MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 20 Medicine!

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  Chapter 20 Medical skills!

  Recite medical books.

  Understand medical books.

   This is Cao Xin's reading time.

  Compared to years ago, Cao Xin's schedule has been slightly adjusted.

  Because most of the time is spent in the original fairy world - construction, breeding, tree cutting, reading, so Cao Xin's current work and rest also focuses on the original fairy world.

  I leave home with my eldest brother every morning at 5-7 am to deliver fish to four restaurants.

  After delivering the fish, the eldest brother went to Caishui Gang, while Cao Xin wandered around the streets and alleys to get familiar with the layout of Xijing City.

  The layout of Xijing City is complex and complicated, but simple and simple—

  The city is divided into six compartments, and there are four compartments outside the city.

   There is another square under the chamber, and another place under the square.

  For example, the courtyard where Cao’s family is located is on the left side, Xiaohuohang (square), Celadon Lane (lane), and the third courtyard from the left.

  Like this kind of large courtyard, there are eight in one lane in Qingcili, and there are more than a dozen or twenty families living in each courtyard, and there are more than a hundred households in Qingcili, with six to seven hundred people.

  Xiaohuohang has thirteen miles under its jurisdiction.

  The left wing has 14 workshops under its jurisdiction, with a total population of more than 100,000.

  Cao’s house is located in Xiaohuohang (Fang).

  The Misty Martial Art Museum and the temporary base of the three brothers and sisters are located in Tongluofang.

  The two places are far apart.

  Cao Xin cleared the streets and alleys of the small goods store a few years ago, and he became very familiar with Tongluofang a few years later, and he is still groping outside.

   Every morning, two or three hours.

   When you are tired, go back to Tongluofang stronghold and enter the original fairyland for a full meal.

   Sleep peacefully in the afternoon.

  Wake up around 6:00 in the evening, prepare dinner, and wait for the elder brother and sister to return.

   After eating, take the eldest sister back to the martial arts gym.

  Brothers Cao Ren and Cao Xin returned home at about seven or eight in the evening.

  Stay at home to talk with my mother and younger brother, enter the original fairyland around ten o'clock in the evening, and come out around five o'clock in the morning of the next day.

  Complete the day cycle.

  Try to use the daytime of the two worlds as much as possible.

   In addition, like Cao Xian, he worked five days and took one day off, and went back to the courtyard to accompany his family.


at this time.

  The sun was shining brightly in the original fairyland, and it was noon.

   In reality, the day is about to pass.

  Cao Xin sorted out the day habitually.

  Cao Ren.

  Cao Xian.

  Martial Arts.

   Cao's family.

  Da Zayuan.

  Cai Shui Gang.

  As the Cao family has been in Xijing for longer, the Cao family and Cao Xin have come into contact with more and more people, which gradually become complicated.

  How to get along, how to deal with each other, and what is the specific situation of each.

   And so on.

   and so on.

  Cao Xin must try his best to know what he knows.

  He is weak now, so he can only work harder on intelligence, so that he can cope with all changes.

  For example, exploring the road conditions of Xiaohuohang and Tongluofang, drawing maps, is to prepare for extreme situations.

   And this day.

  Reality is calm.

   It was the original fairy world that changed first!


  【Congratulations to the sect master for obtaining: 50 pieces of Dazhong Tongbao, 5 catties of rice, 1 catty of raisins, and 50 grams of table salt! 】

  【Congratulations to the sect master for getting an extra: Immortal Talisman*1】



  Cao Xin was stunned when he looked at the fortune today.

   March twenty-first.

  No year or festival.

   There are also 'extra gains'?

   And it's still the 'Yan Fa Immortal Talisman'?

   "Derivation Immortal Talisman?"

"what is this?"

  Cao Xin has never seen it.

   While thinking, a talisman blooming with blue fairy light appeared in his hand, mysterious and mysterious, as soon as he touched it, white lights flickered in his mind—

   Cooking, driving, swimming, singing, dancing, basketball,…

  The skills mastered in the past and the present come to mind one by one.

  Cao Xin also quickly figured out the magical effect of the 'Yanfa Immortal Talisman'—

   "You can enter a 'wild skill' into the [skill] column, and you can use the 'source point' to directly increase the level from now on."

"I see!"

  Cao Xin was pleasantly surprised.

