MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 1731 Mao Wei sees the big son too

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When the ferry of the world entered the ultimate void, Qin Mu stood at the bow of the ship, and the golden ship drifted quietly, and drove in the direction he thought.

"Forty-two years are very close, and you should be there soon."

Qin Mu stood at the bow of the ship. He didn't look behind him. There was a figure behind him. Hey, if someone's eyes fell on the man, the person would disappear.

Qin Mu did not go to see the man, but said to himself, "The battle of heaven is about to end. This battle, the town of worry-free town is destroyed, and there are only two thousand people left in the town of worry-free town, but The people of Wuyou Township have been preserved. They are now living in Yankang and have a good life. They are in contact with Yankang and will soon accept the reform and invest in the reform."

He laughed out loudly: "I know that if you are still there, you will not say with a smile, these sacrifices are worthwhile. Just seeing the departure of one old man, you will still be sad, but you will not show it. ""

By his side, the man looked at the innocent void and stood silently.

"I didn't go to resurrect them, didn't try to resurrect anyone."

Qin Mu continued: "There are already reincarnations, reincarnation, and life, and the soil will reward or punish disciplinary actions according to the good and evil that all sentient beings made during their lifetime. If there is too much, there will be a fire in the industry." After the reincarnation, the resurrected people will not remember past lives."

He smiled slightly and said: "I will implement a new ancestral system, and the original system will be eliminated. As a result, it may solve the problem of annihilation. You may be the last old system. Enlightened."

The man was deeply gaunted and did not speak.

"After this defeat, you will return to the ancestral court."

Qin Mu continued: "He will lose weight on the road, he will be hurt, and he will be rebellious. If he escapes to the ancestral court, there will still be a million troops remaining. It is probably only a few hundred thousand. He is no longer able to stir up the world, but he will not be reconciled. The enlightened people of the Miluo Palace will take the opportunity to come, and the three sons will not give up. The Emperor of Heaven will fully trust them, and even the world tree stalkers. Join hands."

He smiled and said: "After you come back, there are still many things to do, not to be idle. We will fight side by side and fight against the sinister ancestors. I am very happy about the battle of the ancestral court."

He laughed out: "Prehistoric enemies, stowaways, stealing the heavens and spirits, and occupying too much cosmic energy, they ran just right. Kill them and return their power to the universe, let this universe Survival for a longer period of time. Shangjun kills the beginning of the world and benefits the Yuan Dynasty. If these enlightened people die in the 17th century, they will let our universe grow up, and will survive for about 300 billion years like the First Age. Three hundred billion years have passed."

His eyes are far-reaching and he said: "This will be the most brilliant era. You will see it all."

The ferry of the World Gold Boat is drifting faster and faster.

"The reason why I am going to see Taiyi is because the first wave of the three sons of the three sons is counter-attacking. It must be extremely fierce, and I may not be able to withstand it. We seem to be in a good situation, but we are in danger."

Qin Mu explained to him: "With my current strength, it is far from enough to fight against the three sons and four sons. Only Taiyi can do this step, blocking the two Mi Luogong sons, so that they can not come. I I feel that the ancestral court will be a good experience and can make us grow."

The person around him never spoke.

Finally, the grass in the ultimate void is here.

Qin Mu boat, coming down from the boat, came to the grasshopper, the figure on the gold boat made a faint sigh.

Qin Mu turned back and the figure on the boat disappeared.

Qin Mu settled down and drove other thoughts out of his heart, quietly watching the portal of the grasshopper. After a moment, Shen Sheng said: "Master Taishang, can you show up and see you?"

The void is silent, and there is no sound. Only the wind of coldness continues to brag.

Qin Mu faintly said: "In the past years, my understanding of the Taoist temple of the Miluo Palace has been deepened, and my understanding of Daofa magical power has been deeper than before. With my current strength, it is enough to display the Taishen axe. Break your grass. However, after all, you and I are the same teacher, I really want to see you."

There is no movement in the grass.

Qin Mu smiled and said leisurely: "If you don't believe, I can show it to you. You probably don't know, the third time taught me a lot of things."

He stood up and urged the way of Taiyi. The way of Taiyi was turned into a too easy axe in his hand. Qin Muyun became a wind and used the axe method passed by Taiyi.

Qin Mu's face is dignified, and the axe slowly strokes in front of him. This axe seems to be unremarkable, but it hides thousands of wonderful things, and the Dafa magical power of Taiyi is displayed to the fullest.

Not only that, the 6,400 kinds of avenues covered by this grasshopper were all cracked by him, and it was really like a broken bamboo!

