MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 120 Dot, happy! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

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  Chapter 120 Point, happy brows! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

  【Congratulations to the sect master for obtaining: 50 pieces of Dazhong Tongbao, 5 catties of rice, 1 catty of pork, and 50 grams of salt! 】

  【Congratulations to the sect master for getting extra: source point*10】

  【Congratulations to the sect master for getting extra: Rejuvenation Talisman*1】


  【Sect Master: Cao Xin】

  【Age: 10】

  【Height: 165CM→172CM】

  【Weight: 60KG→70KG】

  【Force: 12→14】

  【Body: 13→14】

  【Min: 11→12】

  【Wisdom: 18→20】

  【Root bone: 1】

  【Talent: Creation, Insight】

[Skills: Medical Skills (3rd floor 8/26), Liangyi Ball Skills (2nd floor), Night Walking Technique (3rd floor), Earth Scrolling Dragon Kungfu (3rd floor), Ning's Eagle Claw Kungfu (4th floor), Shou Shiqing Arranging and adjusting body skills (seven levels), soft mysterious skills (+), ..., slightly]

  【Source: 14】

  【Portable space: 1m】

  【Original Immortal World: 1000*1000㎡】


   "Another node!"

  Cao Xin was pleasantly surprised.

  After going through the two nodes of '1' and '100', Cao Xin expects the third node to be '1000', and even '10000' is acceptable.

   But unexpectedly, the third node appeared only at '200'.

   This is a surprise.

   And another feedback from 【Fate】, the item of 'source point' has not changed, it is still 10 points, which can be regarded as a solution to Cao Xin's urgent need.

  As for the second piece of feedback, it was downgraded from the original strategic fairy family talismans such as 'Yanfa Immortal Talisman' and 'Anchor Point Immortal Talisman' to ordinary talismans like 'Rejuvenation Talisman'.

  【Amulet of rejuvenation: mortals are immortal, one talisman rejuvenates】

   "It's really 'ordinary'!"

  Cao Xin couldn't help but smile.

  Compared to the previous two fairy talismans, this rejuvenation talisman is indeed not on the stage, but for ordinary people like Cao Xin, it is no less important than the "Yanfa fairy talisman" and "anchor point fairy talisman".

  A talisman can heal any injury.

  As long as you are still a mortal and have not become a fairy, as long as you have a breath, even if you cut your heart and lungs, cut your bones and flesh, you can regrow and recover instantly.

It can be said-

  A rejuvenation talisman is the second life!

   "A person is floating in the rivers and lakes, how can he not be stabbed."

   "With this 'Rejuvenation Talisman' in hand, I will be much more secure in the future."

   Not only Cao Xin is more secure.

  The lives of family members, good teachers and close friends can be more secure.


  Think here.

Looking at this talisman, Cao felt a little uncertain: "Before I didn't have the 'Rejuvenation Talisman', I had nothing to do, and my relatives and friends were all fine. I wouldn't give me a moth as soon as I got this talisman." Bar?"

  According to the law of Socrates, it seems very likely!


"do not do that!"

  Cao Xin looked at the emerald green talisman in his hand, smiled wryly, and put it away.

  He was helpless when it came to the 'metaphysics'.

   But no matter what, having an extra 'Rejuvenation Talisman' in hand is always an extra guarantee.



  'Rejuvenation Talisman' can almost bring the dead back to life, so it is naturally the number one supreme treasure in the world.

  But Cao Xin hopes that he will never use it.

   Instead, it is the 'source point'.

  The more of this stuff the better.

   It happened that a few days ago, I got a 'soft Xuan Gong', which was going to be used to solve the problem of height, and it happened to be useful.

  As Cao Xin's attainment of "Shou Shiqing Compiling and Adjusting Body Technique" became higher and higher, his physical development became faster and faster, and his stature jumped up from time to time.

   Now less than eleven years old, already 1.72 meters.

   Cao Xin’s ideal height is 1.88 meters.

  This height and size are already rare in Xijing City.

Cao Xin's original ideal height is 1.8 meters, which is about the same height as Su Yu. It won't be too conspicuous, and it won't be a head shorter than others. life creed.

   But didn't I meet a Valkyrie!


  1.85 meters!

   No matter what, Cao Xin should be a little bit taller than her, and he cannot be weak in momentum.


