MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 825 Qi Tian's game

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  Chapter 825 Qi Tian's Bureau

   Is that okay?

  How can this sentence make people feel chills in the heart!

   Several Immortal Realm powerhouses present couldn't help but look at each other, and found that the expressions in everyone's eyes were the same, that was impossible.

  A young man from the Lower Realm, who can fight against hundreds of people in the body state alone is enough to frighten the world, but if he can survive thousands of opponents of the same level, he will be against the sky, let alone win.

"Since fellow daoists say it's okay, no matter what the result is, I hope there will be no grudges between us, let alone retaliation afterwards. You must know that our real enemy will come at any time." The old man in Xianting came out Speaking of which, his eyes glanced between the man in the demon world and the fat Taoist priest.

  Nine-tailed demon fox covered his mouth and smiled softly, and said: "I agree with this statement. I don't know how the immortal Taoist thinks?"

   "That's good." The fat Taoist nodded lightly.

  Mo Long was stunned, his eyes widened and he said: "Smelly Taoist priest, you really don't intend to..."


   While Mo Long was speaking, the magma waterfall outside the Water Curtain Cave not far away was suddenly penetrated, and then a figure swept out of it, very fast.

  Chen Fan originally thought that the fat Taoist priest was not there. If he went out rashly, he might be trapped by people from the fairy court and the demon world, so he tried to catch him by surprise and leave the place directly before those people reacted, and came back when he found the fat Taoist priest.

  But the moment he rushed out of the Shuilian Cave, the familiar figure of the fat Taoist stood in the crowd, very conspicuous.

   "Boy,'re not dead?" Mo Long cried out in shock, opening his mouth wide.

  The faces of the experts from the Immortal Court and Demon Realm changed, and they could no longer sit still.

   "How is this possible?" A fairyland powerhouse behind the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox exclaimed in surprise.

  Chen Fan also stopped in the air, it would be best not to walk, he stared at the void, and landed directly beside the fat Taoist priest and Mo Long, with a very calm expression.

  The injuries on his body have also fully recovered, and he looks unscathed, and it has only been less than a day since he entered the cave. People who don't know almost think that he went in for a walk and came out again.

   But what about the thousands of monks who were sent in from Immortal Court and Demon Realm? How could there be no one chasing after him at this moment?

  The faces of the strong men present became more and more ugly. They seemed to realize something, and with the fat Taoist's indifferent response before, everyone knew that the thousands of people might not be able to get out.

   "What's the matter?" The fat Taoist didn't pay attention to the expressions of the others, he just looked at Chen Fan and asked, obviously asking why he came out so early.

  Chen Fan had nothing to hide, and said, "I met Qi Tian, ​​and he gave me a ray of inheritance, and asked me to help it with one thing."


  As soon as this remark came out, all the immortals in the audience exclaimed at the same time, unbelievable, and even the fat Taoist frowned slightly, a little stunned.

   "Is it still alive?" the fat Taoist asked.

"I can't be sure." Chen Fan said, he really couldn't be sure what state Qi Tian was in. He seemed dead, but he could clearly talk to him. But it can move.

  The fat Taoist nodded slightly after hearing the words, and didn't ask any more questions. He knew that Chen Fan had already said what he needed to say, and he could only talk about other things in detail when these outsiders were away.

But people in the fairy court and the demon world will not let this opportunity go so easily. An old man walked out directly and asked in a deep voice: "Since you saw it, it also gave you good fortune, why do you still say that you can't be sure it is Dead or alive?"

"I really can't be sure." Chen Fan replied lightly. The reason why he talked about Qi Tian here just now was to let these people restrain themselves and stop disturbing Qi Tian. Speaking out, these people will know the situation inside sooner or later, as long as they send people in again, it is better to explain it first, so that they can give up.

   "Why can't you be sure?" Nine-tailed Demon Fox also came out, looked at Chen Fan and asked, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Chen Fan lightly glanced at the experts in the Immortal Realm present, remained silent for a few breaths, and then said: "If you don't know, you don't know. There is no reason. If you don't believe me, you can send someone in again, but can you leave?" If you can figure it out, it’s two words.”

Chen Fan's words were ambiguous, he didn't want to expose his strength in front of these people, he killed thousands of powerhouses of the same level by himself, even with the blessing of a fat Taoist priest, these people would always want to make trouble for him, but He didn't have the time to deal with these people.

  He was misleading these people, making them think that most of the monks died under Qi Tian's hands. Even if they sent people in again, they would probably follow in the footsteps of the dozens of demon monks in front and kneel and die in front of Qi Tian.

   Sure enough, after hearing these words, the powerhouses in the Immortal Realm fell silent, with different expressions on their faces. Perhaps because they didn't want to quarrel with the fat Taoist priest, they didn't question Chen Fan again.

   After a while, an old man in Xianting said: "Since we know that it is still there, it is enough, let's let go of the inheritance."

  Although this is the case, everyone knows that Xianting will definitely continue to send people to investigate.

  The people in the Demon Realm did not express any opinions, and stood calmly in place. Only the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox stared at Chen Fan, with shining eyes, planning something.

  Chen Fan ignored it, and stood there with a flat expression, looking back, without the slightest fear.

