MTL - Tattoo Awakening: All Kinds of Divine Beasts Carved on My Back-Chapter 15 3rd Colonel

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Facing the strong Leng Qun, Xu Mo finally became serious and stepped back. The moment Chongmingniao's power poured into his right fist, he suddenly struck forward with force.


With a loud bang!

The two fists collided with each other in mid-air without any fancy!

Both sides retreated one after another.

But Xu Mo only took one step back and froze his figure, while Leng Qun took a full twelve steps back before stopping his decline.

The winner or loser has been decided!

"You...what the hell, you are more than one star of silver, you..."

Leng Qun's face was flushed and full of disbelief. His right hand could no longer hold a fist at this moment.

After being a successor for so long, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation!

"Nine Silver Stars." Xu Mo didn't hide anything and told the truth.

"Baiyinjiu..." Leng Qun's expression froze, and he felt bad at that time.

"Captain Leng, I accept the concession!" Xu Mo gave up as soon as he saw the opportunity, and cupped his hands at the other party, looking calm and calm.

Leng Qun's lips trembled for a long time, but he didn't know what to say, and his expression was a little awkward.

He originally thought that relying on his six-star silver strength, it would be easy to explore Xu Mo's background.

But he didn't expect the fact to be beyond his expectation!

The young man standing opposite was actually three stars higher than himself!

In order to avoid further embarrassment, Xu Mo paused on the stage for a moment. Seeing that Leng Qun was still dazed and motionless, he turned around and walked straight down the stage.

Seeing this scene, Leng Qun subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop Xu Mo, but finally took his hand back.

After a long while, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, then turned and walked off the stage.

Under the ring, the crowd was ready to watch the excitement, but they haven't come back to their senses until now.

Whether it's a duel between Xu Mo and Wang Lei or Leng Qun and Xu Mo, the outcome is determined by one punch.

Between the two duels, the final winner was decided in less than ten seconds!

"Your Excellency, you are not his match?" Wang Lei, who had just gotten off the toilet not long ago, looked at him with eyes wide open.

Behind him, the captains and members of other departments were even more stunned.

Among them, Zhu Jian, the captain of the Canglong Army, was the most shocked. He was completely stunned.

"That kid lied to me. He said yesterday that he only had one silver star. That punch just now was definitely more than one silver star's strength!"

Zhu Jian's immediate boss was also Leng Qun, and he could clearly see the punch he had just fought with Xu Mo!

Zhu Jian couldn't accept it in any way because his boss, whom he had always regarded as his idol and his target, actually failed in one move in front of a new recruit!

"With another punch, Leng Qun was defeated!"

At this time, on the other side of Zeng Rong, another captain, Zhang Jun, looked solemn.

He saw clearly the duel that had just occurred in the ring. What was certain was that Leng Qun did not hold back.

With the strength shown by Leng Qun's punch just now, even Zhang Jun couldn't possibly make Leng Qun take more than ten steps back!

Even if he could do it, the price Zhang Jun had to pay couldn't be as simple as taking a step back like Xu Mo did!

But if you want to put it this way, isn't he also Xu Mo's opponent? Zhang Jun fell into deep self-doubt.

A duel ended in an anticlimactic manner.

Everyone returned to the conference room and looked at Xu Mo, who was sitting next to Zeng Rong, with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Until now, some people still can't believe that Xu Mo is a new recruit who has just acquired the inherited bloodline!

But just such a new recruit, his strength far exceeds that of everyone present!

Thinking of this, everyone including Zeng Rong looked unhappy.

Because everyone can imagine that a being as powerful as Xu Mo would definitely not be able to stay in the Admiral's Mansion for a long time!

His future is definitely more than just his immediate achievements!

But no one could have imagined that Xu Mo was sitting in his seat at this time, still thinking about the showdown with Leng Qun just now.

The Silver Six Stars really lived up to their reputation. Leng Qun's offensive was the strongest he had ever seen, bar none!

Moreover, Leng Qun fought against him without any concrete bloodline. Obviously, the other party did not put in all his efforts. It was a coincidence that he could win.

If they were really on the battlefield and they were our enemy, Xu Mo wasn't sure that he could defeat Leng Qun so easily!

In fact, if Leng Qun knew what Xu Mo was thinking now, he would definitely vomit three liters of old blood!

Because he tried his best, but because of his special situation, he was actually stronger without being like a bloodline beast!

But no one in the city guard's office, including Zeng Rong and Zhang Jun, knew about this!

"In today's meeting, I will announce something." Zeng Rong slowly stood up, looked around the audience, and solemnly announced.

"From now on, Xu Mo will be the third captain in our area. Do you have any objections?"

There was silence in the conference room, no one raised any objections, and every one of them hung their heads and looked listless.

When Zeng Rong saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

Everyone is in the same camp, and they can all be reduced to this after being hit!

Thanks to yesterday's beast wave, there weren't any powerful characters, otherwise the people in front of them wouldn't know what kind of virtue they would become!

"Did you hear everything clearly?" Zeng Rong suddenly raised his voice, and everyone suddenly woke up.

"Listen clearly!" Everyone stood up suddenly and looked at Xu Mo.

Xu Mo stood up quickly, but before he could say anything, a system notification suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have conquered everyone in the City Guards Mansion and will be rewarded with +5% fusion degree! 】

After Xu Mo listened to the prompt, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise!

"Xu Lieutenant, from now on we will be eating from the same pot. Let's go, let me make arrangements today. I will help you clean up the dust. By the way, I will introduce our defense area to you..."

Before everyone could recover, Zhu Jian stepped forward and dragged Xu Mo away, disappearing from the city guard's mansion in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, what a **** Zhu Jian, you are such a thief!"

"That guy, he's not good at anything, he's the first to flatter you!"

"It's just that kind of thing. If you climb a high branch like Xu Mo, I'm afraid Lao Leng won't be popular in the future!"

"piss off!"

On the city wall, Zhu Jian took Xu Mo around and looked around, while pointing everywhere.

"Xu Xiaowei, look at this area, from now on it will be the jurisdiction of you and me!"

"The Admiral just mentioned that you have the highest law enforcement authority. From now on, you can move around the four doors at will!"

When Zhu Jian introduced the situation of the area under his jurisdiction to Xu Mo, the admiration in his eyes could not be greater.

The highest law enforcement power is almost equivalent to the powers of an admiral. Zeng Rong gave Xu Mo the highest law enforcement power in public.

This is equivalent to Xu Mo having the right to walk sideways in the city guard's mansion from now on, and can interrogate anything!

Because of this, Zhu Jian was so polite and even flattering to Xu Mo!

After all, if there is not enough interest relationship between people to get along with each other, no one will fawn over someone for no reason!