MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 1516 Prehistoric invasion, heaven collapse

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Right Yu Linjun also had some action in the future. Suddenly the young man disappeared. When he appeared again, he had already arrived at the funeral deity. The speed was fast, even these soldiers of the Yulin army could not see it!

Tianting Ten Wei, any army pulled out, can form a battle with Tian Zun, especially after the formation of Meng Yungui, the power is even more amazing!

Among the ten guards in the heavens, especially the Yulin Army has the strongest fighting power, and is known as the wing of the Emperor!

The first generation of Yulinjun generals was Wei Suifeng, who set the name of Hee Wei in the battle of returning to the market and directly destroyed the most powerful semi-god race Long Bo.

This generation of right-wing Lin Jun was still in the same year, the Lord will be the same as Yun Luodi Wei with the wind, Tian Luo emperor Yan Fei, but even he did not see the young man's movements.

"God is a big squad, Kai!"

Bian Yanfei screamed and screamed, and the right feather Lin Jun 50,000 elites suddenly started the formation, and the power of the law was raised to the extreme in an instant, turning into a huge blue bird!

"Hong! Hong! Hong! Dahong!"

The momentum of the 50,000 soldiers is connected, the mouth is bursting out in the same breath, the Tiangong is scattered, like a blue bird, the sound is turbulent, as if Dahong sorrows, just like Hongtianzun is alive!

Hong Tianzun, who was known as the No. 1 mana in the world, was deconstructed by Meng Yun, and the Shen Yu Da Yu, who was laid by Yu Linjun, combined with the demon of Hong Tianzun, and the righteousness of Heaven, will be Qin and her The young man is included in the killing!

When the killing starts, the young man who is in the middle of the battle is not in a hurry. The thirty-three heavens are spread out, connected with the thirty-three virtual voids, and he sees that he is getting taller and deeper with the funeral road. A heavy void, and soon came to the thirty-third heavy void.

Bian Yanfei led Yu Linjun to join forces and enter the heavy void, but the more he went up, the more serious the illusion of everything. Rao Yu Yujun had the gods and dazzles, but the omnipresent blurring of the void It is extremely difficult.

After the thirty-three emptiness, the illusion has affected every Yulin army soldier, continue to go deep, I am afraid that everyone will not be able to live!

The true Tianzun can enter the thirty-five emptiness and not destroy, but Yu Linjun is not a true Tianzun.

Although Shen Yu Da Hongzhen is tyrannical, the soldiers who form the formation method do not have the strength of Tianzun.

Bian Yanfei looked at the young man, and his eyes showed unwillingness. He saw that the young man was in the thirty-third heavy void, as if he was integrated into the void. The power of the thirty-third heaven and the sky turned to him. No effect!

"Who is you?" Bian Yanfei asked sharply.

"On the sky, the flowers are blooming."

The young man was polite and said to him: "I have seen the Taoist friends in heaven."

"False flowers!"

Bian Yanfei turned and shouted: "Everyone, quit the void!"

The 50,000-year-old Yulin army raised the wings and covered the sky. Dahong fluttered away. Just flew out of the void, Yan Yanfei immediately ordered: "Stop! Push the array, attack the ultimate void from here!"

The generals of Yulin Jun immediately mobilized the formation, and the powerful mana of the peak of Hong Tianzun’s peak emerged. The big array started and turned into a blow of Changhong, like the wing of the world, breaking through the void and smashing to the 33rd Void!

The stunned wing smashed the thirty-three smashed, but in the thirty-third emptiness, the man named the vain flower and the burial priest have no trace!

Everyone never noticed when the false flower was left with the funeral deity. Yan Yanfei’s forehead was cold and sweaty, and his heart was full of anger. He muttered: "Yu Linjun is finished, all is finished..."

This time, Yu Linjun was responsible for transporting the scorpion of Mutian Zun to the ancestral Shenhe. I did not expect this kind of thing to appear in the middle of the road. If I went back, I was afraid that I couldn’t make a difference to the Emperor.

Under the wrath of Emperor Tiandi, I don’t know how many people landed!

"How to do how to do?"

Bian Yanfei grabbed his hair and suddenly he got out of control and cried.

In the starry sky, the imaginary flower revolves around the funeral road for two weeks, and suddenly laughs: "Qin teaches the Lord, is it good inside?"

It is difficult for him to smile in front of others, but before Qin Mu’s shackles, he can’t help but laugh out and look very happy.

There is no movement in the gods, but the false flower is not worried about the safety of Qin Mu, and carefully study the burial Taoist god.

"This oracle is not a coffin, it is like a seal, which seals a strong presence."

He walked around and stopped and studied in detail: "This is not the magical way of our universe. It seems that it should be from prehistoric times. It is indeed a highly developed civilization. Even seals can be created so beautifully. But The most powerful part of this coffin is not the coffin itself, but the coffin nails. How weird, how are the coffin nails nailed to the coffin board?"

Fictional flowers are puzzled.

He observed for so long, and saw many wonderful things about the burial Taoist gods. Although he could not thoroughly understand the prehistoric Taoism of the burial Taoist shrine in a short time, he can see the overall concept of this seal magical power in general. Come.

According to his understanding, the coffin nail is not nailed to the edge of the coffin board, and the role is not to seal the coffin.

The real role of coffin nails should be to nail the people in the coffin together with the coffin!

That is to say, when nailing, it needs to be nailed from the six walls of the coffin.

"There are five nails in the head, nailed through the heavenly cover, fourteen nails in the footsteps, and seven stars in the soles of the feet. Sixteen nails in the hand, five fingers and five fingers and palms."