   "Damn vanity!"

  Cao Xin sighed, but he was actually very happy.

  He was only 175 in his previous life, and he was not bad in their post-90s generation, more than inferior than inferior, at least in the south.

  But with the rise of post-00s, junior high school students and high school students began to grow crazy grasses of 1.81.9 meters.


  This life.

  Since childhood, he practiced martial arts and kept in good health. If he had the opportunity to have a big and tall man, even if it was more conspicuous, Cao Xin recognized it.

   "Appears holy in front of people, tall and mighty."

   "I have the 'Ruan Xuan Gong', which can shrink my bones and reduce my height. When I do bad things, I am not afraid of being associated with others and finding out the root cause."

"No worries."

   "I'm not afraid."

  Cao Xin looked at the [Height] column, thought about these thoughts, and finally cast his eyes on the [Source] column.

Man of few words-

add a bit!


  In his mind, Cao Xin fell into penance—


  ② Push towards the sky.

  ③Straight legs.

  ④Horizontal leg.

  ⑤ Overlord lifts his head.

  ⑥The civet cat stretches its waist.

  ⑦ Immortal bows.

  ⑧Climb over the bridge hole.

  ⑨ Turn over a ball.

  ⑩Bend the waist sideways.


  Cao Xin kept tossing his body.

   Practice every day.

   Practice every night.

  The practice of 'Ruanxuan Gong' is very strenuous. It must be done gradually, not suddenly. Those who advance vigorously will be injured. It is necessary to advance gradually and practice persistently hard before they can improve their skills. It is not a one-day effort.

  Three years.

  Five years.

  Cao Xin was immersed in the state of penance, sweating like a waterfall, completely unaware of the passage of time, only knowing that his body is getting softer every day.





  This is the normal state of practice.

  Cao Xin had already experienced the dullness when he practiced the 'Shou Shiqing's Tune-Tuning Technique'.

   When practicing the 'Liangyi Ball Kungfu', 'Night Walking Technique', and 'Jiandilong Kungfu', they also experienced all kinds of hardships.

   Suffering too tired.

  I cried and laughed.

   have long been used to it.

   This time too.

   Hard work day and night, only gritted teeth and persisted.

   Unknowingly, the body is delicate and soft.

  The first step of the 'soft Xuan Gong' has been completed.


   But Cao Xin did not stop.

  From external strength to internal strength practice, to cultivate vitality and essence, and to cultivate muscles, bones and membranes together, which is even more hard work.

  No small success in three to five years.

  The entry path at the beginning of the decade.

  It takes thirty years to achieve success.

  Day and night, there is no end in sight.


  Crisp and numb, with internal strength penetrating to the bone, like thousands of ants crawling back and forth in the bones, tortured in every possible way.

  But Cao Xin persisted day after day.

   Decades passed in a blink of an eye.

   When Cao Xin opened his eyes—


   Muscles and bones sounded together, bursts of numbness.

  The ones visible to the naked eye are short and long, but if viewed from behind, even close elders like Cao Zhang and Ning Shuhua would never be able to recognize them.


  【Source: 14→4】

  【Skill: Soft Xuan Gong 0→4】


   "It's done!"

  Cao Xin was pleasantly surprised as if he had passed away.

  Four levels of soft profound skills are already useful, and they are like two different people!


  The unexpected origin made Cao Xinxin's 'Ruan Xuan Gong' quickly and painstakingly cultivated.

  He changed his mind at this moment—

   "At first, I thought about taking it step by step, mobilizing the consciousness of the savages of other tribes through gentle means, so that they would consciously come to visit and settle in the territory."

   "Steady and safe, no accidents."

   "It seems that this strategy is still too conservative."

  Tasting the sweetness of [Fate] feedback after the development of the territory, Cao Xin is very concerned at this time.

  He originally estimated—



  From the previous two nodes, Cao Xin guessed that the next change node of the territory would be 1000 savages, maybe even 10000 savages.

  Ten times.

   Hundred times.

   Such growth.

  If this is the case, the entire Wa tribe plus the five wildling tribes headed by the Tiger tribe will have a total population of only about 600 to 1,000 people.

   There is a high probability that it will be less than one thousand.

  Even if all of them are gathered, it is difficult to reach the next node.

