MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 9 Lin Xianxian-[08]

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outside the bedroom.

There was no platform to buffer the boys' dormitory building, so after turning over from the balcony, Ye Fei fell straight from the third floor to the ground. Due to the excessive momentum, he even rolled on the ground, but fortunately he stood up firmly in the end.

I just don't know if Qin Jing heard it wrong. When Ye Fei landed on the ground, under the strengthening of the five senses added by the supernatural power, she seemed to hear a crisp sound of bone shattering coming from this person's body.

"?" Qin Jing's eyebrows twitched.

But soon she saw that this guy got up from the ground like a normal person.

Ye Fei bent down and patted the flakes of ash on her trousers. When she looked up, she found Qin Jing staring at him, so she raised her eyebrows and asked:

"What are you looking at me for?"

"...Who's looking at you?" Qin Jing stiffly looked away.

She moved her finger joints, watched more and more monsters gathered, and subconsciously took a few steps back, just to Ye Fei's side.

Ye Fei pretended to take a breath of cold air:

"There are only thirty or forty monsters in the classroom. Xiao Gao, what did you do to get so many?"

They are all in a state of full hatred with their mouths open.

"Who is it called? Who is Xiao Gao?? My surname is Qin!"


Ye Fei took a guilty glance at Qin Jing's conspicuous high ponytail:

"Sorry, I have a poor memory."

Qin Jing resisted the urge to roll her eyes, too lazy to argue with him, and patiently explained:

"I don't know. I didn't do anything. As soon as I opened my eyes, there was a monster knocking on the door outside our room."

After hearing this, Ye Fei narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the half-surrounded strange tide on the opposite side.

Strange to say, when he was looking down on the third floor just now, these monsters attacked Qin Jing seamlessly and indiscriminately, attacking and biting her one after another.

No matter how strong Qin Jing is, she is only a melee single player. Faced with this unbeatable monster wave, she will be exhausted in a short time. This is why Ye Fei chose to come down to help her.

But at this time, the two of them stood here and chatted a lot, but the monster on the opposite side only surrounded them like a threat, and didn't intend to move their mouths.

It's better to keep your mouth still, it's easier to keep your mouth still, anyway, Ye Fei originally thought that she wouldn't hit her if she could.

He glanced behind himself, and asked one more question by the way:

"Where's the girl with you?"

"She's still in the dormitory." Mentioning this, Qin Jing's face was a bit ugly:

"These monsters are coming at me."

"Come here for you?" Ye Fei was a little surprised.

What did Qin Jing do last week to trigger the game's hatred mechanism, or to make her more difficult and limit her strength to maintain the balance of the game?

Not so.

Ye Fei stroked her chin thoughtfully, and then she heard Qin Jing ask a little irritably:

"Hey, if you want to reason, don't push it here. Can you find a place to talk first, these monsters are really disgusting with their mouths open?!"

Ye Fei came back to his senses, he nodded, solemnly:

"You're right, I should do something."

With that said, he took half a step back.

Qin Jing, who was beside her, noticed his movement from the corner of her eye. She didn't dare to look away, she just thought that Ye Fei was getting ready, so she also cheered up and prepared to cooperate with his movement.

But in the next second, a breeze from her side picked up the broken hair at her temples.

Qin Jing froze for a moment, looked sideways, and found that the person next to her had disappeared, leaving her with a dashing back running wildly.

Ye Fei ran away...


Qin Jing's forehead was bulging with blue veins, and she was so angry that she collapsed:

"Ye Fei! Are you a **** human?!"

"I'm just a fighting scum, you don't want to fight with me, do you? Please, you'd be a fool to stay here and fight!"

Ye Fei's voice came from afar, and it was a few syllables longer.

And after he ran away, the monster that was standing still a few steps away suddenly seemed to have been pressed by some strange switch, and the leading one seemed to have received the order, and opened its mouth wide and rushed towards Qin Jing.

Qin Jing kicked it down, and at this moment, Ye Fei stopped at a safe distance, clasping his hands together like a trumpet:

"Xiao Gao—quick—run—!"

"Damn it, my mother's surname is Qin!!"

Qin Jing's final words were broken, and following these words, a little monster flew into the sky with a loud noise.

Qin Jing forcibly fought a **** path among the monsters, she was drenched in blood and came straight to Ye Fei with a murderous look on her face.

Ye Fei's neck felt cold, she turned her head and ran away.

Two people, a man and a woman, one covered in ashes and the other covered in blood, engaged in an exciting chasing battle on the campus in the middle of the night.

Most of the street lights on the road ahead were broken, and only a few half-dead lamps were dimly lit, flickering from time to time, adequately illuminating the road.

Behind him was the screaming and roaring monster tide, and the figure was mixed with the chaotic footsteps to force him behind him, as if he would be torn to pieces by those **** mouths if he took a slow step.

