MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 37 New house!

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  Chapter 37 New Home!

   Nothing happened in reality.

  Cao Xin also doesn't like to go to the bar to listen to music.

  So I put more energy on the original fairyland.

  Territory construction.

   Savage transformation.

  Seeing that the territory is getting better day by day, and the Wa tribe savages have taken shape one by one, Cao feels great satisfaction in his confidence.

   I have to see these savages every day, create a case book, and monitor their health at all times, which is also to prove my medical skills.

   This is the same as the middle school students who learned a little bit of "constellation" knowledge in the previous life - whenever they have the opportunity, they will calculate the constellation for others, and if they don't have the opportunity to create an opportunity, they will do it.

  Technology is always itchy.

   So is Cao Xin.

  But in reality, at most, it was for family members, for Tang Miao, Tang Piaopiao, for Duan Chong's family, for Zou Xielu and others.

  Patients have extreme mistrust of doctors.

  The wildlings in the territory are different.

  Fully trust Cao Xin not to say anything, and as long as he is not dead or disabled.

   It's just that the language barrier caused a lot of trouble for the "ask" in Cao Xin's "Wang Wen Wen Wen Qie". But from the side view, this also exercised Cao Xin's ability in seeing a doctor without 'asking'.

   In the future, if I meet dumb or comatose patients in reality, I think I will be more adaptable than other doctors.



   Chivalrous and righteous.

  筚 road blue wisp.

  Time is constantly passing in the intersection of reality and the original fairy world.

   In a blink of an eye, it's the end of the year again.


   "Come, come, come!"

   "Give me a hand!"

   "Be careful and handle with care."

  In the courtyard, there was a burst of excitement.

  Many people gathered around the front yard to watch the fun. Today is the big day when the Cao family moved to a new house in the front yard. The neighbors watched with envy and jealousy.

  The Cao family lived in the courtyard in mid-July of the second year of Qianyou, and now it is the end of December of the third year of Qianyou, almost a year and a half.

  Short time.

   This family went from being hungry and poorly clothed at the beginning, to having enough food and clothing, and finally to having enough food and clothing. It was a step by step. For more than a year, it has already been one of the richest families in the courtyard.

  But these neighbors never imagined that after more than a year of good life, the Cao family would move out of the courtyard.

   "It's still Cao Jia Dalang who strives for success, can make money, and has skills!"

   "Tch! So what if you're capable? You're still a member of a gang? You might die outside at some point."

   "What year is the old Huangli! The man Cao Ren has worshiped a good master and has retired from the gang. He is no longer a member of the Caishui Gang."

   "Resigned? Really? I don't believe it! The gang can retire so easily? I heard that it is not so easy to get rid of the name after being on the roster."

   "It means that Master is amazing!"

   "Practicing martial arts is not a good way out. It's hard work to practice in summer and winter in winter!"


  The people in the courtyard were chattering a lot, chatting in twos and threes in low voices, with some good words and some sour ones.

   Say nice things out loud.

   Acid words hide behind people.

  Everyone dared to make fun of themselves in front of the Cao family.

   This side.

  Ms. Cao Zhang pulled the eldest lady and Fang Xiaoyan who had the best relationship in the yard, a little bit reluctant: "Old sister-in-law, Xiaoyan, you must go and sit often when I clean up."

   "Definitely go!"

   "I just want to see what a small courtyard with a single family looks like."

  The first lady smiled, envious in her heart.

   What she envied was not the situation of Cao's family, nor the newly built single-family courtyard, but the children of Cao Zhang's knees.

  Everyone is clever, and Cao Jia Dalang is even more filial and capable, earning a huge family business in just over a year.

  The childless woman can only watch.

  Fang Xiaoyan is much more innocent, pulling Cao Zhang reluctantly: "Auntie should come back often."

"I will, I will."

   Seeing Fang Xiaoyan's sincerity, Mrs. Cao Zhang couldn't help but wiped away two tears.

   "Mother, it's time to go, otherwise it will delay the time."

  Cao Xin was fierce and fierce, and distributed sugar pills and peanuts to the children in the courtyard to make it lively and festive, so he came to urge Cao Zhang.

  Outside the hospital.



  Master Yan, Yan Bi, the boss of the family, Xu Dazhi from the backyard, and several other strong laborers in the yard are carrying the last big cabinet onto the bullock cart.

  These pieces of furniture were added one by one over the past year, and each piece was brand new. Not to mention that the Cao Zhang family was reluctant to keep it, no one in the Cao family was willing to abandon it except Cao Xin, a prodigal son.

  Don't even mention it, don't even think about it.

  Cao Xin also turned secretly in his heart, smart and clever, and never mentioned it.

   "Little Five, Little Seven, I will often come back to play in the future, and come to my sister's house for dinner."

  Yu Li patted the heads of Cao Xin and Cao Liang, her face might freeze from laughter.

   This is not for the Cao family's joy, but because after the Cao family left, two inverted rooms were vacant, and they happened to be picked up by their young couple.

   After a year and a half, I finally got what I wanted, and I was naturally in a good mood.

"I will, I will."

   Cao Xin imitated his old lady and nodded hurriedly, but he was not as sincere as his old lady in his heart.

  There have been too many messy things in the courtyard in the past year and a half—

   Steal chicken!


   Steal the wheel of the scooter.

