MTL - Taoist Master and the Cat-Chapter 50

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The weather is cold, but the sun is good enough, and there are still a lot of tourists by the lake.

When the three boys parked their bicycles, Su Miaomiao found a mobile stall selling candied haws.

"Daozhang, look." Su Miaomiao tugged on Xie Jingyuan's sleeve and pointed to that side.

Xie Jingyuan took her to pick candied haws.

Gu Jialing also followed and chose the second most beautiful string. As for the most beautiful string, Su Miaomiao snatched it away.

"You don't like it?" Xie Jingyuan asked Xu Shou.

Xu Shou shook his head, roasted sweet potatoes are fine, he can't bear this kind of sour and sweet snack.

The four walked slowly along the lake.

There are student-aged couples around, young couples playing with their children, and elderly people playing Tai Chi, which is full of life in the human world.

A three or four-year-old girl suddenly stopped chasing and stared at the candied haws in the hands of Gu Jialing and Su Miaomiao.

Su Miaomiao immediately went around to the other side of Xie Jingyuan.

Gu Jialing: "Look at how stingy you are."

Su Miaomiao: "You are not stingy, you give her candied haws."

Gu Jialing snorted.

Xie Jingyuan remembered the issues he had discussed with Su Miaomiao, and asked Xu Shou and Gu Jialing in the same way: "Will you consider getting married in the future?"

Xu Shou immediately shook his head, he is a demon, how could he marry a human woman, even if the Taoist priest allowed him, he would not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

Gu Jialing is not interested in human girls, let alone getting married and having children, so she gave them a scientific introduction in a serious manner: "Our **** are very good at laying eggs. There are at least five or six eggs in a litter, and there can be more than a dozen eggs. If I retain this kind of fertility, if I marry a wife and conceive seven or eight babies at once, I will not live anymore, the way humans raise babies is more difficult than taking care of birds."

Xie Jingyuan: ...

Su Miaomiao was inspired and recalled: "The cats I have seen seem to have three or five births. My mother is not very good, so she only gave birth to me and my brother."

Gu Jialing: "You still have an older brother?"

Su Miaomiao: "Well, he is especially good at eating, and he is stronger than me. He was taken away only two months ago, and he was never seen again."

My brother seems to be quite stupid. It's okay to help people catch mice, but he shouldn't be able to activate his spiritual wisdom. He must have died a long time ago.

Xu Shou asked sympathetically, "Will you miss him?"

Su Miaomiao shook her head: "I don't think about it at all. He always grabs food from me. I can only eat when he leaves."

Gu Jialing was very proud: "I am the strongest and the smartest among my thirteen brothers and sisters. I am the only one who has become a demon."

Xu Shou didn't have much to remember. He didn't know who his father was, and his mother only gave birth to one child. The mother and son stayed in the village to look after the house, and it was not that bad. Later, the mother passed away peacefully.

The three demons chatted about their respective families, and suddenly looked at Xie Jingyuan in unison.

Xie Jingyuan said lightly: "Forgot, I have been contemplating the emptiness since I can remember."

This is a lie, but it is enough to fool the Three Demons.

The four chatted and walked around, and when the candied haws were finished, they also came to an empty and uninhabited lot.

Gu Jialing ran to throw out the trash, and came back to ask Su Miaomiao, "If the priest wasn't there that day, would you have beaten those two little bastards?"

Su Miaomiao: "Of course."

Gu Jialing: "Don't underestimate men, come here, let's try."

He took off his down jacket first and handed it to Xu Shou.

Su Miaomiao also handed over her white down jacket to Xie Jingyuan.

Xie Jingyuan frowned and said, "Click to finish."

Before he finished speaking, Su Miaomiao had already started fighting with Gu Jialing.

When they were demons, they relied on sorcery and animal instincts to fight. They could fly as much as they could, jump as much as they could, and their claws and teeth were all weapons.

After being reincarnated, they just went to school step by step like ordinary children, without any special training.

Gu Jialing had at least fought with boys, while Su Miaomiao had very little experience.

Su Miaomiao jumped up to grab Gu Jialing's face.

When playing around, Gu Jialing would only avoid her, but now Gu Jialing directly grabbed Su Miaomiao's two arms and turned her around.

With her hands trapped, Su Miaomiao quickly moved her foot back.

"Damn it!" Gu Jialing had to let go of her and jumped back, narrowly avoiding it.

That is to say, if he were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to avoid Su Miaomiao's speed.

"Okay." Xie Jingyuan interrupted this chaotic discussion in time.

Gu Jialing walked up to Xu Shou with lingering fear, and Su Miaomiao muttered, "It's not decided yet."

Xie Jingyuan: "You guys are not good at this style of fighting. I will teach you how to fight during the summer vacation."

Gu Jialing had a shocked face: "Master Taoist, why do you seem to know everything?"

Su Miaomiao was not surprised at all, after all, Xie Jingyuan has been fond of reading since he was two years old, and he has already learned to use computers in kindergarten.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, senior high school students were the first to return to campus.

Su Miaomiao, the four of them, because of their good grades and the fact that they are already a well-known small group of top students throughout the grade, were still assigned to Class Nine when they were in Class Three last year.

For Su Miaomiao and Xie Jingyuan, there is another good friend in Class 9—Lin Xi.

Lin Xi was a top student when he was in junior high school. After he entered high school, his level of top student went up to another level. He had surpassed Xu Shou twice in a row, and he was firmly seated at the second place in his grade.

If it was Gu Jialing, she would probably be jealous, but Xu Shou would not be jealous of others, and would only continue to study hard.

