MTL - Sweetest in the Universe-Chapter 29

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After receiving the gift, I also put a word to show that I was prepared, but if I still kept my word, it would be too unreasonable.

But what can she give Quan Xing? Zhou Zhen was immediately in distress almost on the way back.

She was so busy distressingly that she didn't notice that her teammates along the way were a taciturn state.

Therefore, when she returned to the hotel, Lin Lin said solemnly that she wanted to talk to her. She was not surprised.

"Ah?" Zhou Yan blinked quickly, "What are you talking about?"

Lin Lin coughed, and his expression was a little awkward, but he quickly organized the language and said, "It's not a big deal. Just a few words. It's just a training match after talking."

Zhou Yan: "... oh."

Seeing her so well-coordinated, Lin Lin suddenly felt that it was more difficult to talk about it, but just as he was not assured that she went to eat with Quan Xing alone, it was inevitable that she had to worry more about managing a little girl who was only 17 .

"How long have you known Hcg's Star?" Lin Lin heard himself asking.

"More than a year?" She didn't expect that the leader would ask this, and froze again. "What's the matter?

"It's nothing." After all, he is not a high school class teacher who prevents early love. He is just a team leader. Lin Lin thinks this way, but he said something softly. Happening."

At this point, Zhou Yan has not completely tasted it.

She pinched the Qianling doll sent by Quan Xing, pursed her lips with a smile, and said, "I didn't expect this, in fact, he didn't talk much on the Internet."

Lin Lin: "Then he's so enthusiastic about you now, it's actually quite abnormal, so pay attention."

Zhou Yan: "???" Wait, what do you notice?

She was really confused and simply asked it out.

Lin Lin: "..."

"Do you, Brother Lin, doubt that he wants to use my YYg tactics?" Zhou Yan suddenly raised his eyes. "Then you can rest assured, I have something in my mind!"

Lin Lin once again: "..." Are you really not aware of this?

"Not tactics." Euphemistically implying that it won't work, then I can only say, "I'm worried about the two of you ... just, you're young, you know, love or something, can be a little later."

Zhou Yiren is stupid. What the **** is in love?

"No ... why did you fall in love?" She didn't understand. "I met him for the first time today, and they haven't been in the game for a long time. They are not particularly close friends."

It's strange because you weren't particularly familiar, Lin Lin thought, seeing a friend who wasn't particularly familiar was prepared so much. It ’s been a long time since I was a little girl!

But having said that, Zhou Min's thoughts and reactions are indeed not an ordinary seventeen-year-old girl.

The driver here, Lin Lin finally felt relieved.

"Ah, I'll remind you anyway." He repeated his reason for the reminder a little awkwardly, "You are too young, be careful."

"Thank you, Brother Lin." Zhou Yi helped Fu Er, Yu Guang glanced at the doll in his other hand, and couldn't help but feel a bit hot, "Then I go upstairs and put things down, I will go to the training center. ! "

"Go and go." Lin Lin finally let go.

Zhou Yan sat in the elevator and returned to the upstairs room. She placed the Qianling doll on the bedside, greeted the official Bo Niang who was editing the Weibo copy in the same room, and then went downstairs to rush to her in the afternoon. Have been to the training center.

By that time, her teammates had taken their positions and started up, but none of them entered the game rankings, and they didn't know what to wait for.

After pushing the door in, she knew that they were waiting for her.

... and the reason is exactly the same as Lin Lin. They all feel that Quan Xing is too enthusiastic about her, maybe she wants to pursue her.

"You're awake!" She grabbed her hair with a bit of a breakdown. "Where's the time for professional players to fall in love, it's still a transnational relationship."

"Then you are wrong." Ying Yuanxia, ​​the first gossip in the circle, quickly retorted, "There are more professional players in love, and your idols are talking."

Zhou Yan: "He is now a substitute most of the time, the effect of a love relationship on the team is not great!"

Ying Yuanxia also wanted to list who and who were in love with each other, but she was interrupted directly.

"And when someone is in love, it doesn't mean that I will fall in love." She said, "Dating is meaningless, it only delays me playing games."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, I said, how can Xiao Zhou be touched by such a small means?" Wang Jian heard this, slap at the table and laughed, "Come and come, you two hurry to me and Xie One hundred. "

Ying Yuanxia and Han Ziliang looked at each other with regretful expressions.

And Zhou Yan also fully reacted, dare to love the four people are betting her and the right star!

To be honest, Wang Blade Ying Yuanxia Han Ziliang did this kind of thing. She was not surprised at all, but why did Xie Yi also participate? !!

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Xie Yi, her eyes were inexplicable and accusatory, as if asking him, how can you follow me to open up? !!

After Xie Yi understood her expression, she turned her gaze with a guilty conscience, but her voice was still cold when she said, "It's time to start."

Zhou Yan: "???" You don't need to change the subject immediately!

The author has something to say: I'm still in the field, and I'll wait a little bit more for home tomorrow! Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

17 bottles of Veronica; 6 bottles of hohoho; 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard!