MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 16 Precursor

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In a place hundreds of meters away from the attacking place, Gao Wen found the cabin that had been turned into ruins.

It fell between the trees, and it was judged from the burnt marks that it was a big fire from the inside out, but the fire did not spread farther away - perhaps a rain saved the forest in time. . The Byron Knight examined the traces left around the wooden house and determined that the fire should have occurred more than half a month ago.

Heti detected a very thin magic reaction on the spot.

"What we saw in the shadow world should be a reflection," Gao Wen looked at the wooden house that had been turned into a ruin on the hollow of the forest, and said his own judgment. "This wild mage has lived in this place for many years. It is located outside the territory, and even the Orion will not come, so no one knows that there is still a hermit."

"The problem is... How did the accident happen?" Hetty frowned. "There is only a weak focus on the magic, and the strength of the wild mage who lives here is very low, even if one of his magic experiments is out of control, burned. It is impossible for this house to create a long projection in the shadow world, and it also creates such a powerful fog of grievances... The magic required for all this is not provided by a wild mage in the district."

"Perhaps this note can answer your doubts." Gao Wen said, handing a dilapidated notebook to Herti.

That was the note I had received from Betty in the shadow world. It was both the diary of the Unknown Wild Master and the research notes.

Heti opened the second half of the note in accordance with Gao Wen’s instructions and watched it carefully.

"...Ansu 729, fire month, XX day. It has been moving to this place for half a year, and found a magic focus on the edge of the Cecil family's territory, although the intensity is simply unable to share the public magic focus of the city of Thousand Towers. In comparison, but it is enough to support my laboratory. The elements here are single and stable, and Anne's condition should be alleviated.

"Ansu 729, the harvest month, XX. Anne's situation seems to have improved, she has not relapsed for a long time - but I don't know if the environment here has worked, or my ritual and potion Effective. The magic focus here is too weak, even with the help of the amplitude of the array, my ritual effect will be greatly reduced. Perhaps I should rethink the formulas that have been derived before... although those who are secret Taunting my calculations, but anyway, I have left the secret society, they can't manage it...

"Ansu 730 years, fog month, XX day. Those formulas and deductions are in full compliance with expectations! No, it should be said that the development of the facts is as I calculated - in the new mode of increase, the power of the magic focus is greatly Enhanced! With the help of extra magic, I can finally start the next stage of Anne's treatment. Although she has almost no disease in the past few months, the treatment must go on because she can't afford more toss...

"Ansu 731 years, cold moon, XX day. After treatment, Anne can actually get up and walk, even to make a meal! There are fried sausages and vegetable soup, I think I have never eaten this for 100 years. Good food - although the sausage has been smeared, the vegetable soup has forgotten to put salt... It turns out that my treatment plan is effective, and as long as the magic focus here continues to supply the magic steadily, Anne's recovery will Just around the corner..."

After that, the content of the diary is more about the daily life of the writer and his daughter. Heti quickly skipped this part until a scribbled record appeared on the last pages:

"Ansu 734, frost month, XX day. Anne is sick. Damn!!

"I don't know what went wrong, all the treatments are going according to plan, every step of the ceremony is not wrong, the medicine is also - it has been used for several years, there has never been a problem! But Anne is still ill, and sick It’s amazing...every time is worse than before. I have to find the reason as soon as possible. I have to write down all the details, all... I have to find the reason. Anne will be fine...

"Ansu 734, Frostmoon, XX. Anne still hasn't improved, the new pharmacy has no effect, she is still weakening, and... is gradually moving away from the world. I saw her hands this morning. It became transparent like a mist, and there were a lot of blisters on the face. The world is rejecting her and pushing her to the shadow world. What should I do...

"Ansu 734, foggy month, XX day. That **** sun, its dark red pattern is like laughing at my weakness! I finally found the problem, but I can't solve it... the elements are enriching Unnatural enrichment, the magic is on the rise, this weak magic focus can not accommodate the excessive magic, even if I remove the increase of the law is not helpful. It is wise to let Annie away from the elemental enrichment. But she has been in this place for too long, her body resonates with the elemental environment here, and this resonance continues her life... but it will take her life!

