MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 6 break through

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  Chapter 6 Breakthrough

   "Senior sister, he's just talking nonsense, but he hasn't even drawn a talisman." Chen Jingjing hurriedly explained, he was really afraid that Chen Fan would say something absurd in the next moment.

   "Chen Fan, don't make trouble for your sister, apologize quickly." Zhang Rumeng also touched Chen Fan, and persuaded in a low voice.

  Wang Yunlan remained unmoved by the words, and looked at Chen Fan coldly, as if waiting for him to speak, either to apologize or express some opinions.

"The Five Elements Sword Talisman, as the name suggests, is closely related to the five elements. Its key is no longer with the five elements, but the way of mutual generation and mutual restraint. It is like earth begets gold, gold begets water, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, this It contains the true meaning of the five elements. If you use the five-element strange sword talisman as a five-element formation, the power will be multiplied. The way of mutual restraint can be attacked, and the way of mutual generation can be retreated and defended..."

When Chen Fan said this, Chen Jingjing couldn't bear it anymore. She stared at her wet red eyes and shouted: "Chen Fan, you go out, do you know how many years Senior Sister Wang has practiced the way of talisman? You just practiced it now. At the second level of Qi, I haven't practiced anything yet, and dare to question Senior Sister Wang, I regret bringing you here."

   "I'm just expressing my opinion." Chen Fan frowned slightly.

   "Opinion? You are idle and lazy even in cultivating zhenqi, where did you get the insight?" Chen Jingjing asked back.

   "From the book, the way of the five elements is just like this, whether it is turned into a talisman or a sword, it cannot be separated from it..."

   "Shut up." Chen Jingjing interrupted Chen Fan again, turned to look at Wang Yunlan, and said in a low voice: "Sister, I'm sorry, I don't know why he is like this today, and I won't bring him here in the future."

   "It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, Wang Feng should be coming, you guys go back first." Wang Yunlan expressionless, wrote lightly, without looking at Chen Fan again.

   "Thank you, sister, let's go back first." After Chen Jingjing finished speaking, she ignored Chen Fan and walked to the location of the teleportation array first.

  Zhang Rumeng also looked at Chen Fan with a complicated expression, and followed him together.

When she returned to the square again, Chen Jingjing couldn't help but glared at Chen Fan, and said coldly: "Sure enough, after a few days of silence, I couldn't help it anymore. If you continue like this, I hope you won't step into Chen's house again." .”

   After she finished speaking, her eyes were already moist, and she turned to leave in the distance. Zhang Rumeng also ignored Chen Fan, and directly caught up with Chen Jingjing.

  Chen Fan frowned, watched the two walk away, shook his head slightly, looked at the huge building not far away, and after a moment of gaze pause, he walked towards the building.


  Chen Jingjing and Zhang Rumeng were far away, Zhang Rumeng handed a handkerchief to Chen Jingjing, and said in a low voice: "Don't cry, to be honest, I think what Chen Fan just said is not reasonable."

"Rumeng, why are you like this? It's not like you don't know how he is. He is idle all day long. He has been practicing for several years now, and he has just practiced the second level of qi. With him like this, can he still get in touch with the five elements?" Chen Jingjing Said.

   "That's right..." Zhang Rumeng also nodded.

  The two of them walked towards a street that was also paved with white jade.

And Chen Fan had already walked in front of the huge building, and only then did he see clearly that above the entrance of the building, there was a large plaque with four big characters "Lingxiao Palace" written on it, the handwriting was vigorous and powerful, with a Deterrence and immortality.

   "What a big battle, is it true that the heaven of the fairy world has been copied?"

Chen Fan looked at the four big characters and frowned slightly. He was even more curious about the Immortal Palace Master in his heart. What kind of strength and realm could he create such a large-scale world? It's unimaginable to do this.

   After staying for a few moments, he stepped into the hall.

  As for Chen Jingjing becoming so angry, he didn't pay much attention to it. Immortal cultivators need to cultivate themselves, how can they get angry so easily, and the other party doesn't believe his words at all, and directly suppresses him, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

   And after witnessing that Wang Feng broke through the first level of heaven, his heart was moved. If it was to that level, it would not be a problem for him at all.

  The only thing that bothers him is that he is a dignified swordsman, but he doesn't have a sword. If he wins with sword energy, it will consume too much energy.

After he stepped into the main hall, he realized that the hall was also very lively, like a busy market, many people were carrying all kinds of magic weapons and selling them to other immortal cultivators, many of them were selling swords, but Chen Fan didn't look at them. In his eyes, he only has one sword, and he will find it sooner or later.

   "Little brother, do you want a talisman?" At this moment, a furtive voice came from beside Chen Fan.

  Chen Fan turned his head to look, and saw an old man with mischievous eyebrows, holding a few yellow talismans in his hand, looking at him with a smile.

"I just saw that fellow Taoist successfully broke through the first heaven. Do you know what talisman he used? No, he just used the ancient sword talisman in my hand that opened up the world, shook the world and wept ghosts and gods. When the sword talisman came out, who Fighting with each other. Buy or not? One piece only needs one spirit stone."

