MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 185 Noah - [06]

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Ye Fei spent most of his time in the White Tower trying to fight for equal rights, and Jin's main job in the White Tower was to oppose him.

Because Yan Jin was the only supernatural being on the opposition side of the White Tower, when he first stood on the opposite side of Ye Fei, he received a lot of preferential treatment from the old guys in the opposition. Those old fellows hoped that Yan Jin could continue to stand on the opposite side of Ye Fei and the Doctors' Association, keeping them at the top, so they gave him a lot of help, and Yan Jin lived up to their expectations, relying on those helpers to climb higher and higher , and the relationship with Ye Fei is getting worse.

Now, Ye Fei doesn't know whether Yan Jin's appearance here is a coincidence or another intention, but no matter what, he doesn't care, as long as Yan Jin doesn't interfere with his affairs, then he can treat him as a non-existent stranger people.

Ye Fei went back alone with a water bottle. When he went back, Noah looked beside him and was taken aback for a moment:

"Where's Mr. Yan Jin?"

"Ah, he..."

Whatever Ye Fei could say, he couldn't say that Yan Jin turned into the wind and flew away.

So he just said:

"He has something to do, so let's go first."

"Oh." Noah nodded:

"He does have a lot going on."

Ye Fei smiled, but didn't answer.

He sat back to his original position, and just now, from a distance, these children seemed to be having a good chat, so he asked one more question:

"What were you talking about?"

"Talking about their abilities. Don't the doctors hope they can stay in Utopia to help? Is this your game mission?"

Noah asked, but he was not obsessed with the answer to the question, but took it by himself:

"So I just asked and found out that their abilities are so special. This sister's mental detection ability can cover a long distance, so it is very suitable for guiding the explorers who go out, right! Miss War God and Mr. Pudding can join the defenders, They're all great."

Noah called them the pet names Ye Fei gave them very easily.

Just now Noah gave them a brief introduction to the personnel distribution within Utopia, and the two most important organizations are Explorers and Defenders.

To be honest, Ye Fei didn't remember that Utopia had such a relatively perfect internal system, but he remembered that Noah said just now that Yan Jin helped organize the explorers, so it is basically possible to determine the current state of Utopia and Yan Jin. Jin has a great relationship.

After all, Yan Jin had been in the White Tower for many years, and he knew the system of the Garden of Eden very well. Utopia and the Garden of Eden were so similar to a certain extent. It was naturally applicable for him to apply the experience of the Garden of Eden to Utopia.

So far, that seems like a good thing.

"Okay, I'll give you everything I like."

Ye Fei was extremely generous.

So, after lunch, Noah happily took a few new friends to the defender's training base.

He left Qin Jing and Zhou Zhengning at the base, and took Ren Huayan to the explorer's side to adapt. Originally, Qin Jing didn't want Noah to be alone. After all, even a little girl like Ren Huayan couldn't keep him, so she wanted to find a reason to follow her. But before she could speak, Ye Fei grabbed his sleeve and shook his head at her when he looked over.

Noah didn't notice their small movements at all, and he left here with Ren Huayan.

After they walked away, Qin Jing slightly raised his eyebrows:

"You just let them stay together? Noah's unlucky physique, if something happens again, we will all be finished."

"It's not a big problem." Ye Fei didn't seem to care much.

He leaned against the fence next to him, casually tossing the keys in his hand to play.

That was the key to the training base arsenal that Noah had given him.

"The toughest opponent we met in this dungeon is not Noah's unlucky physique, nor is it Yan Jin who came out of nowhere."

"What is that?" Qin Jing asked suspiciously.

Ye Fei didn't answer directly, he asked instead:

"Do you know how Utopia didn't exist?"

"I know, Noah is dead."

"How did you die?"

"..." Qin Jing didn't answer.

Although her grades were good, the textbooks she was studying were written by orthodox humans in the Garden of Eden. Naturally, the textbooks would not focus on how a person with supernatural powers fell.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhengning said:

"I remember the game system said that the eyes in the dark were staring at him... Is it related to this?"


Ye Fei snapped her fingers:

"I just checked the time. We are now on November 29, 3139. Just now Noah said that tomorrow there will be explorers picking up a group of refugees into Utopia. The problem lies in those Among the refugees. There are not only ordinary people, but also special people placed by orthodox humans.”

"Special? Is that what I think it means?"

Qin Jing frowned.

"I think so." Ye Fei nodded.

He turned the key in his hand, turned and walked to the armory behind:

"Look, after the nuclear disaster, the supernatural beings had Noah and established Utopia. The orthodox humans were short of resources and protection, and they managed to maintain it in the past few years, but after several years of continuous consumption Now that their resources are running out, they will naturally have other ideas."

"Hiss..." Qin Jing always felt that something was wrong:

"Wait, I understand what you mean, but from the very beginning, the orthodox human beings are the stronger side. Whether it is population, resources, wealth, or reserves, they have an absolute advantage. Why are they not as good as the end of the world?" There are no supernatural beings with nothing? Moreover, in such a harsh environment, where did Noah get such a large protective shield like Utopia?"