"Ansu 734, foggy month, XX day. The magic of the entire region is not right, the tumbling is so powerful, the border of Cecil is like falling into the legendary sea of ​​magic. I can not reverse the changes in Annie. She is now halfway out of the physical world. In the morning she even said that she saw the whole house turned black and white. Perhaps... I can only find another way...

"Ansu 735 years, the fire month. The long-term preparation is finally over, and Anne's weakness has reached the limit.

"This is my only chance, there is no other choice.

"Since I can't let Anne live in the material world, it's better to choose another way.

"The ritual of shadow transformation is recorded in the book, but the magic required is too large to be imagined, but for me, it may not be impossible. I used the new amplification formula and the method of drawing the matrix, and will use The power of the magical force. The magic of this area is in an abnormal state of activity. The energy saved in the magic focus has been suppressed by me for a few months, and it is finally enough today. Just wait until the sun rises to the middle, the magic The most powerful time, I can start to convert.

"Annie, hold on, my father will save you, and Dad will accompany you to the shadow world. We will live there for a long time, and you will never hurt."

The diary is over here.

Herti is about to close the diary, and Gao Wen suddenly pointed to the corner of the last page: "There are actually a few words here."

Herti quickly stared at it - there was a black ink stain in the corner. She thought it was the dirt caused by the ink bottle, but now she carefully realized that it was actually a finger stained with ink. Write down the scribbled handwriting:

"The magic is out of control...the sun is red..."

Heti repeats these words unclearly: "The sun is red... How can the sun be red?"

“Will it be the last time the red spot broke out?” Rebecca suddenly remembered what he said. “It’s more than half a month ago, the sun’s surface has a lot more red spots than usual. If this wild The wizard’s wisdom at the time was not clear, and maybe the sun would be red...”

Herti blinked, as if she had accepted Rebecca’s statement, and then she shook her notes: “There is a lot of things to explain with this note. It seems that this unnamed mage is giving himself The daughter treated the disease, set up a magic array of scale here, and later came up with the crazy idea of ​​transforming herself and her daughter into a shadow form to continue life, but his transformation ritual was out of control because of the magic surge. It led to the fire half a month ago, which also led to the formation of the fog of grievances and the ancestors seen in the shadow world..."

"These are not the key points," Gao Wen suddenly interrupted Herti's words. "Whether it is the fog of the spirits or the wooden house of the shadow world, these can find a direct explanation in the notes. I want you to look at the notes. Two details of the arrival - one is a dark red pattern on the surface of the sun, and one is a large-scale red spot on the surface of the sun.

Hetty noticed the serious look on Gao Wen’s face, and he was a little nervous: “The ancestor, these two things...”

Gao Wen waved his hand: "In addition, the magic power mentioned by the wild wizard in the diary is up, should you both be a master?"

Heti and Rebecca looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "There has been a couple of magic surges on the side of Cecil recently, but it is normal for the magic to rise. All the magic in the world comes from the sun. The sun is changing all the time, and the magic of the ground will naturally fluctuate. Recently, the magical surge in the territory has been frequent, but it has not reached a level of concern."

Gao Wen looked at the two of them and said slowly: "In 1736, the empire reported that large-scale dark red patterns appeared on the surface of the sun. In 1738, the largest red spot in history was observed. The sun Nearly half of the surface is covered by red patches. In the same year, twenty-six provinces in the Empire reported a large-scale magic surge - the magnitude of the surge was small, but the range covered almost two-thirds. In 1739, when the blood was empty, the whole country was shrouded in a dark red sky, but there was no disaster at that time. Instead, there were a large number of babies born with great magical talents. According to the records, nearly one-third of the newborns born that day were born. All have the natural elemental affinity, and the newborn testing institutions everywhere even have a situation where the resonance stone is in short supply, so the court scholars announced that the day will be called 'Magic Dawn'. But also in the same year, the largest in the same year The magic power supply facility 'Deep Blue Well' has a big explosion. The reason for the explosion is that the magic focus of the Deep Blue Well is suddenly full of chaos and powerful. Force, Cuiqu circle can not handle these chaotic forces, eventually leading to reactor core meltdown ...... "

Gao Wen stopped, but Hetty said with a pale face: "...just in 1740, the magic tide broke out, and the most powerful human empire in history was destroyed within a few months..."

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