   Moreover, Cao Xin hopes that the territory can develop benignly and stably in the long run. Therefore, he is not in a hurry to expand, and he does not want to gather a large number of people in a hurry and disrupt the pace.

  He expects to educate first—

   Absorb a batch!

  Educate a group!

  This is the benign development, and this is the long-term future.

   But unexpectedly, the reality gave him a huge surprise. The third node of the development of the territory turned out to be only 200 savages.

   In this way, there are enough benefits and temptations to prompt Cao Xin to quickly gather population—

   "The fourth node, probably only 300 people."

   "If all the savages from the five tribes that have been discovered at this stage are gathered, there will be at least five or six hundred people."

   "The fifth node, the sixth node, and even the seventh and eighth nodes can all be expected."

   Calculated on the basis of 10 source points per node, as long as the six tribes are gathered in one place, Cao Xin can obtain thirty or forty source points in a short period of time.

  His development can be on the fast track, and he can ride the dust.

  The territorial chaos caused by this, the difficulty of civilizing due to the large number of wildlings, and so on, these effects are all tolerable and overcome.

   This is nothing!

   "Release the limit on the number of people hired."

   "Employ the whole family and relocate in disguise."

   "Except for the big family of the Tiger Clan, the other four tribes including the Yu Clan are suffering haha. As long as the territory is willing to accept it, it is not difficult to absorb it."

Cao Xin thought about it, jumped up to the sky, and his eyes fell on the north bank of the original river outside the territory: "After the savages of all ethnic groups arrive, they don't need to settle in the territory. They pass by for a while, and then they all settle on the north bank, leaving only the children on the north bank. territory."

  Children are the hope of the territory.

  The experience of the savages of the Wa tribe told Cao Xin that adult savages have solidified thinking, greatly weakened learning ability, and their ability to accept new things is far inferior to that of children.

  Education must start from the baby.

  As for the adult savages, they can only be allowed to perform the most basic agricultural and animal husbandry work, and they are placed on the north bank, isolated from the original river, so as to minimize their impact on the little savages.

  “Short-term dividends should be eaten as soon as possible.”

   “Long-term development must also be considered.”

  Cao Xin was trusting in the air, constantly pondering and perfecting, and then looked at the energetic foreign savage hired workers on the North Shore, "The hearts of the people are available!"


  In the next time, Cao Xin’s energy will be three-pointed—

  On the one hand, they are still advancing the research of the "Shen Nong Project", constantly arresting people and testing drugs.

   It's not easy.

   is only the first step. Identifying the medicinal properties of exotic flowers and herbs in the original fairyland is not an ordinary difficulty.

  China on Earth has a history of 5,000 years. Since Shennong, ancestors have been identifying and using herbs.

  Thousands of years of accumulated experience.

  The contribution of generations of doctors.

  Add bricks and tiles.

  Water drips through stone.

  This is how it is today.

  Cao Xin wants to study the exotic flowers and herbs in the original fairy world and find out their medicinal properties by himself, which is unrealistic.

  He knew it himself.

   "I'm just walking around now."

   "The real "Shen Nong Plan" requires the joint efforts of a large number of doctors, and requires a lot of time, energy, and money. It will not happen overnight."

   Cao Xin was mentally prepared for this point.

  He has a steady mind and is not in a hurry.

   Similar to it, there is also education.

  In the original fairyland, the daily classes in the territory are never interrupted, and the wind and rain never stop.

  Ten years of tree cultivation.

  Educating people for a hundred years.

  If the territory wants to develop in the long run, if the population exceeds 10,000 or 100,000, it needs talents, a large number of talents, at least those who can understand human language.

People without thought, he must worry about.

  Cao Xin is less than eleven years old now, with his attainment of "Shou Shiqing Compiling and Adjusting Body Technique" and his practice progress, there is hope of surviving the legendary Wudang Immortal Zhang.

  More than one hundred years.

  How far can the population under the territory reach?

   There are not enough talents for management, how much time will be delayed by internal friction and war, and how many nodes will be delayed?

   These must be considered from now on.


  Shen Nong Project.


   None of this can be achieved overnight.

  Cao Xin’s biggest task at present, the short-term goal, is to dispatch all the savages from the Tiger, Yu, Brick, Tao, and Boat tribes.

   This is the top priority right now!


   Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)