MTL - Swallowed Star-v2 Chapter 11 Micro level

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Chapter 11 into the micro level

In the closed town, the killing is constantly going on.

Some of the martial artists were injured in the first killing of the monster, but they couldn't help pressing the button of the communication watch for help, but they chose to fail; some of the martial artists, after killing the monster, were scared and pale; there were also some powerful warriors. After killing the monster, I was excited and crazy, very excited!

Not far from the enclosed town, in a large building, a large number of surveillance screens show what is happening in every part of the town.

"How impressive!" In one of the rooms of the building, an officer was sitting with a burly man drinking, and the big screen on the side of the wall was playing the killings in the town. The burly man sighed. "Looking at these young people and monsters, I remember when we were young!"

"Well, look at them mostly in their twenties, it is the youngest time, and the most immature time." The officer also sighed, "Pharaoh, this blink of an eye, our brothers are two years old." It was also big. At the beginning, we were also the new star of Jiangnan City. Now you are the head of the Thunderbolt Hall. It is also a big one, haha."

The burly big Hanhaha smiled: "Iron monkey, don't you mix this step with the Major General?"

"Well?" The officer was surprised to look at the screen. The more he looked, the more surprised he was. "Pharaoh, look at you."

On this screen, we monitor the videos in the town. Because there are many cameras in the camera, the images on this screen will also switch.

"Switched off?" The officer immediately pressed the fixed telephone next to him and told him, "Give me the target of the 21st camera and lock him."

"Yes." There was a powerful voice in the phone.

The burly Dahan Wang Heng doubted his good brother: "Iron Monkey, what did you see in the end?"

"Pharaoh, you will know when you wait." The officer smiled mysteriously.

Soon the screen just appeared again on the screen. I saw that there were five black shadows in the image that constantly attacked a warrior. The five black shadows were five head-level shadow cats, and the attacked warriors were hand-held. Six-sided shield, blood shadow knife, looks very young, it is Luo Feng!

"Hey?" The burly big man's eyes are bright.

"So? This guy is amazing." The officer sighed, "This young man actually took this warrior's actual assessment as a free exercise opportunity! And... you see, he can't do it."

"Into the micro level!"

"It is into the micro level!" The burly big man's eyes are shining, staring at Luo Feng under the attack of the five-headed cat monster. Luo Feng's every dodging movement is not large, and they are very easy to avoid each. The attack of a movie cat, the taste of the strolling walk completely conquered these two powerful!

Into the micro-level body, even if the war is strong, many can not do.

"His body method has reached the level of micro level. Unbelievable, incredible!" The burly big man sucked a cold breath, "He is only 18 years old. This body is not the same as physical fitness, good talent, good physical fitness." However, the body must be experienced in a battle to accumulate experience, have a solid foundation, and then gradually enter the 'into the micro level'."

"How do you know that he is 18 years old?" The officer was scared. "Do you know him?"

"His name is Luo Feng, Mom, and was enrolled in advance by the Extreme Wushu." The burly singer hated the channel. "The ultimate martial arts hall is really a dog. This Luofeng is only 18 years old, not only very physical. Ok. I didn't expect his body to be even more amazing! Into the micro level, so young, the body will reach the micro level, will it be in the future?"


Many of the war-level powerhouses have not reached the micro-level body! It is conceivable that the body can reach this level, how terrible.

Real combat, physical quality is only one aspect, body, knife, and consciousness all occupy important aspects.


The burly man slammed the table violently. "This genius can't be robbed by the Extreme Wushu! Fortunately, I am lucky. I will come to drink with the Iron Monkey to see this video."

"What are you going to do?" the officer smiled.

"Why? Dig people!" The burly big man blinked. "Digging his corner! Now I am afraid that the ultimate martial arts hall has not realized that this young man's body is so amazing. I will dig people first! Isn't it money?" It’s luck, luck, this year’s wave, it’s such a powerful kid. Compared with him, the one hundred thousand and eight thousand miles went!”

The officer smiled.

"Iron monkey, look back and copy this video to me." Burman said.

"Yes, little things." The officer smiled and nodded.

Among the small, closed monster towns, Luo Feng is being besieged by three tiger cubs, two cats and two iron wild boars. It was caused by the siege of the seven monsters, and Luo Feng also spent a lot of effort to attract these monsters.


"Come back."

"That's it."

