MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 8 Mother-in-law's skin

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"My mother-in-law once said that if you lost your way in the big market and could not return to the village before dark, then don't panic."

Qin Mu Ding set the god, the heart said: "There are many relics in the big market. There are many relics in the ruins. It is still possible to hide in the ruins. If the ruins can save lives, it depends on two points. First, whether there is any in the village. The stone statue is similar to the stone statue. Second, whether there are a large number of different animals in the ruins. These alien animals are psychic, knowing where to avoid the darkness..."

There are many relics in the Great Market. On the way to the escape, Qin Mu will see some of the ruins of the city and the village. The wreckage is very old, but it is innocent to stop to see if there is a stone statue.

Half of the sunset is not under the mountain. Suddenly, there is silence between the heavens and the earth, and the silence is maddening.

Then the voice of Hula came, Qin Mu looked up, only a big bird in the air whizzed past, black pressure to cover the sky. Then the earth shook, the woods fell, and a strange animal did not know where to drill, and ran wildly.

Qin Mu even saw the sound of water in a lake, and a few red and long fish that jumped out of the water, with fins as legs, ran on the ground!

Qin Mu is a little confused, the fish flying on the ground, is this still a fish?

"These beasts are all running in the same direction, and there must be darkness!"

He was in great spirits and rushed forward with these strange animals.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the darkness in the distance is like a tide. The darkness is different from the night, and like the flood, it flows over the mountains, over the valley, across the wilderness, and drowns everything. Even if Qin Mu was not the first to see the dark invasion, he still felt extremely shocked.

The darkness is coming, and the herd is still rushing toward the darkness. Qin Mu hesitates. The direction of the beast running is the direction of darkness. Is there really a safe place in front to avoid the darkness?

If you don't, isn't you going to die without a place to die?

"No matter what, the darkness is too fast, I can't even turn around and it's too late to run. It's just dark, and now I just ran with the herd!"

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

In the more than ten miles of the old village outside the river, the battle between the mother-in-law and the five old men of the Minjiang River also reached the most critical time. Originally, only the four old men of the Minjiang River were besieging the mother-in-law, but they could not attack for a long time. They stood on the cliff and watched the five old people. The first Qi Yanbing immediately joined the battle, and the five old men were besieged, and the five elements of the magic circle were formed.

Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law was barely supported under the siege of Si Lao, but Qi Yanbing entered the market, but the strength of the mother-in-law was skyrocketing. The five-line five-line refining magic array could not even trap this old woman.

Wu Lao was shocked and angry. Only then did he know that this old woman was trying to get rid of them. He deliberately showed weakness and induced Qi Yanbing to enter the game, lest he escape.

The mother-in-law took advantage of her little feet, and the ghosts flickered. The silver needles and silk threads in the basket seemed to live. In the twinkling of an eye, the five old men of the Minjiang River were stabbed and bruised. The five silkers wore the old men and fixed the soul. Can't move.

This little old woman was full of faces and smiled, carrying the scissors up: "My mother-in-law has not refined the human skin for a long time, I don't know if the craft is unfamiliar..."

She came to Qi Yanbing, and suddenly Qi Yanbing opened her mouth, and a silver pill flew out in the mouth, welcoming her to her mother-in-law.

The silver pill will be long in the wind, and a slamming sound will spur a thousand thousand swords from the silver pill, and the swell will expand outward, and instantly become a sphere composed of pure sword light.

The mother-in-law didn't expect it, and hurried back, her body suddenly softened, moving like a dragonfly in the air, avoiding a sword, and the scissors in her hand flew out like two silver dragons. Cut a line of Jianguang.

After all, she was caught off guard, or was stabbed by a sword. The sword light came from behind her. She was a hunchback, and there was no sight on the back. This sword light was stabbed on her hunchback.

The swords of the sky disappeared, and the broken swords fell from the sky and filled the ground with a few acres.

And the silver pill also slammed and no longer moved.

The mother-in-law also fell to the ground, reaching out and pulling the sword from behind, frowning slightly.

"I was still hiding by you..."

Qi Yanbing, the head of the five old men, looked desperate and his voice was hoarse: "I am counting you with swords at such a close distance. There are 6,824 swords in the sword, but you are still hiding. You must It’s not the nameless generation in the Magic Road! There is no such old woman in the Magic Road. Who are you?”