   "..." Chen Fan took a slight look, then turned away his view, this is obviously just an ordinary sword talisman, but the old man boasted it like this.

   "Hey, it seems that the little brother is quite knowledgeable, okay, I won't lie to you anymore, let me show you the treasure of the store..." The old man didn't want to give up, so he continued.

   "Do you have the Five Elements Sword Talisman?" Chen Fan interrupted him and asked.

"Five Elements Sword Talisman...Little brother, it's not easy. You can see the five talismans just now. It seems that this business can't be done. How can ordinary people like us draw such talismans? Goodbye." The old man Seeing that Chen Fan is a man of knowledge, he had no choice but to give up.

   "Wait a minute." Chen Fan looked at the old man's attire, his heart moved, and he suddenly stopped him.

   "Huh?" The old man turned around with a puzzled face.

   "Lend me ten pieces of yellow paper and a cinnabar pen, and I can give you a set of Five Elements Sword Talisman." Chen Fan said.

"What? You want to use the Five Elements Sword Talisman in exchange for this small amount of material?" The old man looked incredulous, and after looking at Chen Fan, he smiled and said: "Little brother, I can't tell, so you are also in the same way." People, but this is not kind, colleagues do not deceive each other."

   "Borrow it?" Chen Fan looked indifferent.

"Uh... okay, it's just a few pieces of yellow paper, what a big deal. It's just that the cinnabar is a bit expensive." The old man took out a pile of blank yellow paper while talking, and was about to use the cinnabar to negotiate a price with Chen Fan, when Chen Fan But it moved.

   With the momentum of deceiving his ears, he snatched the yellow paper, brush, and a small dish of cinnabar from his hand.

   "This..." The old man was shocked, and was about to say something to stop him, but Chen Fan had already started to draw on the yellow paper.

  He had a serious face, and he wrote like a spirit. After a few breaths, there was a small sword drawn with cinnabar on the yellow paper. Looking carefully, the body of the small sword was engraved with runes and formations.

   "Fire attribute sword talisman." The old man was very knowledgeable, and recognized this talisman at a glance, looked at Chen Fan in shock, and was speechless again.

  Chen Fan didn't pay attention to him either, he kept swaying the brush in his hand, forming talismans one by one under his pen.

   A few moments later, ten talismans engraved with small swords were completed in his hands.

   "Five Elements Sword Talisman, two sets of Five Elements Sword Talisman..." The old man was overjoyed, looking at the ten talismans with trembling hands, very excited.

   "Goodbye." Chen Fan patted the five talismans and brushes in the old man's hands, then turned around and left.

   When the old man came back to his senses, he realized that Chen Fan had disappeared into the sea of ​​people, which made him very regretful that the money tree had just left.

Chen Fan put the talismans into his arms, found a place with few people, and sat down cross-legged, closing his eyes to practice. Just now, he completed ten talismans in one go, which consumed his soul and true energy. Fortunately, The aura here is abundant, and it is only a few breaths to recover the true energy. Only the soul needs a little time.

   After a while, Chen Fan opened his eyes and walked to the depths of the hall.

   "I want to break through the first floor of heaven." Chen Fan said to a man who looked like a manager.

   "Second level of Qi training? Are you kidding me?" The man looked surprised, he had never seen such a situation before.


   "Eh... well, are you going to break through the level publicly?" the man asked while lowering his head to record.

   "Not public." Chen Fan said without hesitation.

"Well, that's it, this is the record stone. Although the pass will not be made public, both of you will have this record stone, but there is no dead end to record and simulate the fighting process. If you fail, you or others can use this stone , constantly fighting against the opponent's model, but every time it needs to consume 20 immortal energy, half belongs to the opponent and half belongs to us." The man explained.

   "En." Chen Fan nodded and took the recording stone.

   "Go straight through this door, and stick your Heavenly Court Token on the top, and the teleportation array will automatically assign you a one-star heavenly soldier." After speaking, the man sat back on the chair and watched Chen Fan leave.

   After a long time, he shook his head and said to himself: "The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds."

  Chen Fan stood in the teleportation array as he said, and after the token was pasted in a groove, he was teleported to a dark competition platform.

   Before he could look at the surrounding environment, a white light suddenly flashed a few meters in front of him, and a woman in red appeared in front of him.

   "Second level of Qi training?" The woman in red frowned slightly.

  Chen Fan looked at her indifferently, without saying a word.

   "It's good luck, these 50 points of immortal energy will be easily collected." The woman in red smiled lightly, with a flash of disdain in her eyes.

The sixth level of Qi training is against the second level of Qi training. This is a contest without any suspense. Although she doesn't know why people from the second level of Qi training will come to die, but as long as there is immortal energy that can be taken for nothing, she doesn't need to be soft .

  After the voice fell, the red-clothed woman flipped her hand, and three chapters of yellow talisman paper appeared. With a sudden flick, the three talismans flew out at the same time, and turned into three fiery fireballs in the air with a hissing sound, and shot towards Chenfan.

  (end of this chapter)