Luo Feng is as calm as walking, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes back, and sometimes forward. Sometimes the body is slightly twisted, and sometimes it is...

With such subtle movements, the seven-headed monsters couldn’t touch Luo Feng’s body.

"吼~~" Luo Feng's eye corners noticed that a tiger cub fluttered behind him, and there were other four monsters attacking at the same time. According to the current situation, immediately the foot turned and the figure was erratic.

"Not good, almost!" Luo Feng's heart was helpless.

Seeing that the claws of the cat are about to catch Luo Feng, but the strange thing is that Luo Feng's body is traversing five centimeters, just avoiding this catch.

"The legendary micro-level method is really difficult to learn." It seems that Luo Feng has just avoided all the attacks, but in fact... Luo Feng himself is very clear, he failed! Because at the last moment, he exerted a thrust on the six-sided shield of the left arm through the mental power!

It is because of this thrust from the air that Luo Feng has only moved five centimeters!

When fighting, the body is very important, so Luo Feng is almost honing his body this night. In accordance with common sense... body training, you must first have a very solid foundation, generally ten years of hard work. Then the monsters are often killed for several years, forming a variety of dodge consciousness, and gradually become proficient. Skilled to the extreme, it is to be conditioned.

The foundation is solid, skilled, and easy to follow!

This is the first three levels of the body. Above these three levels... is to enter the micro level!

Into the micro level, the representative can have extremely fine control of strength and body, and make the most exquisite avoidance with the least cost. A variety of mobile dodge, as if by computer calculations! The reason why the micro-level method is difficult is that when a small amount of dodging occurs, once a mistake occurs, it is easy to be hit by the monster! Hit by the monster, generally not dead or hurt.

In the training of the micro-level body, if you train with some monsters whose strength is much weaker than yourself, there is not much effect at all.

Luo Feng is now attacked by seven monsters at the same time. In fact, his strength and speed have been displayed 100%. But the seven monsters are besieging, and it is too difficult for the seven monsters to touch themselves!

"I am also counting into the micro level now?"

"I also use the minimum range of movement to make subtle dodge. Of course, sometimes there will be errors." Luo Feng felt mentally tired, and the blood-shadow sword that had not been attacked in his hand swiftly swung, suddenly a head-headed monster angered Hey, five blood spurts in succession, and the seven-headed monster that Luo Feng slayed for a while had five monsters on the spot, and the other two flew away.

"No matter how……"

"After this night's training, my body is at least twice as strong as the past." Luo Feng showed a smile, more practice in the past, and could catch up with the monster's close-knit? And generally killing with monsters, can you compare with the extreme training of such a small movement to Luo Feng?

Only when you really challenge the limits of your body, do you know where your limits of dodge are!

This night's training is very beneficial to Luo Feng.

To know that Luo Feng is one-on-one, it is stronger than this h-class tiger dog, shadow cat, and iron wild boar. One-on-one, Luo Fengqiang. But the seven monsters besieged one, so they can kill humans. After all, a punch can send out 3,000 kilograms of punching power, and the monster's impact force of more than 2,000 kilograms can still hit Luo Feng vomiting blood!

Even the same genius ‘Winter’ does not dare to be so arrogant!

Otherwise, I was accidentally given a corpse by the seven monsters.

But Luo Feng dare!

Because he has the spirit of thought, once he is in danger of avoiding mistakes, Luo Feng can immediately use his mental power to act on the shield, or the blood shadow knife, to add a force to himself. Let yourself borrow money and you can sneak again.

"Unfortunately, this mental power can only be applied to objects without life. Once it is close to the human body, it will directly penetrate into the body." Luo Feng shook his head, the mental mind is unable to control the human body and animals, and can only control metal, wood, etc. . However, the spirit of mind has already greatly surprised Luo Feng.

At least... he can do it into the micro level of evasion.

Of course, the variation is in the micro level. Because once he makes a mistake, he must rely on the spirit to push one! The ability to evade is not worse than normal. And even more weird!


The whole town suddenly sounded a harsh sound, and a thick voice rang through the horn through the horn. "Time is up, all the martial artists immediately go to the town exit."

"Warrior's actual assessment, is it over?" Luo Feng smiled.

"In the future, I will continue to try this micro-level training, until one day, I don't need mental support, and my body can reach the micro level." Luo Feng cuts the left ear of the five-headed monster, and then earns a backpack. Quickly rushed to the gate of the monster town.