He suddenly noticed the back of the mother-in-law, and saw a wound in the place where the hump was pierced by the sword, but there was no blood flowing out. Instead, there was light coming in, and it was obviously empty.

Qi Yanbing is not awkward: "This is not what you really look like, you are wearing someone else's skin..."

"You hurt my skin."

The mother-in-law frowned, but the voice was not the old female voice on weekdays. On the contrary, it was very sweet. Only listening to this voice would make her think that she is a beautiful woman, and she is not as beautiful as she is now. .

The mother-in-law pressed her own throat and sighed and said: "The air leaked..."

She took out the silk thread from the basket and stitched the sword wound on her back. I tried the scorpion and the sound returned to normal.

Suddenly, Qi Yanbing was like a ghost. His face changed dramatically and he lost his voice: "I have heard your voice, I know who you are! The goddess of the gods..."

The mother-in-law's face changed slightly, her fingers were placed on the silk thread running through the five people. When the five old people of the Lijiang River were cut, they were shattered by the silk thread, and the flesh and blood were scattered!

It is also strange to say that the silk has not been stained with any blood. Instead, it is automatically entangled like a living, shrinking into a thread and returning to the basket.

The mother-in-law snorted and giggled: "Dead scorpion, how long have you been here?"

Not far behind her, the scorpion walked on crutches and limped. He smiled and said: "Just come, just come. Sister, I haven't seen it, I haven't heard it."

The grandmother gave him a look and smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you see it, as long as you don't hear it. Let's go back to the village."

The scorpion hesitated, said: "The demon lord Li Tianxing has been a wise man in his life, but he did a stupid thing. In his later years, he saw the most beautiful witch at that time, so he abolished the original lady, and wanted to marry her as the new lady. On the night of the flowering of the family room, the Protestant Lord’s wife slandered Li Tianxing, broke his hundred years of Taoism, and took away the magical teachings of the Taoist Church. The elders and ancestors of the demon After killing, the result was still escaped by her, so far unknown..."

"Is there still such a thing?"

The mother-in-law ate and laughed: "The old woman heard in her early years that some people have refining their legs to the level of God. His two legs are known as the legs of the gods. Their speed is unparalleled in the world, but they are not learning well. Stealing, like to steal things, is called the world's first thief. Although he has not become a god, but the name has already brought a **** word, it is jealous of God. When he went to Yankang to steal the disc, from The first thief who did not miss the world was discovered by the national division, and he lost his leg. But he also escaped from the national division to kill and disappeared with the emperor. Yankang Guoshi was praised as the first person under God. But he couldn’t leave a thief. He should still keep the god’s leg and wait for the object to return to the original owner?”

The smile on the face of the nephew is more intense, with a smile: "Mother-in-law, we are all a waste of the village, once said that each has its own secret, do not ask each other's origins. From now on, I am a dumb, Scorpion, keep your mouth shut."

The mother-in-law snorted and walked up the basket with the basket. “Is it the shepherd to inform you, let you come to meet me?”

The blind man shook his head: "The voice you played with these five old guys was too loud and the fluctuations were too strong. We felt it in the village, so the village chief asked me to see if you needed help."

The mother-in-law's face changed slightly and hurriedly said: "Is the shepherd returning to the village?"

"I didn't see him when I came."


The two hurriedly returned to the old village. When they had not yet arrived at the village, they saw the sun setting. The darkness rose from the horizon, covered with the horizon, and the tide surged. The higher the height, the more engulfing along the way, coming to this side!

The mother-in-law returned to the village and searched quickly in the village. She couldn’t help her face: “Is the shepherd not coming back?”

The darkness completely engulfed the old village.

"The mother-in-law doesn't have to worry."

The head of the village was carried over by the nephew and the pharmacist, and he was persuaded to go back to find the mother-in-law of Qin Mu, who said, "Teach him, we have taught him. If he learns, he should be able to go to the big market. Live. You are no longer useful to go out now, it is already dark."

The mother-in-law is stunned and knows that the head of the village is right. The darkness drowns the big market. If Qin Mu is still alive, then she can live the night without her, but if she is dead, she will have no use for looking for Qin Mu with a stone statue.

"He still has that jade to protect him..."

Although I think so, but the mother-in-law knows that the piece of jade in front of Qin Mu is only used to protect the baby, and the scope of protection can be limited. Qin Mu has grown up, and Yu Pei’s light can only protect his chest.

"Shepherd, you must be smart..." Si Po whispered.