MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 15 Water walking

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Qin Mu is running fast, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. So many people do not know how to run. The villagers in the old village can always keep up with him. Even the blind man is flat and steady with everyone.

Just as Qin Mu was thrown into a mountain forest, suddenly, a dark figure rose from the forest and roared: "Small, no, dead..."

It’s the konjac that roars, and it’s irritating to see that “Little Dot” once again broke into its territory. One-armed Maye glanced at the angry beast, and the konjac suddenly made a clever, and the territory was not needed.

Just now, there is no trace of emotion in Ma’s eyes, so that this behemoth can’t help but feel fear. It seems that he will die in the next moment, so he dare not arrogant and immediately sneak.

Everyone didn't take it for granted. Qin Mu flew all the way, and his vitality flourished. When he returned to the old village, he woke up from the ecstasy. Only then did he find himself covered in dirt. He didn't know when he had a thick layer of dirty things. I don't know if it is black blood or greasy fat.

The mother-in-law said: "The shepherd goes to the river to wash and wash, and the blind man, you accompany him, be careful not to be caught by the monsters in the river."

The scorpion took the bamboo stick and followed Qin Mu to the river. Qin Mu immediately took off the light and jumped into the river to clean the dirt. The scorpion gently tapped the river with a bamboo stick. A big fish that was sneaked to Qin Mu’s side was shocked. He jumped out of the river and jumped over ten feet. It was a big herring with more than two feet. The fish’s beard was like Eight captains tentacles.

Qin Mu cleaned, suddenly saw the blue waters of the river, suddenly a heroic rising from the young chest, like a burning fire.

His vitality suddenly swayed, the energy rushed, and rushed into the throat, as if suddenly opened the fairy treble treasure trove, thick whistling from his throat!

Changxiaoshan forest, the river surface water fluctuations!

In the sound of long whistling, Qin Mu jumped from the water and suddenly ran wildly, slamming his feet on the water!

This foot just stepped on the river, the strength of the foot in his foot merged with the calmed down, the two forces merged into one, suddenly broke out, where his feet fell, the water surface exploded in all directions!

The water has not yet fallen, Qin Mu’s body has gone to the rest, while the other foot has stepped on the water.

Step on the pedal -

A series of crisp watering sounds came from the river, and Qin Mu went through the river and quickly ran out of the water for more than two miles.

His howling is more and more pleasant, chic and unconstrained, like Tianle, Xianban, and Fengfeng. His footsteps are also unfettered, indulgent, and swaying on the river!

On the surface of the river, the breeze slowly rippled, and the youngsters walked so fast that they quickly rushed to the other side from the bank of the river and then returned to the river.

The scorpion squatted on the riverside with the bamboo stick, and the wind came from the river, and the white hair of the scorpion was blown. The old man listened to the whistling sound of the Qin dynasty from the heart of the river, and gently decapitated, showing a smile, and suddenly sang: "The sound of the two sides I can't help it, the wind is bleak, my pants are cold! Shepherd, you barely screaming on the river, screaming in the river, don't you feel cold?"

Jiang Xin heard an exclamation, and Qin Muyu fell into the water with a bang.

After a while, the teenager swam to the shore, shivering his face and putting on his clothes.

He just had an epiphany on the riverside, and he was so eager to forget the shape. He couldn’t remember that he didn’t have a glimpse of his body and jumped on the river. This river’s madness was really cool and cool, and the river was shining.

"Fortunately, Grandpa can't see..."

Qin Mu sorted out his clothes and slammed his head. He saw the horses in the woods on the riverside, all of them standing there, even the mother-in-law came over, and the village chief was carried by the stretcher.

Qin Mu’s face was red, and he ate: “Where, when did you come over?”

The mother-in-law smiled and said: "Shepherd, your **** has seen more times. What else can you be shy about? We heard your howling and full of energy, so come over and see."

The village chief coughed and said: "Shepherd comes over, you are chased by the warriors in the realm of the five spirits, it is difficult to keep hidden dangers, let the pharmacist help you check."

Qin Mu went forward, and the pharmacist examined it carefully and shook his head. "No major problems, all skin injuries."

The village head also checked and indicated that he could leave. Qin Mu was immediately called by the butcher to train the knife.

The butcher was dissatisfied with his defeat of the martial arts brother for more than 5,000 knives. What was even more dissatisfied was that he finally killed the other with a sword, so he had to adjust him.

