MTL - Sweetest in the Universe-Chapter 63

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Zhou Zhen's accurate judgement was amazing.

"This wave is so beautiful, I know you're calculating me, but it's all in my calculations!"

"Yes, and this Qiana should now be the best in the field. Kainan's big move is not enough damage, but with Qiana's harvesting ability!"

Seeing that the situation is about to fall to YYg completely, a tp lights up on the road.

"Verus is here too!"

"My God, he just happened to be tp. This is the tower to drop down."

"Even if he stays on the down road, that tower can't hold it, so if you don't break the diplomatic road to go to the road support, this choice is actually no problem."

Zhou Zheng just accepted the order on the opposite side, and turned to see that the opposite Verus had arrived first, and was shocked.

Although her economically advanced equipment is also the best in the field, it is still a bit laborious to continue playing less. However, she can't get away in this state at present, and can only hold it as far as possible, waiting for Wang Blade to arrive.

"No." She had judged herself as she operated. "I should die, I'll take them down."

"Otherwise, don't come, Brother Dao. They don't have any soldiers now, as long as Xiao Zhou replaces one ..." Han Ziliang, who had already been killed in one step, suggested.

"It's all here, it's easy to fall back if you go back." Zhou Yan was still full of gambling. "It doesn't matter if I die, Brother Dao killed the rest, and they lost money."

"... Let ’s do it." Han Ziliang could only say so, "Wow, the tower has been pushed!"

Xie Yi kept silent on the road until the moment when he had eaten the plating of the next tower, he asked aloud if he needed to go up.

His tp is still there.

"No, you go."

"Go and grind the middle tower."

The YYg Nakano duo spoke at the same time, and laughed together after speaking, because at this moment, Zhou Zhe and the opposite Yasuo all died.

"Shutdown bounty, hey." Wang Blade stepped forward and Jess shot a shot.

"Well, you kill us, you still make us." Zhou Yan didn't care about his KDA data. "After killing, remember to eat the barrel blue Buff."

Wang Blade: "..." You really trust me.

In fact, when Zhou Di hooked tSD in the middle and lower double c and walked to Wang Blade, tSD's tower replacement strategy has basically failed.

However, Wang Blade may have made too much mistakes in the last wave of performances. In the last wave of support, he really made a mistake and died there.

"What is the scene of the collective explosion ..."

"I feel that both sides are playing a little chaotic, but YYg still made money. They held the upper tower and let Xia Dazhong to wear away a little of the middle tower. This is a real economic benefit after all."

"If tSD, getting Jess's head is a pleasant surprise. Jess also has a bounty."


In the competition, Wang Blade, who gave away his life with a bounty, was smiling hard: "My pot, my pot ..."

Han Ziliang sincerely asked: "Did you forget that you are a Jess?"

Ying Yuanxia: "Yes, otherwise it makes no sense to punch the face."

And Zhou Zheng only regretted the blue Buff who had a good time, saying that it could have been really profitable.

Wang Blade: "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"Hey, they want to steal Xiaolong!" After the last wave, both sides were hurt, and they were slowly slowing down the pace. Ying Yuanxia went to see the sight alone, and the result just reflected the situation in Xiaolongkeng.

At this time, other teammates were far away from this position. He was alone and difficult to support. He couldn't grab it if he wanted to grab it. He could only regret watching Xiaolong fall into the other's pocket.

Fortunately, the tower-changing strategy before YYg did a good job, and the economy was still more than two thousand ahead.

In fact, these two thousand are basically on Xie Yi and Zhou Zheng. If you look closely at the equipment gap between the AD positions on both sides, you will find that Xie Yi has already taken the lead.

As a weak version of AD, he can always pass the particularly difficult period for AD before the average person, which is his greatest value.

"Don't panic, don't panic." Zhou Zheng didn't feel much about losing that dragon. "You go straight back to me and Lao Han comes from above."

"Can you get rid of it?" Ying Yuanxia didn't need to explain more of the purpose of this wave, "They will come up and guard after the fight."

Zhou Yan: "So I need you to break the wave!"

Ying Yuanxia: "... Xiao Zhou is very killing today."

The upper middle and the upper two spoke in unison, saying yes, I also found that they played more aggressively than usual.

Zhou Zheng did not refute. In fact, she knew better than anyone else. She did fight very aggressively today. But there is still a difference between radical and above, at least so far, she has generally won.

The playoffs are an all-round contest of technology and psychology. She has a short cooperation time with other YYg people. There are only a few hidden tactics, and one trick is used for one trick, so you must win it out. Otherwise Not only does it hurt morale, it also gives the opposite side confidence from the start.

"On!" As soon as the personnel who arrived from each of the three places just joined together, Zhou Zheng didn't hesitate for another half a minute, "A Yuan!"

Ying Yuanxia usually talks a lot. When he needs to concentrate on the operation, he often can't say a word. He didn't respond to Zhou Zheng, but his flash had been pressed when she spoke out.

This top called the entire venue to scream!

Originally YYg support was decisive. The middle lane was a four-on-three situation. He was so perfect that it made it difficult for the other three to lose.

"In the first ten minutes, we said that the pace of this game was slower than we thought. Both sides were eager to try but finally retracted to the line of silence. What happened from ten minutes to now?" The commenter stunned.

"I had just wanted to say that tSD took the opportunity to steal a big dragon. The decision was really spiritual. Before they could say it, they came back to the middle ?!"

In the middle of the wave, Wang Blade finally regained his face as a mid-single player. Each shot was accurate, and he consciously gave these heads to Xie Yi's Xia.

"It's over, Xia had already been leading the equipment, and now he's the direct father." In the tSD lounge, the staff saw this scene and felt very uncomfortable.

"What is it, Bo5 is the first one." Ye Bai stared at the screen, saying, "Not lost."

Coach: "Please prepare for it. Asong's operation has been deformed. I think my mentality is a bit broken."

Ye Bai spread his hands: "I have been preparing and can go at any time."

The coach just wanted to say that would be great, but he continued: "But I think the next one is best to continue to let Asong."

"A Song's mentality should not be a problem at this moment." Ye Bai said, "Replace him, he is really going to collapse. This is Bp's tactics. When he comes up, he loses. The main reason for losing is not Ah Song, but if he is replaced, does it not make everyone think that he lost because of him? "

For a new player, this is undoubtedly a huge blow, and it may even make him completely lose confidence.

"If you ca n’t beat Yuzhou, it won't be shameful, but if you make him think it's all because he can't beat Yuzhou, we lose, and this year he will completely lose it."


"I can't go up for him every time." Ye Bai said, "And how much my operation has dropped, everyone knows."