MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 32 Mo Enthalpy-[07]

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Ye Fei took out an identity card from the partition in the cabinet.

His own identity card is still with Zhou Zhengning, so the logo displayed at this time is not "identity exchange" or "identity" superposition, but "acquisition".

Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, looked sideways at Zhou Zhengning, and hooked her fingers at him.

Zhou Zhengning understood, he quickly touched his pocket, took out two identity cards from it, and returned Ye Fei's to him.

【Identity Superposition (Ye Fei, Xu Miao)】

Ye Fei put the two cards side by side and found that they looked different.

His ID card has information such as a photo, name, and date of admission, but Xu Miao's ID card only has one name.

It seems that they just discovered the existence of such a person, and the rest of the information needs to be explored.

The true end line of this dungeon is indeed on the egg roll girl.

Ye Fei bent down to pick up the wig stand that she had just thrown away, and put the wig back in its original position.

Then, his eyes fell, and he fell on the bulging plastic bag on the lower floor, and the little skirt inside the bag.

Ye Fei confronted the bag for a moment, struggling a little:

"Boudin, you testify, I'm just looking for clues, not a perverted hooligan who rummaged through girls' clothes."

Zhou Zhengning looked solemn:

"I testify."

Ye Fei finished struggling, nodded, bent down and untied the plastic bag.

The plastic bag contained nothing but three dresses.

Ye Fei picked up one of the pink dresses, shook it off and looked at it.

Not knowing what he found, he stared at the dress for a while, raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Zhou Zhengning behind the dress.

Zhou Zhengning blinked: "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's a bit of a surprise, the owner of this skirt should be quite tall."

Ye Fei didn't say anything else, he folded the three skirts and put them back in the closet.

Zhou Zhengning looked at the curly wig on the upper floor and scratched his head:

"Miss Ye, is this the egg roll you were looking for? Do I need to pay attention to it tomorrow?"

"No, but I have another important task for you."

Ye Fei closed the cabinet door, patted Zhou Zhengning on the shoulder, and then pointed to Mo Han who was sleeping soundly under the quilt:

"You have to look after him for me. Mo Han likes to draw, and every day he draws, you are responsible for tearing up his paintings, and you can't miss any of them."


Zhou Zhengning's expression was a bit embarrassed, and a sense of guilt welled up in his heart.

Mo Han, an autistic kid, is pitiful enough. His only pleasure is drawing. Does he actually have to squat beside him and tear up his efforts?

Good sin.

Ye Fei knew what this guy was thinking, so he lazily added:

"Mo Han's special ability is dimension elevation. The things he draws will rise from two-dimensional planes to three-dimensional ones. If you don't tear them apart, he might draw a monster to destroy the world."

"???" Zhou Zhengning heard such a foul ability for the first time:

"Isn't this the magic brush Ma Liang?"

"He is more dangerous than Ma Liang. Ma Liang knows what he is painting, but he doesn't."

Zhou Zhengning imagined it for a while, then nodded quickly:

"I understand, I will definitely do it. But Teacher Ye, Mo Han's situation... If I tear up his painting, will he be as stressed as before? I can't comfort him like you."

"Don't worry, no."

Ye Fei didn't know what to think of, chuckled lightly:

"What he enjoys is the process. He throws away the finished works, always causing trouble to those around him. He has to chase after him and clean up the mess for him. Fortunately, he doesn't know how to use his own abilities, otherwise troubles can still happen." More."

Zhou Zhengning was stunned for a moment:

"What trouble could be more terrible than turning a picture into a real thing?"

Ye Fei sighed:

"Well... For example, as long as he wants, he can turn you into a picture with a flick of his finger. Is it scary enough?"

Zhou Zhengning's expression collapsed.

He didn't know what to think of, and suddenly felt very emotional:

"Ah, I've realized. If it's true, as you said, Mr. Ye, that the first generation of supernatural beings had something to do with mental illness, then Mo Han seems to be fine. If such a strong supernatural power falls to some extreme people In the hands of sick people, that would be a real disaster. Don't they just move their fingers and turn the whole planet into a comic strip?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but don't worry, there are very few superpowers that are so strong, and there will be less than ten in a hundred years, otherwise the current White Tower will not..."

Ye Fei paused halfway through her words.

He smiled and shook his head:

"However, the situation you mentioned did happen. One of the first generation of supernatural powers was called 'candy house', which turned everything he touched into desserts. That supernatural power was born with low Zhijia has a mental disorder. There is only him and his old mother who takes care of him at home. They live in an old residential area. The neighbors found that no one had gone out of his house for several days, so they called the police. When the police entered, they found Sitting there is a weird human-shaped pile of desserts, and the superhuman has eaten most of her body."

Zhou Zhengning imagined that scene:

"Fuck, that's no wonder that mental treatment was so encouraged at that time. The people at that time were ordinary people, right? How scared are you to know this kind of news? I guess they are worried that one day they will be turned into something and eaten by others. drop it?"

"Yes, that incident was quite big, and the higher-ups didn't hide it. After that incident, the prevention and treatment of mental illness was vigorously promoted. In fact, their intentions were good, but later, they became more and more monsters."

Zhou Zhengning patted his chest:

"If you want to say that, am I also a potential psychopath?"

Ye Fei was amused by him:

"Don't worry, people didn't know enough about α at that time. Later, I calculated, the timeline here is 3047... In half a year at most, those people's assumptions about the cause of α's mental illness will be overturned."

"It's a good thing I didn't live in that era."

"Huh?" Ye Fei raised her eyebrows slightly, and then lowered her voice, saying in an unclear way:

"But our current era is not much better than that time."

"It will always get better!" Zhou Zhengning paused and repeated:

"One day it will get better, and someone will come to save this era."

"for example?"

"For example, Mr. Ye, you."

Ye Fei was slightly taken aback.

Then, he lowered his eyes and said in a relaxed tone:

"Don't, I can't save anyone."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei waved her hand and walked back to her bed:

"Sleep, sleepy."

"Okay, good night then."

Zhou Zhengning yawned and returned to the bed, and turned off the lights in the ward.

The room was plunged into darkness.

Ye Fei lay on her back on the hospital bed, with her arms under her pillow, staring at the ceiling of the ward in the dark.

For a long time, he sighed silently.

That night, Ye Fei had a dream.

Someone said to him in a dream:

"Ye Ye, you can save many, many people."

Later, someone sneered:

"Ye Fei, you can't even save yourself."

The next morning, a nurse knocked on the door and told them they could go to the activity room to watch a movie.

Ye Fei would definitely not miss such a good thing, but Zhou Zhengning refused to go with him for a very simple reason.

Zhou Zhengning tore up a painting that Mo Han had just drawn, with a serious expression on his face:

"Miss Ye, go and play, I won't join in the fun anymore, I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders."

At that moment, Ye Fei praised sincerely in her heart:

Pudding, what a good boy who can do great things.

Ye Fei went to the activity room by herself.

The activity room is at the end of the corridor on the first floor. When the door is opened, there is a large circular room inside. There are a lot of health posters on the walls of the room. In the posters, there are a few cartoon villains standing together holding hands, smiling brightly.

When Ye Fei arrived, there were many patients in striped suits.

They looked like ordinary people, they just sat quietly inside and rarely talked.

Ye Fei glanced roughly, and finally found his other three teammates at the corner of the rows of seats.

Grandpa Liu was holding the thermos cup in his hand. Looking carefully, the cup was still steaming.

He handed the thermos cup to Grandma Zhang in the wheelchair. Grandma Zhang took it, took a sip, and then returned the cup to Grandpa Liu, as if she was blaming something in a low voice. Grandpa Liu was not annoyed, he nodded while smiling, and kept blowing cool air into the cup.

As for the little girl with braids, she was sitting next to Grandma Zhang, rubbing her legs.