  Skills such as cooking, driving, singing and dancing basketball are of little use in this life. After all, the status of cooks, coachmen, and actors in Daliang is not good.

  But apart from these, he also has a skill that he has been obsessed with——

   "Medical skills!"

   Cao Xin has experienced the difficulty of self-studying medical skills in the past six months.

  He originally planned to spend at least 20 years trying to reach the level of an ordinary doctor.

   No rush.

  Seek progress while maintaining stability.

   But now, Cao Xin has scanned his many skills, most of which are uncultivable and have little potential, and finally settled on the white light representing 'medical skills'.

   "Medical skills are mature early and peace of mind is early."

   "There are shortcuts, of course we have to take them."

  Cao Xin does not hesitate—

   "Derivation Immortal Talisman!"

  【Skills: Medical Skills (+), Liangyi Ball Skills (Level 2)】

   "It's done!"

  Cao Xin's eyes lit up, and he saw that there was a new item of 'medical skill' in the [Skill] column, and there was a '+' sign, which meant that points could be added.

   "Then add some!"

  Cao Xin worked hard and added more thoughts.

  The source point is instantly removed from nine out of three.

  'Medical skills' flashed.

  Countless information in Cao Xin's mind flashed quickly. In a trance, he seemed to be still reciting medical books—

"Medicinal Fu", "Four Hundred Flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Binhu Pulse Jue", "Tangtou Ge Jue", "Lei Gong Pao Shao Lun", "Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen", "Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu", "Medical Three Character Classic", "Preface to Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Great Physician Sincerity", "Health Preservation Motto", ...

  A volume of medical books, like Huang Zhong Dalu, resounds in the heart.

  The obscurity that was unclear in the past, at this time, after reading it over and over again, it is like a fog blowing away, and it suddenly becomes clear.

  Medical books are engraved in my mind.

  The truth is fully understood.

  This is the real "read the book a hundred times, you will see its meaning"!

  Cao Xin just felt very happy.

   I don’t know how long it has passed, when he opened his eyes—

  【Skills: Medical Skills (Level 1), Liangyi Ball Skills (Level 2)】

  'Medical skills' have been improved to a higher level.

Cao Xin interrogated himself a little bit, reviewed his knowledge, and figured out this progress in a short time: "At this time, I am familiar with basic medical books, can identify and distinguish medicinal materials, and can use the cases and prescriptions in medical books to find out what to do. But as for the pathology of the disease, I don’t know much about it. The doctor’s prescription is the same as copying the prescription, hoping it will be effective depends mostly on luck, and I’m still a layman in the academic field of Chinese medicine.”

  This level is generally called 'prescribing doctor', and it is only at the apprentice level in the medical hall.

   But even so, it is worth ten years of hard work.

   This is the first step in studying medicine in a medical center.

   It was also a step that Cao Xin needed to spend a lot of effort on. As a result, a single 'Derivation Talisman' and three 'Origin Points' allowed him to reach the sky in one step and achieve it overnight.


  Cao was excited with confidence.

  It is really pleasant to achieve ten years of achievements overnight.

  Of course, all of this has something to do with him himself—if he hadn’t read or even memorized a lot of medical books, a clever woman might not be able to cook without rice, and it would be useless to have a ‘source’, so I can only look at the sea and sigh.

   It is even difficult to apply the 'Derivation Talisman', and there is no such thing as 'medical skill' at all.

  Furthermore, when using the 'source point', it is almost like Cao Xin himself reciting medical books, just like the past six months, it is real and deeply felt.

  Therefore, even though it was achieved overnight, even after ten years of hard work with him, there is no difference.

   "I have tasted loneliness, loneliness, boredom, hardship, and ten years in an instant."

  Cao Xin sighed, appreciating all kinds of things carefully, and not in a hurry to further improve his 'medical skills'.

  He is wondering now—

   "For no reason, how come there are additional gains?"

   This does not conform to the pattern he has explored in the past six months.

  March 21st?

  Is this also a special day?

  Cao Xin was racking his brains, thinking hard, suddenly, his expression changed——


  Territory map is shown in real scene.

   I saw that located in the northwest of the territory, a group of people were running away in a hurry after being frightened by five wolves.

  These people have only a piece of dirty animal skin wrapped around their waists, which barely covers their private parts, their hair is disheveled and rough, and their faces are painted in various colors in a mess.

this is-



  (end of this chapter)