As she spoke, she saw Ye Fei open the door of the arsenal.

The entrance is a large warehouse. There are many guns and ammunition hanging on the walls inside, and there are many boxes stacked on the ground. They all look like weapons.

Qin Jing widened her eyes and added:

"...and these things? Where did they get them in this environment?"

"Good question." Ye Fei opened the door of the armory, glanced at it, picked out a gun from inside, and pointed to the sun logo on the gun for Qin Jing and Zhou Zhengning, which was the logo of the Lieyang Army.

"Ou Lanxing left it."

Ye Fei threw the gun to Zhou Zhengning, saw Zhou Zhengning caught it in a hurry, and then continued:

"The nuclear disaster didn't happen overnight. At the beginning, Ou Lanxing had a bad feeling, so he hid all the resources and weapons he could find in the basement, and used what he could find at the time The most protective device I have ever seen, protected a small city as much as possible, of course, that city is the current Utopia. Later, Noah found this place with the address he gave, and became the current owner of Utopia. "

"Wait, why am I getting more and more confused." Qin Jing was a little dizzy by him:

"Ou Lanxing... When was the background of your last copy?"

"Three one one five."

"One five, three nine, twenty-four years apart. How old is Noah this year? Is he twenty years old? Also, did Ou Lanxing survive the nuclear disaster? What's the relationship between them? If Ou Lanxing is still alive Alive, where is he?"

After Qin Jing asked this series of questions, Ye Feiren seemed to be pressed the pause button.

"Yes." Ye Fei nodded, even she was a little at a loss:

"You are right to ask."

"So how did Ou Lanxing and Noah know each other?"

"I met you at my place."

"Then where are you?"

Qin Jing frowned:

"I have been wondering about one thing, Ye Fei, where are you in the past timelines we have experienced?"

For some reason, after Qin Jing asked this question, Ye Fei suddenly felt a sense of fear originating from the unknown.

Qin Jing asked a question that he had never thought about before. He raised his hand and bit his nails subconsciously:

"I am... I should be on the side of the orthodox human beings. Wherever Cen Jie is, I will be there."

"What does this have to do with Cen Jie? No, why do you still 'should'? You forget where you are?"

"I can't remember."

Ye Fei shook his head, a little irritable, and he didn't really want to explain Cen Jie's question.

He fell into an unsolvable cycle, but he really couldn't recall too many details of the memory so long ago.

Seeing him like this, Qin Jing knew that she must have asked some terrible question, so she waved her hand:

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't remember it, let's continue talking, what happened just now, orthodox human resources are in a hurry, so they have other ideas, what do they want to do?"

The topic was diverted, and Ye Fei was obviously much more relaxed.

He jumped out of the dead end in his heart, followed Qin Jing's words for a while, and continued the topic just now:

"The reputation of Noah and Utopia is getting bigger and bigger, and it has spread to orthodox humans. At that time, they were worrying about living space and resources, so they focused on Noah.

"The place where the nuclear disaster suffered the most was not the side of the supernatural beings, but the middle of the mainland, which is the sphere of influence of orthodox humans. Because those nuclear weapons were indeed released against supernatural beings in the first place. The land is vast, so it is possible to accurately control the strike range, but for some small areas, nuclear weapons can be regarded as injuring the enemy one thousand and self-inflicted eight hundred."

"Understood." Qin Jing nodded:

"What does that have to do with us?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. Some people have destroyed their own living environment, but the first person to use nuclear weapons is still safe and sound. What would they think? So they pretended to be careless and came to our side with the mentality of sinking together. A round of bombing. This kind of dumb loss is definitely not enough for someone, so reciprocity, if you bomb me and I bomb you, the world will be almost destroyed."

"...It turned out to be like this."

Qin Jing didn't know how she felt in her heart.

In the education she received in the Garden of Eden since she was a child, no one told them why the world became like this, and the mistakes they heard were always on the supernatural beings, and even quite a few people, after hearing a few words, thought that the devastated world today It is thanks to the gift of the supernatural being, so the hatred and defensive psychology towards the supernatural being has been accumulated year by year, and finally reached the level that is close to pathological.

"So, after the self-destructive nuclear disaster, the manpower and material resources of the orthodox humans were not as abundant as in Utopia, and the leader of the orthodox humans at that time was not a thing. He thought of a bad move, which was to kill Nuo Ya, take Utopia for yourself."

"Huh? Why? Why don't you just talk to Noah about cooperation if you have the time?"

Hearing this question, Ye Fei sneered inexplicably:

"They have the pride of being orthodox humans. Although I don't know where their pride comes from, they don't bother to cooperate with supernatural beings. They never take Utopia and Noah seriously, so for them Said, grabbing it directly is their first choice."

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