MTL - Surprise! Tyrant’s Little Crybaby Went on a Killing Spree After Being Reborn-Chapter 14 Yu Linlang, you have to keep your word.

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  Chapter 14 Yu Linlang, you have to keep your word.

"Do you believe that Princess Baohua doesn't believe me?" Shen Yaowei then looked at Yu Linlang, her dark eyes were deep and bottomless, "Didn't my father and brothers tell you that you should go out and protect yourself?" Me, why didn't you help me when Princess Baohua bullied me? Hmph, I must tell my father and brother when they come back from Nancheng!"

  Seeing that Shen Yaowei puffed up her cheeks while speaking, looking very angry, Yu Linlang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yaoyao, what happened today is not as simple as you think." Yulinlang said while holding a piece of pastry and handing it to Shen Yaowei's mouth, "I will explain this matter to my uncle and the others when they come back. Yaoyao Yo, just let me talk about it. I'll give you sugar pills when I get back later, okay?"

  Hearing the word Tang Wan, Shen Yao's lips slowly curled into a smile: "Will you really give me Tang Wan?"

   His tone seemed full of expectation.

  Yu Linlang saw that Shen Yaowei was being coaxed like this, a bit of disdain filled her eyes, she still said softly: "Of course, this time, how about I give you two sugar pills?"

  Shen Yao stroked her palm happily: "Okay, Yu Linlang, you have to keep your word."

  Seeing Shen Yaowei calling her own name again, Yu Linlang suppressed the dissatisfaction and disgust in her heart, and nodded with a smile.

  As dancers from the Western Regions appeared on stage to perform dances, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually warmed up.

   At the end of the banquet, Huo Yuntian rewarded Shen Yaowei with something, in order to appease the grievance she suffered today.

   While Shen Yaowei was thanking her, Huo Junhan left the banquet.

  By the time she wanted to go back to find Huo Junhan, the man had disappeared.

  Under many envious eyes, Shen Yaowei took a bunch of rewards, got into the carriage, and left the palace.

  Yu Linlang saw Shen Yaowei sitting leaning against her softly, closing her eyes and resting her mind, the scene of Shen Yao slightly pushing her at the banquet appeared in her mind involuntarily.

  At that time, the strength Shen Yaowei showed was absolutely not like a useless waste.

   "Yoyao..." Yu Linlang said softly.

  Shen Yao raised her eyelids lazily, and glanced at her.

   "The thing that the emperor rewarded is very beautiful, I think my uncle will definitely like it." Yu Linlang took out a solid golden toad ornament from the treasure box next to it.

   This golden toad ornament looks exquisite, but it weighs ten catties when you lift it up.

   "Look." Yu Linlang handed the golden toad to Shen Yaowei.

   "It's really exquisite." Shen Yaowei took the golden toad from Yu Linlang's hand.

  Yu Linlang frowned as she watched Shen Yaowei holding the golden toad in one hand.

  Shen Yaowei had a panoramic view of Yu Linlang's subtle expression changes, a sneer flashed across her dark pupils, and then the little hand holding the golden toad trembled: "But it's so heavy, I can't carry it..."

  As the voice fell, her trembling little hand loosened.


  The ten-jin golden toad just landed on Yu Linlang's feet.

  Yu Linlang stared blankly at Shen Yaowei, then at her own foot that was hit.

  The next moment, she screamed uncontrollably.

Shen Yaowei seemed to be startled by her screams that could almost knock over the roof of the car, shrank her small body, moved her buttocks back, and distanced herself from her: "Yu Linlang, I didn't mean to... Why did you give me such a heavy thing?"

  PS: Shen Yaowei: Playing a fool doesn't stop me from abusing scum. There are 2 more updates tonight, please leave a message and comment, baby, take a bubble

  (end of this chapter)