The grass is 64,000, which represents the 6,400 different avenues of the Dagongzi. Each avenue is the level of the enlightened, and it is the evolution of the Hongmen Rune!

On the exquisiteness, on the cultivation, Qin Mu has never seen anyone who can reach the height of the Dagongzi too!

However, no matter how many avenues, it has always been a Hongmeng rune, and now it has experienced a three-year battle with Sangongzi. He also suffered from a dream in the past six years, and he will be buried in the temple. The Taoist study is 7788!

Taiyi’s axe method, which was taught to him by crutches, was originally a magical method for the Mire Palace, and Qin Mu’s understanding of the Taoist temple of the Miluo Palace was deeper and deeper, so he came here and cracked it. It will be much smoother!

Qin Mu's axe, too easy to make a **** axe into the Taiyi way into his gods, his breath is somewhat unstable, gasping, he seriously injured, he has not recovered to the peak state.

"Master Brother, what do you mean?"

Qin Mu calmed down and went forward. Shen Sheng said: "If you don't want to talk, then I will forcibly break your seal and release too easy! If you are willing to show up, you and my brother may not have to tear your face. !"

Before he came to the grasshopper, he renewed his spirits. He was trying to evolve the Taishou Axe with the Taiyi Way. Suddenly he only heard a bang and the grasshopper opened.

Qin Mu smashed, and saw an old man pushing the door from the inside of the house, looked up at him, turned away, and carefully locked the door.

Qin Mu looked at the old man who was much shorter than himself. He saw that he was intoxicated and invisible, and he could not see the sacred and special features. It seemed to be lost in the crowd.

Dagongzi is too old, it is such an ordinary old man.

Taiyi is a group of chaotic gas, ever-changing, no trace can be found, but men and women can be transformed into heaven and earth, and even jump into the chaotic long river and become other enlightened people to jump out, unpredictable.

The Dagongzi is a person who is ordinary and can't leave a deep impression on people.

In him, I can't see any undulations of the avenue, like the silence, but I also cultivated the Taoist magical powers of the Miluo Palace. Qin Mu can see how terrible power the old man's body has!

He is even stronger than Taiyi!

When Qin Mu was seated, the old man sat down, like a withered tree, and could not see any vitality.

Qin Mu’s eyes flashed and suddenly smiled: “Tai Shang Master, I have seen the teacher turn into the annihilation. You imitate him and imitate it. The teacher’s turn into the annihilation is a vain, and the heart is dead. So I am in a state of death. And you are imitating that the heart is dead, not really turning the road into destruction."

The old man opposite him opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Qin Mu’s heart was shocked.

The opposite old man speaks in Hong Meng Dao language. Every syllable has a profound truth. The Tao language is inherently unpredictable, and Hong Meng Dao language contains the mystery of the avenue. Even a word can be turned into the world. Terrible magical power!

The Taoist language from the mouth of Dagongzi is very difficult to understand, unpredictable and profound, and an opening makes Qin Mu's vision in front of him, like being caught in a world of thousands, and countless things become reality, and he passed by him!

The first vocal festival of Dagongzi was spit out, and Qin Mu had already flashed the history of the Miluo Palace in the second universe, presenting a magnificent and magnificent scene.

In the Tao language, the masters of the Miluo Palace entered the world at the beginning of the Second Universe, and taught the Taoist magical powers to actively seek ways to make the universe no longer shattered.

A short Taoist language will include the magnificent history of the Second Universe in a word, which is really incredible, including even the process of studying and struggling under the master of the Miriam Palace.

At the time when the Second Universe revealed signs of great destruction, the owner of the Miluo Palace began to actively plan to establish the Mire Palace, intending to rob, trying to save everyone to the next universe.

When the first Taoist voice fell, the history of the Second Universe was completely presented in the mind of Qin Mu, including the failure of the master of the Miluo Palace.

Dagongzi spit out the second language, and the third universe was presented in the past. The idea, ambition, rules of acting, and everything he did to destroy the catastrophe also included his failure. .

The third Taoist spit out, everything in the fourth universe is presented!


Soon, the fifteenth syllable of the Tao language spit out. This syllable is very long. The Dagongzi tried to use the history of the masters of the Miluo Palace to explain why the owner of the Milu Palace died of death. Why did he give up the tenth? The thoughts of the Seventh Age, why do you want to be grayed out.

In this Taoist language, Dagongzi’s appearance to Qin Mu is the future of the 17th century.

It is a cold, complete void!

A thin film with no thickness and no thickness, flat and unfolded, very broad, there is nothing in the void film, no life!

Dagongzi closed his mouth too much, closed his eyes, stopped talking, and only left Qin Mu with an unparalleled shock!