MTL - Sweet Love 1V1: Spoiled by The Executive-Chapter 6 Ruan Zeyan is a demon

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"So what?" Ruan Zeyan looked down at her with eyes full of eyes, "So, if I told you my true identity at the beginning. You wouldn't get engaged with Li Chenfeng for money, and you wouldn't get rid of the Li family. Money goes high flying with a small white face? "

Ruan Zeyan's words shocked Ling Tianya, "I took away the money of the Li family with a small white face and went high to fly?"

Ling Tianya never thought that after she left, those people would arrange her like this ...

"Don't pretend to be innocent, don't you just love money?" Ruan Zeyan teased Ling Tianya's chin and forced her to look at herself. Take the bath towel around your waist indifferently, and arrogantly swears at Ling Tianya's strength of his man, "Be smart, wait for me, and give you money."

Ruan Zeyan's sudden actions and words surprised Ling Tianya and her body instinctively hid backwards. However, Ruan Zeyan did not give her this opportunity and leaned on her back to lean to herself. "I don't care what your purpose of returning to China is. If you want to Better off, don't fight me! "

"Ruan Zeyan, are you so excited because you still love me!" Ling Tianya knew that she was setting fire to herself. However, in the face of Ruan Zeyan's humiliation, she couldn't help saying this.

Sure enough, as soon as her voice fell, Ruan Zeyan's face became even more vague, "You are too self-righteous."

"No? What are you doing now?"

Ruan Zeyan reached out and clasped Ling Tianya's chin. "Ling Tianya, who am I?"

"Oh, you are Ruan Zeyan, president of Yuan Teng Group, the devil who can easily determine the fate of others!"

Ruan Zeyan raised his lips and said, "Yes, as long as I think, there will be countless women who take off on their own initiative, waiting for me to be lucky!"

"Yeah! Why don't you go find those women!" Ling Tianya tried to break away from Ruan Zeyan's uncle, but still in vain.

Ruan Zeyan looked at her, and her long fingers crossed her face, and said evilly, "Ling Tianya, needless to say these things that stimulate me are useless. You are to me now, just a slave on the bed, of course You can also refuse. Provided that you never want to gain a foothold in the country. "

Her resistance had no effect on him. His hands could not be pressed by him. The whole person was caught in his arms. The hard chest hit her and it hurt. The smell of desire ran through his nose.

Ling Tianya's breathing became more and more difficult, her consciousness became more and more unclear, and she gradually fell into a chaotic dream.

It was a horrible and long dream ...

In her dream, Ling Tianya returned six years ago, when she was only 20 years old.

In the bridal shop, Ling Tianya was wearing a red Chinese wedding dress and sitting in the toilet cubicle. The voice of her future mother-in-law Zhang Li was really heard outside.

"Oh, I don't want Chen Feng to marry this Ling Tianya. By contrast, I think that Ling Yuqing is good. But how could the Ling family marry Ling Yuqing ... Yeah, Ling Tianya's mother-in-law did Something so shameless hasn't spread all over the circle ... Forget it, anyway, Ling Tianya is also Ling Tao's daughter, and marrying her can be regarded as climbing to the Ling family ... As long as you can help Li's through this It ’s okay, and I ’ll leave after a big deal ... who does n’t say, a woman like Ling Tianya can marry my son, it ’s all she has burned the incense in her lifetime ... well, let ’s not talk, they The wedding photo should be over! "

After the sound of water, Zhang Li stepped out of the bathroom with high heels.

Ling Tianya then walked out of the cubicle pale, looking at herself in the mirror wearing her wedding dress, but she couldn't see the feeling of joy.

At this time, her cell phone rang and she was the third grandfather in the country.

"Tianya, a man came yesterday and said that your stepmother asked him to come and took Tianxin away. He hasn't returned yet!"

"Tianxin ..." Ling Tianya was stunned and almost fell.