  Yu Li's sister is on a blind date.

   He Dashan went on a blind date.

   Congratulations to Xiaoyu for saying goodbye.

   Widow Qin's cousin came from the countryside.


  The whole house meeting never stopped.

   This doesn't even include the second uncle's daily beating of children in the courtyard.

  Too much, too much, flying around.

   Nothing to miss.

   But the other four members of the Cao family, even Cao Ren and Cao Xian who spent the least amount of time in the yard on weekdays, were very reluctant when they really wanted to move.

   This is the first residence where their family came to Xijing after fleeing famine for three years.

  I lived here for one and a half years.

   have different meanings, and it is difficult to give up.

   But finally it's time to say goodbye.

Put the belongings into two bullock carts, Lu Damiao, Xie Changlin, Zou Long and Zou Hu drove the carts, Cao Zhang took Cao Ren, Cao Xian, Cao Xin and the little Cao Liang who was also wiping tears, A group of people left sadly.

  But the sadness is short-lived.

  When they entered Tongluofang from Xiaohuohang and came outside the courtyard of their new home, no matter whether it was Cao Zhang or Xiao Cao Liang, they all smiled.

   "New home!"

   "It's a new home!"

  Especially Xiao Cao Liang, who couldn’t wait to run ahead and ran into the new house in one breath.


   "Sister-in-law, congratulations."

  The new house is still lively.

  In addition to Cao Xin's family, there are six members of Duan Chong's family, two sisters Tang Miao, and three families of Lu, Xie, and Zou.

  The huge courtyard is large and small, with a total of thirty-two people.

  More than a dozen children were playing together, and Xiao Cao Liang quickly blended in.

  The adults also gathered together to talk.

   "Master Duan, thanks to you, my Dalang, otherwise the Cai Shui Gang would definitely not let him go."

  Cao Zhang looked at Duan Chong with gratitude on his face, turned his head and told Cao Ren: "Boss, you must listen to Master in the future, this is our benefactor!"

   "Mom, I remember!"

  Cao Ren nodded honestly.

  He is indeed grateful to Duan Chong from the bottom of his heart.

  In July and August of this year, he completely listened to Cao Xin's suggestion and spent money on Duan Chong like a rich man, so that he was able to learn from a teacher.

  Duan Chong didn't pay much attention to it at first, he was completely concerned about the face of money.

   Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Cao Ren has already practiced a lot of tricks in the few sets of swordsmanship he taught.

  The master and apprentice had more heart-to-heart exchanges.

   Then, Cao Xin used his strength to make insinuations that the Caishui Gang was not a good place, and would go to other provinces to sell goods from time to time, and if he was not careful, he might die outside.

   It was rare for Duan Chong to accept a good student. After being frightened like this, he finally came forward and went to the Caishui Gang himself, but he didn't know how to do it.

  In short, half a month ago, Cao Ren's name was checked off the Caishui gang's roster, and he has been a free man ever since.

  Since he is no longer in Caishui Gang, it is not easy to live in the inverted house in the courtyard. Moreover, Duan Chong, Cao Ren's master, has such abilities. If he is a little out of the ordinary, it doesn't matter if he buys a small courtyard and settles down.

  So after half a month of operation, we have the situation today.

   Not only Cao Ren.

  The entire Cao family should be grateful to Duan Chong.

   "Sister-in-law is serious."

   "Cao Ren is my disciple, he should be the master's helper."

   Duan Chong also laughed.

   It is gratifying to receive good disciples.

   It is even more fortunate that the apprentice has a good character.

   After talking to Duan Chong, Cao Zhang talked to Tang Miao and Ning Shuhua.

  Especially Tang Miao.

   "My girl has caused trouble for Master Tang this year." Mrs. Cao Zhang also thanked Tang Miao for a while. She still didn't know that Cao Xian spent money to learn art, and thought it was really Tang Miao who took him in.

   And Tang Miao didn't know about this section, and even admired Cao Zhang because of it.

   After all, a family like the Cao family can spend at least forty taels of silver every year for a girl like Cao Xian to practice martial arts, which can be called enlightened anywhere.

  So Tang Miao has a very good sense of Cao and Zhang, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxian is obedient and can endure hardships. He will be promising in the future."


  Seeing Tang Miao praised Cao Xian highly, Cao Zhang's face blossomed with a smile, and he had a good impression of Tang Miao.

   Originally, she was worried that this person was a martial artist and had a bad temper, but now it seems that she was worrying too much.

   "Xiaoxian pays homage to the master of Tang Guan."

   "Now that we are neighbors again, it's more like kissing than kissing."

  Ning Shuhua looked at the two with envy.

  Their family is still renting a house, and they are new to Xijing City. They have few friends and no clear way to make money. They are far less comfortable than Tang's and Cao's.

  Three women talk.

  Duan Chong, Cao Ren and his disciples were also talking.

   Tang Piaopiao was talking to Cao Xian.

  Lu Damiao, Xie Changlin, Zou Long and Zou Hu are talking.

  Cao Xin is half big, half small, and the most uncomfortable. He can't get on any of them, so he can only take Cao Liang and other small radish heads around from inside and outside.

   Wait until noon.

   Clap clap!

   "Dinner is ready!"

  With the sound of firecrackers, the Cao family officially moved into their new residence, opening a new chapter.


  (end of this chapter)