Lin Xi is also 1.8 meters tall, and he is not short-sighted, so the seat is at the back.

In the classroom, there are two people at a table, and it needs to be adjusted along the horizontal direction once a week to protect the eyesight of the students.

After this adjustment, Gu Jialing and Xu Shou sat on the right side of Xie Jingyuan, and Lin Xi and another classmate sat on the left side of Su Miaomiao, separated only by a narrow aisle.

Su Miaomiao walked to the seat with her schoolbag in her hand, and found that her desk was clean without any dust.

She looked at Lin Xi in surprise: "Did you clean the table for me again?"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "I came early, so I wiped everything for you by the way."

Gu Jialing reached out and wiped her desktop, it was indeed clean!

"Thank you, you are really a good person!" Gu Jialing waved to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi smiled and continued to read.

Su Miaomiao sat on the stool, took out the textbooks, exercise books, etc. and arranged them. She looked at the blackboard. Su Miaomiao was a little sleepy.

Although the winter vacation was very short, Su Miaomiao still slacked off from the high-intensity study for the time being.

She glanced at Xie Jingyuan, and asked in a low voice, "Master, can I sleep for a while?"

Xie Jingyuan: "Sleep after class."

Su Miaomiao protested: "I've been recommended, why are you still so strict?"

The goal of the four-person college entrance examination is Beijing University. Last summer, after Su Miaomiao won the domestic youth tennis championship, she was admitted to Peking University ahead of schedule, and they promised her to choose a major.

Xie Jingyuan: "This is classroom discipline."

Su Miaomiao snorted, turned her head to look to the other side, and saw Lin Xi.

Being so close, of course Lin Xi heard their conversation.

When she was in junior high school, Lin Xi, like Cheng Yue and others, agreed that Su Miaomiao and Xie Jingyuan were in a relationship. They were not in the same class in the first and second grades of senior high school, and Su Miaomiao and Xie Jingyuan were inseparable all year round. Lin Xi also continued to maintain With that default.

It wasn't until everyone was assigned to the same class again in the third year of high school that Lin Xi suddenly discovered something was wrong after observation last semester.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, no one is a child anymore, but the way Su Miaomiao looked at Xie Jingyuan was not much different from seeing them, it was clear and magnanimous.

Su Miaomiao would instruct Xie Jingyuan to do all kinds of trivial things, such as fetching water for her and doing sanitation duty, but when Xie Jingyuan was called to the office by the head teacher to talk, Su Miaomiao would also ask him to do the same thing, as if he and Xie Jingyuan is a similar existence in her heart.

This discovery made Lin Xi jump with joy.

He even sent Su Miaomiao a message one night, asking if she and Xie Jingyuan were in a relationship.

Su Miaomiao replied to him: No, you can misunderstand, but don't ask me again, I will be annoying.

Lin Xi memorized this reply deeply in his mind, and he was more familiar than memorizing ancient poems.

However, the college entrance examination is coming soon, Lin Xi doesn't want to be distracted, if he can't be admitted to the same university as Su Miaomiao, it's useless to think about it now.

"Didn't get enough sleep last night?"

Facing Su Miaomiao's dissatisfied gaze, Lin Xi asked with a smile.

Su Miaomiao was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk.

Lin Xi took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to her: "This tastes good, and it can refresh your mind."

Su Miaomiao took it, and there was a lemon pattern on the candy packaging bag.

She hesitated: "Will it be very sour?"

Lin Xi: "Slightly sour, just right."

Su Miaomiao tore open the package and put the sugar in her mouth.

Seeing that she was quite satisfied, Lin Xi continued to do the questions.

Su Miaomiao had sugar in her mouth, so she didn't want to sleep anymore, so she took out a set of Chinese test papers.

The moment she lowered her head, Xie Jingyuan's cold side face was revealed, and her gaze swept across Lin Xi's side.

Lin Xi didn't notice it.

His deskmate is the bottom one in Class Nine, and he is actually a top student, but it may be that the bottom few will always give the students a naughty effect. Next to him, he used Lin Xi's head to cover himself, then lowered his voice and said, "You like Su Miaomiao, don't you? His genuine boyfriend is sitting next to him, how dare you give her candy."

Lin Xi didn't look sideways: "Don't talk nonsense."

Classmate He: "Who's talking nonsense? I've been observing for half a semester. You are simply a professional prying the wall. You only pick on Su Miaomiao when the monitor is away."

Lin Xi smiled: "We are good friends, it has nothing to do with being courteous."

It's no wonder that classmate He believed him.

However, student He understands Lin Xi's involuntary feelings very well. Su Miaomiao is too good-looking to be described by the simple word "school flower". Not to mention Class Nine, all the boys in the third grade of the school may want to be Su Miaomiao. Wonderful boyfriend. If you are far away, you can control it. If you are close to Su Miaomiao like them, how can you control yourself.

Lin Xi is a daring one. He looks ruffian, but he is actually very timid.

Student He still remembers that once when Su Miaomiao dropped the pen while playing with Gu Jialing, and the pen rolled to him, Student He quickly picked it up, wiped it carefully before returning it to Su Miaomiao. In the end, it was just such a trivial matter, Xie Jingyuan actually looked up at him, his eyes were cold and sharp, like an eagle patrolling the sky, suddenly found that an uninvited guest broke into his territory.

Student He was completely overwhelmed by Xie Jingyuan's look!

Is this really the legendary good squad leader who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside and helpful?

He believes in his own judgment even more!

From then on, even if Su Miaomiao's pen rolled under his feet, classmate He pretended not to know, anyway Lin Xi would help soon.