“What did the village chief discover?” The pharmacist walked over to the village chief’s stretcher and looked at Qin Mu, who was working with the butcher and the knife, and whispered in a low voice.

"His strength is repaired and the situation is scary."

The village chief also did not hide, said: "Very fast! From yesterday to now, the speed of entry is faster than imagined. I heard his whistling sound, but the sound of the spirit and the throat resonance, faintly with God. The sound of the devil, let alone he has not broken the wall of the fetus, even the warrior of the wall of the fetus can not resonate with the gods! If I am an ordinary person like him, it takes twenty years to renovate him. time."

Qin Mujiang face shouts, the vitality and the throat resonate, unconsciously whistling, but in the howling, he unwittingly merged the magic sound he heard in the canyon ruins.

What is even more peculiar is that he carefully tried to understand the dark magic sound last night, and also listened to the voices of the gods and goddesses in his ears, and remembered in every thought of every fine microwave movement of the gods.

Therefore, his howling is naturally integrated into the goddess of God.

There is nothing in the ears of others, and there is no such thing as the mystery, but it is not a trivial matter to fall into the ears of the village chief. He is really heard by him.

"The magic of the gods?"

The pharmacist was shocked: "How did he do it? Moreover, it has been horrible to have the ordinary people's 20 years of skill overnight. Is it really the role of the four spirits?"

The head of the village shook his head: "Although the four spirits can improve his body and vitality, it is impossible to ascend so fast."

The pharmacist thought, "Is it a natural wonder? Is he born to be a material for cultivation?"

The village chief frowned: "Why is the natural genius still the physique of ordinary people? The talent of the natural wizard should be the spirit. And, the magic of the gods, which genius can do it?"

The pharmacist asked: "There is a resonation between his whistle, is it good or bad?"

"do not know."

The head of the village said: "I heard the resonation of the gods from his howling, and the magical sounds of the gods are fighting each other. It is fierce, but I am not sure if it is good or bad."

The pharmacist's eyes flashed and said: "The magic of his whistling resonates. Where did the magic sound come from?"

"do not know!"

The pharmacist had a headache, and the village chief also had a headache. They hadn’t had a headache for a long time because they couldn’t figure out what happened. Since they adopted Qin Mu, a little boy who floated from the upper reaches, they couldn’t figure out more and more things.

As night fell, the old village quickly fell into the darkness. Qin Mu slept in the outhouse. The mother-in-law slept in the back room and slept until midnight. Qin Mu’s mind unconsciously heard the dark magic sound, and then the voice of God, the voice of the gods Mutual attack, not long after, the voice is getting more and more noisy and getting louder and louder.

The voice of the gods and devils gradually turned into darkness and light in his mind, fighting each other and killing the tragic. Qin Mu felt that he had no form and became a soul floating in the sky above the gods and devils. Below the darkness and light of the conquest.

The place where the darkness and the light fought each other, like the situation he saw in the canyon ruins last night, but more spectacular, more vast, the night is like a tentacle, piercing the light continuously, the light suddenly bursts out, sweeping the darkness.

After a moment, Qin Mu saw what the light and darkness was. In the darkness, there was an endless demon. The tide flooded into the light, and the magic sound was not a simple magic sound, but the cry of the millions of devils!

The same is true of the light, the ocean-like god, wearing a golden armor, is strangled with the coming god!

He "stationed" too high, these gods are like tiny drops of water, far from seeing, so I thought it was a battle between light and darkness, but now I see it, I feel shocked and terrified!

Qin Mu suddenly woke up, sweating, and he opened his eyes, but found that the mind is full of the gods and magic sounds, and the head of the head seems to burst.

At this moment, the piece of jade on his chest floated gently, floated to his eyebrows, and gently fell. Qin Mu only felt a clear stream, and the sound of the gods in his mind suddenly disappeared.

He suddenly sat up, gasping and gasping, his heart wondering, not knowing what happened.

After a while, he walked out of the house and went outside, taking advantage of the glimpses of the stone statues in the village to look at the jade.

Outside the village is the darkness, and Yupei also exudes a glory. Qin Muyu looked at Yupei's eyes, and his eyes were as faint as the light of Yupei. It was difficult to remove from this little jade for a long time.

After him, the mother-in-law did not know when to come, and happened to see this scene. The heart was sour: "Although we raised him, she still does not belong to our old village. He is only a child raised in the old village. The last thing to leave..."

Her spirit was shocked and she showed her brilliance: "Outside, it is much more dangerous than the big market! He still has not enough strength!"