MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 820 kill battle

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  Chapter 820 Killing Battle

  Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Caves!

   I don’t know how many years have passed these ten words, but they are still clear to this day.

Chen Fan was a little stunned, but he was no longer as surprised as before. He didn't know how many things in the myths actually existed in this world, but it didn't matter anymore. Let him look forward to it.

He looked at the high mountain in front of him. It was not as fragrant as birds and flowers in the legend, but was covered by magma. The waterfall in Shuilian Cave had long since dried up, replaced by a steady stream of hot magma, and the surrounding area had turned into wasteland. As written in the book, it is a quiet and beautiful place where countless monkeys once lived, but in the end they were all wiped out after the war and ceased to exist.

   "Let's go, with this level of seal, it must be difficult for you with your strength." At this time, the nine-tailed demon fox opened his mouth and said expressionlessly, but his eyes swept over Chen Fan in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally.

   "We need to wait for a while, maybe some people are not as strong as that." A strong man in the combined state of the demon world said suddenly, and his eyes fell on Chen Fan.

   This is a kind of provocation, and Chen Fan feels that even this seal is difficult to break through.

   "You're worrying too much, there must be no one who can't do it." Nine-tailed Demon Fox said lightly, and didn't look at Chen Fan again.

  The elders in Xianting remained silent all the time, while the hundred heavenly soldiers looked forward, majestic, with a fierce and serious expression. Compared with those lazy people in the demon world, there was a big gap.

   "Then we will go first." The man from the Demon Realm shouted, and a hundred people stepped forward one after another, walking directly to the entrance of the cave, and then they jumped, breaking through the magma, and plundered into the cave without any damage.

At the same time, Chen Fan noticed circles of radiance emanating from the cave. It is a very special kind of power, which only targets high-level powerhouses. Now, as the power of the seal weakens, it gradually loses its effect on low-level people. .

Hundreds of people from the devil world swarmed in. Going first does not mean that you can get good luck first. There are advantages and disadvantages. The first step can occupy the advantage of the land, but it also means that you will face the danger of not knowing it first, and you may accidentally trigger certain restrictions. .

   After all, this is Qi Tian's cave, who can break into it easily?

   It wasn't until the people from the Demon Realm entered that the elders in the Immortal Court opened their mouths to let the Heavenly Soldiers go.

  Chen Fan walked with hundreds of heavenly soldiers, but it didn’t mean he belonged to this side. He believed that these people would be the first ones to attack him after he entered. On the surface, they were defiant and upright, but in fact most of them were just pretending.

  The first heavenly soldiers stepped into the cave, and Chen Fan was not at the end, but also followed closely, with a hint of jumping in line, but the elders in Xianting only frowned slightly and did not stop them.

  Mo Long chuckled, narrowed his eyes and said, "The wolf has joined the sheep."

  But no one paid attention to it, those strong men didn’t think this metaphor was appropriate, Chen Fan was a wolf, how could the hundred heavenly soldiers in the fairy court and the hundred strong men in the demon world be sheep? No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be an opponent of two hundred people.

  Obviously these people guessed wrong. They did have the idea of ​​suppressing and killing Chen Fan first. Hundreds of heavenly soldiers and hundreds of strong men in the demon world also knew it. A mere outsider dared to intervene in the affairs of the fairy world. Isn't he looking for death?

  After Chen Fan's figure skimmed across the magma, several sharp sword qi suddenly passed by his side, and then several bright lights flashed before his eyes, coming from the halberds in the hands of several heavenly soldiers.


  Accompanied by a clear trill, Chen Fan blocked all the attacks with a sword, and then his figure flickered, and he suddenly faded away from everyone.


  Suddenly, there was a bloodstain in the throat of a heavenly soldier, and then the whole head fell to the ground. After rolling on the ground, the body also fell down.

   "Be careful." Everyone was shocked and exclaimed.

Most of the hundreds of powerful men from the demon world split up to explore the way, and only ten people were left here to ambush Chen Fan. Unexpectedly, their joint efforts with those heavenly soldiers failed, and even one heavenly soldier died unknowingly in front of them. In front of everyone, it is difficult for anyone to calm down.

  Chen Fan's figure manifested from not far away, blocking the entrance to the cave, staring at the group of people expressionlessly, the blade of the Wuya Sword in his hand was dripping blood, it was the blood of that heavenly soldier.

Everyone's faces became cloudy and uncertain. They underestimated Chen Fan's strength. The old man in the fairy court and the nine-tailed demon fox had reminded these people respectively, but they didn't care too much. They subconsciously felt that a person who came from the lower realm was not that strong Go, a few people are more than enough to shoot.


  At this time, other heavenly soldiers also came in one after another. After seeing this scene, they were slightly startled, and their eyes also turned to Chen Fan.

   Several people still wanted to make a move, but they were stopped by the heavenly soldiers who came in first.

The scene froze all of a sudden, and the most embarrassing ones were undoubtedly the ten strong men from the demon world who stayed behind. They thought they would quickly kill Chen Fan and rush to join the others, but now there are more and more heavenly soldiers, even if they wait They will kill Chen Fan, and it will be difficult for ten of them to escape.

  Other heavenly soldiers came in one after another, but Chen Fan didn't move, just stood there quietly watching them.

  After a few breaths, a strong man from the demon world said: "Fellow Daoist, I just misunderstood and wanted to test your strength. You don't need to block the way. We don't want to participate. How about letting us leave?"

  Chen Fan ignored it, and stood calmly on the spot without moving. He looked at the group of people in front of him, and finally said a number: "Fifty-six."

  Fifty-six? What's the meaning?

  Everyone frowned and looked at each other, full of puzzlement.

  The Heavenly Soldiers continued to come in. Seeing more and more people, the ten people from the Demon Realm couldn't sit still, and said impatiently: "Fellow Daoist, do you really want to tear yourself apart? Don't go too far."

  Then several people glanced at the group of heavenly soldiers, and continued to say in a deep voice: "If you continue to block here, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

  People in the demon world thought that Chen Fan wanted to drag them to die together, and his face became more and more ugly.

   Only Chen Fan remained calm, and he didn't even pay attention to the ten people from the demon world, and still looked at the heavenly soldiers who kept coming in.


  Chen Fan said another number lightly.

  Everyone frowned again, but the group of heavenly soldiers didn't rush to attack. They knew that Chen Fan's strength was extraordinary, and they wanted to surround and kill him after everyone gathered.

   "No, he is counting our number." At this moment, a heavenly soldier finally came to his senses, and when Chen Fan spoke, their number in this place happened to be eighty-nine.

   "Ninety-nine." At this time, Chen Fan spoke again, and finally moved his hand, and slowly raised the sharp sword, the blood on it had already dripped dry.

  Ninety-nine people, plus the one who died just now, the hundred heavenly soldiers are considered complete.

   "Kill him." A heavenly soldier roared loudly, and then everyone was dispatched.

  The faces of the ten strong men in the Demon Realm changed, and instead of participating, they retreated to the side, waiting for the opportunity to retreat.

  But at this moment, a sharp sword passed in front of the ten of them quietly, and the bright sword glow made them smell the breath of death.

  (end of this chapter)