At first, Qin Jing thought that Ye Fei was just being chased by monsters and running around aimlessly, but soon she found that this did not seem to be the case, Ye Fei had a direction and a purpose.

The dormitory building and the cafeteria of Lvjiang No. 3 Primary School are together. This area is at the end of the campus, and there is a small forest around the teaching area.

Qin Jing wiped her cheeks and felt the sticky blood on her hands, she was so disgusted.

She followed Ye Fei. Originally, she could choose to throw away these unlucky things at full speed under the power boost, but Ye Fei just said that she is the five scum of war. Although Qin Jing thinks the credibility is not high, she still cooperates with Ye Fei. speed, to ensure that this guy will not be torn to pieces by monsters alone.

...Although this guy may not necessarily die.

Ye Fei walked forward along the path in the woods, turned a corner when it was almost at the end, and turned into the library area through the small door.

There is no security guard on duty at night, and a lock is attached to the huge glass door.

Ye Fei's physical fitness is really not that good, and the rush from the dormitory area to the library is still a bit overloaded for him. When he got to the ground, he supported the wall next to the library with one hand, breathed slowly, and looked at Qin Jing expectantly.

Qin Jing glanced at the monster that was about to catch up, and had a bad feeling:


"Xiao Gao, get rid of it."

Ye Fei pointed to the glass door of the library.

"Madam's surname..."

Qin Jing didn't finish her sentence, and she didn't bother to entangle Ye Fei about it. She rolled her eyes and slammed her fist on the glass door of the library.

The gate was made of toughened glass, but after Qin Jing's punch fell, the door was covered with cracks instantly, and with another punch, the glass was divided into countless pieces by the cracks, and shattered to the ground with a "crash".

Qin Jing pressed her fingers, and the knuckles of her fingers made a crisp sound.

She threatened with a deadpan expression:

"Call my name wrong again, and your skull will be smashed next."

"..." Ye Fei pretended not to hear.

He raised his eyebrows and stepped into the broken glass door.

Qin Jing followed in. She originally thought that Ye Fei came in to continue running and use the terrain of the library to throw off the monster, but after Ye Fei entered the door, she stopped a step away from the door and did not move.

Qin Jing took a few steps and looked back at him, then looked past him at the monster that had rushed up the library stairs:

"If you don't run, your life will be gone again."

Ye Fei didn't seem to take it seriously, he shook his head and made a silent movement.

Qin Jing raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that he was about to commit some serious death, so he simply refused to persuade him, and stood not far away with his arms crossed, waiting to watch the show.

Outside the door, the tide of black faceless monsters came over, their mouths were split across half of their faces, and their long, bird-like tongues stuck out from their fangs, looking rather disgusting.

Qin Jing frowned:

"You don't..."

She originally wanted to say, if you don't come in, you will really give away your head.

But the next second, she paused in the second half of the sentence. She was surprised to find that the dozens of monsters seemed to be blocked outside the door of the library. There was a completely broken door in front of them, and they also It seemed to be blocked by some invisible thing outside the door frame, unable to get in any more, and could only stretch out his hands in vain, trying to drag the prey out of it.

In fact, they did.

Not far from where Ye Fei stood, a little monster who worked harder than others hooked his loose clothes with long and curved nails, and pulled it violently.

Ye Fei was unprepared and was staggered. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to dodge before the next monster grabbed his neck. The price was that the hem of his clothes was torn, and he was being held up and waved by the monster as if showing off a prize.

The faceless students in front couldn't get in, and the ones in the back stepped on the heads and bodies of those in front, piled up one by one, and soon a wall of twisting monsters was piled up outside the glass door.

The glass that was still intact was painted in a large area by the slime and blood paste from the monsters.

Qin Jing silently looked away, she looked at Ye Fei:

"How do you know they'll be stopped outside?"

Ye Fei was feeling sorry for his torn shirt, and when he heard this, he paused, and said naturally:

"Oh, I guess."

"?" So this person is standing one step away from the door and trying to make mistakes without being 100% sure?

Qin Jing originally thought that he was pretending just now, but it seemed that she had wrongly blamed him, but she didn't expect that this gambling dog was really committing suicide.

She was a little speechless, and raised her hand to rub the center of her brow.

But she is still curious:

"So why? How did you guess that?"

Ye Fei glanced at her, then at the grinning little monster, and decided to change to a quieter place.

He looked at the reading room on one side, pushed open the door, and explained to Qin Jing:

"This game is limited to the 'school'. Logically speaking, the school's rules are the highest priority. The game rules are also subject to the school's regulations, including what time to go to bed, what time to enter the classroom, and not to speak in class."

Ye Fei paused, and looked up into the reading room.

The library of Lvjiang No. 3 Primary School is very large, and the internal areas are also spacious. The reading room they entered had light-transmitting glass windows on both sides, rows of bookshelves in the middle, and tables and chairs for self-study and reading at the back.