   "Let's go."

  At this time, the fat Taoist said calmly, and immediately turned and left.

  Chen Fan and Mo Long also stepped up to keep up. This time they no longer went to the fairy garden, but walked in the area of ​​the Demon Realm, heading in the direction the fat Taoist came from.

  After a few breaths, the three of them turned into black spots in the sky and disappeared completely.

  Several old men in Xianting glanced at the people in the Demon Realm, and then they didn't say a word. They lifted their steps and went directly to Xianting through the clouds and fog.

  In the end, everyone retreated, leaving only the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox and other powerhouses.

   "Then Chen Fan may be lying, Qi Tian cannot be still alive." A strong man walked to the side of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, his eyes fell outside the Water Curtain Cave, and said in a deep voice.

The nine-tailed demon fox also glanced at the place lightly, then smiled coldly, and said, "Maybe it's true? Didn't you realize that the young man had only entered for a few hours, and when he came out, he was already at the peak of the fusion state. If you suppress your own cultivation, you may soon reach the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, and apart from Qi Tian's inheritance, there is nothing else that can do this."

   "This... Could it be that he really got Qi Tian's inheritance?"

"Maybe what he said just now is true, or it may be false, but one thing is for sure, that is, he has indeed obtained a small strand of inheritance, not all of it." wearing something.

  The strong man was surprised: "Doesn't that mean we still have a chance?"

"Yes, but I have to be careful. He also said just now that Qi Tian asked him to help with something. Although I don't quite believe it, you still have to send someone to keep an eye on him. Those old guys in Xianting must I will do the same. As for the Water Curtain Cave, I will be in charge for the time being."

   "There is an undead Taoist around him, I'm afraid he can't get close to him in an ordinary body."

"If you can't fit together, let those in the Tribulation Period go. If you can't do it in the Tribulation Period, you can go yourself. The Heavenly Emperor will come back sooner or later. If we can get Qitian's inheritance, we can at least have a chance to protect ourselves. As for fighting against the Heavenly Emperor , that is always an unrealistic joke." After the nine-tailed demon fox finished speaking, he turned and left.


  At this time, Chen Fan, the fat Taoist priest, and Molong had already appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away. The surrounding area was barren and there were many volcanoes.

The fat Taoist priest and Mo Long also had strange faces after hearing this, and after a few breaths of silence, Mo Long said: "This seems a bit unreasonable, although Qi Tian is powerful, after the battle that year, he only had two outcomes. Yes, either sit in the cave, or find a way out to continue living, how could it be possible to survive in this way?"

  The face of the fat Taoist gradually became serious, Mo Long glanced at him and asked, "What did you think of?"

   "Perhaps..." The fat Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It has actually found a way to continue to survive, but it has not yet been completed."

   "What do you mean?" Mo Long was taken aback.

The fat Taoist said: "When I saw the little golden monkey in the world of cultivating immortals, I felt a little strange. Later, you said that there was a remnant soul on its body, but before it left, it still gave me that strange feeling. Feel."

   "You mean...that dead monkey is Qi Tian?" Mo Long's eyes widened, unable to believe it.

  The fat Taoist shook his head lightly, and said: "It's just my guess. If this is true, then Qi Tian's layout is a bit too big, and this doesn't seem like the means it will use."

   "How big is the Bureau?" Mo Long asked.

   "When it recovers, it is big enough to fight against the Emperor of Heaven, but the price is not trivial, and it will affect countless creatures." The fat Taoist said in a deep voice.

  Chen Fan also jumped in his heart suddenly, will the little golden monkey be Qi Tian?

  He couldn't believe it, and always felt that the fat Taoist's guess seemed impossible, but the fat Taoist knew far more than him, so there might be some basis for such a guess.

  The fat Taoist suddenly looked at Chen Fan, and said solemnly: "Maybe you have to prepare."

   "What?" Chen Fan was startled, a little puzzled.

"I told you before that practicing the Burning Heaven Jue is tantamount to embarking on a road of no return. If my guess just now is correct, I hope you will stand by my side and kill the Heavenly Emperor with me. You If you want to know now, I can tell you the reason." The words of the fat Taoist priest seemed inexplicably ominous, making Chen Fan vaguely feel that everything behind it was not simple.

   Point of no return, what exactly does it refer to?

  Chen Fan was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, he was already prepared, no matter what he knew, he would never back down.

  The fat Taoist raised his head and glanced at the sky, as if he was thinking about how to speak, but he seemed to be hesitating.

  Chen Fan didn't urge him, and Mo Long didn't seem to know too much, instead he became impatient waiting by the side.

   "Smelly Taoist priest, tell me, I will stand by your side when the time comes." Mo Long urged.

  The fat Taoist didn't pay attention, and just stood there calmly for a while before finally recovering.

He looked at Chen Fan, and said in a deep voice: "If my guess is right, maybe you can't bring that little golden monkey here. Qi Tian and we both have the same purpose, to kill Heaven, but in comparison, Its game will kill many creatures, but my game will only kill two people."

  【Chapter 2 and Chapter 1 are coming to an end soon, and there are still about 20 chapters left, which will be finished on the 31st of this month! 】

  (end of this chapter)