He carefully counted, these coffin nails, but also need to nail the eyebrows, lock the gods, nails Yingxiang, throat, heart, Huagai, Dantian, gas sea and so on.

Miscellaneous, together, about a hundred nails are needed.

Only need to nail hundreds of nails into the body of Qin Mu's body, you can lock Qin Mu and the coffin together, limit all his mana, magical power, change, and lock him in the state of being locked into the coffin. .

Just do this, no one can escape, it is really insidious!

However, the nailed person thought that the nail was nailed to the coffin board, causing all the nails to be nailed wrong, and none of them were nailed in the right place!

"Who is so good to the Qin teacher?"

It is this that makes the imaginary flower confuse. These nails are all nailed in the wrong place, and there are only forty-nine, but there are as many as fifty!

"No wonder."

Originally, the original flower was not daring to open up, but after seeing the falsehood of the burial road, the nails on the coffin board were immediately taken out.

He opened the coffin cover, and saw that there was a small world in the coffin. The space was wide and the glare of the light came from the coffin. It was the light of the world tree.

Under the world tree, Qin Mu sits cross-legged.

The false flower observes the face of Qin Mu, and praises: "After the death of the Qin teacher, it is lifelike."

He struggled to remove Qin Mu from the coffin, tired and gasping, Qin Mu's body is not heavy, heavy is the world tree and the chaotic sea under Qin Mu.

Seeing the false flowers, I saw that there were some coffin nails in Qin Mu, just fifty, could not help but laugh.

"Accordingly, there should be a nail, but the person who refines this coffin is worried that the Qin teacher can't escape. The nail is wrong, but one less."

The imaginary flower shook his head and took those nails out of Qin Mu’s wound. He shook his head and shook his head: "These fifty nails are also nailed in the wrong position. I don’t know which one is not learning the skillless nails..."

He just took out the nails. Suddenly, Qin Mu’s lifeless body was like a cold winter. A spring breeze blew, showing a faint vitality!

The virtual flower is fretting, but not surprised, sitting quietly waiting.

I saw that the chaotic sea was full of waves, and the waves were small, very slight and slow.

The vitality of Qin Mu is also slowly increasing, but the injury on his body limits the improvement of vitality.

There are a total of 50 such injuries. The virtual flower has just been viewed. It should be the Taoist magical power from the Miluo Palace. The road injury is extremely serious. Even if Qin Mu destroys his own gods, it turns into chaos and solves it. It is only the wound of the gods and the gods, and the wounds on the flesh cannot be completely destroyed.

This kind of injury, the virtual flower can not be cured, so can only wait for Qin Mu to wake up and solve it himself.

He did not worry about Qin Mu. This kind of confidence came from the first encounter in the same year. Qin Mu was in the river to control the water. At that time, they were still teenagers. The self-confidence revealed by Qin Mu’s eyes made the virtual flowers deeply shocked.

Later, more and more intersections, Qin Mu, how many winds and waves have come, so that there is a misunderstanding of the virtual flower, I feel that anything can not be difficult to Qin Qin, can not kill Qin Mu, but can not kill him .

Of course, he did not see the moment of Qin Mu despair, so there is no such solution.

After a long time, I didn’t know how long it took, and the imaginary flower looked up, and I saw that there was a knife flashing in the ultimate void.

He regained his gaze, and he was familiar with the kind of knives. When Qin Mu came to see him last time, he noticed that there was someone in the shadow of Qin Mu, but he did not ask much, and the knife gave him the feeling and the shadow of Qin Mu. The people in it are very similar.

At this moment, Qin Mu slowly opened his eyes, the chaotic sea gradually returned to calm, hidden in his body, the world tree behind him also disappeared.

"Qin teaches the Lord, is it good to be in the middle?" asked the virtual flower without hesitation.

Qin Mu's breath is still very weak, looking up to see the face of the virtual flower without expression changes, smiled bitterly: "Why should the virtual brother laugh?"

The expression on the face of the virtual flower suddenly became extremely wonderful, laughing and laughing, and the laughter was clear and passed far.

Qin Mu violently coughed a few times, coughing out the bad blood in the body, said: "Virtual brother, how did you come out of the ancestral court?"

The smile on the face of the imaginary flower converges and restores the usual indifferent manner. He said: "The **** mountain has fallen, and there are too many smugglers who have climbed out of the roots of the world tree. I can't beat it."

Qin Mu was stunned and relieved: "I am still worried that you will die, **** in the end..."

"will not."

The imaginary flower is indifferent: "I am more useful to live."

Qin Mu was half-dead by him. He was very worried about it. Very few people could kill him half-hearted, but the false flower is an exception.

"The heavens are ruined." The false flower continues.

Qin Mu’s heart was shocked, and suddenly he could not suppress the injury. Fifty wounds were bloody.

The imaginary flower looked at his wounds and sealed his wounds. He handed over some coffin nails and said: "These nails can help seal the wound."

"The heavens are ruined?" Qin Mu asked a nail into his wound and hurriedly asked.

The imaginary nodded and said: "When I left, there were already enlightened people who sneaked over and prepared to attack the heavens. Counting the time, the heavens should be compromised, and the ancestral court has changed hands."

Qin Mu took a breath of cold air and forgot to insert the nails. The imaginary flower helped him to insert several coffin nails into the wound, and his tears flowed.

"The heavens are falling, is it a good thing or a bad thing... light, hurt!"

I wish the Lord 8803, happy birthday yesterday! Blame me, I forgot yesterday, please don’t fight~