MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 18 But the bed is too small

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Biquge, the latest super-sweet chapter of my movie!

"Lu Jingzhi, who are you servants for?" Li Shutong asked Lu Jingzhi angrily and rudely.

"Or now ... Get off?" Lu Jingzhi stared at Lu Zhengbai mercilessly. "Today I just met him. If it was grandpa seeing, uncle, there is room for you to intercede?"

Lu Zhengbai lowered his head and relented: "Just do what you say."

"All of you can hear clearly. From today on, there are no three young masters and two second ladies in the Lu family, but there are two more servants, and no one is allowed to treat them as masters."

"I'm still there, I can't get them ..."

Up and down the Lu family, because Lu Jingzhi's anger shuddered, no one dared to spit out the atmosphere, even Li Shutong sitting on the ground spattering, did not dare to say a word at this moment.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Yuning couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the **** of heaven was angry, and it really turned out to be ten miles away.

"Butler, arrange another room for Yuning to stay for two days."

What Lu Jingzhi meant was obviously that he wanted Jiang Yuning to stay at the Lu's house and make a good call to the mother and son, so as to take the opportunity to export the evil spirits.

"No need." Jiang Yuning quickly waved and refused. She was not confident enough to point at someone's house.

"Huh?" Lu Jingzhi looked over at Jiang Yuning, not giving her the chance?

"I really hate this pair of mother and son, but I haven't forgotten that this is the Lu family. Even if I want to keep venting, I will not choose to stay in the old house of Lu family. Of course, I hope that I will never see the mother and son again in this life."

Don't want to see? I'm afraid that will not be possible, she will have to be Lu Zongye's second wife.

"It's up to you." Lu Jingzhi wasn't reluctant. "But you have to stay tonight to take care of your grandpa."

"I only need to sleep in your study. I don't need to worry about the housekeeper to clean up the rooms." Jiang Yuning quickly said that now the Lu family is no longer a place where she can stay overnight, even though her relationship with Lu Jingzhi is unusual now. But she also didn't want to stay in such a restraint and embarrass herself.

"Butler, do it."

Not far away, Lu Zongye and Li Shutong seemed to have lost their souls. One was silent on the sofa and the other was lying motionless on the ground.

Because they dare not move and do not want to move.

Who wants to change from a noble master to a servant that everyone can call?

What's more, the sense of oppression that Lu Jingzhi gave them was too strong. At the moment when Lu Jingzhi was there, they couldn't wait to pretend they were dead. That was the best.

Lu Zhengbai looked at the two and sighed helplessly. He couldn't control it and simply ignored it.

Because Lu Jingzhi's words reminded him that these two people have been pretending to be tigers in Lujiahu in recent years. The old man is afraid that he already has a steelyard in his heart. If he indulges further, the consequences may not be imaginable.

Soon, the housekeeper prepared the dinner, but it was just an empty Lujia old house. At this moment, only Lu Jingzhi and Jiang Yuning dine.

Although Lu Jingzhi's parents had three brothers and a younger sister, each has his own achievements. Apart from the holidays, he rarely lives in old houses.

In addition to the Lu Zhengbai family, Lu Zongye's mother and son are still stone carvings in the living room.

"The two of them ... is this the way tonight?" Jiang Yuning was surprised, or was the first time he saw a stimulus like this.

"Until tomorrow morning, I don't dare to move." Lu Jingzhi seemed to be strange, and replied softly.

"It seems that I have to take a few more glances at the opportunity, which is really a spectacle." Jiang Yuning took out his mobile phone while taking a meal and took a few shots toward the living room.

"The study does not have a bathroom. I will wash it in the guest room before going up." After meals, Lu Jingzhi asked Jiang Yuning while wiping her thin lips gracefully.

"I won't wash it." Jiang Yuning spit out his tongue at him.

"Don't sleep in my bed without washing." After speaking, Lu Jingzhi got up, walked through the living room where the two sculptures were located, and returned to his room.

Jiang Yuning snickered secretly because she knew that Lu Jingzhi had moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness.

After dinner, Jiang Yuning went to the guest room and looked at the grandfather who was taken care of by the housekeeper. Then he remembered to call Kujie back: "Grandpa is all right, he will return to the hospital tomorrow."

"Luzong Ye didn't embarrass you?"

"It's embarrassed, but, this time I moved to rescue the soldiers." Jiang Yuning said slightly proudly, "Lu Zongye's scum is still a sculpture in the living room."

"I know it's not stupid to move soldiers, I'll see you tomorrow morning." It was because of Lu Zongye's beastly evil, that Ku Jie and the people of Lu's family did not like it.

Even if I knew that Lu Jingzhi was different, it was difficult to accept it.

Jiang Yuning knew his mood, so she did not force her. After taking care of her grandfather, she went up to the third floor lightly.

When she saw the code lock, she was a little excited, because she could never believe that this door actually used her birthday as a code.

Behind the door, Lu Jingzhi sat in a chair in a black nightgown, saw her come in, and dragged her to sit on his lap.

"When did you come up?" Jiang Yuning whispered, afraid that others would know that the two of them were upstairs.

Lu Jingzhi clasped her waist, and her voice was still cold: "I have ordered the housekeeper, don't disturb you in the evening, so don't be so careful."

"Why are you doing it for me? You clearly do it for yourself." Jiang Yuning hummed softly, but thinking of the study door, she resumed her interest. "The password is my birthday, right?"

"Um." Lu Jingzhi nodded faintly.

"When was it set?"

Lu Jingzhi raised his gaze and stared at Jiang Yuning firmly. His black pupils glowed like diamonds.

"The first day you put a combination lock."

With such an answer, Jiang Yuning's heartbeat accelerated, especially when Lu Jingzhi locked his eyes like this, only feeling goose bumps and numbness in his bones. Jiang Yuning couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly turned his hot eyes: "Don't look at me like this."

Lu Jingzhi reached out and held her neck from behind, lowering her face to kiss her tender lips.

Jiang Yuning smelled the freshness of the ocean on him, and closed his eyes involuntarily, enjoying the intimacy of the two, until Lu Jingzhi's hand reached into her back, Jiang Yuning woke up like a dream: "My good friend hasn't Let's go. "

Lu Jingzhi lowered his voice and covered his desire: "I know."

"Then you go back to your room to sleep ..." Jiang Yuning quickly rushed because she felt that Lu Jingzhi was too hot, and she couldn't take it anymore.

Lu Jingzhi ignored her, picked her up and walked to the crib.

Jiang Yuning paused for a moment, then immediately responded: "Do you sleep here too? But the bed is too small ..."

"You can't move, you can't fall."

I ca n’t fall, Jiang Yuning is a bit worried, Lu Jingzhi ’s height of 188, it is very reluctant to sleep on this bed, and she must be added, unless she sleeps on Lu Jingzhi ’s body all night, although it is not without, but ...