MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1063 Sail

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Han Kui nodded with a smile, "Yes, Captain Xu, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to the boat for a drink? I brought the best wine, the blood of country Y. This wine is a treasure even in country Y. , Huaxia can get very little every year. "

Behind Han Kui, a group of men and women roared and looked at Xu Manni excitedly.

Xu Manni frowned slightly, then laughed and said, "No, thank you Han Gongzi for your kindness, but we have to rush to Tianzhu to make a movie."

Han Kui laughed and said, "Tianzhu? It ’s a coincidence that I want to go to Tianzhu as well. Why not go together? But your boat speed is too slow, so you can come to my boat, how can I take you?"

Xu Dao moved, Han Kui's ship was very fast, and it could take up to five days to reach Tianzhu, which could save a long time.

In the end, Xu Manni declined euphemistically. Although she was called a demon girl, she never let anyone take advantage. This Han Kui was a **** at the first glance. Behind him was Han Sheng, a father who had a great influence in the mercenary world. His strength can subdue him, but there is no need to enemies.

"Han Gongzi, it seems that this Pink Demon Ji does not intend to give you face." A young and glamorous woman behind Han Kui spoke sourly.

Next to him, another man said, "I don't blame others for the Pink Demon Ji. The sea is so sinister. There is a stone madman next to them. How can they look at us?"

"That is, the stone madman is invincible."


Han Kui's face sank, and he ignored the people who were ridiculed by him. Those people had their own backgrounds. He didn't want to offend. He turned to Xu Manni and others, and finally looked at Jiang Feng, with his mouth bent, "This is a stone madman. Meet me formally, my name is Han Kui, the son of Han Sheng. "

Jiang Feng looked at Han Kui, oh, and looked at the mutant beast in front of Han Kui's ship. It was interesting and okay.

Han Kui's face completely cooled down. The stone madman didn't pay attention to him at all. He was the son of Han Sheng, the prince of the mercenary circle, a high-level army officer, and a stone madman really thought he was invincible. Dare to ignore him, in the eyes of Han Kui. Han Man flashed, wanting to attack.

Director Xu quickly said, "Han Gongzi, please also report to Ling Zun. The" Brilliant Road "filmed for the Dafeng Army is going smoothly. It is about to end. Please also ask Ling Zun to handle the theater as soon as possible."

Han Kui listened to the guidance of Xu Dao, and suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that his father attached great importance to this movie. Ye Xing also attached great importance to it. He was not suitable for being stiff. Thinking, he barely showed a smile and ignored Jiang Feng. To Xu Mani said, "Head Xu, since you don't give face, forget it. In fact, a mutant beast can pull a ship a little bit. It can't bear two. Sorry, let's take a step."

Xu Manni smiled and nodded.

Han Kui ordered that the mutant beast in front of the ship screamed and rushed out at full speed. The speed was much faster than the crew of the crew, and they rushed out to make it difficult for the crew to control the direction on the sea.

Xu Dao sighed, "Every kind of wealthy child".

Xu Manni laughed, "Don't worry about it. I heard that Han Sheng is old and has a child. He is very fond of this Han Kui. He is understandable, as long as he doesn't overdo it."

Xu Dao just said with emotion, no other meaning, he could not compete with Han Sheng.

When Baiyun City ruled China, Han Sheng's power disappeared. Even so, his influence in the mercenary world was still very large. There was not much of this mutated beast Baiyun City in the sea that was used to tow the ships. He was hard Shengsheng got one to travel to his son, and we can see how much he loves this son. It can also be seen from the side that he can't be removed overnight.

Jiang Feng looked at the disappearing ship all the time, thinking for a moment, "How did the mutant beast dragging the ship get?"

Xu Dao smiled bitterly. "Tame, the number of mutated beasts that have been tamed is very small, and there are not many in Baiyun City. We can't get it at all. Alas, in fact, I should contact Master Ye before going to the sea to let him come forward. Face should be able to get one. "

Jiang Feng rubbed his chin, tamed? is it hard?

Thinking, Jiang Feng looked to the bottom of the sea. He saw countless marine life, big and small. The voice of all things became his instinct now, and he could easily perceive the emotions of various creatures. After the ship sailed for a long time, Jiang Feng suddenly With a full face and excited eyes, he saw a huge marine mutant beast swimming. If no one interfered, it would pass by the ship and would not alarm anyone.

The voice of Jiang Feng completely shrouded the mutant beast. This huge mutant beast shaped like a shark suddenly paused, looking at the sea with huge eyes, the cruel eyes suddenly softened, and it was very docile. It felt the unstoppable terror Power came, and this kind of power made this mutant beast collapse, even if it had been far away to see the nine-level creature battle, it was not so terrible.

A huge mutant shark emerged from the sea, appeared next to the ship, and looked towards Jiang Feng. This power came from this person.

Jiang Feng stood on the deck and looked at the mutant shark.

Everyone else on the ship was shocked and looked in horror. Ayan, an "eight-, eight-level mutant beast," exclaimed, and threw a stone to Jiang Feng subconsciously.

Others are also cautiously staring at mutant sharks. This is the ocean. The terrible nature of the marine life need not be said. According to the size of this shark, the ship can be swallowed in one bite.

"Jiang Bai, what are you doing?" Xu Mani exclaimed. Everyone looked at Jiang Feng and found that he stepped to the edge of the deck step by step. Then, everyone stepped on the mutant shark with shocked eyes. Tame, no resistance at all, let Jiang Feng sit on top of his head and never dare to act rashly.

This scene stunned everyone. Is this okay? What about the cruel nature of sharks? What about cruelty?

Jiang Feng felt the shark's hard slippery skin and laughed, "Go, take the boat back to Tianzhu."

The mutant shark understood, and then slowly dived. The tail picked up the ship and rushed out towards Tianzhu. The speed was much faster than the mutant beast that dragged Han Kui's ship, and Jiang Feng laughed, This is the sea, which is so interesting.

The crew was numb. Since the name of the stone madman came out, it was not unusual for them to be roughened by Jiang Feng's temper.

Xu Dao was very excited. This speed can reach Tianzhu in two days, which is so cool.

Xu Manni looked at Jiang Feng complicatedly. Who are you? Can do things that ordinary people can't do, before the memory loss, is the Xinghai Powerhouse?

On the sea, far away from the crew of the crew, Han Kui and others indulge in joy.

Han Kui held the charming girl in one hand and drank red wine in one hand, completely venting the depression.

"Han Shao, don't worry, wait for the movie to finish. Please ask your father to pick up Xu Manni for you to play, haha."

"Yes, Han Shao, your father is one of the highest ranks of the Dafeng Army, and that stone madman is also the Dafeng Army. When that time makes him ugly, I really think he is invincible, but it is a hype from the crew."


Han Kui threw his wine glass out of the sea, and said coldly, "The cheap woman really thought that the name of Chuanshu Jiumei could protect him, and even Baiyun City was suppressed by our army of wind, not to mention a pink pink mercenary regiment, rest assured, You will be indispensable if I eat a bite. At that time, everyone will play together and be blessed. "

"Haha, share the happiness and happiness, thank you Han Shao."

"Thank you Han Shao."

"Perhaps I don't need my father to take a shot. When we first come to Tianzhu to make a good relationship, it is easy to use Tianzhu's masters to catch Xu Manni. Forgive those who are afraid to refuse, but maybe we have to wait for a while, they are too slow, haha."



Suddenly, the ship swayed for a while, then stopped suddenly, Han Kui and others almost fell into the sea. "What's going on?" Han Kui roared.

Before the captain came to explain, the shadow was shrouded, Han Kui and others turned their heads and stared, a huge eight-level mutant beast emerged, and their fierce pupils were facing them. Han Kui and others almost scared to death, among them The strongest is only level 7. The ship is protected by a level 8 evolver, but when you see this shark, you know that the level 8 evolver is also useless and can't be blocked.

One of the women passed out.

The eighth-level mutant shark passed by, but passed quickly. Jiang Feng sat on the head of the shark and greeted Han Kui and others, "The wind is strong at sea, pay attention." Waiting for someone to drown.

The good blood of the country Y was caught in the sea and disappeared.

On the back of the mutant shark was a ship. On the ship, Xu Manni smiled friendly to Han Kui, and then quickly disappeared. The speed was too fast, and the mutant beast dragging Han Kui's ship was afraid to move.

After a while, Han Kui and other talents were sober, and their faces were blue and white. They were insulted and thoroughly insulted. They just taunted others, and they chased them in a blink of an eye. They also said they would wait for a while. Wait, but not wait for them, but for others.

"Han Shao, am I right? The stone madman tamed the eighth-level marine mutant beast?" A man was shocked.

Han Kui angered, "It's just a fluke. Don't worry, I will make him look good when I return to Dafeng Army."

Several other people did not speak. They were not brainless. Marine life is as difficult to tame as flying mutant beasts in the sky. They can tame eight-level marine life, or cruel creatures such as sharks themselves. The stone madman may not have been speculated. They dare not offend.

The speed of the mutant shark was still higher than that predicted by Xu Dao and others. Within two days, they saw Tianzhu, which had exceeded the speed of another seventh-level island turtle tamed by Jiangfeng.

Tianzhu was too chaotic. At the time, Jiang Feng rode in Tianchi Gulong Yangwei and Europe did not even stop at Tianzhu. Once Tianzhu had too many people, and secondly, the conflicts between the forces were too complicated. It was more difficult to fully harvest Tianzhu resources than Russia, plus it was difficult to accept. Environment, Jiang Feng does not want to move here for the time being.

Before the crew came to Tianzhu, they had contacted the Taya Group, one of the largest forces in the local area. It should have been the ruling power of Tianzhu, but unfortunately it became a member of many forces after the war between the parties. She has always wanted to unite with powerful foreign forces, and this time she saw the big wind army.