Ye Fei glanced at it, and didn't bother to go inside. She walked directly to the window, sat on the spot against the wall under the window, and muttered to herself:

"Hey, take a rest for a while, the old man is exhausted."

Although Qin Jing was a little disgusted, she looked at herself covered in blood and found nothing to be picky about, so she followed Ye Fei and sat under the window, and moved away deliberately to keep a little distance from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei didn't pay attention to this detail. Like an old man, he sat down and rubbed his legs and beat his waist while "Ouch", until Qin Jing asked impatiently "And then", he was stunned For a moment, I remembered the story I didn't finish telling a few seconds ago, and continued slowly:

"Then, it's not just us who are restricted under this rule, but also 'students' who have the same identity as us. It's just that we are players and they are NPCs. We can actively break the rules, but they cannot."

Speaking of this, Qin Jing understood:

"So under the rules, students can't enter the library in the middle of the night?"

Qin Jing is only in her twenties, and she is not familiar with the teaching mechanism of more than a hundred years ago.

Ye Fei nodded:

"The opening hours are posted at the entrance of the library, and outsiders are not allowed to enter outside this time period."

Qin Jing understood.

She canceled the power increase, and her body relaxed, and the tiredness spread to her limbs. She raised her head slightly, breathed a sigh of relief, lost her mind for a moment, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, raised her hand to touch her trousers pocket, and took out a lighter and cigarettes from it.

Ye Fei followed her movements and saw something in her hand, a little surprised.

In fact, he was a little curious:

"By the way, Xiao Gao, can I ask what you did before you came in?"

This girl can carry and fight, she is ridiculously strong.

"I don't..."

Qin Jing wanted to refute, but she was probably a little tired. She sighed and gave up, her tone was irritated and helpless:

"What is love called?"

She took out a cigarette and held it between her teeth. She glanced at Ye Fei and shook the cigarette case at him.

Ye Fei also took one in his mouth. He lowered his head and put his hand around the flickering flame in Qin Jing's hand, letting the flame pick up the tobacco, dyeing his palm and the night with a thin layer of warm light.

It was also at that time that she heard Qin Jing answer vaguely with a cigarette in her mouth:

"I used to fight in the underground arena, and later I became a bounty hunter."

Ye Fei whistled in appreciation:


Qin Jing put on the lighter:

"What do you think I do?"

"I didn't think so, but I heard from Pudding that there are people from the Reaper Special Service in this game."

"So you want to confirm that I am also related to the White Tower?" Qin Jing sneered:

"Come on, no dogs will enter the White Tower."

"..." Ye Fei felt that she had been scolded.

He smiled and shook his head, lowered his eyes, held the cigarette between his fingers, the smoke overflowed from his lips and dissipated in the night.

Qin Jing looked at him with dark eyes:

"Hey, I answered your question, shouldn't you answer me too?"

Ye Fei crooked her eyes:

"Why, want to ask about my ability?"


Ye Fei dusted off the cigarette ash and said four words:

"Absolutely cured."

Qin Jing was taken aback.

The ability to heal is rare enough, and Ye Fei added "absolute" before the cure, so the effect can be imagined.

"…No wonder."

No wonder the mental state fell to the verge of danger and he was able to stay awake, no wonder he was stabbed into a sieve by a monster and came back alive.

No wonder he dared to make a big death.

But she still felt strange, thought about it, and decided to ask:

"I remember last week when you rushed to save Zhang Shang, did you use a displacement ability? The displacement should not be in the effect of absolute healing, right? How did you do it? You have more than one ability? But I It seems that you didn’t hear the system notification?”

Qin Jing was really curious.

She had never heard of anyone who could have more than two kinds of abilities at the same time, but Ye Fei was the only person with abilities rated S by the White Tower. Maybe he was the Chosen One?

Hearing Qin Jing's question, Ye Fei chuckled suddenly.

Instead of answering, he asked back:

"Which abilities will not be notified by the system when used?"

Qin Jing froze for a moment, inexplicably feeling like being asked by the teacher:

"Passive, what?"

Abilities are divided into active and passive. Active abilities are similar to "skills", which will be retrieved and notified by the game system when used. However, passive abilities are similar to "buffs", which are not controlled by the ability user, and most of them are biased towards auxiliary effects, so the system will not specifically remind them.

This is something that veteran players know, and it is also the standard answer to this question, but Ye Fei shook his head when he heard this:

"No, there should be another kind."

"What?" Qin Jing frowned slightly.

The cigarette between Ye Fei's fingers swayed gently, and he looked sideways at Qin Jing, his eyes slightly gloomy - he always gave people such a depressed and gloomy feeling.

He sat on the ground with his legs bent, his whole body buried in the shadows, only the top of his head was lightly outlined by the moonlight outside the window.

The cigarette burned and spread, and the sparks fell from the end and landed on the tiles on the ground, gradually dissipating the light.

It was also at that time that Qin Jing heard Ye Fei's answer:

"There should be an abnormal affiliation relationship."

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