiaofeng would hit her?" Hong Yuanshan asked in a deep voice.

Nangong nodded proudly. "At first I realized that Bai Qing's thoughts were too dark, and the meditation gradually grew larger. I was afraid that Nangong's family and Xiao Feng would encounter calamities. I wanted to marry the Xiao family and use Xiao Menghan to contain Bai Qing, but I didn't expect Xiaofeng's progress is so fast. Gradually, I don't need to worry about myself. Instead, I worry that Xiaofeng's killing after learning about Bai Qing's identity helped Bai Qing conceal his identity. Today ’s bitter fruits. "

Hong Yuanshan's eyes were shocked, he no longer knew what to say, comfort? All of this is caused by Nangong ’s pity, but in fact, he ca n’t blame him. Jiang Feng grew up so fast that he even surpassed the first emperor. Who can think of it but is not Bai Qing ’s opponent today, he can only say that Bai Qing is hiding too deeply Already.

"At the time of the disaster, Huaxia, and attempted to seal the land, but was killed by Xiaofeng, Bai Qing came to me and said that he was willing to give up everything, but never thought she was lying to me."

Hong Yuanshan slammed the table and said, "What's the use of these farts now, the most important thing is to rescue Xiaofeng."

Nangong sorrowed his pride, "It is not easy to defeat Bai Qing. At least it is possible to gather one emperor and three emperors. Our most important thing at the moment is to find Kong Tianzhao and Xiao Menghan and Liu Batian and Shi Gang. It is possible that power can threaten Bai Qing. "

"Do you know how strong Bai Qing is?" Hong Yuanshan asked.

Nangong shook his head proudly, "I don't know, but I guess Xiaofeng was defeated by her sneak attack, so Kong Tianzhao may not lose if he fights directly with her, otherwise Ming will not hide for so many years and dare not show up."

Hong Yuanshan snorted heavily, "Still Xiao girl is cunning, Bai Xiao disappeared shortly after her death, otherwise Bai Qing would be solved one by one, it really hangs."

"Also, be careful, Xia Zhiliang, he is Bai Qing's," Nangong proudly cried.

Hong Yuanshan nodded, "Bai Qing is a mastermind, and it took more than a decade to hide the chess before he lost a move. Xia Zhiliang has also hidden this chess piece for so many years, just for today, this Bai Qing is horrible."

Nangong looked proudly outside. The future situation is really confused. Without Jiang Feng, who else can Huaxia expect? I just hope to find Kong Tianzhao and others as soon as possible, and gather the power of the world to destroy this dark source.

In another time and space, Baiyun Chengjiang, Liu Pianran felt inexplicably painful and pale, but only for a moment, and soon recovered.

"What's going on?" Liu Pian was confused, eyes worried, Jiang Feng's voice and smile appeared in his head, didn't he? Brother Jiang has an accident?

Five days later, ten years later, in time and space, Bai Qing pointed to the dead wood, exposing Jiang Feng, who had been sealed for five days. At this time, Jiang Feng was still unconscious and stood in front of Bai Qing.

Bai Qing reached out and touched Jiang Feng's face. His eyes were soft. Jiang Feng's face was visible to the naked eye. Although he changed only a little bit, he became another person. "Xiao Feng, only you and me in this world are the most real Yes, in the future, we will always be together. "After that, Yu pointed at Jiang Feng's forehead, and the green light flashed.

After a while, Jiang Feng opened his eyes, his eyes were bewildered, and he was a bit brighter than before, and had less domineering and wisdom, and became extremely innocent.

Bai Qing looked at Jiang Feng with a smile.

Jiang Feng saw Bai Qing and rubbed his forehead. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"My name is Bai Qing," said the beauty slowly.

Jiang Feng blinked, his brows frowned, and he slowly crouched down. He felt a pain in his forehead, "I, who am I?"

Bai Qing regretted her. She sealed Jiang Feng's memory and changed his appearance just now. From then on, there will no longer be Jiang Feng and Lei Emperor in the world. "You're called Jiang Bai."

"Jiang--White?" Jiang Feng was confused, his eyes filled with pain.

Bai Qing raised his hand, his light shrouded, and Jiang Feng gradually felt better.

"My name is Jiang Bai? Why don't I remember anything?" Jiang Feng was confused.

Bai Qing's eyes were sorrowful, "Because you were injured, in order to protect me ...", gradually, an ordinary life experience was placed on Jiang Feng, replacing his original memory.

Bai Qing is very powerful, but she can only seal the memory of Jiang Feng. If she wants to exchange her, she has no such ability. Bai Ying can only make up, but she has prepared this story for a long time. No flaws.

Jiang Feng quickly accepted the identity given to him by Bai Qing. For a person with amnesia, it is not difficult to accept the new identity.

Jiang Feng lived in Shenggu like this. Since then, his name is Jiang Bai, and Bai Qing's only relative.