Ye Fei walked over without hesitation and sat in the empty seat next to Ren Huayan.

Ren Huayan looked at him, stunned for a moment, and quickly asked:

"Ah, it's you! You fainted yesterday, it's okay, is there any discomfort?"

When the little girl spoke, her voice was soft and soft, and it sounded cute.

Ye Fei glanced at her:

"It's okay, don't worry."

Ren Huayan nodded, and put her hands on her knees, pinching her skirt.

She whispered:

"Thank you yesterday, Brother Ye."

Ye Fei was never used to hearing these words of thanks, so he touched his ears:

"Didn't you say that yesterday? I didn't pay a lot, so you're welcome."

"But it has helped us a lot. I heard from Brother Zhou that their 'treatment' is electric shock. Thank you for helping us, otherwise..."

Ren Huayan pursed her lips. Seeing that Ye Fei didn't like hearing such words, she changed the subject and asked:

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Ye Fei has lived long enough, but she still feels at a loss in the face of such sincere thanks.

He sat lazily on the chair, messed up his hair unconsciously, and said casually:

"Ah, then would you like to tell me what your abilities are? I like to hear that."

"Okay." The little girl readily agreed.

she says:

"My ability is called 'Third Perspective'. Grandpa is a defensive ability, grandma..." Ren Huayan glanced at Grandma Zhang, then smiled embarrassedly:

"I'm sorry, Brother Ye, grandma's ability is quite special, so it's hard to say."

"Understood." Ye Fei nodded.

There are many kinds of abilities, and some holders with special effects or strong abilities are really reluctant to disclose them. After all, abilities are their trump card. If you say it more, the danger will be more. It's just...


Ye Fei originally only asked casually, but she didn't really listen to it seriously, only now did she realize what Ren Huayan said just now.

He sat upright:

"What's a third perspective? Literally?"

"Well, I can show you."

Ren Huayan tilted her head.

"?" Ye Fei originally wanted to ask, what do you want to show me.

But before he could say a word, he felt a very gentle force wrap around him, and at the same time, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

As if the soul left the body in an instant and flew to the sky, he looked down on the world from an omniscient perspective. From his stunned expression to the layout and structure of the entire hospital, they are all very clear in his eyes.

Third Perspective…

God's perspective.

Ye Fei originally thought that if the effect of this ability is really the same as his name, it can almost be called the top existence of the spiritual department.

Didn't expect it to be higher than this.

It can still be shared.

In this case, it would be a foul for the little sister to be the main support, and then paired with a stronger offensive ability user.

Ye Fei suffered from an occupational disease, and his thoughts drifted farther and farther. It was not until Ren Huayan withdrew the sharing on him that he came back to his senses.

"Sorry, I was distracted. Your ability is very strong, how many people can you share at a time?"

Ye Fei's eyes were shining.

Ren Huayan smiled, but her face seemed paler than before:

"I'm relatively poor, and it's a bit reluctant to share with one person."

"No, it is already very powerful, and there is still a lot of room for growth."

Ye Fei touched her chin habitually.

Originally, he planned to do something big later today, but now it seems that he can develop a small helper.

He glanced at Ren Huayan, and was about to say something, but the next second, the door of the activity room was suddenly pushed open, and the sound of the door banging interrupted his speech.

Ye Fei subconsciously glanced at the source of the sound, and frowned slightly.

Pushing open the door, three nurses walked in.

The leader of them was tall, with shark fangs, exposed hands like dead branches, and a huge syringe on her back.

[NPC: Nurse (synthetic form)]

The author has something to say:

Unlockable Character ID Cards:

【Ren Huayan】

Gender: Female

Age: 14 years old

Height: 162cm

Birthday: 8.10

Features: Gentle

Ability: Third Perspective

Rating: B+

Important people: —[to be unlocked]

Wish: —[to be unlocked]

Identity: Player 080 (current)/—[to be unlocked]

Participation in events: —[to be unlocked]